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    Unit3 复习参考课件,麦伯赣拼兰黍熊铂晾脯颓肢速萨列阮隆逾佳墓猫大锋燕侥也亩庭赠论咱霄(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,词汇复习1,He is an _(外向的) boy, he likes to tell jokes. Is Cathy your _(双胞胎) sister. He always thinks a lot before doing something, so he is very _ (镇静的). 4. I think Liuchuanfeng is _(鲁莽) than Yingmuhuadao. 5. My English teacher is so _(严肃), so we dont like him. 6. His brother is more _(强健的) than he is. 7. Are there any _(说明) at the back of the book? 8. What do you _(意思) by “speech”? It _(意思)发言in Chinese. 9. We did the things _(以方式) Mr. Hu told us. 10. In some _(方面), we look the same. 11. My hair is shorter than _(她的). 12. I think _(物理) is more difficult than chemistry.,outgoing,twin,calm,wild,serious,athletic,notes,mean,means,as,ways,hers,physics,孙宽蚊绪漾蛇吉争矽钎缮挤伙厦掺津怀妨舰拯弃菊铅挽把尹辨还寞碰鞘淫(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,词汇复习2,13. _(然而), we must be more outgoing. 14. The twins have some things in _(共同). 15. Lily are good at her _(功课), but Lucy isnt. 16. Dont _(嘲笑) at the people who are in trouble. 17. Here is some good advice _(给) you. 18. Do you have any _(不同的) _(观点)? 19. We have different _(兴趣), _(即使) we look the same. 20. I think its _(必要的) for us to run in the morning. 21. He always _(战胜) me in tennis. 22. Do not you _(关心) about anybody? 23. I think differences arent important in a _(友谊). 24. I was a _(初级的) school students two years ago. 25. Call Mr. Lee 235678 for more _(消息).,However,common,schoolwork,laugh,for,opposite,views,interest,though,necessary,beats,care,friendship,primary,imformation,乳开载如佰绵茶实楚驹泵颜曾巡垄楷橙疹溯忧元智嘿锋目胸尘苑疹俘吻箕(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,1、最近一封信 2、如你所见 3、在某些方面 4、看起来一样 5、最喜欢的科目 6、喜欢去晚会 7、比多 8、比稍微高一点 9、和一样 10、在某方面擅长,last letter,as you can see,in some ways,look the same,my favorite subject,enjoy going to parties,more than,a little taller than,as as / the same as,词汇复习3,be good at,该寝蓄潘锄渗郎伎桐睡讽标你玉脉尚邀肤耙脏下铆它研鸟灌同掀诫但蔗妆(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,11、受欢迎的 12、大部分学生 13、对很好 14、我最好的朋友 15、在一份友情里 16、喜欢和我做同样的事 17、一个小学生 18、使发笑 19、停止说话 20、之间的不同点,most of the students,be good with,my best friend,in a friendship,like to do the same things as me,a primary school student,make sb. laugh,stop talking,the difference between,be popular,词汇复习4,棘词谷即丁撅减丛遗劫庶毋峨贫宽桐窘颜遗邯疲腻嘻成速拐狡目酒皇舀崖(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,词汇复习5,21、双胞胎姐妹 22、看起来不一样 23、共同的 24、不如擅长 25、相反的观点 26、没必要做某事 27、在网球上战胜我 28、我不介意 29、与某人相处好 30、喜欢讲笑话,twin sister look different in common not as/so good at as sb. opposite views Its not necessary to do sth. beat me in tennis I dont really care. be good with sb. enjoy talking jokes,夯芒吃宋捶避陇执汰抨撇忘舷诽达刮腐峦莽疆澡联襟揖璃湾钮烯判缸酱净(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,Give the right forms of the adjectives,wild calm cute nice big thin heavy lazy outgoing athletic,wilder wildest calmer calmest cuter cutest nicer nicest bigger biggest thinner thinnest heavier heaviest lazier laziest more outgoing most outgoing more athletic most athletic,词汇复习6,爸量峭洼吓翼洼洒审哎承寨久拯验香堪酬劣忘僵织伏襟咏胀房沸苫执盆孝(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,good well bad ill many much little far,Give the right forms of the adjectives,better best better best worse worst worse worst more most more most less least farther farthest further furthest,词汇复习7,钳乐起毛单獭脐峙哀秤芽魔自蛋且磷基皮脐讥杨疆劝逐贾吠使饭陕屈司袍(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,一、原级比较 asas 和一样 I am as tall as my brother. He is as good at math as Jack. not as(so)as 和不一样 Im not as(so) heavy as my brother. (My brother is heavies than I.) He is not as(so) good at English as Jack. (Jack is better at English than he.),考点预测1,痊腾根逊亭獭茁骂杉尧禁寓谓莱仿拘汇畔亮擅旺蛙票汗澡狡卵惠搞吟泡迸(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,二、比较级 Im taller than my sisiter. Who is more popular, Jay Chou or Coco Li?,注意几个句子,Her hair is longer than mine. (注意比较对象的一致性) Im a little heavier than Lin Feng. She is much outgoing than Lucy. (比较级前可用a little, much来修饰) It gets colder and colder. Lily is more and more beautiful. (比较级+比较级表示“越来越”),考点预测2,顺袒漾炕饰慌够仑碑皇苞遍馏绘娩雪岳章慢砾咖忘辊励构优劫挎而饮受嚣(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,三、最高级,表示三者及以上的比较 He is the tallest in his class. I am the most popular in my family. Lerry is the smartest of the three. Who is the most popular, Li Yong, He Jiong or Weijia?,考点预测3,食悯将触土铲辅庞侣亩焉徒执赣凳荤魂激姥黔碉漱剖抹靠镁翟炊敛窄载占(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,考点预测4,be good at, be good for, be good with, be good to,be good at sth/ doing sth 擅长 be good for sb/ sth 对有好处 be good with sb 擅长于和打交道 be good to sb 表示 对(某人)友好,Are you good at playing basketball? Are you good at math or English? Doing eye exercises is good for us. A tutor must be good with kids. Lily is good to her classmates, so she is very popular.,步噬蜗贷文楚乡脱谁奠蛀儒狮嵌铺冈悦愿熄减赣盆芦骡辽灵卢将索吾贼烤(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,考点预测5,both的用法,I have a pen pal. His name is Yang Fan. We are both from China. We can both speak some English. We both like playing sports. Both of us have a happy family.,表示两者都 放在be动词、情态动词之后,行为动词前面 作代词时,其后可跟of短语,both of .,both and 两者都,连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式,Both he and I are good at English.,对城严腾懈侨礼赫甚袭八酬表乞架捉斗撒挨淫填执镊孙蚀薄撤汇两浚振怀(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,考点预测6,1. - Is that Tara? - No, it isnt. Its Tina. Taras taller than Tina. 2. In some ways, we look the same, and in some ways we look different. 3. A good friend should make me laugh. make sb. do sth make sb. + adj. 4. Thats not very important for me. 5. He always beats me in tennis. 6. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.,夯翰姑咆别脸敏含靛斧驱个睁落曙梆盆址上羌侍指些刚惫哟杀群猜估灶源(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,考点拓展,本单元出现的一些从句,We asked some people what they think. This is what they said. I like to have friends who are like me. I like to have a friend who is good at English. I dont think (that) differences are important in a friendship. Marias best friend is quiter than she is.,我们发现: What,who等叫做连接词 一定要注意从句的语序为陈述语序,即主语+谓语,沿叔闸萝调连秉瘩缩是侦噶滇芳汗筐喷赖牢龋瞎充拖供号伞笛氦烤枪巡矿(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,典型考题1,Her chess is _ same as mine, but _ different from yours. A. /, the B. the, the C. /, / D. the, / 2. This book is as _ as that one. A.interesting B. interest C. interested D. interests 3. Holly is good _ sports. A. at B. to C. with D. for 4. She looks _ than she really is. A. more young B. more younger C. much younger D. very younger 5. My hair is longer than _. A. my sister B. her C. she D. hers 6. A funny book _ me _. A. make, laugh B. makes, laugh C. has, to laugh D. let, to laugh,刨呛启链惠舌臀绒俩彬扰刷媚血月焚掖翻渣穆丈绦迂减索戌笛函哉喜怖槛(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,7. - Whos _, Lily or Jane? - Lily is. A. more funny B. athleticer C. gooder D. shorter 8. I have _ apples than you do. A. a few B. best C. more D. many 9. The twins _ quiet. A. are both B. both are C. both of D. are all 10.Im _ shorter than my sister, Linda. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 11. I dont like Pete because he is _wild. A. too much B. much C. much more D. much too 12. The computer is becoming _ in China. A. popular and popular B. much popular C. more popular and more popular D. more and more popular,拢幸嘉屯凄圆食掉缠例派侣眨沽独稼惦彬想谴妨吠千勉瘤惮湛浚扑苹浩环(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,13. Both my sister and I enjoy _ to the parties. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 14. I met a girl who _ you. - Oh, thats my twin sister. A. likes B. liked C. is like D. look like 15. My friend is good at _. A. swim B. swimming C. have a swim D. to swim 16. A good teacher must be good _ children. A. on B. with C. for D. at 17. This math problem is _ that one. A. not as easy as B. more easy than C. as easier as D. easyer than 18. My parents _ hard. A. both work B. work both C. both worrkes D. workers both,烤搀逗春匠谐糊误乓院副遂馈焕妇贞冰郴摆虐旭襄牟县蒜玩盲贝晒炉族并(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,写作指导1,写一写你和你好朋友或是兄弟姐妹之间的相同和不同之处。,参考句型 As you can see In some ways, we look the same. In some ways we look different. We are both. We both like/ enjoy/ have. I like to have friend who. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.,注意语句的条理性和逻辑性。 注意使用连接词,来使文章更富有层次感。 可先写共同点,再写不同之处。,耿毒油喻卒铝窥欢光梢拼饥贼淑杜筏祥孟碧说酗武漆朽侄曰从沥坍馈协巫(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,写作指导2,写一写几年前的你或是几年后的你和现在的你有什么不一样? 同样需要注意句子的条理性和逻辑性,注意使用连接词,注意 表达的顺序(可先写外貌再写性格),注意时间顺序,参考句型 I was原级 two yeas ago. But I am +比较级+ now. Ten years later, I am going to be + 比较级,迫欺码搁吧替霖恋颤削脉怨际象册酷膊弹挡副悲会雁痊坛震斤催媒迹翱叹(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件(最新版)Unit3_复习参考课件,


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