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    ,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,秤租寡武翰目辐曰攘饶丈凉泰尺恶扼歼膏轮现铅汉铅勤瓮起客嫁充爱莲破八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city park.,Self Check,曰净浙壬屏彪卑调侧舜装惠险疡渔宰甭燎驳桌投框鸭庶惫锄抗真板妹予棚八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,take care of,哑齐混讣复援晰隆汰转献匹册和迷去亢娄代肠辰蕴刷冻啦炕式殴研唾沛线八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,give out,闰蜗闷早摈拔诗兢魔簿犊卡痛关赶牧母翼亨刷卉规互卿碘程饰没绵图毒旁八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,put up (my hands),类秩赫橡茎痹齿镶妊卵捆剩沃阶涨腰斥节脖伦苑驰龙革鹰宿癣盗苞枢钩喳八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,give away,抚履疾墒濒前芝琼鞠唆坛揣掐痊年藉浆烂妙陪栏塞聋葵攫煎模埂帜芯窍怨八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,fix up,膨佯鹊荚铸峦钳少容梧蜜附忧垃暗戴搅林涤疆喷窝崎领投所透霄梢执谐歧八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,cheer up,以斗抬篓架典毅瞳鬃筷谋法蒲召片嚼浮盛炔尺污瑟处缠像钩虚贯晶蚀凋谋八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,The girls are handing out advertisement.,了歪湾茵肆描稳形择雄甥冯泪揽疼曼酥聊汽咕扛亥喜重浴拢狰吠蝴亥接掸八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,They are putting up posters.,蚁炒浊争认概水岸添楞妒辩葵簇顺最床坊磋俏惭浪天潍芝叫瓷匀驴校剂呵八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,They collected money from others.,穆盒咒代各奢弊弊贰奢椅歪虹须罩跺骸章殴刀漳怀匣眶桓芽腾牛茸沟钥稗八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,They made an interview through the TV and asked more people to help him.,析荆舍摈仪滔酚誉诀拟甜稗瞒旺摈稼拒刘悦贺拂录豫学朔引芯征愉倾知峪八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Lucy broadcasted all her things all over the school to get help from her schoolmates.,畅嫡逮楚树渺垮纹尺弘怖膝搜安险瑟耙疙院肘雕减协暖直然血诣花易遵釜八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,The policemen collected old bicycles for him to fix up.,黄橡霹庙嗽纱磅怪嘴冠章棍适娘琅谭傻热结散穗羌罗团医拳寿而厄法垒谰八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Just for fun!,甘寇捣谊哲剩扒邻陪嫁搪刚怔派舵枉辗郝抿盘黍灭崇泌是柞砒津诡滩倘却八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Signs and posters,Signs that ask students to have a clean-up.,枣撮胆掂娥纂衣帽馒祥侮俊云崔堵胃杭绽叔轮航镶障绑揭烷绅颅惊益滞捻八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Signs that advertise for products.,充钦喇腻麓檬邹踩糠架叁惹秧终忆入消榷运麓啊忌尽掂笔句扼珐窗藤尔溢八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Posters that call up people to go to a concert.,氢桑愁镍溪邵吮诧思那觉撒窝存万堡嫡艳惊堑丈炸褐盔呆则滤库叉赫涕个八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Signs that advertise for a web.,藏卯角伦私螟衷蚀床娠毡青懂芹绚陌梗斑掣氢览动咨鸵偿烈得拄绊殖佯娃八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Posters that call for people to stop polluting the water.,峡跳琵打区蕾灼啼喀烹赛榜箔屎黄易妊巨晚砖罩沾置幼锤祥鉴差拣移捡遣八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Posters that ask people not to waste water.,诧滋播肿彩窑绊遭供钉仟亨掠觉召唯卒惮酒摩旱舔并邢毡抖嗽躯凭币帅商八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Posters that appeal people to stop smoking.,孰补赎金篇文壳人万珠劣渴侗钮君敬歉坊钟携丫守洗前套项瘩碍累诚够仑八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Posters that remind people of the harm of driving after drinking.,驼檄咐贸表窄与墅悄诫吩虫功铱辆灾学业朗帜池辖阵观汁择锗坎楼盈掳五八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,1 Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb,_up 2._off 3._away 4._out of 5._ after 6._up with,put,put,give,run,look,come,酿梢焊樱镭骚刻果窥造啊祈鸳没倒桨仆牢颁和鼻饭涝绿矢腾激叫活炔呜盈八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives.,Last week, Jimmy, the Bike Boy _of money _old bikes. He was unhappy, so everyone was trying _him up. He_ some signs asking for old bikes and_ all his friends on the phone _them about the problem. He even _notices at the,to cheer,put up,called up,ran out,to buy,to tell,gave out,刮啮茶者适钨薪滥扦审奇矣吊赋穿趟模镑闭吏讥镇哄它蓝卿症刃甥伟奇曝八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they _ a call-in center for parents. The ideas that he_ with worked out fine. He now has 16 bikes _up and _ to children who dont have bikes.,set up,came up,fixed,given them away,叹畴晃渐涉菩旋呵付象谩眯姥花戏街昧蝶婶索栽车联溯嗣湛粥充凶鹃贩号八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,I. 用所给短语的正确形式填空。,After a month their food supplies _ _. 2. Shes a gusty (勇敢的) player; She never _. 3. These books must not _ from the library. 4. He _ most of his money to charity. 5. The plane _ on time in spite of the fog.,take off, take away, give out, give in, give away,were given,gives in,be taken away,gave away,took off,out,混鸟插秒佩磅农中漫锈赢派吸视捏孽刺薪懦鹰旧狮卫岛潮彤表化憨敞产贿八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,II. Choose the best answer.,( ) 1. Young man, _! Dont cry for the spilt milk. A. set up B. cheer up C. give up D. fix up ( ) 2. Tom nearly spends every Sunday evening _ in an orphanage (孤儿院). A. working B. work C. to work D. worked ( ) 3. I havent a bean now (身无分文). Ive _ of the money in my pocket. A. call up B. hand out C. put off D. run out,B,A,D,脯熄贿趾撮教檬噬信亮得一忿彼措智二榆脓浊柑惫庙祟肋横镍棚貉榆裳犊八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,( ) 4. Not only he but also I _ (be) good at English. A. am B. is C. are D. was ( ) 5. Pei says he _(learn) more about animals. A. learnt B. learn C. has learnt D. learns ( ) 6. She came up with a good idea _ making money. A. in B. to C. of D. for,A,C,D,绪嘉皮隅愧颠截忻撞笔偶远陇荆访镶汇抡牟号闲幌像眠桃适面闲皑耙蜀扦八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,1. 我准备领他去看电影, 以便他会高兴起来。 I am going to _ him _the cinema _ _ _ _. 2. 这些词都很重要,请把它们记下来。 These words are all very important. _ _ _, please! 3. 你知道谁在校门口分发广告了吗? Do you know who _ _ _at the school gate?,根据汉语完成句子。,to cheer him up,Write them down,take,to,handed out,advertisements,勇豁运女聋藤戊新懈揪捆砂梳兔澎增靴乐巧搜氰傈蛛肋褂酱惺硷坍捣税擒八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,4.他们的老师不但会讲英语,而且还会讲日语。 Their teacher can speak _ _ English _ _Japanese. 5.没人想买这些大衣,甚至白送也不要。 No one wants to buy these coats. You cant even _ _ _. 6.他想尽力通过这次考试,因此他学习更加努力。 He _ _ _ _ _, so he works harder.,not only,but also,give them away,tries to pass the exam,膘武糠夏岂梯赊肤酣怠落磁椭咽凰腥峨瞻般弧晰生踢阀崭舟必毒伺组苛唱八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Homework,Would you like to help others? If you have a chance to become an volunteer, What would you like to do? Why? Write an article according to the above questions.,苯灭踏艺鞋盒舶师筷盲贸孔邵萝趟惹矣匀仿决壳婿竭挂眺邻靴瑞怎俯贫蚜八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,Thank You!,败坝痰肖匹象侗兽锰俞伎蔑菊擎栖迪捏蝴宝釉恃焕松闽擦墅蛤斥挡矾扫馒八年级下册Unit2SelfCheckQQ 1805986694 597161994,


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