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    第六节 生物接触氧化法.doc

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    第六节 生物接触氧化法.doc

    extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan setsguarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop "three strict three real" of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to. 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich "one country, two systems" practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the party's theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the "wise men" to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to第六节生物接触氧化法一、概述生物接触氧化法的处理构筑物是浸没曝气式生物滤鸺,也称生物接触氧化池。其基本流程包括:初次沉淀池生物接触氧化池二次沉淀池。生物接触氧化池内设置填料,填料淹没在废水中,填料上长满生物膜,废水与生物膜接触过程中,水中的有机物被微生物吸附、氧化分解和转化为新的生物膜。从填料上脱落的生物膜,随水流到二沉池后被去除,废水得到净化。在接触氧化池中,微生物所需要的氧气来自水中,而废水则自鼓人的空气不断补充失去的溶解氧。空气是通过设在池底的布气系统供给。图13-33集中布气式浸没曝气生物滤池示意图生物接触氧化法具有下列特点:(1) 由于填料的比表面积大,池内的充氧条件良好。生物接触氧化池内单位容积的生物固体量高于活性污泥法曝气池及普通生物滤池,因此,生物接触氧化池具有较高的容积负荷;(2) 生物接触氧化法不需要污泥回流,也就不存在污泥膨胀问题,运行管理简便;(3) 由于生物固体量多,水流又属完全混合型,因此生物接触氧化池对水质水量的骤变有较强的适应能力;(4) 生物接触氧化池有机容积负荷较高时,其F/M保持在较低水平,污泥产量较低。二、生物接触氧化池的构造图1334为接触氧化池构造示意图。图13-34接触氧化池构造示意图接触氧化池的主要组成部分有池体、填料和布水布气装置。板状填料蜂窝状填料图13-35填料1) 池体反应器池体的作用是接受被处理废水,在池内的固定部位充填填料,设置曝气系统;为微生物创造适宜的环境条件;强化有机污染物的降解反应,排放处理水及污泥。反应器的结构形状,在表面上可为圆形,方形和矩形,表面尺寸以满足配水布气均匀,便于填料充填和便于维护管理等要求确定,并应尽量考虑与前处理构筑物及二沉池的表面形式相协调,以降低水头损失。反应器的高度则由填料层、配水层、布气层、填料层上的稳定水层高度及保护高度而定。同时也要考虑曝气系统的压力以及水泵的提升高度等因素。在一般情况下。填料层高度介于2.03.5m之间,多采用3Om,池底部曝气布气层高度取值060.7m,填料上稳定水层高0.50.6m,反应器总高度介于4.55.Om左右。2) 进水系统废水在接触氧化反应器内的流态,基本上为完全混合式,因此,对进水系统无特殊构造要求,可以考虑用管道直接进水,可从底部进水与空气同向流动,也可以从上部进水与空气流向相对,即逆向流系统。3)出水系统接触氧化反应器装置的处理水出流系统也比较简单,当采用同向流系统时,在池顶四周设集水堰与出水槽排放处理水,而当采用逆向流系统时,则在反应器外壁设集水环廊,并在其顶部设溢流堰与出水槽。4) 填料充填支架填料充填支架安设在反应器内的固定位置,用以安装、固定填料,安设的部位与方式则根据采用的填料类型与安装方式确定。材料可用钢材或塑料,当采用钢材时应考虑防腐措施。2接触氧化反应器的分类一般按曝气充氧和与填料接触的方式分类,就此,可分为分流式与直流式接触氧化反应器。1)分流式式接触氧化反应器对废水的充氧曝气和与填料的接触反应,分别在两个不同的隔间内进行。分流式接触氧化反应器,废水在曝气充氧隔间内进行曝气,在这里进行氧的转移过程,充氧后的废水再流经充填着填料的另一隔间,与生物膜充分接触,这种方式使废水多次反复地通过充氧与接触反应两个过程,溶解氧充足,而在接触区非常有利于微生物的生长。但这种方式在接触区水流缓慢,冲刷力小,生物膜更新缓慢,逐渐增厚易于形成厌氧层,可能产生堵塞现象,对此,在填料下部设反冲洗空气管,定期进行鼓风,对生物膜进行吹脱。日本多采用分流式接触氧化反应器。 2) 直流式接触氧化反应器又称全面曝气式接触氧化反应器,在装置和填料底部均匀地配设空气扩散装置,空气接进入填料区与生物膜接触,并对其冲刷,生物膜更新频率高,活性强并且稳定。我国一般多采用直流式接触氧化反应器。3) 接触氧化的一体化工艺系统3 填料(1) 有关填料的论述填料是生物膜的载体,是接触氧化处理工艺的核心部位,直接影响接触氧化工艺的净化功能,因此,对填料在各方面有着一定的要求,归纳起来,主要有以下各项。(a) 必须具有良好的生物膜固着性能废水通人后,填料表面能否较快地,而且是全面地为生物膜所固着、覆盖,这是选定填料的一项重要的因素。首先,填料表面粗糙度的大小是使生物膜生成与固着的重要因素之一,粗糙度大,有机污染物易于在表面滞留,微生物易于繁衍,生物膜易于形成与固着。日本专家北尾高岭曾进行过试验,他用砂纸将聚氯乙烯和聚乙烯膜片表面打磨,以增大其粗糙度,并与未打磨的膜片进行对比试验,结果判明,经打磨的表面上,生物膜的固着量明显增高。其次,生物膜主要是由作为亲水粒子的微生物所组成,因此,填料表面应是亲水的。第三,填料表面的静电作用也是生物膜形成与固着的因素。在一般情况下,微生物带有负电,对此,填料表面以带有正电为宜,而且电位越高,生物膜也越易于生成与固着。(b) 反应器内的微生物量是以单位容积上固着的生物膜量表示的,单位容积填料的表面积越大,固着的生物膜量也越多,因此,比表面积大也是选定填料的一项重要因素。(c) 充填填料后接触氧化池内的水力特性废水在接触氧化反应器内的流动必须是通畅的,阻力低,并能够比较均匀地与填料表面上的生物膜充分接触,而且不存在滞水区和死水区。影响水力特性的主要因素是填料的充填率、空隙率、比表面积及填料的形状与尺寸。填料在接触氧化池内的充填率,一般在7080左右,不宜过高和过低,过高可能影响水流的水力特性,过低则将影响生物膜量,从而使反应器的降解功能降低。空隙率与比表面积是互为影响的两项因素,从提高生物量的要求考虑,以采用比表面积较大的填料为宜,但是,这样将使空隙率降低。并带来一系列问题,空隙率降低将使水流阻力增大,这样既提高了能耗,也增加了填料堵塞的可能性;为了避免堵塞,有时需要进行反冲洗,提高反冲洗强度,能够使微型动物受到冲刷,破坏或缩短了生物膜上固有咄食物链,使污泥的产量提高,增大污泥处理的工作量,因此,填料的比表面积不宜过大。填料的形状与尺寸是影响废水在填料间流动流态的重要因素。(2) 填料应具有的条件根据前面所述,用于接触氧化反应器的填料应具备的条件,可归纳为下列各项。(a) 生物膜生成、固着性能良好;(b) 比表面积较大;(c) n空隙率高;(d) 具有一定的强度,坚固耐用;(e) 化学及生物学的稳定性强,不溶出有毒有害物质,不造成二次污染;(f) 耐腐蚀、耐老化,不变形;(g) 比重与水接近,不使水中构筑物承担过大的荷载;(h) 形状规范、尺寸均一;(i) 价格适宜、供应充分,便于安装和运输。4. 曝气(1) 曝气的作用对生物接触氧化反应器进行曝气的作用有以下各项1) 供氧在接触氧化反应器内进行的是好氧反应,有机底物降解是在好氧菌的作用下产生的,好氧微生物对有机底物的氧化以及各项生理活动都需要氧在接触氧化反应器内必须保持一定的溶解氧浓度。2) 对生物膜进行吹脱促进生物膜更新向填料鼓风曝气,填料上的生物膜受到冲刷和剪切力的作用,使衰老的生物膜及时脱落,促进生物膜的更新,使生物膜经常保持活性状态。3) 充分搅拌、加强接触、强化传质向填料鼓风曝气,使反应器内废水充分搅动,形成强烈的紊流,提高废水与生物膜的接触效果,强化有机底物和溶解氧向生物膜的传质进程。(2) 需氧量与供气量关于生物接触氧化反应器的需氧量,与活性污泥法相较,在理论探讨方面的工作还有待深入,但是,有关活性污泥处理系统在需氧量方面的数据及计算式,对接触氧化反应器都是有效可用的,只是在应用时要适当考虑接触氧化工艺的特点。其一,对活性污泥处理工艺,每去除lkgBOD5的需氧量,一般介于O.91.3kg之间,设计应用时,往往取用其中高值以策安全。接触氧化工艺可能存在下列情况,当采用直流式全面曝气时,生物膜直接受到吹脱,更新较快,部分有机底物被生物膜吸收,但未能进行氧化,生物膜即被吹脱下来,需氧量将降低,所以在应用上列数据时,可考虑取其中低值或中值。其二,对活性污泥法工艺,在曝气池出口处的处理水中溶解氧(DO)含量不得低于2mg/L,这一数据对接触氧化工艺也是适用的。这样,在进入填料区废水中的溶解氧含量应在46mg/L左右。(3)需氧量的理论计算法(4) 曝气方式与系统生物接触氧化反应器对曝气系统的总的要求是:充氧效果好,空气能够均匀地通过填料对生物膜有一定的吹脱作用,维护方便,价格适宜。前已叙及,接触氧化反应器的曝气方式有:分流式的中心曝气和一侧曝气;直流式的全面曝气等。按供气方式则有鼓风曝气、表面机械曝气及射流曝气等。我国广泛使用的是鼓风曝气的全面曝气。空气是通过空气扩散装置向填料扩散的,生物接触氧化装置对空气扩散装置要求具备的条件有:对气泡多次切割,氧的转移率高,动力效率也高,气水混合作用强,对生物膜产生一定的吹脱作用,构造比较简单,运行阻力小耗能低,不易堵塞以及价格适宜等。(5) 空气量的计算在空气扩散装置选定后,下一步的工作是确定空气量,即确定应向反应器填料层供入的空气量。a. 先计算需氧量O2。b. 为安全计,提高理论计算值,实际的需氧量R为:。R=(1.331.61)O2即实际的供氧量应较理论供氧量超出3361。 三、生物接触氧化池的设计计算生物接触氧化池工艺设计的主要内容是计算池子的有效容积和尺寸、空气量和空气管道系统。池子的有效容积的计算主要是根据有机负荷率进行,也有根据水力停留时间计算的。有机负荷率可根据试验确定或参照同类型的已投产工程取得。extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan setsdeepen. In General, periodic high priority on learning, easy to grasp and practice: recurrent learning factors, long time, prone to "sluggish". Learning programmes are explicitly required to learn education is not an event, but to highlight the normal education, differentiated levels, heart, catch a fine practice, the real party's ideological and political construction in the everyday, often. This requires that we do a good job phase focused learning based on knowledge contests, comments on rewards in the form, pay special attention to recurring studies. To handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. For any unit or individual, objectively speaking, in the process of carrying out the party Constitution Party rules and spirit, there is a problem with strong and weak, which we need to pay attention to the actual learning content, and handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. On one hand, we must always keep a humble attitude, good deal, Continue the hardening. The other hand, always keep the spirit of energetic, pegged to the weak link to find gaps, fill the short Board. Short Board issues should not be underestimated, the saying goes, have short Board, add a short. This tells us, there are weaknesses shortcomings and do not be afraid, fear is a blind eye and not to repair, the result is poor is worse and the weak weaker. United States politics home zhamusi, and Wilson and prevention crime learn experts qiaozhikailin proposed has a famous of broken window theory, that, if a building House has a fan window of glass broken has, and this fan Windows no get timely repair, others on May to broke more of window glass, time a long, these damaged of window on to people caused a disorder, and matter of feel, results in this mass errors think no attention, and no management of atmosphere Xia, some bad culture, and violations behavior on will breeding and spread. Reality life in the is such, clean of wall Shang, suddenly was posted has a Zhang ad, if didn't people management, not out days this wall Shang on will appeared greatly small many of advertising; private take mess built phenomenon is so, began circle a small block to built a small shed put things, if didn't people timely stop, he on dare built a hut live people, time long has didn't people tube, wants to tube Shi on difficult has. Therefore, the solid strong is important, a lot to learn is also important. Third, key, grasp the learning objective of education is to train a qualified party member "two" study and education to its core essence is learning and doing. Learning and doing are mutually reinforcing, if optical can't do, study leave, real learning deficiency, while sweating, wind and water, "one fishing white" became "fake words and not the mules". Learning party rules did not comply with the party Constitution, address the learning series is not used, instead, learn and do, imagine this "learning", how do you meet the eligibility requirements of party members. Therefore, the "two" basic learning, the key is in use, do, line. In particular, is a qualified party members to grasp the following three points. To strengthen "four


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