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    The Attributive Clause,定语从句 富源六中宁益庆,兴椰民蝗火厌臼忌咳提艇渝尔挡馋蚁泳户报仁哥布汛穿灸似卒板飘盅酞九高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,1.定义:,2.先行词:,3.关系代词、关系副词:,在复合句中用来用来修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。,被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词(antecedent)。,引导定语从句的词,关系代词:,关系副词:,Who, whom, whose, which, that等,When, where, why等,卓悉斗兰泻摸柏愈谣厌竿漠徽聂椽酞苦枷困宅啄卿海厅骸枢亨缎艳唾鸵垛高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系代词和关系副词的作用:,1、引导作用 2、替代作用 3、在定语从句中担当某个成分的作用,Eg: 1.Those who want to go please sign your names here. 2.This is the house where he was born. 3. Bill, who was here yesterday, asked me a lot of questions.,排壤慌烹淬添雨夜岩涩隶雁捻疏祭克辊遏聊蓑麦普致去衔未应盒启淹剃玛高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系代词的用法,人;物,物,人,人,人、物,主语;宾语,主语;宾语,主语;宾语,宾语,定语,作宾语可省,作宾语可省,作宾语可省,可省,不可省,礁驱三烟谚收潞彤粉纂瓢瓢蛇接频滇离逛陷岭山楷棱被掂华宪赴饲靳始在高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系副词的用法,时间,状语,否,地点,状语,否,原因,状语,否,塞夺保驹烦泛仙矽丧矿榨雨千泵晃盗块纳帕宫兼载柳竟汕稼裕手材雏啊广高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,判断下列引导词在句中的用法,Eg:1.He is such a man who never tells a lie. 2. He is the model worker whom/who we should learn from. 3. A dictionary is a book which often helps us to know the meanings of the words. 4. This is the film which I like best. 5. The boy whose father is a professor is one of my best friends.,指代、所作成分、是否可省略,拆樱绽考虾瞥稻睫涕挑费撩厨景够唇贸呢擦骄阿熊峦凌笔憾宦旁啃铡侄毖高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,6. The house whose roof was blown away by the storm will be rebuilt soon. 7. It was 11 oclock when the accident happened last night. 8. This is the village where I was brought up.,逗铁乡嚷疗影添咱觅淀棒碍墅吩揽疥旨貌挝旨仰硝妹沿墙穆撤墓鹤伙匹宅高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系代词which和that的区别:,A.关系代词必须用that的情形:,This is the best film that I have ever seen. The first man arrived at the class was our headteacher. This is the only ticket that I got yesterday. This is the very book that Im looking for. Is there anything that I can do for you? All that you have to do is to press the button. There is no time that we can waste. The car and its driver that knocked down the old lady have been taken to the police station.,暴非戒尧绅知传山促脂旋隋系员腑碗总哑渡后廖坦浩动正铁错沪捞全镶行高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,Summarize: 只能用that引导定语从句的几种情况,1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰时。,2)先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时。,3)先行词是不定代词all,few,little,much,something,nothing,anything等.,4)先行词被all,any,every,each,few,little,no,some等修饰。,5)先行词既有人又有物时。,幢瞪焊碘鲸死荷缕查沟陵税娟走挟虫蚀旦哄俞尧牵贷宵状菠沦晨名参喝哟高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,B.指物时,作介词的宾语,关系代词只能用which,This is the question about which weve had so much discussion.,胞师荒道艺救愤逼祝特长户淀蔷是辽蹬鞍煎粟充鄂惯碉赃梅碳蝶素胀享颂高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,Practice:,1.They asked him to tell them everything _ he saw at the front. A. what B. that C. which D. where 2.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. (1992) A.that B. who C. from whom D. to whom 3. I dont like _ you speak to her. (1993上海) A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which,B,D,A,跌混婶垂僵妹幽淹髓傀詹填骇娩写鸦扁尉玖罚贫盂需步翁希泪霹柑胖琅颅高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,Correct the following sentences:,1.This is the best film which I have seen. 2.Thats all which want to say.,This is the best film that I have seen.,Thats all that I want to say.,旱疾纫忱泼菱华毕妆至漓衣讹傣雄杀舞矩留硕咎楼猴色沥堑联烫钧伴啦批高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,3.Is there anything which you want in this shop? 4.He talked about some writers and books which/who were unknown to us all. 5.The room in that she lives is a large one.,Is there anything that you want in this shop?,He talked about some writers and books that were unknown to us all.,The room in which she lives is a large one.,透沼褪勃缅做巾晨俘描鼻芜濒雇吟斜招弧元峻姿外寸从意巧涕岳霉民缸怪高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系副词when, where, why的用法,1.Do you still remember the day whenwe went to visit the museum together?,Do you still remember the day on whichwe went to visit the museum together?,2.This is the factory wheremy father once worked.,This is the factory in whichmy father once worked.,3.This is the reason whyhe was late.,This is the reason for which he was late.,造别末扩晌现衰偶吴劝侥掳躯霓刃掀拱暇秃伴幌卸卓仕坛逞支褂今拐氰卢高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,Summarize:,在定语从句中关系副词都等于一个适当的介词加上which,在从句中作状语,When=in/at/on/+which; Where=in/at/on/+which; Why=for /+which,四窖悍菩孙羽品饭鸡杖篮涟展烛疤芬贬炮爱吠韶循放知塔貉啸躺瞻恰衡玫高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,as 引导的非限制性定语从句 (1),This is the same pen as I lost. This is the same pen that I lost.,Please compare:,这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。,这本书就是我丢的那本。,闪恤讨汞姨项良衷惑筏高听知曙撇给篡灭僻揩桐闪刽综福膛氖包娠在郧轻高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,as 引导的非限制性定语从句,The earth is round._ is known to all. The earth is round,_ is known to all. _ is known to all, the earth is round _ is known to all that the earth is round.,It,which / as,As,It,as 具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词一般是固定的,如: as you know/ as you see/as we planned/ as we expected,定语从句在句首时只能用as,候天蝎状莽猾懊通础捎骂肋刃稿堕缚您衬凡雪蔽邮遏趾筹孽桅溉陇方痈插高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,as 引导的限制性定语从句 (2),This is such an interesting book _ we all like. This is so interesting a book _ we all like. This is such an interesting book _we all like it. This is so interesting a book _we all like it.,as,that,Please complete the following sentences and compare:,as,that,这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。(定语从句),这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。(结果状语从句),饮颧好遇对谬拯逆弃煽航扑瓦援坝冯涟撇呼租召投贫猛潘晰孺轮腊劫凌咱高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,介词+关系代词的情况 1,The man whom you spoke was a scientist. The city which she lives is far away.,to,in,锯崎揽逻瞩哭评有肥日戏夺塔汐破槐双因输渤砖揍卷哀侯俐德熏捏睬帕凑高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,介词+关系代词的情况 2,The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist. The city that/which she lives is far away.,to,in,Are these two sentences right?,谴质垄淹救柒故紧奏焰谆崩烘届赊受兹诞阎雀柞儒袭莹挪溜拿墙盾跺耍唁高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,介词+关系代词的情况 3,The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist. The city that/which she lives is far away.,to,in,×,×,Are these two sentences right?,可见,who、that 不能用与介词之后,硒天急比醋停私怒液核鬼篡翌殖矿躯傣竹哩蚊怠网烧闰偿仪夏鸣楔瘴葛倍高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,介词+关系代词的情况 4,Is this the watch that you are looking for? The old man whom I am looking after is better .,在固定短语中介词不能提前,下面两句中的介词能提前吗?,伴蚤结岁捏级吵准釜戳鞍锋溃甭岛都淄择神牌鲸怎补亿耻华袜革前骄衫史高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,1. Do you like the book she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book she paid $10? 3. Do you like the book she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book she often talks? 5. He built a telescope he could study the skies.,介词+关系代词的情况 练习,on which,for which,from which,about which,through which,挞棺涵事沏左杭税渡合爪平花晃牡危吝伐盎禁左牛嘶萍貌洞帛狠蛮徊冶蚜高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,6. There is a tall tree outside, stands our teacher. 7. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ is the Yellow River. 8. The tower _ people can have a good view is on the hill. 9. The man _ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling. 10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.,under which,of which,from which,to whom,of which,拯内窜刁辰摩乓伞凝翱苍趾烙迁桩挫巢炽消佛被磋沙带蓟蓑兑黄岸分抱御高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,1.当先行词是不定代词时,如: All ,few, little, much, every, something, anything, everything, 等,只能用that 做关系代词的情况,2.当先行词被the only, the very, the same, little, few, no, any等修饰时,3.当人和物合做先行词时,4.当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,5.在疑问词who、which、what开头的句子中,搞卓流乖席浑脸傻肋武路烧葬嗽污宣辣器搁门箔并刮诸驱的及蔓踩羚灌媳高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,Practice:,1.- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. (1999) - Is that the reason_ you had a few days off? A.why B. when C. what D. where 2.Im going to visit the school _ my mother taught physics ten years ago. A.where B. that C. which D. what 3.Do you still remember the day _ I first came to Beijing? A. which B. that C. when D. where,A,A,C,骄扛射综赌柿盾既舔株蒙史特异藉杜觉树充夫滋各默惺储泵烃索石钮页际高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,关系副词when, where和关系代词that, which的区分 同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用where,有时使用that/which; 同样是修饰一个时间,有时使用when, 有时使用that/which 主要看: 从句意思是否完整;完整的话需用关系副词,若意思不完整则需加关系代词充当某个成分。 请比较以下句子: This is the park that we visited last year.(从句意思不完整需要加宾语) This is the park where we held a birthday party.(从句完整,只需加上特定的关系副词) Thats the date that she wont forget for ever. Thats the date when we went to the college. I like the time that we had together. I like the time when we lived together.,购赘峙件霜晓告拓先司岁寺告葫翻半惰朔涤落踏粟糕琐龙菏蘑褪擒驳疵性高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,定义: 限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的修饰成分,否则主句的意思不完整或不成立。非限制性定语从句只对所修饰的词作进一步的说明,去掉之后主句的意思照样完整。,Compare the following sentences:,A man who does not try to learn from others cant achieve much. Therere many plays (that) Id like to see. This note was left by Xiao Wu, who was just here.,楚刑蚕赂拯绒厂笛甭姆诱化胺上酶抢巩拇臃银谩靡扩疽糜疯易室踢另漾吴高中英语定语从句语法讲解课件新人教版(1)www.dearedu.com,


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