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    [互联网]20111102 ps consulting presentation.ppt

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    [互联网]20111102 ps consulting presentation.ppt

    © ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 1,Power Systems Consulting Efficient grids for electric utilities and industrial companies,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 2,Power Systems Consulting Partnership for success,Experience and knowledge from more than 30 years of network planning and consultancy Over 1,000 reference projects through-out the world A large number of satisfied customers from energy supply and industry Unique knowledge about the electric power systems around the world Highly sophisticated software tools Technically and economically optimal solutions Expertise of a leading global technology company,Long experience, extensive knowledge and powerful soft-ware tools are our strength.,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 3,Power Systems Consulting Group Global knowledge management,Kazakhstan,Brazil,USA,Spain,Germany,India,Kazakhstan,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 4,Customer benefits,Investment cost savings by consumer oriented system reliability and power quality Operational cost savings by optimized network configura-tion and intelligent use of modern automation equipment Maintenance cost savings by reliability centered maintenance,Total cost savings by technical and economical system optimization,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 5,Customers,Electric Utilities Power transmission and distribution companies Public utilities Power generation companies Industrial Customers Airport operators Automobile companies Cement manufacturers Chemical and pharmaceutical companies Consumer and electronic manufacturers Metals and foundries Minerals and mining companies Oil & Gas companies Petrochemical companies and refineries Pulp and paper companies Rail transportation companies Water supply and distribution companies Wind farm developer Solar power plant developer,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 6,Services,Software and support Professional tools for professional work,Power system studies and optimization Excellent planning leads to excellent results,Asset management solutions Knowing exactly where to act,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 7,Power system studies and optimization Transmission and distribution systems,Transmission systems Power generation interconnection Transmission constraints mitigation System dynamics and control Insulation co-ordination Application of HVDC and FACTS Protective relaying and controls Off- and on-shore wind farm connections Distribution systems Distribution system planning System reliability analyses Protective relaying and controls Spatial load forecasting Distributed generation interconnection,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 8,Power system studies and optimization Industrial systems,Motor behavior System protection Transient analysis Harmonic analysis Filter design Co-generation integration Islanding and load shedding schemes Energy efficiency Audits,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 9,Power system studies and optimization Renewable energies integration,Feasibility studies (AC vs. DC connection) System layout and dimensioning of equipment System stability studies (interaction with public grid) Determination of required compensation Reliability analyses Neutral grounding and network protection concepts System perturbation (harmonics, flicker, voltage drops) Lightning and switching over-voltage protection design Economic efficiency considerations,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 10,Power system studies and optimization Smart Grids applications,Distributed generation integration Distributed storage integration Integration of plug-in electric vehicles Voltage stability and quality Reliability and efficiency considerations,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 11,Asset management solutions,Condition assessment of equipment and installations based on field-proven checklists Technical and economic assessment based on condition and importance (RCM method) Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) Development of efficient maintenance and re-placement strategies Asset simulations for long-term asset strategies Budget planning support NEPLAN® Maintenance for decision support and documentation,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 12,Software tools,We have created many software tools to solve various complex issues: NEPLAN: Network planning and optimization, reliability study, asset strategy planning PAD/PDO: Power flow, reliability, risk and economic study Asset Sentry: Web-based asset manager We have and will license any standard software used by our customers to get the job done and in any format that suite their needs: PSS/E, ETAP, MUST/OPF, TPLAN PowerFactory PSLF, SCSC, PSDS EMTP/ATP EMTDC And many others,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 13,Power Systems Consulting Door-opener and value creator for ABBs product and system businesses,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 14,Door opener and value creator Project development support,Review of performed system studies (e.g. from other consultants) Check of study results Execution of additional calculations, e.g. reliability analysis of grid connections, substation configurations etc. Preliminary/feasibility studies with limited scope (e.g. in the project acquisition phase) Detailed system studies with full scope for technically and economically optimal solutions (e.g. for specification or tender preparation),© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 15,Project development support Areas of applications,BU Grid Systems HVDC and FACTS applications Wind power to the grid BU Power Generation Connecting power plants to the grid Electrical balance of plant BU Substations Integration of substations into the grid Industrial electrification BU Network Management Smart Grids Protection & Control,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 16,Project development support Consultancy support for HVDC and FACTS business,Assessment of grid connection design for wind farms, steel mills, etc. feasible technology investment costs, technical losses system reliability power quality Support in project development and execution Sales support: Technical consulting for utilities, industrial customers, investors & consultants Marketing support (e.g. papers) Participation on conferences and in committees (e.g. Cigré) Participation in research projects,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 17,Door opener and value creator Participation in R&D projects,Member of Smart Grids Core Team in Spain and Germany Smart Grids Project “Grids for the Future” (07/09 06/11) Objective: Development and implementation of a pilot smart grid Participants: RWE, University of Dortmund, Consentec, ABB Sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Desertec industrial initiative (Dii) Member of transmission group Grid study and HVDC technology support OffshoreGrid Study Private partner of the German Energy Agency (Dena) PSG HVDC R&D program “DC Grid” Input from Desertec industrial initiative,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 18,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 18,Participation in R&D projects Grids for power supply of the future,Customer RWE, Germany Partners University of Dortmund, Consentec Scope Analysis of future distribution grids and resulting requirements for primary and secondary grid components; prototype development and demonstration of components Estimated ABB budget 1,300 kEUR External funding 1,050 kEUR project funding by Federal Ministry of Economies and customer ABB LBUs involvement DEPGS ABB project manager Thorsten Borchard Status Different possible grid structures and components tested in simula-tions; RWE ordered several Active Voltage Conditioner (AVC) to test if these components also work to ensure stable voltages in grids with large amount of distributed generation; AVCs have been delivered and successfully commissioned; field testing phase has been started.,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 19,Power Systems Consulting Reference projects,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 20,Customer needs Interconnection of the eastern and western networks of Berlin City ABBs response Technical and economical evalu-ation of different scenarios Identification of an optimized network concept Investment planning Customer benefits Identification of a 150 MEUR saving potential compared to the original planning,VE-D Berlin (former Bewag), Germany Electrical network analysis,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 21,Customer needs Extension planning and improve-ment of power supply quality ABBs response Analysis of the high voltage and medium voltage network Development of a reliability cen-tered extension and re-invest-ment strategy for the next 20 years Customer benefits Optimization of network costs Increase of power supply quality up to western developed countries level,Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand Network expansion and investment planning,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 22,Customer needs Re-design of the network con-nection for a steel mill after omission of the 220 kV network ABBs response Load flow and short-circuit current calculations Harmonics and flicker analysis Technical and economical in-vestigation of different reactive power compensation solutions Customer benefits Reduction of flicker level under allowed limit values at optimal costs,Power quality study, Germany,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 23,Customer needs Connection of two phase-shifted power systems ABBs response Short-circuit calculations according to IEC 909 Load flow calculations Contingency calculations Customer benefits Specification for a phase-shifting transformer,Public utility of Saarbrücken, Germany Design specification for a phase-shifting transformer,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 24,Customer needs Design calculations and system studies for the land-based Hammerfest / Melkøya LNG plant ABBs response As-is analysis of the electrical system Proposals for the connection of new in-house generation and how to avoid critical situations in the future Analysis of the system stability including existing and future in-house generators and turbines, motor load and their auxiliary systems Switching over-voltage and protection design study Customer benefits Technical and economical optimized network configuration Safe and reliable and a easy to operate and to maintain electrical system,STATOILs Hammerfest LNG plant, Norway Design calculations and system studies,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 25,Customer needs Power system with high reliability, availability and safety ABBs response Load flow and short-circuit calculations Protection co-ordination Isolation co-ordination Transient stability study System reliability analysis Asset assessment Customer benefits Higher production availability because of less power outages,Petroplus (former BP) Coryton Refinery, U.K. Power system optimization,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 26,Customer needs Support in building up a power supply integrity and reliability management system within TNK-BP ABBs response Delivery of CALPOS-Main software to assess equipments technical condition and to develop an optimal maintenance and replacement strategy Delivery of NEPLAN®-Software for equipment importance calculation Customer benefits Less major incidents caused by power equipment failures Reduced production losses resulting from scheduled and non-scheduled power outages,TNK-BP, Russia Maintenance optimization,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 27,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 27,.,Customers need Understand and Monitor Asset performance and life evolution Manage assets as a fleet coordinating them with the other assets ABBs response Asset Assessment and Diagnosis to set equipment condition. Events and failure investigation determining root causes Complete Asset Management strategies definition Customers benefits Best Asset condition control Increase performance,Diagnosis and Equipment fleet Asset Management ENDESA,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 28,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 28,Customers need Deep review of actual protection criteria for transmission system Support over aggressive plan of new operating facilities ABBs response Joint team definition to support the whole protection system definition and coordination process Distance relay coordination analysis. Customers benefits Multi-year support (3 yr expected) Availability to cover review of more than 800 transmission bays.,Coordination Analysis Support Spain REE,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 29,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 29,Customers need Assess and Improve reliability of P&C system for Hydro Plants Enhance P&C system ABBs response Diagnosis planning definition Protection diagnosis and Assessment (Generator and Transformer), regardless of manufacturer Basic engineering for P&C retrofit and upgrading Customers benefits Reliability Improvement Sole supplier for complete P&C fleet.,P&C Assessment Diagnosis,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 30,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 30,Customers need To improve the power quality supply in Catalonia region To improve current practices on CAPEX and OPEX management ABBs response Analysis of existing assets management practices. Planning and Reliability network Assessment on several pilot areas. Field audits and diagnosis of “critical” substations. Customers benefits New Assets Management Practices Optimized investment plan Action Plan to increase “real and perceived” quality,Asset Management ENDESA,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 31,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 31,Customers need Enhance knowledge of Cable Systems Increase capability of Cable tender specifications. Obtain a customized seminar ABBs response Definition of topics to be considered Set up a seminar with local/global expertise (Product and ENDESA standards) Customers benefits Technical Management “updated” to state-of-the-art Cable system. Another “market agent”,HV Cables Seminar ENDESA,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 32,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 32,.,Customers need Asses condition of electrical system and improve its reliability Minimize impact of disturbances on feeding system ABBs response Analysis of feeding system: design, field diagnosis, steady-state studies Analysis of interconnection system: desensitization from voltage dips, dynamic analysis Protection and insulation coordination of facility system. Customers benefits Improved Plant reliability and operation feasibility System upgrade definition.,Industrial Facilities Assessment Oil & Gas (REPSOL/CEPSA/GALP),© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 33,© ABB Group January 29, 2019 | Slide 33,.,Customers need Define Capital Investment for new WFP Comply with actual framework Maximize solution payback ABBs response Reactive Compensation definition. Best technical-economic solution. Options Compensate through DFIG capabilities (LV) Compensate through a mix system (SCB + STATCOM)- (MV) Compensate trough an SVC (HV) Budgetary Prices. Customers benefits Cle


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