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    Section A,哈盏疵喀特揭币莆凭瑚抖腰厅切润绳杭羽更敢口碍佳债营软眨巍饵漠悟溜九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Boys and girls, how time flies! You have studied in Yegong Middle School for nearly three years. And you will graduate soon. Every year, our school always has a graduation ceremony on the second floor in the dining hall. All the teachers and students will take part in it. They will give speeches and best wishes to each other at the graduation ceremony. Are you excited to take part in a graduation ceremony? Have you got ready for it? What are you going to do before the graduation ceremony? What are you going to say at the ceremony?,Free talk,掷荤摄蛔村耪广食彼裳喉捕朋硕搂我栋饵共陌校檀某鲜季淳棍飘亥歌唉矗九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.,Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Jane are talking about _ . A. Beijing International School B. a graduation ceremony C. what they have to do to get ready for a graduation ceremony,C,帧咖赔诛仗朔绸屠捶辕质桓牵瞬昼佃葬瓜秀在竞筷箍鼻俭赎蝶惭坍卵伴也九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,This _, the boys and girls will graduate. They are talking about what they have to do. 1. They certainly have to _ the final examination. 2. They probably have to give _ at the graduation ceremony. 3. They will remember their _ forever.,Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.,weekend,pass,speeches,friendship,践记榷排骄厢蚕昂缀药趁鳃蠕芜蛊蓉莱录败烯胶令杜露闯配蚤锄济硝买爹九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Listen to the conversation again and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.,坛惑卞毫瞄皖噪隙涸扭音僳葱周氧赏葱贷匙放詹弓惫币侵肾将差倪我诬呢九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Key points,Ill say I have learned not only how to study, but how to be a man. 我要说的是我不仅学会了如何学习,而且学会了如何做人。 这里的not only.but.是 not only.but also的省略形式。 2. Thinking back on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard. 回想起过去的三年,我领悟到要想成功,就必须努力学习。 think back on 意为“回想起,追忆”, 相当于 think back to。 3. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 possible 可能 的 impossible 不可能的,岛糖隧滇蒋瘁收瑞率焙哄怠良律朽冉溯足袍验六票酌耳谗簿嵌角碘酌锯余九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Which things will you do before your graduation from Yegong Middle School ?,take photos with one another,prepare gifts for teachers and classmates,have a class get-together,write best wishes to each other,make plans for the future,see friends off,What else will you do?,彭注起火呛芽饵哎迪眶冉趟钾瑞商厘掺刹刊看纱叹俊拱锁候件捕吃厅顾腑九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,A: Hi, Susanna! Are you excited now that our graduation day is just around the corner? B: Yes, a little. I also feel a little sad because we have to say goodbye. A: But I will remember our friendship forever. By the way, what are you planning to do before graduation? B: I plan to send every classmate a special gift. I will take photos together with him or her and write my best wishes on the back of each photo. A: Thats cool! ,Example :,Talk with your partner about what you will do before leaving school by following the example. Then try writing a report about your plan before graduation.,要夯碱庶窗呵瞧步教躲赣困腥筹氯装白粱忘羊患伟娃赦闷砷幌绽瞬迈晚尼九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,The children in Class Three have done an _ (excellence ) job for the _( graduate) ceremony. The _ (decorate) of the classroom is very _ ( beauty). Everyone prepared dozens of (很多)presents and exchanged(交换) them with each other. Some students wrote down their best _ (wish) on the cards, such as “ Nothing is _ ( possible) if you set your mind to it”, “ Where there is a will, there is a way”. The presents are cheap, but they are_ (value) for them to remember the friendship.,excellent,graduation,decoration,beautiful,impossible,wishes,Exercises,valuable,法馈珠泼然厉细桨吓渐系有诗钦镍低围综管湾压怠并潘鸭戳峦喳扶攫贰裔九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Summary,We have learned some new words and phrases: first of all 首先 dozen n. 十二个;一打 dozens of 几十,许多 exchange v. 交换 excellence n. 优秀,卓越 valuable adj. 有价值的 We can: Talk about how to get ready for the graduation ceremony.,碟躲横债邵敢搀凛飘痰须凹叮吕霍棚捞椰绎钒君损耗泳勉护惠衣竹欧关诣九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,Homework,Discuss with group members about what they want to do at graduation ceremony. Write down for a report in next lesson.,裁促熬箱衷绎疮彪诞易妊盆切丁基臻带昔夯话罩叉悉红戌穿突墩忻把甸立九下U6T3SA九下U6T3SA,


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