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    [其它语言学习]Taking Part in Social Eents.ppt

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    [其它语言学习]Taking Part in Social Eents.ppt

    Taking Part in Social Events,Daria,Important Events in Ones Life,Think and Disscuss,Marriage Custom,Before marriage Shower Stag Party Wedding Ceremony Daria Action time Wedding party,How are wedding customs different in China?,Culture Shock,Yan Hong was a Chineses painter who immigrated to the USA.She met Jenny in a club one day.They soon became friends and went out for coffee and lunch together. A few days later, Jenny invited YanHong to her home for the first time.They made dinner together and enjoyed the meal a lot.Then they sat down to watch TV. When Jenny tentatively held YanHongs hand,YanHong was not aware of anyting unusual.However,when Jenny sat closer to her and kissd her,YanHong was terrified.She pushed Jenny away and cried,”I m not a lesbian!” Jenny was in shock,and asked,”why didnt you tell me earlier?”,Holidays and Special Events,Jewish Passover Perfect lamb- Christ God's perfect Son 逾越节,晋献公 申生 重耳 介子推 晋文公 割肉奉君尽丹心 但愿主公常清明,Chinese Valentine's Day VALENTINE'S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies across the Milky Way. Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.,Well-known poem One of the most famous poems about the legend was written by Qin Guan in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).,鹊桥仙 宋·秦观 织云弄巧 飞星传恨 银汉迢迢暗度 金风玉露一相逢 便胜却人间无数 柔情似水 佳期如梦 忍顾鹊桥归路 两情若是久长时 又岂在朝朝暮暮,Attending Social Events,Matching Social Events Here are some terms used to describe social events or phrases that are used on inbitations.Match them with the correct definition.,B.Y.O.B. Bring your own bottle(if you wish to drink wine and liquor).,R.S.V.P Please let the host know whether or not you will attend.,Regrets only Respond to the invitation only if you are not coming.,Cocktail party A party at which light refreshments and alcoholic beverages are served.,Prom A formal dance for a high school graduation.,Wedding reception The party after a wedding.,Wedding ceremony The ceremony at which two people are married.,Baby shower A party for an expectant mother to which everybody brings a gift.,Potluck dinner A dinner to which everyone brings a prepared food to share,Mixer A party to introduce men and women,Open house A party held at someones home in the early afternoon or evening and at which light refreshements are served.,Surprise party A party for an honored guest who is not told before the party.,Card party A party at which guests play card games like bridge,euchre,poker,or gin.,Graduation party A party to honor someone who has recently graduated from high school or college.,Picnic A packed lunch,usually consisting of sandwiched,fried chicken,potato or bean salad,an desser;eaten in a park or open field.,Cookout An informal gathering at which meat is coked over an open fire or outdoor grill and served with salads and potato chips.,Customs Quiz,You are over 21 and invited to a friends house for dinner.What should you take? A bottle of wine/flowers for the host/nothing/some food to cook/a friend or relative/your children/a gift costing more than $10.,You are eating dinner at a friends house or in a restaurant.Where should you keep your hands when you are not holding eating utensils? In your lap/on the table/by your side,When you are eating with others around a table,which of the following should you do? Carry on a conversation/eat in silence/make smacking noise to show you are enjoying the meal/burp to show you enjoyed the meal/chew with your mouth closed/talk with food in your mouth,You wish to attract the waiters attention in a restaurant.What should you do? Snap your fingers/tap your galss with your spoon/catch the waiters eye and raise your hand/whistle,玛丽一世 为何称为“血腥玛丽” BloodyMary 铁娘子 英格兰玫瑰 久负盛誉的英国教育 牛津 剑桥 英国的饮茶习俗和中国的异同 着格子裙的苏格兰男人 苏格兰风笛 指环王 英式台球,西方文化入门考试题型: 1 中西方文化传统节日来源(英文写) 30分 2 婚礼习俗讲解 30分 3 案例分析 15分 4 单选 18分 5 标识讲解 7分,


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