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    [其它语言学习]Unit 10 Teaching reading.ppt

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    [其它语言学习]Unit 10 Teaching reading.ppt

    2004-5-19,1,2004-5-19,2,Teaching Aims: (1)How do people read? (2)What do people read? (3)What are the skills involved in reading? (4)What are the principles for teaching reading? (5)What are the common types of activities in teaching reading?,2004-5-19,3,目 录,10.1 How do we read? 10.2 What do we read? 10.3 Skills involved in reading comprehension 10.4 Principles and models for teaching reading 10.5 Pre-reading activities 10.6 While-reading activities 10.7 Post-reading activities 10.8 Conclusion,2004-5-19,4,10.1 How do we read?,Question :Why do we read? (Interview: Brainstorm the answers) We read for: 1.survival, e.g. the label on a medicine bottle. 2.learning and information, e.g. newspapers, magazines, books. 3.entertainment or pleasure, e.g. novels, stories, poems as a leisure. Reading can be the most familiar to Chinese learners of English. In a way, we learn English mainly through reading.,2004-5-19,5,10.1 How do we read? Task 1: Read the following assumptions about reading and decide if you agree with them or not . Try to give reasons for your decisions . When you are ready ,discuss your idea in groups.,D,D,D,A,A,A,2004-5-19,6,10.1 How do we read? Task 1: Read the following assumptions about reading and decide if you agree with them or not . Try to give reasons for your decisions . When you are ready ,discuss your idea in groups.,D,D,D,A,2004-5-19,7,Question: What is reading: Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text. Based on the nature of reading, how do effective readers read? They will do in the following:,a. Have a clear purpose in reading; b. Read silently. c. Read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word. d. Concentrate on important bits, skim the rest ,and skip the insignificant parts. e. Use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks. f. Perceive the information in the target rather than mentally translate. g. Guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them. h. Have and use background information to help,2004-5-19,8,2004-5-19,9,10.2 What do we read? (Brainstorm) Below is a list of things we read in daily life:,Calendars clothes size labels magazines Addresses graffiti on walls (乱涂乱画) radio/TV guides Phone books childrens scribbling advertisements Name cards informal letters posters(海报) Bank statements business letters travel guides Credit cards rules and regulations cookbooks Maps electronic mail repair manuals Anecdotes telegrams memos Weather forecast fax messages time schedules,2004-5-19,10,10.3 Skills involved in reading comprehension Question : What are the two broad levels in reading? 1.Visual signals from the eyes 2.A cognitive task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the readers own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey,In order to achieve these two levels of reading, we need the following skills Recognising the script of a language Understanding the explicitly stated information Understanding conceptual meaning Understanding the communicative value of the sentence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items Understanding relations between sentences Understanding references Recognizing indicators in discourses Recognizing the organization Making inferences,2004-5-19,11,10.3 Skills involved in reading comprehension: Question: What strategic skills do students need in order to make reading more efficient? 1.Skimming for main idea 2.Scanning for specific information 3.Inferring the meaning of unknown elements: lexical items attitude and opinion the purpose of an article relevant information 4.Recognizing rhetorical structure: chronological order comparison and contrast cause and effect reference指代 5. Predicting: guessing what is coming next 6. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details,2004-5-19,12,10.4 principles and models for teaching reading Below are some principles for teaching reading: The selected texts and attacked tasks should be accessible to the students Tasks should be clearly given in advance Tasks should be designed to encourage and intelligent reading for the main idea Tasks should help develop students reading skills rather than test their reading skills Teachers should help the students not merely to cope with one particular text in front of them but with their reading strategies and reading ability in general. Teachers should help the students to read on their own,2004-5-19,13,10.4 Principles and models for teaching reading Models for teaching reading. (a) Bottom-up model: teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and new structures first then going over the text sentence by sentence.This is followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice. (b) Top-down model :Teachers should teach the background knowledge first so that students equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the text . The current theory views reading as an interactive process. That is to say, the brain receives visual information and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. This process does not only involve the printed page but also the readers knowledge of the language in general.,2004-5-19,14,Teaching reading in the classroom divides reading activities into basically three stages in which bottom-up and top-down techniques are integrate to help students in their reading comprehension and in increasing their language efficiency in general One way is to teach reading in three stages, that is 3-Stage Model: Pre-reading stage While-reading stage Post-reading stage Each stage has a different goal/aim and deals with different reading strategies and activities.,2004-5-19,15,10.5 pre-reading activities The aim of pre-reading stage are three folds: Arousing the students interest in the topic or type of text (interest) Motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading (motivation) Preparing the students for the content of the text (preparations) Pre-reading activities: 1.Predicting: Prediction can be done in many different ways. Based on the title Based on vocabulary Based on T/F questions Based on the teachers general questions (oral/written) Based on visual information (diagrams/maps/pictures/photos) Based on related information Based on their own questions Based on key words (given or taught by the teacher) Based on the students expectation.,2004-5-19,16,10.5 Pre-reading activities 2. Setting the Scene: getting students to be familiar to the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text 3. Skimming: reading quickly to get the gist Below are some suggestions that may help teachers to set up skimming activities. (1) Ask general questions(avoid details ones)which allow students to focus on one or two things.e.g.”Why did the writer write the article?” “Where do you expect to read such an article?” (2)Provide 3-4 statements one of which represents the main idea. Ask students to read the text and decide which statement is the correct one. (3) Provide subtitles for different parts of a text and ask students to put them in right place,2004-5-19,17,10.5 pre-reading activities 4. Scanning: reading very fast to locate the specific information Questions for a scanning activity are often about specific information. Find Mr.smiths phone number. How many people were injured in the explosion? When conducting scanning activities,the teacher should bear in mind the following things: Set a time limit. Give clear instructions for the task (3) Wait until 70% of the students finish.(Think about why so) (4) Make clear how you are going to get feedback. (5) Make sure that answers to the scanning questions should be scattered throughout the rather than clustered at one place.,2004-5-19,18,10.6 While-reading activities The aim of while-reading stage is to help: the students understand the content the students understand the structure of the text the students understand the authors purpose of writing it,2004-5-19,19,Activities:,scanning skimming transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, picture, chart taking note (on main or specific points) drawing a diagram to show the text structure answering the factual questions answering inference questions putting the events in the correct order stating whether statements are true or false answering literal questions (meaning of words) understanding references giving sections of a text appropriate headings giving the text an appropriate title,Which way?,2004-5-19,20,10.6 While-reading activities,Pictures Pie charts Drawings Bar charts Maps Flow charts Tables Chronological sequence Tree diagrams Subtitles (providing subtitles) Cyclic diagrams Notes (taking notes while reading),1. Information transfer activities: transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, picture, chart sophisticated input (SI) transition device (TD) output (OP) text visual aid Ss comprehend meaning Below are some transition devices that are often used in teaching reading:,2004-5-19,21,10.6 While-reading activities,Rosa Morello is from Columbia in South America. She is a student. She has come to London to study English. Rosa is eighteen years old and single. She has dark hair, dark brown eyes and is 1.65 m tall. She likes pop music, dancing, reading and good food. She is also interested in travel and languages. In London, Rosa lives in a small flat with her friend Linda Morris. The flat is in north London.,Task Use transition devices to design a while-reading activity for the following text. When you Are ready, work in groups. Each student should give a mini demonstration.,2004-5-19,22,International Student Registration: Surname: Given name: Sex: Age: Nationality: Languages: Reasons to be in London: Interests and hobbies:,10.6 While-reading activities,Answers: An imaginative transition device is to design an “International Student Registration” form and ask students to fill out the form while they read the text.,Morello,Rosa,girl,eighteen,Columbia,English,to study English,pop music, dancing, reading and good food,2004-5-19,23,10.6 While-reading activities,2. Summary on transition devices When using transition devices, we need to ensure that it is appropriate from to encapsulate the main information contained in the text. We need to bear in mind the purpose(s)of TDs (1) Focus attention on the main meaning of the text. (2) Be able to simplify sophisticated input so that is becomes the basis for output. (3)Allow students to perform tasks while they are reading. (4)Highlight the main structural organization of a text/part of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning. (5)Involve all the students on clearly defined reading tasks. (6)Precede one step at a time . (7)When a TD task is completed, provide students with a model for oral and/or written work.,2004-5-19,24,2. Reading comprehension questions 1) Questions for literal comprehension. 2) Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation. 3) Questions for inferences. 4) Questions for evaluation or appreciation. 5) Questions for personal response. 3.Understanding references 4. Making inferences,10.6 While-reading activities,2004-5-19,25,Summary on while-reading activities Now we have look at a number of while reading tasks. Of course, you cannot use all of them at one time or with one text. You need to choose from them the ones that best suit your students as well as the materials that you are using.,10.6 While-reading activities,2004-5-19,26,10.7 Post-reading Activities Aims of post-reading stage: Consolidate of reflect on what has been read in the text. Relate the text to the students own knowledge, interests or views/what they know and what they feel. Enable students to produce language and use it freely based on what they have learned.,2004-5-19,27,Post-reading Activities: discussion of the topic of the text question-and-answer reproducing the text (prompts) role-play a different/same situation gap-filling comment on the content of the text retelling the story finishing the story listening to or reading some supplementary materials about the topic writing a summary false summary T: with wrong information Interviewing Different texts need different teaching methods. We may design our own reading tasks creatively.,2004-5-19,28,10.7 Post-reading Activities Task Read the text below and discuss the post-reading activities that follow. Do you think these activities fulfill the functions of post-reading tasks? Do you think students would enjoy doing these activities?,A doctor working in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked him for advice. In this way ,he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He makes up his mind to put an end to this. He was stopped by a young man who said to him, ”Oh, doctor, Im so glad to see you. Ive got a severe paid in my left said”.The doctor pretended to be interested and said,”Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your month”. Then,he went away,leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out and a large crowd of people laughing at him.,2004-5-19,29,10.7 Post-reading Activities 1.Discussion questions (1) Do you think he was a good doctor? (2) How do you think the young man felt? 2.Reproducing the text: tell part of story from these prompts: (1) A doctor-village-annoyed. (2) People-stop-street-advice. (3) Never paid-never-money-made up his mind-put an end Now lets have a look at some other types of post-reading activities.,2004-5-19,30,10.7 Post-reading Activities 1.Discussion 2.Role-play Role play usually has the following stages: (1)Defining the roles and setting up goals. (2)Pairing/grouping students and assigning roles. (3)Preparation: a)Whole class brainstorm possible questions; b)students playing the same roles go into a group to work out the questions. (4)Role plays in pairs/groups. (5)Class viewing/demonstration. (6)Teacher gives feedback based on active monitoring.,2004-5-19,31,10.7 Post-reading Activities 3. Gap-filling 4. Retelling 5. False summary 6. Writing Below is a short list of writing task that could be used as post-activities. (1) Produce a tourist brochure for a place describe in a text. (2) Produce an advertisement for a product described in a text. (3) Rewrite a story from another characters point of view. (4) Write a short summary of the text based on a TD activity (5) Write a paragraph stating personal opinions abou


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