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    金陵科技学院毕业论文英文翻译毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文译文题目: Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge Typical Disease Analysis and Design of Reinforcement学生姓名: 计佳伟 学 号: 0606110105 专 业: 土 木 工 程 所在学院: 建 筑 工 程 学 院 指导教师: 于 洪 宾 职 称: 讲 师 日期: 2010年 2 月 5日 计佳伟金陵科技学院毕业论文英文翻译金陵科技学院毕业论文英文翻译Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge Typical Disease Analysis and Design of ReinforcementAbstract: In this paper, the Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge to the typical disease detection, analysis of the causes of disease, and to propose a detailed reinforcement design for the type of bridge type of disease analysis and reinforcement design of a certain reference.1 OverviewInterchange Ramp Bridge is located in C cauda equina cauda equina exchange area, length of 652.50m, the bridge cross-combination of 5 × 25m +1 × 20m +2 × 30m +2 × 25m +5 × 25m +5 × 25m +5 × 25m +1 × 21m ; upper structure such as cross-section of prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame box girder; flat curve of minimum radius of 127.75m. Substructure for the wall piers, drilled pile foundation, integral abutment, expand base; ball bearing; bridge is located 80 joints.In a routine maintenance inspection found that emergence of multi-span box girder webs vertical cracks in floor box girder vertical and horizontal direction and diagonal cracks appeared. Diagonal cracks appeared beam web. Pier upper vertical and annular cracks appear, some of Pier lateral deviation occurs. For this reason, disease detection units conducted a special inspection, analysis of the causes of the disease, and the corresponding reinforcement design.2 Ramp Bridge Detection of Disease2.1 The test content and test methodsThe use of bridge inspection vehicle to provide a platform for the bridge on the ramp box Liang Liang body boards, web and flange panels to conduct a comprehensive examination, and Pier appearance and deviation, as well as working conditions, bearing a detailed inspection.(1) Pier and beam physical appearance test: close-mainly visual-based and found that the issue of detailed observations. Cracks found in the location of Hong Bi identified and photographed and use Gauge, crack width and depth of instrument instrument for crack length, width, depth of observation and recording.(2) supports working conditions inspections: visual damage, abnormal deformation, etc., with or without obvious signs of deformation, pad stone damage and so on. Found to have bearing deformation, displacement, etc., were used vernier caliper, pad feet etc. measurements.(3) Pier variable-bit observation: the bridge are curved bridge, the piers for the wall piers, while a high degree of both large pier. In order to ensure measurement accuracy, the deviation Pier Pier to take in each horizontal and vertical set up in front of Total Station, Pier were measured horizontal and vertical deviation.2.2 Test resultsThrough the above test to be beam body, Pier, and supports diseases, summary records are as follows:(1) Beams and Pier cracks. Diagonal web cracks in beam focused on cross-fifth, 10th cross, 11th Cross; girder webs vertical and bottom vertical, horizontal and diagonal cracks concentrated in the third cross, the fourth cross, the first 14 Cross, 17th Cross, 19th cross, 25 cross.8 Pier Top 4 5m away from the pier within the transverse cracks and vertical cracks appeared.(2) 14 bearing lateral slip occurs, the largest displacement of 4.0cm. Most bolt nut rust. One of the niche that supports the upper and lower bolt.(3) Pier maximum horizontal deviation of Pier 13-14, angle of inclination of 6.1 ; vertical deviation up to No. 6 pier, but the angle of inclination of 2.9 .3 Analysis of Disease(1) The end of the beam web of diagonal cracks appeared mainly in the fifth cross, 10th cross, 11th inter-installed by the end of the beam position of expansion joints. As the ramp bridge flat curve radius smaller composite box girder at the moment and torque under the action of expansion joints near the end of the beam web may be partially affected by the phenomenon of shear is too large, and thus give rise diagonal cracks.(2) The vertical and bottom girder webs vertical, horizontal and diagonal cracks concentrated in the third cross, 4th cross, 14th cross, 17th Cross, 19th cross, 25 cross. The emergence of these cracks, with the ramp bridge flat curve radius smaller, box girder, moment and torque combined effect clearly related, and because of the passage of overloaded vehicles, increasing the appearance of cracks.(3) Pier cracks arise mainly from the top of the 4 5m in the Department, this is because the bridge will be part of a continuous rigid frame structure, the piers in the overall coordination of deformation force after the pier from the pier top and bottom about 1 / 3 by the power the most, so that the site easy to cracking phenomenon occurs.4 Structural reinforcementFor a typical disease of the bridge appeared, after repeated checking, taking into account experience of other similar bridges reinforced, the following reinforcement.4.1 Superstructure Reinforcement(1) C ramp Pier No. 5 to No. 4 top-side box girder pier on both sides of web 10 to the top of Pier No. 9, on both sides of pier-side box girder webs, on the 10th to the pier top 11 on both sides of pier-side box girder web, need to adopt CFRP reinforcement.(2) The reinforcement of the range of 3m by end of the beam section of the entire web, vertical and vertical 30cm wide and carbon fiber cloth are used, spacing 20cm.4.2 Replacement Bearing(1) the need for bearing replacement pier No.: C Ramp Bridge Pier 15, Pier 14, by side. Replaced the original bearing a single, bi-directional sliding pot rubber bearings, vertical to the flat curve of the inside of the bridge to replace GPZ (II) 2.5DX, the outer curve replaced GPZ (II) 2.5SX.(2) A temporary pier top reinforced top beam fulcrum.4.3 substructure reinforcementThe analysis considered pairs of C ramp 10, 15, 20, pier substructure reinforcement. Substructure strengthening in three areas:(1) pier reinforcement.As a vase style of the original pier pier, pier in the lower part of the body size of 200cm × 120cm, and with 25cm × 15cm chamfered rectangular cross-section segment of the upper half portion of 410cm tall vase style widened section of pier top plane size is 400cm × 140cm, and with 10cm × 6cm chamfer. Pier reinforcement symmetrical reinforcement, the vertical center line of the old and new piers coincidence. Reinforced in the lower part of the pier size of 360cm × 180cm, and with 25cm × 15cm chamfered rectangular cross-section segment of the upper half portion of 410cm tall vase style widened section of pier top plane size is 560cm × 180cm, and with 25cm × 15cm chamfer.In the pier around the various surface to 40cm × 40cm spacing of about implant ordinary shear reinforcement, the lashing pier reinforcement steel bars, paragraph by paragraph, poured concrete piers. In the pier below the top 15cm spacing of planting two rows of vertical uplift steel, horizontal spacing of 30cm. Anchorage should be clear after the end of the whole, be part of the steel reinforcement and concrete construction.(2) pile cap reinforcement.Of the original pier caps for both vertical and horizontal bridge to 320cm, thick 200cm rectangular caps, reinforced thick pile cap dimensions as follows: cross-bridge to the long-1120cm, vertical bridge to the width 380cm, thickness 250cm. Underside of the old and new caps with the elevation, vertical centerline coincides, for symmetrical layout.Cross-bridge to the side of the original slab of concrete cutting, inter 20cm thick, exposed cross-bridge to the bottom of pile cap reinforcement and reinforcement with reinforcement parts such as strong double-sided welding. The original slab top surface and vertical side of the bridge to the full cutting hair, so that the old and new concrete can be linked closely together, a common force, and the vertical to the side of the bridge to the spacing of about 30cm × 30cm implanted ordinary shear reinforcement.(3) The pile reinforcement.Of the original bridge bearing the audience pile diameter of 180cm for the single pile, pile in the original piers on each side of the centerline of cross-bridge to set up two 450cm diameter 120cm fill the pile, and the corresponding reinforcement part of the pile cap.(4) The substructure reinforcement points. pier and pile cap construction considerations.a. anchorage hole should try to use a small vibration technology, implanted depth should be larger than 12d, the reinforced hole diameter of 25mm diameter 32mm, diameter 20mm steel and drill diameter 28mm, drilling should be avoided when of the original structure of steel, if the drill steel eye position and touching the original structure would be appropriate to moving drill conspicuous location 1 2cm, in order to guarantee not to damage the original structure of steel. After the end of each hole should be as soon as possible anchorage of work.b. planting anchor tendons before drilling to use clear brush and clean compressed air hole, and meet the anchorage requirements of drying, anti-pull planting Anchorage on the glue used in the design reference use Hilti HY-150 steel fixed chemical adhesives require 200C within 10min gel time, curing time of less than 1h. Drilling anchorage should be professionals to operate, and the glue to bond with anti-pull test, validate gel and curing time, qualified only after normal use, anchorage after the end of the whole should be clear.c. piers and pile caps of the original structure of the surface to fully cutting hair, so that the old and new concrete can be linked closely together, a common force. Pile Foundation Construction considerations.a. Pile construction requirements steel casing into rock face, the whole process of adoption of swing drill drilling, reverse circulation suction slurry process, the construction process to avoid soil pile to create vibrations.b. pile into the breeze at the end of the length of rock surface into the rock surface should wide cross-section of not less than 1.5 times the pile diameter, pile at the end of sediment and no larger than 3cm.c. Pile in Zhu Jin needs welding, each section the number of joints should not exceed 50% of the Zhu Jin, welding using double-sided welding, weld length of not less than 5d.5 ConclusionThe highway bridge, the ramp bridges most prone to disease, and disease in the form of numerous and miscellaneous, ramp bridge, mostly with a slope of curved bridges, disease detection of multi-bridge inspection vehicle to be used or scaffolding carried out, therefore difficult to find disease, The typical diseases through the analysis of this article can be observed for other diseases, and ramp to provide learning reinforcement.高速公路互通匝道桥典型病害分析及加固设计方案探讨摘要:本文通过对高速公路互通匝道桥进行典型病害检测,分析病害成因,并提出详细的加固设计方案,为该类桥型的病害分析及加固设计提供一定的借鉴。 1 概述     马尾互通C匝道桥位于马尾互通区内,全长652.50m,桥跨组合5×25m+1×20m+2×30m+2×25m+5×25m+5×25m+5×25m+1×21m;上部结构为等截面预应力砼连续刚构箱梁;平曲线最小半径为127.75m。下部结构为墙式桥墩、钻孔灌注桩基础、整体式桥台、扩大基础;球型支座;桥面设80型伸缩缝。    在例行养护检查中发现,多跨箱梁腹板出现竖向裂缝,箱梁底板出现纵横向和斜向裂缝。梁端腹板出现斜向裂缝。墩柱上部出现竖向和环状裂缝,部分墩柱横向出现偏位。为此,检测单位对病害进行了专项检测,对病害成因进行分析,并提出相应的加固设计方案。     2 匝道桥病害检测情况     2.1 检测内容和检测方法     利用桥检车提供的平台,对匝道桥箱梁梁体底板、腹板和翼缘板等进行全面检查,并对墩柱外观和偏位,以及支座工作状况进行详细的检测。     (1) 墩柱和梁体外观检测:近距离主要以目测为主,发现问题进行详细观察。发现裂缝的位置,红笔标识并拍照,并用刻度尺、裂缝宽度仪和深度仪对裂缝长度、宽度、深度进行观测及记录。     (2) 支座工作状况检查:目测破损、异常变形等情况,有无明显的变位痕迹、垫石破损等情况。如发现支座有变形、位移等,分别用游标卡尺、垫尺等进行量测。     (3) 墩柱的变位观测:该桥属于曲线桥,桥墩为墙式桥墩,同时桥墩高度均较大。为保证测量的精度,墩柱的偏位采取在每个墩柱横向和纵向的正前方架设全站仪,分别测量墩柱的横向和纵向偏位。     2.2 检测结果     通过以上检测,得到梁体、墩柱和支座病害,简要记录如下:     (1) 梁体和墩柱裂缝。梁端腹板斜向裂缝主要集中于第五跨、第十跨、第十一跨;梁体腹板竖向和底板纵向、横向和斜向裂缝主要集中于第三跨、第四跨、第十四跨、第十七跨、第十九跨、二十五跨。     8根墩柱距墩顶45m范围内出现横向裂缝和竖向裂缝。     (2) 14个支座出现横向滑移,最大位移量为4.0cm。大部分螺栓螺母锈蚀。其中一个支座上下螺栓卡位。    (3) 墩柱横向偏位最大为13、14号墩,倾斜度为6.1;纵向偏位最大为6号墩,但倾斜度为2.9。     3 病害原因分析     (1) 梁端腹板出现斜向裂缝,主要集中于第五跨、第十跨、第十一跨等安装伸缩缝的梁端位置。由于匝道桥平曲线半径较小,箱梁在弯矩和扭矩复合作用下,伸缩缝附近的梁端腹板可能出现局部受剪过大现象,从而出现斜向裂缝。     (2) 梁体腹板竖向和底板纵向、横向和斜向裂缝主要集中于第三跨、第四跨、第十四跨、第十七跨、第十九跨、二十五跨。这些裂缝的出现,与匝道桥平曲线半径较小、箱梁的弯矩和扭矩复合作用明显有关,并由于超载车辆的通行加剧裂缝的出现。     (3) 墩柱裂缝主要产生在距顶部45m处,这是由于该桥属于连续刚构结构,桥墩在整体受力协调变形后,在距墩顶和墩底约1/3处受力最大,从而该部位易出现开裂现象。     4 结构加固方案     针对该桥出现的典型病害情况,经过反复的验算,参照其它类似桥梁的加固经验,提出以下加固方案。     4.1 上部结构加固     (1) C匝道5号墩顶向4号墩侧箱梁两侧腹板、10号墩顶向9号墩侧箱梁两侧腹板、10号墩顶向11号墩侧箱梁两侧腹板,需要采用碳纤维布加固。     (2) 加固范围为靠梁端3m区段整腹板,纵向及竖向均采用30cm宽碳纤维布,间距20cm。     4.2 更换支座     (1) 需要进行支座更换的墩号为:C匝道桥15号墩靠14号墩侧。将原支座更换为单、双向滑动盆式橡胶支座,纵桥向平面曲线内侧更换为GPZ(II)2.5DX,曲线外侧更换为GPZ(II)2.5SX。     (2) 在加固后墩顶设置临时顶梁支点。     4.3 下部结构加固方案     经分析考虑,对C匝道10号、15号、20号墩下部结构进行加固。下部结构加固分三个方面:     (1) 墩身的加固。     原桥墩身为花瓶式墩,墩身中下部尺寸为200cm×120cm并设有25cm×15cm倒角的等截面矩形段,上半部分为410cm高的花瓶式变宽段,墩顶平面尺寸为400cm×140cm并设有10cm×6cm倒角。墩身的加固为对称加固,新老墩身竖向中心线重合。加固后的墩身中下部尺寸为360cm×180cm并设有25cm×15cm倒角的等截面矩形段,上半部分为410cm高的花瓶式变宽段,墩顶平面尺寸为560cm×180cm并设有25cm×15cm倒角。     在墩身四周各面,以40cm×40cm左右的间距植入普通剪力筋后,绑扎加固墩身钢筋,逐段浇筑墩身砼。在墩身顶面以下竖向15cm间距种植两排抗拔钢筋,横向间距为30cm。植筋结束后应进行清整,方可进行加固部分的钢筋及砼的施工。     (2) 承台的加固。     原桥墩承台为纵横桥向均为320cm、厚200cm的矩形承台,加固厚的承台尺寸为:横桥向长1120cm,纵桥向宽380cm、厚250cm。新旧承台底面同标高,竖向中心线重合,为对称布置。     将原承台横桥向侧面砼凿除20cm厚,露出横桥向承台底面钢筋,并将其与加固部分钢筋双面等强焊接。将原承台顶面及纵桥向侧面充分凿毛,使新旧砼能结合紧密,共同受力,并在纵桥向侧面以30cm×30cm左右的间距植入普通剪力筋。     (3) 桩基的加固。     原桥承台下桩基为单根直径180cm桩基,在原桥墩桩基中心线横桥向两侧各450cm补设两根直径120cm的桩基,与加固部分承台对应。     (4) 下部结构加固要点。     墩身及承台的施工注意事项。     a.植筋钻孔应尽量采用小的振动工艺,植入深度应大于12d,直径为25mm的钢筋钻孔直径为32mm,直径为20mm的钢筋钻孔直径为28mm,钻孔时要避开原结构钢筋,若钻眼位置与原结构钢筋相碰,可适当挪动钻眼位置12cm,以保证不损伤原结构钢筋。每个钻孔结束后应尽快安排植筋工作。     b.种植锚筋前,钻孔要用刷子及清洁压缩空气清孔,并满足植筋的干燥要求,抗拔种植锚筋所用的胶剂,设计参考采用喜利得HY-150化学粘合剂固定钢筋,要求200C凝胶时间10min以内,固化时间1h以内。钻孔植筋应由专业人员操作,并对所用胶剂进行粘结抗拔试验,验证凝胶和固化时间,合格后,方可正常使用,植筋结束后,应进行清整。     c.墩身及承台原结构表面要充分凿毛,使新旧混凝土能结合紧密,共同受力。     桩基施工注意事项。     a.桩基施工要求钢护筒落入岩面,全过程采用回旋钻钻孔,反循环吸浆工艺,施工过程中避免对桩周土体产生震动。     b.桩底进入微风化岩面长度应全截面进入岩面不少于1.5倍桩径,桩底沉渣不得大于3cm。     c.桩内主筋需要焊接时,每个断面接头数不应超过主筋的50%,焊接采用双面焊接,焊缝长度不小于5d。     5 结束语     在高速公路桥梁中,匝道桥最容易出现病害,且病害的形式多而杂,匝道桥多为带坡度的弯桥,病害的检测多要采用桥检车或搭脚手架进行,故病害不易发现,通过本文的典型病害分析,可以为其它匝道病害的观测和加固提供借鉴。- 9 - 计佳伟


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