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    synchronous backup software does not respond to the rest of the data to be modified. In order to ensure maximum server exception, saving some data, synchronization of real-time backup software should have high, that delay does not exceed 1 minute. Offsite backups that must be supported across network segments. In accordance with the above requirements for development our dedicated backup software. After development, wing that opened in salt on high speed test results meet the design requirementsWith the passing of time, it is preparing source Huan of Hubei industrial investment company limited factory close to the planning of the day looks like, planning human ideals gradually into an entity, spread out before us. Security plan enters the deployed State. After listening to your business objective for the leaders of security, I quickly people with loyalty to the cause of security, as well as previous security experience, combined with peer pioneers of success stories or experiences. Border security on your business ideas and suggestions to make as follows: 1.1 after careful analysis of a blueprint of the enterprise, taking into account your enterprise factory boundary: 540.65M x 234.24M rectangular site. 1.2 scope for such dachangqu, I recommend the solid border security deployment, for a range of reasons, whether we use infrared radiation, electronic fences, alarm had done there, where the response. Because the factory could not spend a great deal of manpower cost to post three steps, five steps and a whistle. As we all know, under the current form of human resources costs much higher than the cost of all scientific and technological input. In order to better achieve the goal of planners, as well as for Active solid border defense work. We recommend that you use infrared radiation or linkage of electronic fences with video security deployment to achieve security goals. 1.3 in accordance with the device on the wall of the compound properties and parameters to a reasonable plan to install the infrared radiation equipment or fences and electronic equipment as well as video surveillance equipment, the specific needs of the equipment and materials quantities we will detail later. 1.4 the programme according to your company's site to see and listen to the leadership proposal, and in accordance with the actual needs of the project, with reference to the relevant international standards and national standards, combined with the experience accumulated by the company engaged in multiple projects, prepare the technology package. If the contents or any other aspect of the programme has not detailed where we welcome your valuable comments. Second, the design principles of the project design follows technology advanced, functional, stable and cost-saving principles. And considering construction, maintenance and operation, and for future development, expansion, reconstruction and other factors leave room for expansion. Design elements of the system is the systematic, integrated and comprehensive; design has the scientificity, reasonability and operability. Its has following principles: 2.1, and advanced and applicability used currently most advanced of soft, and hardware and the network technology, errors rate low, compatible sex strong, upgrade easy, used module type structure, expansion convenient, no repeat construction investment, system of technology performance and quality index should reached international leading level; while, system of installation debugging, and software programming and operation using and should simple, easy master, for China conditions and this project of features. Set the number of advanced technology in a the systems, reflects the current level of the latest development of computer and network technology, adapted to the requirements of the times. While the system is the system used for various management levels, its functions are configured to provide the user with comfortable, safe, fast and convenient to3.1, the intelligent building design standards (GB/t 50314-2000) 3.2, the design standard for intelligent building systems engineering (DB32/191-1998) 3.3, the code大板铜精炼技改电解液净化工程电气安装工程施工方案1、 工程概况1.1 供配电系统工程1.1.1大板铜精炼技改电解液净化工程,由净化浓缩、净化结晶 、净化水泵房(附设低压配电室)、净化盐水机组冷却水泵房四部分子单位工程组成。净化供配电采用TN-S系统放射型供电方式,子单位工程三相五线制380V220V电源引自净化水泵房低压总配电室;1.1.2 子单位工程均设有低压配电室供电系统; 1.2 电气动力安装工程1.2.1动力电源电缆均采用YGC-YJV-1KV电缆,控制电缆均采用YGC-KVV-500V电缆,沿电缆桥架敷设、桥架外穿管或穿PE管保护敷设;1.2.2 电缆标注敷设和安装方式的文字符号SC: 穿焊接钢管敷设,CT:沿桥架敷设;PC:穿PE塑料管敷设;FC:暗敷设在地面或地板内;WC:暗敷设在墙内;1.2.3 所有的明配管均采用PE塑料管,埋地管采用SC钢管,外露部分采用不锈钢管;1.2.4单梁吊起重机安装a净化浓缩厂房 +10.00,5t电动葫芦电气安装,单极安全滑线安装,老浓缩厂房滑线拆安; b、净化结晶镍厂房 ±0.00,2t电动葫芦电气安装, ±15.00,10t电动葫芦电气安装;c、净化水泵房 ±4.50,2t电动葫芦电气安装,单极安全滑线安装;1.3防雷及接地系统1.3.1 本工程防雷等级为三类,采用10镀锌圆钢做避雷接闪器; 1.3.2 利用建筑物基础内钢筋网做接地体将基础结构主筋通长焊接成基础接地网;1.3.3 防雷接地和电气设备的保护接地共用接地极;R1欧。1.3.4 凡不带电金属部件,电气设备金属外壳均应可靠接地。2、施工准备2.1 由技术负责人组织施工人员认真熟悉施工图纸及相关设计文件、标准规范,掌握设计意图及设计要求,对图纸中所选用的电气设备和主要材料进行统计。做好施工图纸的审查、会审,参加设计交底及图纸会审;2.2 按施工作业计划备齐施工用料及施工机具;2.3 与供应部及生产技术部一起进行工程设备及材料的检验工作,要求设备、材料的规格、型号、数量应与图纸一致,附件、设备、质量合格证及技术文件齐全,同时应符合规范要求,并作好检验记录;2.4 根据工程特点,组织学习安全规程及规章制度,开工前对施工人员进行安全技术交底;2.5 施工前参与生产技术部组织的工序交接,核实土建工程是否达到电气施工要求,内容如下:2.5.1 屋顶、楼板施工完毕,不得渗漏;2.5.2室内地面的基层施工完毕,并在墙上标出地面标高;2.5.3 预埋件及预留孔位置符合设计要求,预埋件应牢固;2.5.4配电室门窗安装完毕,具备封闭条件;2.5.5设备安装后不能再有可能损坏已安装设备的装饰工作;2.5.6混凝土及基础构架达到允许安装的强度,设备支架焊接质量应符合设计要求;2.5.7 施工设施及杂物需清除干净,并有足够的安装用地,施工道路通畅;3、主要安装工程量;施工机具计划序号名称型号规格单位数量1低压配电柜GGD2台202低压配电柜GXLL2(改)台13PLC控制柜GGD2台14控制箱台445动力检修箱台96照明配电箱台77灯具各种规格套1608玻璃钢桥架200*100、400*200米3909单梁吊起重机台410保护管米320011吊车Q=8t台112吊车Q=16t台113载重汽车5t台214载重汽车8t台115手拉葫芦1t/2t台8/316弯管机2970台117砂轮切割机250台218钻床61319钻床2520电动剪切机台121母线煨弯机手动自制22电锤0.6KW23交流焊机台224角向磨光机台625对讲机套126电缆放线架套427接地电阻测试仪只128高压绝缘摇表只229电气系统调试仪表套14、主要劳动力需要计划工种等级人数电工四级以上10人钳工合格10人电调工合格4人电焊工合格3人3人起重工合格4人外协工合格15人5、主要施工方法和技术组织措施5.1 主要施工顺序安排:施工准备 主要设备、材料进场验收 防雷接地系统安装配合土建预留洞孔、预埋导管 安装前对土建条件进行检查确认 动力、现场控制箱等电气设备安装 导管、桥架贯通 电缆、铜母排等电路敷设安装 照明安装 检查接线、线路连接 电气交接实验、调整试车5.2主要施工方法5.2.1接地装置安装a、明敷接地应便于检查,在直线段不应有高低起伏及弯曲;b、接地体顶面埋设深度应符合设计要求,当无埋设要求时,顶部距地面不小于0.6m,角钢接地体应垂直配置,间距不应小于5m;c、接地体(线)的焊接应采用搭接焊,搭接长度符合要求;d、接地体敷设完毕,基坑回填土不应有石块和建筑垃圾等。5.2.2 盘柜安装a、盘柜在吊装、搬运过程中要固定牢靠,防止磕碰,避免元件、仪表等油漆损坏;b、盘柜组安装后,盘面每米高垂直度应小于1.5mm,相邻两盘顶部水平偏差应小于2mm,成列安装时,盘顶部水平偏差应小于5mm;c、盘柜接地应牢固良好;d、引入电缆应排列整齐、编号清晰,避免交叉并固定牢固,不得使端子额外受力;e、盘柜内电缆芯线按直或水平有规律配置,不得任意歪斜交叉连接,备用芯线长度有余量;5.2.3 电气设备检查接线a、电气设备可接近裸露导体,必须接地;b、电气设备安装牢固,防水防潮电气设备的接口及接线盒等做密封处理;c、设备接线盒内裸露的不同相导线间和导线对地间最小距离应大于8mm,否则应采取绝缘防护措施;d、电气设备的绝缘电阻值应大于0.5;5.2.4 母线安装a、母线表面应光洁平整,不应有裂纹、折皱、夹杂物及变形和扭曲现象,并应矫正平直,切断面平整,无毛刺;b、相同布置的母线,引下线应对称一致,横平竖直,整齐美观;c、母线接头螺孔的直径宜大于螺栓直径1mm,钻孔应垂直,不歪斜,螺孔间中心距离的误差为±0.5mm;d、母线的接触面加工必须平整、清洁、无氧化膜,螺栓孔周边无毛刺;e、母线各类搭接连接的钻孔直径和搭接长度符合规范要求;f、母线支架与预埋件采用焊接固定时,焊缝应饱满;采用胀栓固定时,选用螺栓适配,连接牢固;g、母线平置时,贯穿螺栓应由下往上穿,其余情况下,螺母应置于维护测,螺栓长应宜露出螺母23扣;焊接前对口平直,其弯折偏移不应大于0.2%;中心线偏移不应大于0.5mm.对口间隙24mm,65°75°坡口,1.52mm顿边厚;h、母线应尽量减少对接焊缝,对接尽量采用螺栓连接,对接焊接支持绝缘母线夹板边缘不应小于50mm,相同母线不同片上的对接焊缝,应错开位置不少于50mm;i、焊接接头表面应无肉眼可见的裂纹、凹陷、缺肉、未焊透、气孔、夹渣等缺陷;j、咬边深度不得超过母线厚度的10%,且其总长度不得超过焊缝总长度的20%;k、母线涂色:交流,A相黄色,B相绿色,C相红色;在连接处或支持件边缘两侧10mm以内不涂色;5.2.5 桥架安装a、桥架安装横平竖直,整齐美观,支持水平间距1.5m,垂直间距不大于2m;b、桥架连接板螺栓固定紧固无遗漏,螺母位于桥架外侧;c、支架与预埋件焊接固定处,焊缝饱满,螺栓固定处连接紧固,防松零件齐全;5.2.6 电缆敷设a、电缆敷设前,必须经绝缘测试合格后,方可进行;b、电缆敷设时,应排列整齐,不宜交叉,要加以固定并装设标志牌;c、电缆终端上应有明显的相色标志,且应与系统的相位相一致;d、金属电缆支架、电缆套管必须接地可靠;e、电缆敷设严禁有拧绞、护层断裂和表面严重划伤等缺陷;5.2.7 塑料管敷设a、塑料管管口应平整、光滑、管与管、管与盒(箱)之间应采用插入法连接,连接处结合面应涂胶合剂,接口应牢固密封;b、明配硬塑料管应排列整齐、固定点间距应均匀;c、塑料管弯曲处及至设备接口需采用波纹管密封;5.2.8 金属管敷设a、金属管必须接地(零)可靠;b、暗配的导管埋设深度符合规定,明配的导管应排列整齐、固定点间距均匀,安装牢固;c、钢管安装时,弯曲半径不小于管外径的6倍,明配一个弯时,弯曲半径不小于管外径的4倍,二个弯时,弯曲半径不小于管外径的6倍;d、金属管至设备接口接口采用波纹管密封;e、暗敷钢管套丝或套箍连接,套管用电焊焊接,管口不应有毛刺;f、所有钢管始终端应焊有M10的镀锌螺栓1个,并于接地母线相连;5.2.9 灯具安装a、灯具固定牢固可靠,重量大于3kg时固定在螺栓和支架上;b、灯具距地面高度小于2.4m时,灯具可接近裸露导体必须接地可靠,引向灯具的导线线芯满足规范要求;c、灯具及其配件齐全,无机械损伤、变形、灯罩破裂等缺陷;d、低压配电设备及裸母线正上方不应安装灯具;5.2.10 安全滑线安装a、安全滑线连接应平直,支架安装牢固;b安全滑线之间的距离应一致,其中心线应与行车轨道的实际中心线保持平行,其偏差应小于10mm,滑线之间的水平偏差或垂直偏差小于10mm.5.3主要设备进场计划序号名称型号规格单位数量要求进场时间1低压配电柜GGD2台202.152低压配电柜GXLL2(改)台12.153PLC控制柜GGD2台12.154控制箱台442.155动力检修箱台92.156照明配电箱台72.157灯具各种规格套1602.158玻璃钢桥架200*100、400*200米3902.159单梁吊起重机台4同机械设备10保护管米32002.015.4施工区域平面布置图5.5质量控制措施5.5.1 本工程质量目标平行于建安公司质量管理体系质量目标:工程验收合格率达100%;5.5.2 分公司质量管理机构职能图示(见下图)分公司经理 配置人力资源、基础设施,组织施工方案, 组织质量自检,协调各岗位质量职责等分公司主管 分解落实质量目标,执行标准规范、施工方案,组织 副经理 物资验证、质量检查,督促做好质量记录等 质量检查,质量验收评定,填写记录,整理交工资料等质检员核对图纸,解决问题,提物资计划,指导施工,质量检查,填写验收记录等技术员按方案及技术交底施工,组织物资验证,督促班组自检,做好记录等施工员 按标准、规程施工,组织自检,反映材料、设备、施工质量问题,施工设备使用维护,参与质量验收,填写原始记录等班组长组织物资进场,验证、标识,建立台帐,回收余料标识建台帐,库存材料清理检查等材料员 按图纸交底施工,作好原始记录,检查反映质量问题,及时整改发现问题,正确使用、保管图纸等技术资料操作者 5.5.3 本工程执行的标准、规范电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范 GB50169-92电气装置安装工程母线装置施工及验收规范GBJ149-90电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准GB50150-91电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50168-92电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范GB50171-9235KV及以下电缆敷设 03D101-5 电气装置安装工程低压电气施工及验收规范 GB50254-96电气装置安装工程起重机电气装置施工及验收规范GB50256-96建筑电气施工质量验收规范 GB50303-2002施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-20055.6主要质量控制程序序号程序名称操作内容责任人1YSJA/CX-423文件控制程序标准规范、图纸使用控制分公司文管员技术交底编制、施工方案编制分公司技术员技术交底发放、保管分公司文管员2YSJA/CX-62人力资源控制程序提出人力资源需求,并引进分公司经理3YSJA/CX-63基础设施控制程序提出要求,组织基础设施进场,安装、使用、维护、退场分公司副经理4YSJA/CX-64工作环境控制程序工作环境识别,检查分公司副经理操作规程、安全生产分公司安全员文明施工班组长5YSJA/CX-72与顾客有关的过程控制程序顾客沟通,信息收集有关责任人6YSJA/CX751施工和服务提供的控制程序组织施工,技术交底,参与工程验收有关责任人7YSJA/CX-74-1材料采购控制程序编写材料计划,报批技术员材料验证、验收、保管、发放材料员8YSJA/CX-753标识和可追溯性控制程序外来物资标识材料员通过施工记录和质量记录对施工半成品标识施工员9YSJA/CX-824-1外来物质监视和测量控制程序材料验证、入库、材质证明收集材料员工程设备开箱验证(会同生产技术部)施工员10YSJA/CX-824-2施工半成品的监视和测量控制程序工序质量自检,工序交接检,质量评定,质量记录填写施工员技术员班组长11YSJA/CX-824-3工程成品的监视和测量控制程序竣工自检,收集资料,预验整改施工员技术员副经理6、安全环境措施针对工程施工实际情况及环境条件,本工程需采取如下安全措施:6.1按照安全施工责任制及规章制度,各负其责,针对具体施工条件,搞好安全技术交底。6.2 执行建安安装工人安全技术操作规程规定6.3架梯、脚手架使用前必须经检查确认安全后方可使用,梯子使用时摆放稳定,与地面夹角以60°-70°的范围内为宜,禁止两人同时在梯子上作业。6.4 现场安装必须等玻璃钢干燥后才能动电火焊,并且和土建玻璃钢配制现场隔离至少5m,空气中玻璃钢丙酮挥发气体浓度高时,严禁电火焊,实施电火焊时,必须采取防火措施。6.5进入现场施工及管理人员正确佩戴安全帽,高空作业人员要正确佩戴安全带。6.6 现场施工用电必须设置漏电保护,在密闭容器或钢容器内采用 以下行灯照明。6.7夜间操作和加班作业要增加照明设施和设专人监护。6.8 现场的孔洞要加以留意识别,防止踩空,造成人身伤害。6.9现场定期检查,并如实记录,对有关违章人员按公司有关规定通报、处罚、教育、整改,违章作业必须停工。6.10现场需配备干粉及CO2灭火器,发生电气火灾要迅速断电和扑救,并及时通报。6.11 现场材料堆放整齐,设备清洁,施工完后清理现场,做到文明施工 。for engineering design of generic cabling system for city residential buildings (CECS/119-2000) 3.4, code for design of buildings and campus cable systems engineering (GB/T50311-2000) 3.5, the code for electrical design of civil buildings (JGJ/ T16-92) 3.6, the code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering technology (GB/50198-94) 3.7, the types of system earthing and safety technical requirements (GB14050-93) 3.8, of the security engineering procedures and requirements (GA/T75-94) 3.9, the rules of security engineering acceptance (GA/T308-2001) 3.10, the industrial design of TV system code (GBJ 115) 3.11, the Security checks prevention system pass for graphics symbol (GA/74-94) 3.12, and fire linkage control equipment General technology conditions (GB 16806-1997) four, and system function and features in system both advanced, and practical, and mature, and reliable, and do system open, and can extended sex good, both investment reasonable, and benefits best of purpose, border security alarm system on site equipment for concentrated monitored, and control and management, makes these equipment to security, and reliable, and efficient to run, Maximize intelligent management role to create a safe, healthy, comfortable and pleasant, and to improve the efficiency of a good environment and save energy, and reduce maintenance personnel. According to the project's environmental needs, and engagement functions to establish the project boundary security alarm system, in a Word, this boundary is a project of the security alarm system is highly automated and efficient hospitality for a comfortable, convenient, and highly secure environment. Five, scheme design based on design principles, design specifications and according to international and domestic standards, and in accordance with user needs, as well as drawings and related information provided by, and joining the project's actual situation and future development trends, border security alarm systems for the project design. 5.1. principle of system and burglar alarm system from detectors, regional directors, and the alarm control centre composed of three parts. Its principles as in the following chart: detectors for burglar alarm system is inside and outside the building in key areas, important places, protection, when the probe to illegal invaders, the signal transmitted to the alarm control: sound and light alarm, display address, about the person on duty after receiving the alarm, take measures according to the situation, to control the development of the situation. Anti-theft alarm system alarm function in addition to the above, there is linkage function. Such as: open the alarm light (including infrared lamp), interactive audio and video matrix controller, switch on the alarm camera on the spot, matrix controller TV series of control: monitor displays an image, video footage, multimedia controller automatic or human . 8.1 the "three guarantees" period warranty 1, warranty 1) service period from date of acceptance of engineering, a 1-year warranty, warranty processing is completed within the response time is 48 hours. 2) service within the warranty period, we all accessories unconditional warranty for all equipment and replacement, all parts for all equipment (including all machine parts) maintenance and parts are free and provide on-site cleaning, test equipment services. During the warranty period, all equipment repair and maintenance services for on-site services, the resulting fees are waived. Free for system expansion, upgrade-related technical support services. 3) system warranty contact information to provide users with free technical advice, detailed answer to any problem in the system, to "ask, answers will come detail." In the users if unable to solve the problems by themselves, directly by telephone, fax, Internet, letter, such as getting in touch with my company (which ca


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