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    產能管理 (Capacity Management),1,Outline,生產環境演變與相關管理工具之關係 製造環境分類 製造規劃及控制系統架構 產能管理相關概念 粗估產能規劃(RCCP) 產能需求規劃(CRP) 投入/產出規劃及控制(I/O Planning & Control) 作業排程(Operation Sequencing) 結論,2,Competitive Priority竞争力,19501960-成本 Cost 19701980-质量 Quality 19902000-交期、柔性、服务 以及“全球化” Delivery、Flexibility、Service Global-wise,3,Competitive Priority竞争力,4,手工藝時代,大量生產,豐田生產系統,及時生產系統,零庫存生產系統,世界級製造,成本,品質,彈性,交期,1920,1950,1960,1970,1980,1990 2000,服務、創新、全球化,Planning Evolution-计划作业的发展,5,MRP 材料需求计划,MRP II 材料需求计划 2,ERP 企业资源计划,1970,1980,1990,2000,APS 先进制造系统,MRP-1960s and 70s,Material Requirements Planning-材料需求计划 Master Production Scheduling-主生产排程 Unconstrained-?,6,Demand 需求,Supply 供应,MRP II-1980s,Unconstrained-? Manufacturing Planning and Control, with manual processes to “close the loop”-制造计划和控制,人工密切跟进 Capacity Management-产能管理 Financial Integration-财务上的综合考虑,7,ERP- 1990s,An accounting-oriented information system for identifying and planning the enterprise-wide resources needed to take, make, ship, and account for customer orders. APICS dictionary-识别企业广义资源,并对其获得、使用、发货进行计划,以满足客户的订单需求,8,9,The Vision版本,The Delivery概括,MRP,MRP II,ERP,Extended ERP,Reduced inventory through “infinite” manufacturing planning-无限制造计划,减少库存,Reduced inventory, fewer stock-outs and accurate financial records through “infinite” manufacturing planning and periodic transaction processing. -通过非限制性制造计划和周期性改善减少库存并降低存货成本,Customer focused, dynamically balanced enterprise through asset optimization and real-time transaction processing.-以客户为中心,通过总优化和实时改善来协调企业资源,Customer focused, dynamically balanced value network through asset optimization and real-time transaction processing. .-以客户为中心,通过总优化和实时改善来协调各个价值链上的资源,MRP,MRP II,MRP II (plus),Supply Chain,The vision of ERP is Evolving to include the Extended Enterprise 不同版本ERP对企业资源范畴的扩展,資訊系統之演進,MRP I - 19601980 生產者導向大量生產 產品以價格及功能取勝生產成本降低 整合:MPS及BOM MRP II - 19801990 消費者導向少樣多量生產 產品以多樣化及高品質取勝生產彈性及消除浪廢 整合:製造、行銷、財務、人事、專案 ERP/SCM - 1990 消費者導向大量客製化(大规模定制) 快速反應市場需求 跨地區、跨幣別的即時、整合資訊,10,資訊系統,11,資料來源: 資策會MIC IT IS計畫,12,企業應用軟體演變趨勢,E-Business (電子企業環境) ESCM (延伸型供應鏈管理) EERP (延伸型企業資源規畫),E-Commerce (電子商務),SFA (銷售自動化),CRM (客戶關係管理),SCM (供應鏈管理),ERP (企業資源規畫),MRP (物料需求規劃),Payroll (薪資系統),GL (總帳會計),AP (應收帳款系統),AR (應付帳款系統),1970,1990,2000,EDI (電子資訊交換),Planning (計劃),Scheduling (排程),Distribution (配銷),MRP II (製造需求規劃),HR (人力資源),FMIS (財務系統),1980,資料來源:HP簡報,13,E-Business Application Architecture,Customer,Employee,Supplier,E-Procurement,Customer Relationship Management,Enterprise Applications Integration,Manufacturing Execution,Manufacturing Control,Knowledge Management,Supply Chain Management,Enterprise Resource Planning,Selling Chain Management,製造環境分類,以製造策略分類 Job Shop (零工型) Repetitive (重複型) Batch (批量型) Flow Shop (流線型) 以產品定位策略分類 Engineering-to-order Make-to-order Assemble-to-order Make-to-stock,14,製造環境,15,Repetitive production,Product,Job shop,Flow shop,Custom,Low volume differentiated,High volume differentiated,Commodity,Specialty chemicals and drugs,Aerospace,Industrial machinery,Machine tools,Electrical and electronics,Paper Containers Brewers,Automobile Tire and rubber Steel products,Major chemicals and drugs,Oil Steel Forest products,Process,Source: Taylor et al., why the Process Industries Are Differents,? Production and Inventory Management Journal, 1981.,One-of-a-kind,PERT/CPM,MRP; CRP,MRP; Line Balancing JIT,Manufacturing System Model 制造系统模块,Business Planning 商业计划,Sales Planning 销售计划,Production Planning 生产计划,MPS 主生产计划,MRP 物料需求计划,Demand Management 需求管理,Finance Planning 财政计划,Resource Requirements Planning 资源需求计划,Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗略的产能计划,Capacity Requirements Planning 产能需求计划,Purchasing 采购,Production Activity Control 生产调度,Mid Term 中期,Long-Term 长期,Short-Term 短期,Inventory Management 库存管理,Input/Output Control 投入/产出 控制,Capacity Management in MPS System MPS系统中的产能管理,17,Resource requirements planning,Rough-cut capacity planning,Capacity requirements planning,Purchasing 采购,Material requirements planning 材料需求计划,Message to BUY or MAKE,Production activity control 生产调度,Master production scheduling 主生产计划,Production Planning 生产计划,Input/Output analysis,Operation Sequencing,Capacity Planning and Control 产能计划和控制,18,Priority 优先级,Capacity 产能,Planning 计划,Control 控制,PP生产计划 MPS主生产计划 MRP材料需求计划,RRP资源需求计划 RCCP粗略产能计划 CRP产能需求计划,Input/Output Control 投入/产出 控制,Operation Sequencing 作业顺序,Capacity Definition产能定义,The rate at which work is withdraw from the system. The highest reasonable output rate which can be achieved with the current product specifications, product mix, work force, plant, and equipment. APICS dictionary,19,Capacity Management,The function of establishing, measuring, monitoring, and adjusting limits or levels of capacity in order to execute all manufacturing schedules. APICS dictionary Include capacity planning capacity control,20,Work Center and Load,Work Center A specific production facility, consisting of one or more people and/or machines, which can be considered as on unit for purposes of capacity requirements planning and detailed scheduling. APICS dictionary Load The amount of scheduled work ahead of a manufacturing facility, usually expressed in terms of hours of work or units of production. APICS dictionary,21,Wights Funnel,22,CAPACITY,LOAD,OUTPUT,Capacity and Load APICS,23,Capacity,Load,(每一作業之Setup 及 run times),加班及外包,考慮人員, 設施,之 available hours 及 Time Efficiency Rate,減項 Breaks, Downtime, Rework Absenteeism, Daily, Maintenance, Other,Capacity Planning Terms,Load,Available,Week,Hours per resource,Capacity Utilization Scenarios,Load,Available,Load,Available,Load,Available,Balanced,Underloaded,Overloaded,Determining Capacity Available,Demonstrated (Measured) Capacity产能示例 the average recent output actually achieved , is figured from historical data 最近一段时间的实际 平均产量 is defined as average output, not max output 平均产量而非最大产量 Rated (Calculated) Capacity产能率 available hours ×utilization ×efficiency 可用小时数×利用率×效率,26,Utilization利用率,27,Actual time used (run and setup) 实际运行时间 Scheduled time intended for production计划运行时间,Utilization 利用率 =,A measure of how intensively a resource is being used.,Utilization,28,Example: Breaks: 20 minutes per shift Routine maintenance: 10 minutes per shift Run time charged: 6 hours Setup time: 0.5 hour Utilization =6*60/(20+10+6*60+0.5*60)=85.71%,Efficiency效率,A measure of how closely predetermined standards are achieved.,29,Actual output (standard hours earned)实际产出 Standard output expected (scheduled)理论产出,Efficiency =,Efficiency,30,Example: Work center: 3 machines, two 8-hrs shifts, five days a week Breakdown: 12 hrs per week Utilization =(5*8*2*3-12)/(5*8*2*3)=95% records indicate that the work center produced an average of 250.8 sta. Hours of output. Efficiency =250.8/(5*8*2*3-12)=110% Capacity =250.8,Capacity Determination,31,Shift per Day Machines or Work Stations Hours per Shift Days per Week Utilization Efficiency = Standard Hours per Week,Ex: Shifts = 3 Shift Length = 8 hrs 5 Days per Week Number of Machines = 6 Machine Utilization = .8 Efficiency = .9 518.4,Rough-Cut Capacity Planning,The need for long planning horizons and the lack of specific, accurate data for many important factors make RCCP techniques more practical than detailed calculations A capacity plan should not be deferred; rough-cut approaches are very practical 粗略产能计划是必需的,在长期的预测性计划以及一些精确数据缺乏时也是非常实用的 产能计划不能拖延,并且非常的重要,32,Bill of Resource (Bill of Labor),資源清單(BOR; BOL)乃針對製造料件或零件群時,所需之主要關鍵資源的產能需求條列。 不是為了作為途程(Routing)用途。 只是一種估計特定料項所需產能的方法。,33,RCCP Procedure,Converting units of product in the MPS to standard hours of work in individual centers -主生产计划中单批产品在每个加工步骤的标准时间 To accumulate in each period in the MPS the total hours of work required to produce all products scheduled in that period -根据MPS计算所有产品总计在每个时间段的工作时间需求 no LT offsetting -不考虑生产周期的相互影响 no lot-sizing -不考虑批量大小变化的影响 no significant changes in inventories of items -不考虑后续库存变化带来的影响,34,Routing for Product X,35,Product X,SEQ Work Center Usage OP 1 1 0.1 hrs/pc OP 2 2 0.5 hrs/pc,1,2,4,3,8,7,6,5,PERIODS,Planned Order Released,Product X,100 50 80 100 40 60 90,Routing for Assy-01,36,Assy-01,SEQ Work Center Usage OP 1 2 0.2 hrs/pc OP 2 3 0.8 hrs/pc,100 50 80 200 180 40 60 90,37,Resource Load Profile,Work Center 2,0,50,100,150,200,250,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Period,Load,Others,Assy-01,Pro X,Capacity,BOM for FG,38,Item Master Files for FG,39,Routing Files for FG,40,Work Center Master Files,41,MPS for Part 100,42,RCCP-Process Time Computation,43,RCCP-BOR Computation,44,Rough Cut Capacity Requirements,45,RCCP,46,RCCP,47,RCCP,MPS,BOR,Backward and Forward Scheduling,48,OP N,OP N-1,OP 1,Forward scheduling,Backward scheduling,Order Due Date,Order Start Date,OP N-1,Infinite and Finite Loading,49,Infinite,Finite,Capacity,Capacity,CRP Definition,The function of establishing, measuring, and adjusting limits or level of capacity The process of determining in detail the amount of labor and machine resources required to accomplish the tasks of production APICS Dictionary,50,Capacity Requirements Planning,51,Capacity Requirements Planning,Planned orders,Released orders,Routing,Work center,Work center load report,Revised schedule,Manufacturing Order and Routing,Manufacturing Order (Work Order) A document, group of documents, or schedule identity conveying authority for the manufacture of specified parts or products in specified quantities. APICS dictionary Routing A set of information detailing the method of manufacture of a particular item. It includes the operations to be performed, their sequence, the various work centers to be involved, and the standards for setup and run (times). APICS dictionary,52,Inputs Needed for CRP,Open Order File Planned Order Releases Routing File operations to be performed sequence of operations work centers to be used possible alternate work centers tooling needed at each operation standard times: setup times, run times Work Center File move time, wait time, queue time Shop Calendar,53,Lead Time,Manufacturing LT queue, setup, process, wait, move Average Q (SU+RT)1+(SU+RT)2+(SU+RT)n,54,WIP,Expected Queueing Time,55,Activation,Queueing Time,0.8 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00,Assumption: M/M/1queueing system E(Q) = a/s(a-s) ; a: ave. arrival rate ; s: ave. service rate Activation = a/s,A Revised Definition of Capacity Available,Capacity available = Time available Efficiency Availability Activation Availability 1- the fraction of time down due to machine breakdown and/or absenteeism Activation 1- the fraction of down due to lack of work,56,UTILIZATION,How Load Is Determined?,The production plan long range rate of production The MPS drive MRP MRP generate planned orders released (open) orders CRP (capacity requirements planning) calculates std hours required, by W/C, by time period, based on planned and open orders,57,Load Determination,Open Orders (from order file status file maintained by production control) order due date order quantity operations completed operation remaining MRP-planned Order Releases ( from MRPs output) planned order release date planned order receipt date planned quantity,58,Data Requirements for CRP,Valid due dates on all released and planned orders Up-to-date routings and processing information Accurate standards for setup and processing time A scheduling program to handle all operations A loading program to assign work to time periods Standard queue allowances for all work centers Estimates of load due to unplanned occurrences,59,MRP for FG,60,CRP Computation,Setup time computation for planned order Run time computation for planned order Setup time computation for open order Run time computation for open order CRP load report,61,Planned Order Releases,62,Setup Time Matrices for FG,63,Run Time Matrices for FG,64,Capacity Req. of Planned Releases,65,Capacity Req. by Released Orders,66,Capacity Requirements Plan for FG,67,CRP,68,W/C Capacity vs. Average Load,The formal plan does not include all the load it will be necessary to handle new products not in the current MPS use of alternate routings and processing scrap replenishment and rework operations additional processing needed for any reason record errors resulting in additional material requirements Some of the load must remain in the center to provide the planned standard queue,69,Input/Output Control,70,Input/Output Control,Input/Output control is a method to manage queues and work-in-process lead times Input/Output Control Report,71,Definition,Planned Input Work expected to arrive by time period based on CRP constraints expressed in standard hours or other common unit of measure Planned Output Work to be reduced by time period to reduce queue, plan output greater than input make capacity available,72,Definition,Planned Queue Beginning queue + planned input - planned output week ending 06/06 : 300 + 182 - 207 = 275 week ending 06/13 : 275 + 203 - 207 = 271 continuing for each succeeding week Actual Input Work arriving at work center by time period, same unit of measure obtained from reporting systems or manual logs affected by releases to shop, flow from prior operations,73,Definition,Actual Input Work arriving at work center by time period, same unit of measure obtained from reporting systems or manual logs affected by releases to shop, flow from prior operations Actual Output Standard hours produced during each period from reporting systems or manual logs affected by resources, efficiency, workload,74,Definition,Actual Queue Begging (or prior period) queue + actual input - actual output week ending 06/06: 300 + 197 -213 = 284 verified periodically to confirm accuracy of input and output data Control measure actual to plan actual output vs. planned output actual output vs. actual input actual input vs. planned input,75,Input/Output Comparisons,Actual output planned output Queues, LT not enough input? Insufficient capacity? Actual output planned output may run out of work, excess capacity Actual input planned input may run out of work feeding w/c behind schedule, late order,76,Input/Output Comparisons,Actual input planned input work released early, queue & LT feeding w/c ahead of schedule Actual output actual input work released early, queue & LT not enough capacity Actual output actual input work released late, may run out of work feeding w/c behind schedule, idle capacity, late order,77,Dispatching Rules,First come, first served (FCFS) Earliest Job Due Date (EDD) Earliest Operation Due Date (ODD) Operation start dates Critical ratios (CR) Shortest process time (SPT) Other methods,Dispatching Rules,79,Capacity Management,80,製造環境特性,81,特性 Job Shop Repetitive/Batch 產品定位策略 Make-to-order Make-to-stock Engineer-to-order Assemble-to-order 產量 低 高 批量


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