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    08安徽省普通高校专升本英语单选试题精选典型例题考试的重点是词汇之间的搭配,和近义词之间的区别。1. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine, if you _ the rules.A. depend on    B. turn to       C. put up         D. stick todepend on 依靠、依赖turn to 转向某人,turn to sb.向某人求助put up with 容忍、忍受stick to 遵守答案 D2. In my opinion, the changing job market will _ people many difficulties.A. find     B. bring         C. take         D. getfind 找到bring 带来take 拿走get 得到答案 B3. Since the two restaurants _ almost the same food and service, it doesnt matter where you stop to eat.A. offer       B. cook          C. prepare       D. affordoffer 提供cook 烹饪prepare 准备afford 付钱答案 A4. When he applied for a _ in the office of the local newspaper, he was told to see the manager.A. profession     B. position        C. career       D. locationprofession职业position 职位career 职业location 方位She chose an academic career.  答案 B5. Margaret was so _ for news of her lost child that she was almost driven mad.A. careful        B. responsible        C. thirsty      D. hostilecareful 仔细的responsible 负责的thirsty 极度渴望的hostile 敌意的答案 C6. It is not polite to _ when someone is making a speech at a meeting like this.A. turn up       B. cut in           C. speak out       D. stand byturn up 来到,露面cut in 打断speak out 大声说stand by 站到旁边答案 B7. The boss _ angry when I spoke to him on the phone.A. sounded        B. looked       C. grew          D. talkedsounded 听起来looked 看起来grew 变得talked 谈话答案 A8. All of her living cost _2,000 yuan each month.A. gets to        B. equals to       C. arrives at       D. comes atget to 到达某地equal的用法:equal: adj. be equal to sth./doing sth. 对某事有力量,勇气,能力等, 能胜任eg. She feels equal to the task. 她认为能胜任该项工作。Hes equal to the occasion. 他能应付这一局面。He doesnt seems equal to meeting out demanderequal: v. equal sb./ sth. (in sth.) 与某人(某事物)相同或相等eg. He is equaled by no one in kindness. 没有人比他更善良。)arrived at+地点状语 到达某处comes at 达到答案 D9. Her face is _ to me, but I cant remember where I saw her.A. similar      B. friendly         C. alike       D. familiarsimilar 相似的friendly 友好的alike 相像的familiar 熟悉的答案 D10. Jump in the car. Theres enough _ for you.A. place        B. seat        C. room        D. spaceplace 地方seat 座位room 空间space 宇宙空间place 指具体地点答案 C11. It wasnt an accident. He did it on _.A. reason       B. determination      C. purpose      D. intentionreason 原因determination 决心on purpose 故意intention 目的答案 C12. Youll have to pay for the holiday in _, Im afraid.A. front      B. advance         C. ahead        D. forwardfront 具体位置空间的前方in advance 提前ahead 在之前,不和in 连用forward 向前答案 B13. The bookstore hasnt ordered _ textbooks for all the students in the course.A. enough     B. plenty         C. as much as     D. a great deal ofenough 修饰名词,在名词之前plenty+ofas much as 不能修饰名词a great deal of 修饰不可数名词。答案 A14. As I didnt have any experience, I was _ problems.A. likely to have             B. probably havingC. probable to have           D. likely havingbe likely to do 很可能有probably 不接doing接to doits brobable for sb. that答案 A15. David may _ , but we must go at once.A. stay late     B. stay lately     C. stay a little     D. have stayed very latestay latestay lately lately 近来答案 A16. I dont think that your watch is _.A. worth of the price              B. worth the priceC. worthy of the price            D. worthy to buyworthy: adj.  a.  be worthy of sth.eg. Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise. 她的成就值得给予最高奖赏。b. be worthy to do sth.eg. She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her.worth: adj. a. be worth + n.eg. Our house is worth about $ 60,000.b. be worth doingeg. The book is worth reading. =Its worth reading the book.n. 值某金额的量  The thieves stole $ 1 million worth of jewellery.D选项正确答案:worthy to be bought答案 B17. _, its very tidy.A. As her room is small          B. Small as her room isC. As small her room is         D. Small as her roomas引导让步状语从句,句子需要倒状。Young as he is, Jack is already familiar with most of the books答案 B18. As _ as possible he opened the door and went out into the cold December night.A. quiet       B. quietly         C. quite         D. quietlyquiet adj.安静的答案 Bquite adv.十分,很;quite big19. I felt thoroughly _ in the crowded Manhattan.A. wondered     B. lost       C. missed        D. separatedwondered 怀疑lost 迷路missed 丢失separated 分开答案 B20. The city has decided to _ all the old buildings.A. break away from              B. get rid ofC. come up with                   D. knock downbreak away from  1.挣脱 The prisoner broke away from his guards. 2. 脱离某政党、政府等  A province has broken away to form a new state.get rid of: 摆脱 The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it cant get rid of them.come up with sth.: 找到或提出(答案、办法等)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.knock down: 拆除 These old houses are going to be knocked down.答案 D21. When the school master is away, Mr. Johnson will be _ the whole school.A. in charge of   B. in favor of      C. in honor of    D. in regard toin charge of: 处于控制或支配的地位, 负责Whos in charge here?这儿谁负责?He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.in favor of sb./sth.: 支持某人/某事Was he in favor of the death penalty?in honor of : 出于对某人的敬意a ceremony in honor of those killed in battle  为纪念阵亡将士举行的仪式in/with regard to sb./sth. 关于某人/某事  I have nothing to say with/ in regard to your complaints.答案 A22. In his speech he _ his experience as a teaching assistant.A. returned to    B. referred to      C. stuck to      D. turned toreturn sth.(to sb./sth.): 归还,放回She returned the bird to its cages. 她把鸟放回笼子里Please return me my 5 yuan/ return my five yuan to me.Refer to sb./sth.: 提到,说到或涉及到某人(某事物)When I said some people are stupid, I wasnt referring to you.Dont refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事。stick to sth.: 坚持或维持某事物“Would you like some wine?”“No, Ill stick to beer, thanks.” 不,我还是喝啤酒吧。turn to sb.(sth.): 向某人(某事物)寻求帮助She has nobody she can turn to. 她求助无门。The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.答案 B23. He tried his best in the first game, but was _ by the little boy.A. won         B. hit          C. beaten        D. heldA:win-won-won; 赢得B:hit 打C:beat 打,D: hold-held-held 举行答案 C24. I wanted to go home but my wife _ on going to the concert.A. persisted     B. resisted       C. insisted       D. intendedpersisted:persist: persist in doing sth.  坚持做某事He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.resist+n 抵抗intend: intend to do sth. 想要做答案 C25. The government gave several good _ for increasing the tax on cigarettes.A. purposes       B. reasons       C. questions      D. problemspurpose 目的reason 原因question 问题problem 问题答案  B26. Four people were seriously _ in the accident.A. injured     B. damaged       C. spoiled       D. brokeninjure 受伤damage: 表示使被损坏的对象失去或降低其自身价值, 但不完全毁掉。He damaged my car with a stone.ruin: 常强调完全毁掉。 The storm has ruined the garden.spoil: 语气比ruin弱,不强调完全毁掉,表示使被害方失去其完美性。He spoiled his painting by putting too much red paint on it.spoil:有时也包含最终会导致完全毁掉之义。He has spoiled his constitution with bad living.答案 A27. He spoke so quickly that I didnt _ what he said.A. listen      B. catch         C. miss      D. receivelisten 听 listen tocatch 抓住,听到miss 丢失receive 收到28. He was poor but proud, and _ every offer of help.A. turned down               B. turned onC. turned off                 D. turned outturn down 拒绝turn on 打开。turn on the light 开灯turn off 关上。turn off the lightturn out 证明为答案 A29. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _ spring.A. later     B. latter          C. last        D. latelater 以后。latter 后者last 最后late 晚的答案 D30. How _ is it from here to the city center?A. long      B. far         C. distant        D. nearhow long 一段延续的时间How long have you studied English?I have studied English for 3 years (since 3 years ago)。答案 B31. I wanted to go there by plane but I hadnt enough money to pay for the _.A. journey      B. distance      C. road       D. wayjourney 旅行distance 距离road 道路way 方式方法答案A32. Her parents wouldnt _ her to stay out later than 10:30 at night.A. require      B. ask       C. encourage       D. permitstay out 不回家require 要求ask 要求encourage 鼓励permit 允许答案 D33. Last Sunday, _ my great surprise, I met Bullen in town.A. for        B. to         C. as          D. at(to ones surprise 使某人感到惊奇)答案 B34. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee _ tea.A. to        B. with        C. for          D. againstpreferto答案 A35. Im in no _ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.A. feeling      B. attitude       C. opinion      D. moodfeeling 感情attitude 态度opinion 观点mood 情绪答案 D36. Tennis is a _ invented by an Englishman a hundred years ago.A. play      B. match         C. game         D. eventplay: n. 比赛,竞赛 The tennis players need total concentration during play.match 比赛game 运动event 事件答案 C37. Thats the biggest _ he has ever told in his life.A. talk        B. speech       C. lesson        D. lietalk:give/have a talk 谈话speech:make/deliver a speech 做演讲lesson:teach a lesson: 教训learn ones lesson: 汲取教训lie:tell a lie答案 D38. _ that the jewels had been stolen by one of the guards.A. It turned up    B. It turned out     C. It turned on     D. It turned overturn up: 露面, 来到  We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7: 30, but he failed to turn up.turn out: turn out to be sb./sth.; turn out that证明是某人(某物),原来是She turned out to be a friend of my sister./ It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.turn on 开灯turn (sb./sth.) over: 翻身或翻转She turned over and went to sleep.她转过身就睡着了。答案 B安徽省普通高校专升本英语试题单选题库1. “Im tired, but lets go.”“Why _ rest a while?”A. lets       B. not lets         C. not         D. lets not答案 C2. “We wont be finished until tonight.”“And they _.”A. will, either     B. wont, too       C. will, neither    D. wont, either答案 D3. “_?”“A cup of tea, please.”A. Do you like tea              B. Do you like a cup of teaC. Would you like a cup of tea      D. What would you like to drink答案 D4. “Do you mind if I open the window?”“_.”A. Sure, certainly not            B. All rightC. I dont know                D. Not at all答案 D5 The news is _ good to be true.6. sothat    B. much    C. too     D. very(答案 C)7.Dont hesitate to _ me if you are in trouble.8. turn out    B. turn in    C. turn to    D. turn upturn out: a. 证明为 How did the party turn out? It turned out very well, thanks.b. turn sb. out:  赶走某人  My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.turn in : a. 面朝内  b. go to bed .Its late. I think Ill turn in.c. turn sb. in 将某人交给警方拘押。She threatened to turn him in.turn to: turn to sb. 向某人寻求帮助  The child turned to his mother for comfort.turn up: 露面  We arranaged to meet at the cinema at 7, but she failed to turn up.近义词之间的区别在于词的内涵不同如,汉语中的“错误”对应着英语中的mistake和fault, 但两个词的内涵不一样, mistake单纯指所犯的错误,而fault则侧重于追究责任。There must be some mistakes in this bill; please add up the figures again.(add up 加起来)Whose fault is it that were late? 我们迟到是谁的错?(责任在谁)有的近义词之间的区别在于词性不同或在句子中的用法不同。9.He likes _ questions in English classes.A. to rise      B. rising       C. to raise       D. to ariserise 不及物动词;arise 不及物动词 呈现出现  A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新困难。答案 C10.I _ have coffee than tea.A. like more   B. prefer      C. had better      D. would ratherprefer: prefer sth. to sth. 更喜欢某事物。 I prefer walking to cycling.答案 D11.Mary and Jane are twin sisters. They look exactly_.A. like        B. same       C. alike        D. same onesA的正确答案应该在后面加名词。答案 C121. Today is Jennys wedding day. She _ to Thomas.A. just has got married B. has just married C. was just married D. has just got married正确答案是:D 您的答案是: -13. Every officer and every soldier _ obey the rules.A. had to B. have to C. has to D. must have to正确答案是:C 您的答案是: -14. Rarely _ so difficult a problem.A. she could have faced with B. could have she faced withC. she could have been faced with D. could she have been faced with 正确答案是:D 您的答案是: -15. _ a dog on the road, the car stopped.A. Having seen B. On seeing C. The driver seeing D. Seeing正确答案是:C 您的答案是: -16. I asked my teacher _.A. what courses should I take B. should I take what courses C. I should take what courses D. what courses I should take正确答案是:D 您的答案是: -17. Comrade Li promised to help us and he said he would come _.A. right away B. all at once C. all of a sudden D. all right正确答案是:A 您的答案是: -18. There arent many pandas _ in the world today.A. alive B. living C. lively D. lived正确答案是:A 您的答案是: -19. Such electron tubes _ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.A. that we use B. as we use C. as we use them D. that we use them正确答案是:B 您的答案是: -20. It _ to me that he was jealous.A. happened B. took C. occurred D. felt 正确答案是:C 您的答案是: -21. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its b


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