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    Lesson26 DialogueAt CIMT,In the Negotiation Booth,Y:How do you do? What kind of equipment are you most interested in? E:We have studied your catalogue and we have great interest in your boring-milling machine. But your price has been found higher through repeated calculations. Y:How many would you like to order?,E:Our quantity is surely to your satisfaction. We plan to order 15 if the price is moderate. Y:To be frank, such machine was out of stock for a while because we had too many orders. The price on the list now is the same as it was before. 3But since your order has a size, we would like to have another new partner by reducing the unit price to $20 000 FOB Shanghai. This is our lowest quotation, and no further concession. Actually, we wont make a profit. We will just use it as an advertisement. E:It seems acceptable. Including freight? Y:Um, OK.,E:When can you make the goods ready for shipment? Y:Around August. E:Well, we expect to use them this October Time is too tight. We need to transit the goods at Singapore since there is no direct steamer from Shanghai to Lagos. Could you get the goods ready for shipment in mid July? Y:July is OK. By the way, how would you make the payment?,E:Ill pay by installment. Y:What about paying 30% upon signing the contract, and then paying the rest after delivery of the goods? E:According to our practice, well pay 60% after delivery, and pay the additional 10% after three months trial use. What about your after-sales services?,Y:We will ensure you “three warranties” (for repair replacement or compensation of faulty products) during one-year period of guarantee. Then well ensure you follow-up services. OK, just now Mr. Jiang said that you also want to buy NC equipment? E:Yes, we want to buy WFC (Wire Flame Cutter), and EDM (Electric Discharge Machine). Y:We can be your agent.,E:Mr. Yang , Well discuss other equipment after we have done this one. Y:Welcome! E:When can we sign the contract? Y:Tomorrow afternoon. E:OK .Looking forward to mutual cooperation. See you tomorrow then. Y:See you tomorrow.,Practice,Sample 1,A: 劳驾,请问你是美国来的B吗? B:是的,我是B, 你是A? A:请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫,是泰州科技学院的学生. B:你好! A:你好!请允许我介绍一下我的同学(classmate) B:见到你很高兴.请问你的电话号码是多少?,TaiZhou Institute of Science & Technology., NJUST,Sample 2,A: 很高兴再次见到你,B 。 B: 我也很高兴见到你,A。需要我做什么吗? A:是的。我带来了一些机床(machine tool) 的产品目录(catalogue)。我想让你看看。 B:我们正在考虑(think of )订购一些机床。 A:你对我们的产品感兴趣,对吗? B:是的,但我不太确定。经理不在,我们可能 最晚在明天下午再通知你(let you know)。,A: Nice to meet you again, B. B: Nice to meet you, too, A. Is there anything I can do for you? A: Yes, I have brought some catalogues of machine tools. Id like you to have a look at them. B: Were thinking of ordering some machine tools. A: Youre interested in our products, right? B: Yes, but Im not quite sure. Our manager is not here. Well probably be able to let you know tomorrow afternoon at the latest.,参考译文,Sample 3,A: Good morning. Im from the Brothers Company. B: Good morning. Have a seat please. A: Were interested in importing a complete set of bottle machine for exhibit and sale in our country. If satisfactory, we may consider further orders. B: Well, this unit here on display is a full-scale assembly of our latest type. What do you think of it? A: Splendid. I will consider that. Do you have any brochure I can take with me? B: Yes. Here are some catalogues. A: How about the price list? B: Here it is. A: Thank you. Ill contact you later.,A:早上好!我是兄弟公司来的。 B:早上好!请坐。 A:我们有意进口一套装瓶机到国内展销。如果设备 令人满意,我们可以考虑再下订单。 B:喔,这里展示的这一部是我公司的最新类型的全 套装备,您觉得怎么样? A:非常好。我会考虑此事。能拿些广告册回去吗? B:可以,这些是产品目录。 A:价目单呢? B:给您。 A:谢谢,我会与您联系的。,参考译文,A: Good morning. Im Andrew Green. B: Good morning. Im Zhang, Miss Zhang. A: Nice to meet you, Miss Zhang. B: Sit down please, Mr. Green. A: This is my first visit to Guangzhou Fair. And Im thinking of importing some metal materials from China. B: Have you anything particular in mind at the moment? A: Id like to buy a large quantity of double T-iron if your price is competitive enough. B: We can easily supply you with that. A: Now Id like to have a look at the samples on exhibition. B: This way, please.,Sample 4,A:早上好!我是安德鲁·格林。 B:早上好!我姓张。 A:见到您很高兴,张小姐。 B:请坐,格林先生。 A:这是我第一次来参加广交会,我想从中国进口一些金属材料。 B:眼下有什么具体想法吗? A:如果价格合适的话,我想大量购买工字钢。 B:我们可以供应。 A:我想看一看展出的样品。 B:这边请。,参考译文,B: The goods you ordered are manufactured in Shenzhen. A: You know, there are more sailings from Hong Kong to New York. B: You mean the goods you ordered can be shipped from Shenzhen to New York through Hong Kong where they can be transshipped. A: Yes, because I want these goods on our market as early as possible. B: I see, but there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transshipment. A: That sounds reasonable, but I cant make up my mind at the moment. Ill give you a definite reply tomorrow.,Sample 5,B:你们的订货在深圳生产。 A:从香港开往纽约的船班更多一些。 B:您的意思是你们的订货可以从深圳经香港转运到纽约。 A:是的,因为我希望这些货尽早上市。 B:明白了,但是转运有偷窃和受损的风险。 A:有道理。我现在不能做出决定,明天再给您明确答复。,参考译文,


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