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    语法概要英语句子:按用途分:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。按结构分:简单句、并列句、复合句(主从句)。简单句5种:1. 主+谓。 2. 主+系+表。 3. 主+谓+宾。 4. 主+谓+双宾。 5. 主+谓+宾+宾补。双宾和宾补的判断方法:I gave her a Teddy Bear.We elected John monitor.句子成分 (9种):主、谓、表、宾、定、状、补、同位语、独立成分。基本成分:主、谓、表、宾、补。附属成分:定、状、同位语、独立成分。复合句(主从句)中的从句共分3大类:名从(4种)、形从(定从)、副从(状从)。名从:主从、表从、宾从、同位语从。主语从句 (谓语用单数):引导词:连词that/whether (不作成分,但不可省,whether不能换作if)。连接代词:what, who, whom, whose, which以及 whatever, whoever, whomever, whosever, whichever.(均不可省)连接副词:when, where, why, how以及whenever, wherever, however. (均不可省)如果以上从句过长,则用it替代,作形式主语。it作形式主语的从句常见类型:1). It is+过去分词+thatIt is known thatIt is believed thatIt is said thatIt is expected thatIt is reported thatIt is alleged thatIt is rumored thatIt is estimated that2). It is+形容词+thatIt is easy thatIt is difficult thatIt is certain thatIt is possible thatIt is likely thatIt is important thatIt is obvious that3). It +不及物动词+thatIt seems thatIt appears thatIt happens thatIt turns out thatIt occurs to sb that4). It is+名词 (短语)+thatIt is a shame thatIt is a pity thatIt is an honor thatIt is common knowledge thatIt is no wonder thatIt is no accident thatIt is no rarity thatwhether与if的用法区别:whether:(1).无论,不管à引导让步状; (2).是否à引导名词从。if:(1).是否à引导宾从; (2).如果à引导条件从。因此,if一般只用于引导宾从,而whether可用于包括宾从在内的其它名词从。另外,(1).if or not? ifor not?(2).We havent settled the question of if/whether? he will be fired.同位语从句:引导词:that, whether, who, which, where, when等。抽象名词在前, 表具体解释内容的从句在后。接同位语从句的名词:report, fact, idea, suggestion, evidence, conclusion, statement, knowledge, discovery等有内涵的名词,如building则不行。同位语从句与定语从句区别:1. 前者是名词性质,后者是形容词性质;2. 前者的that不作成分,但不可省,后者的that作成分,常省;同位语从句:引导词that, whether, who, which, where, when等;抽象名词在前, 表具体解释内容的从句在后。句子后有逗号/冒号/破折号,且这些符号后是名词/动名词,则这些名词/动名词作同位语。定语从句:修饰限定名词或代词的从句,因此功能上定语从句相当于形容词,也称为形容词从句;引导词有三大功能:1、引导定语从句;2、指代被修饰的词(即先行词);3、在从句中作成分。引导词:关系代词:that, who/whom, which, whose.关系副词:when, where, why.限定性与非限定性定从:The people who get on in this world are the people who make every effort to fulfill their goal.(限定性,决定先行词的性质,无逗号间隔)“I struck gold,” said Roland, who emailed his resume to the employer and won a position. (非限定性,对先行词的补充说明,不决定先行词的性质,有逗号间隔)a). Ill never forget the time _ we first met in the park. (which/when)b). Ill never forget the time _ I spent on campus. (which/when)a). The reason _ he gave for his being late was unacceptable.(that/why)b). The shop _ I told you about before has closed down.(that/where)whose引导的定从中,若whose指物时,可用of which来替代,此时语序为:限定词+名词+of+which 或of+which+限定词+名词。I had a meeting whose purpose was completely unclear.àI had a meeting the purpose of which/of which the purpose was completely unclear.1. When one opens an account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time.2. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.在下列情况中最好用that:1). 先行词为指物的all, little, few, much, none, the first。2). 先行词为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything。3). 先行词被any, every, no, only, all, some, much, few, little, 序数词,最高级,the only, the one, the very, the right, the last修饰时。as引导限定性定语从句时,只是用在一些固定结构中,即只用在such、the same、as、so的后面。He will repeat such points as are discussed in the book.He is not the same playboy as we knew.as和which引导的非限定定语从句的区别:1. which不能在句首;2. which的先行词可以是单个名词, 而as的先行词一般应是句子或短语;3. 如果主句和从句意思相顺时,用as;如果从句和主句相悖或对主句削弱时,用which。例:1). The young man cheated his friend of much money, which was disgraceful.2). She has married again, as was expected.3). She has married again, which was unexpected.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句:定语从句之前加介词,一般出于以下三种情况:1. 依照先行词的要求。例:The age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21.2. 由于从句中某个词的要求,通常是动词和形容词。It is a theory to which many economists subscribe.3. 一些固定的介词短语在定语从句中的使用,如:with ones help/with whose help; in ones honor/in whose honor; in this (that) case/in which case, 等。例:We extend our warm welcome to the visiting delegation in whose honor a grand banquet was given.状语从句(时状、地状、条件状、目的状、方式状、结果状、让步状、原因状、比较状)1. 时状特殊引导词:the moment, the minute, the instant, directly, immediately, instantly.hardly/scarcelywhen;no soonerthan ;(若描述过去状况,前半部分多用过去完成时,后半部分一般过去时)例:Hardly had he assumed the leadership role when he began to put on airs.2. 条件状特殊引导词:provided/providing; suppose/supposing;as (so) long as.3. 目的状引导词:so that, in order that, so as to, in order to, in the hope that, on purpose that, for the purpose that, lest, in case, for fear that.4. 方式状引导词:as;as though/as if;the way;5. 结果状特殊引导词:so that, to the degree/extent that; to such a degree/extent that;6. 原因状引导词:Because, as, since, for, in that, now that, given (that), seeing that.so that引导结果状从和目的状从的区别:前者中通常so that前有逗号,与主句分开,后者通常没有逗号。He turned the radio up, so that everyone heard the news.He turned the radio up so that everyone might hear the news.(1). as, for引导的主、从句,二者处于平等位置。(2). because引导的从句一般比主句重要,强调原因。(3). since引导的从句一般次要,主句重要,以说明将要做什么。It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.Because it rained last night, the ground is wet this morning.Since everyone is here, lets get started.7. 让步状特殊引导词:while;althoughyet/still;adj/adv/Ved/n (不加冠词)+as+主+谓;V+as+主+助动词(may, might, can, could, will)例:Poor as he is, he is very generous.Much as I respect him ,I cannot agree with him.Praised as he was, he was modest.Child as he is, he knows common sense.Try as you will ,you wont manage it.whatever, whoever, whichever既可作关系代词引导定从,也可作连词引导让步状从, 区别是:Take whatever you want.whatever=anything that.We have decided to do so, whatever happens.whatever=no matter what.试比较:Whoever may trouble you, I will help you to the last.Whoever has finished the test may go out.8. 比较状语从句:(1). 倍数比较:A is N times 形比 than B.A is N+1 times as 形 as B.A is N+1 times the n of B.(2) The more., the more.结构(3). not A so much as Bnot so much A as Bnot so much A but B(If) the more you know, the more you know you dont know.(If) the longer we stay together, the more passionately attached we are to each other.(If) no pains, no gains.(If) no money, no honey.(If) no representation, no taxation.(4). A is no morethan Bà neither norA is not morethan Bà lessthanA is no lessthan Bà bothandA is not lessthan Bà morethanno more thanà only, justnot more thanà at mostno less thanà as much asnot less thanà at least1. She is no more pleased than I.2. She is not more pleased than I.3. What he did was no less than a miracle.4. He is no more than 10.5. He is no less than 10.非谓语结构:V-ing, V-ed, to do.语法功能: V-ing: 定,表,状,补。V-ed:定,表,状,补。to do:主,宾,定,状,补,独立成分。独立成分:to be honest, to begin with.等.问题:Sb+is+adj+to do的 to do 做什么成分?It+is+adj+to do的 to do 作什么成分?不带to的不定式:1.感官动词之后:see, hear, watch, notice, find等。2.使役动词之后:let, make, have等。注意:若以上结构转为被动语态,则必须加to。Her innocence made me feel guilty.变为:I was made _guilty by her innocence.3.一些固定搭配:make do, make believe, let drop, let fall, let slip, let fly, let go of, leave go of,等。 4. 在下列句型中:1).had better, 2).would rather/would sooner/would just as soon 3).might as well4).cannot but/cannot choose but5).cannot help but The only thing to do was ask them to come half an hour later than the other guests. For years, doctors have advised their patients the only thing taking multivitamins does is give them expensive urine.现在分词与动名词的区别:现在分词: 定,表,状,补。动名词: 主,宾,表,定。两者作表语的区别:现在分词作表语多表示主语的特征;而动名词作表语多表示主语的内容。These results are most satisfying.Her hobby is collecting stamps.两者作定语的区别: 现在分词作定语表被修饰名词的行为状态,一般可改为定语从句;动名词作定语表被修饰名词的用途,一般不可改为定语从句。a sleeping car/a sleeping childa reading room/a reading girl后接动名词的动词:admit, advise, anticipate, appreciate, authorize, avoid, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, detest, discuss, dislike, encourage, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, feel like, finish, forbid, forgive, give up, cant help, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, overlook, permit, postpone, practice, prohibit, put off, recommend, resent, risk, cant stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, 等。注意:allow doing à allow sb to do.advise doing à advise sb to do.forbid doing à forbid sb to do.encourage doing à encourage sb to do.authorize doing à authorize sb to do.remember/forget/regret/stop+doing,其中的doing表先于这些动词之前发生的事。remember/forget/regret/stop+ to do,其中的doing表这些动词之后发生的事。比较:He forgot to pay me back.He forgot paying me back.I regret letting slip that opportunity.We regret to inform you that we cannot offer you employment.to doing:look forward to doing, object to doing, be/get used to doing, prefer doing to doing, in addition to doing, be accustomed to do/doing, amount to doing, take to doing, devoteto doing, get round to doing.have difficulty/trouble/problem/ (great) fun/ (great) pleasure/a hard time/a good time (in) doing.cant help doing, cant resist doing, cant keep from doing, cant refrain from doing, cant hold back from doing, cant keep back from doing.注意:cant help but do, cant but do, cant choose but do.be worth doing, be worthy of being done/to be done.be busy doing, be busy with sth.remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth.虚拟语气:1. 用在宾语从句中。 2. 用在主语从句中。 3. 用在状语从句中。 用于状从中(多见于if从句):1. 与现在相反:从句:if+主语+did/were, 主句:主语+would (could, should, might)+do。2. 与过去相反:从句:if+主语+had done/had been, 主句:主语+would (could, should, might)+have done (been)。3. 与将来相反:从句:if+主语+were to (should)+ do, 主句:主语+would (could, should, might)+do。倒装虚拟语气:If he had not been promoted, he would never have remained with the company.à.If I could win the lottery, I would buy a car. à.If you were to/should change your mind, no one would blame you.à.If I were you和 If I had money能否倒装?特殊状语从句:1. if only句中。2. as if/as though从句中。3. lest, in case, for fear that用于主从中:It is necessary/important/crucial/critical that sb/sth +(should) do用于宾从中:1. 表命令、建议和要求的虚拟语气以下动词一般要接虚拟语气, 即V+sb (should) do.advise, agree, demand, insist, command, decide, ensure, order, instruct, propose, recommend, require, request, suggest, urge等。2. wish引导的宾从中。did/were (与现在、将来 相反)wish(ed) had done (与过去相反) would/could do (与将来 相反)The scenery is marvelous, I wish I had a camera. (现在)The scenery was marvelous, I wished I had had a camera. (过去)I wish I could buy a BMW at my 30th birthday party.(将来)特殊结构:It is (about/high) time sb/sth did sth.would rather (would as soon, would sooner) sb did sth.Its high time that such practices _. a. are ended b. be ended c. were ended d. must be ended If I were in a movie, then it would be about time that I_my head in my hands for a cry.A. bury B. am burying C. buried D. would buryThe manager would rather his daughter _ in the same office.a. had not worked b. not to workc. doesnt work d. didnt work1. 全部倒装1).方向副词/地点副词/时间副词/介词词组在句首。如:away/in, out, here, there/now, then/into the, under the+运动性/存在性Vi+名词主语.2). 表系主倒装 。2. 部分倒装1). 否定副词(词组)2). only+状语3). 程度状语在句首。如:never/only by the way/so+助动词(V1)+名词主语(S)+谓语动词(V2)4). 比较状语从句的倒装。5). 虚拟条件从句的倒装。6). 引言在前的倒装。Then came the order to abandon ship.Now is the time when they say goodbye.More important than your personal statement is your GPA.常见的否定副词(词组):1. not, never, seldom, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere.2. not until, by no means, not in the least, on no account, in no way, in no case, under no circumstances, under no condition, no soonerthan, hardly/scarcelywhen, not onlybut (also).比较状语从句的倒装:She speaks French much better than do most of her classmates.引言在前的倒装:“I will repair the car by myself,” said Tom.Nowhere in the world can you find a man who loves you so much! In the winter far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the suns love in the spring, becomes the rose.When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.In the first category are considerations for the weak and respect for age. 如果否定词不是修饰整个句子,而只是限定主语,则句子不倒装:Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. 4. There comes a time in every persons life when he realizes that he is responsible for his own happiness, not other people. 5. Only in recent years have people begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm. 1. as引导的让步状语从句的倒装:adj/adv/Ved/n(不加冠词)+as+主+谓;V+as+主+助动词:例:Poor as he is, he is very generous.Much as I respect him ,I cannot agree with him.Praised as he was, he was modest.Child as he is, he knows common sense.Try as you will, you wont manage it.2. be的倒装句复原后是whetheror引导的让步状语从句, 例: All substances, be they gaseous, liquid or solid, are made up of atoms.All substances, whether they may be gaseous, liquid or solid, are made up of atoms.Be they common people or high-ranking officials, they stand equal before law.To love a person, be he nice-looking or not, is the true meaning of love.Americans aim high, so when a problem occurs, be it social or economic, schools are often the convenient scapegoat for all of Americas problems. (TIME)比较状语从句的倒装:As you treat me, so will I treat you. Just as first impressions are memorable, so are last impressions. During college, service participants exhibit greater increases in social self-confidence and leadership ability than do non-participants. 结果状语从句的倒装:So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour. So affectionate a nurse was Miss Sharp, that Miss Crawley would take her medicine from no other hand, to the great annoyance of the ladys maid. (Vanity Fair)分裂结构(6种):1. 名饰分裂2. 动宾分裂3. 主谓分裂4. 连主分裂5. 搭配分裂6. 插入语导致的分裂1. 名饰分裂2). When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted 45 miles south of London, they were not taken seriously


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