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    毕业设计外文资料翻译系 部: 专 业: 土木工程(路桥) 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处: 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文路沥青路面平整度原影响高速公因分析与对策在高速公路建设中,由于沥青路面具有表面平整、行车舒适、耐磨抗滑、低噪声、施工周期短、维修简便等特点,而被广泛应用。人们乘车在高速公路上行驶,平整度能直接反映高速公路通车后的整体效果,是体现路面使用品质与行车舒适性的最直接的外观指标。我公司在沪宁高速公路和南京机场高速公路沥青路面施工过程中,严密组织,精心施工,使路面平整度均方差分别达到0.68和0.55的较高水平,圆满地完成了争创国优的目标。本文结合施工实践就影响沥青路面平整度的原因进行分析,并提出相应对策。1、基层施工质量的影响以往“基层不平面层调,下层不平上层找”的老方法,对平整度要求很高的高速公路来说是根本行不通的。如规范允许基层顶面偏差10mm,当用沥青混合料将10mm低洼处填平时,尽管表面是铺平了,但该处多出的10mm松厚经压实后仍会出现低洼现象,其深度为10-(101.2)1.7mm(1.2为沥青混合料平均压实系数)。如误差大于10mm则不平整度将更大,由此可见基层顶面的平整度对沥青面层的平整度影响可谓举足轻重。1.1重视基层平整,厂拌混合料摊铺机铺筑二灰碎石半刚性基层的施工,过去习惯采用平地机作业,它的缺点是高程、厚度难以控制,且反复找平表面容易离析,同时混合料浪费也多。沪宁和机场高速公路业主按新规范标准,提出了混合料集中厂拌、进口摊铺机铺筑的高要求,之所以强调进口摊铺机主要原因是它能保证所铺混合料均匀、表面平整,高程、纵横坡、厚度等指标能满足设计要求。实践证明进口ABG型摊铺机铺筑效果最佳,而国产摊铺机几次试铺均未成功。对设计厚度超过30cm者可分二层铺筑,摊铺宽度控制在68m时平整度效果较好。1.2控制混合料的最大粒径及含水量为提高基层平整度及方便摊铺机铺筑,基层混合料集料最大粒径宜适当减小。因为集料粒径越大,混合料越易产生离析,且对搅拌、摊铺设备的磨损也大。因此,适当减小集料最大粒径,有利于摊铺机作业和基层顶面平整度的提高。另外,混合料施工含水量的控制亦十分重要,含水量过小影响结构的板体形成,含水量过大碾压成型困难,且易形成路面大波浪,致使基层平整度降低,甚至导致结构层收缩开裂。实践表明,提高沥青路面平整度必须从基层抓起,而提高基层施工质量的关键在于采用精良的施工机械,如好的稳定粒料厂拌设备与进口摊铺机。2施工机械作业的影响2.1摊铺机2.1.1基准钢丝及装置的准确程度在施工中我们采用底面层“走钢丝”、中、上面层“走雪撬”的基准控制方法,收到了较好的效果。底面层施工前,先要张拉好用于承托仪表传感器的基准线(23mm钢丝绳),然后设好各桩(桩距10m),根据测量的挂线高确定各桩位钢丝的高度。应精心测量、认真调整,并检查钢丝拉力不得小于784N。否则,由于测量不准、量线失误或拉力不够钢丝下挠等都会通过架设在钢丝上的仪表反映到摊铺路段上,造成路面波浪状起伏,影响平整度。在沪宁高速公路沥青上面层施工中我们采用了自制移动式基准梁,长度为10m,摊铺精度达到平整度均方差0.68。为了实现南京机场高速公路平整度0.60以下的高标准,又引进美国布鲁诺克斯公司生产的移动式基准梁。该装置长16.77m,在摊铺机前面的基准梁上装有2×12个可上下伸缩的“雪撬”板,后基准梁上装有2×16个可上下伸缩的橡胶轮,前后基准梁在摊铺机大臂处铰接,可消除下层局部不平整,将原有路面纵坡(通过前基准梁获得)和新铺层(通过后基准梁获得)的平均高程结合在一起,与“走钢丝”及自制雪撬相比,摊铺精度明显提高,从而提高了路面平整度。2.1.2摊铺机仪表性能及微调器的正确使用路面标高的控制是靠仪表来实现的。摊铺机带全自动调平装置,能够根据自动找平仪的指令达到设计高程,这样铺筑的路面平整度好。如仪表反映迟缓,加上微调器使用不当升降太快均会反映到新铺路面上,影响平整度。2.1.3摊铺机熨平板加热及调整在沪宁高速公路、南京机场高速公路施工中,我们使用了德国产ABG422型、ABG311型、VOGELE2000型、VOGELE1800型摊铺机。这四种摊铺机的熨平板加热装置中ABG型属于液化气加热,VOGELE型属于电加热。摊铺前,如果熨平板加热温度不够或加热不均匀,摊铺时会造成温度较高的混合料与温度较低的熨平板粘结,使得摊铺层面出现拉毛、小坑洞、深槽等不规则的凹凸不平。因此,摊铺前熨平板温度必须加热到85°90°。另外,摊铺前一定要认真检查熨平板的平直度,若有正拱或反拱现象,则必须调整撑拉熨平板的拉杆长度,使熨平板下表面同属一坡度,以确保路面横向平整度。2.1.4摊铺机振捣器、夯锤对路面平整度的影响振捣器、夯锤的频率与摊铺速度、混合料级配、温度和厚度等有很大的关系,应按使用说明书规定认真选定合适的频率。如果摊铺较薄的上面层,振捣器、夯锤频率过大会造成熨平板共振,使摊铺机找平装置处于不稳定状态而影响平整度。同时,应经常检查振捣器、夯锤皮带,皮带过于松弛会使振捣频率、夯实次数快慢不一,形成路面“搓板”。2.1.5校正行驶方向引起路面不平整摊铺机行驶方向发生偏斜时,必须及时校正。此时,摊铺机履带一边前进,另一边缓慢前进,快的一边熨平板前方会有一个向前抬高的小台阶,慢的一边熨平板后端会有一个向后推挤的小台阶,影响路面平整度,应在碾压时采取措施予以消除。此类校正行驶方向出现的小台阶,在曲线半径较小的路段容易产生。2.2压路机路面平整度好坏的关键在摊铺机,但与压路机的碾压有着不可分割的关系。合理的碾压工艺与正确的碾压操作是保证路面平整度的重要手段。2.2.1碾压方式及碾压速度的控制碾压沥青混合料应采用组合碾压的方式,初压时首先采用双钢轮压路机,碾压2遍,速度为1.52kmh;复压紧接在初压后进行,应采用重型轮胎压路机,碾压45遍,速度为3.54.5kmh;终压采用双钢轮压路机,碾压2遍,速度为2.53.5kmh。碾压时除按规范标准进行外,应注意碾压路线和方向不得突然改变,以免使混合料产生推移或发裂。2.2.2碾压温度的控制沥青混合料的温度控制是沥青路面施工过程中的关键,现场应有专人负责对来料车、摊铺后、碾压前、碾压中及碾压终了的温度进行测试。碾压应在混合料较高温度下进行最为有利,一般初压不低于120°,复压不低于90°,终压完成时不低于70°。温度越高越容易提高路面的平整度与压实度,温度偏低导致沥青混合料颗粒间摩擦阻力加大,使沥青面层压实度不均匀,且容易形成局部松散和发裂,影响路面平整度。2.2.3压路机的正确使用轮胎压路机使用时,应注意检查各个轮胎的新旧程度和轮胎压力,必须做到新旧一致、压力相等。否则轮胎软硬不一,在碾压过程中形成轮迹,使沥青面层横向平整度超标。钢轮压路机应装雾状喷水装置以防混合料粘轮,轮胎压路机应有专人负责用13的油水混合液喷洒轮胎表面,防止碾压时将沥青混合料粘起形成路面不平整。压路机应停在冷却后的沥青路面上,否则极易形成小坑槽影响平整度。3施工过程中其它因素的影响3.1沥青拌和站的生产能力应与摊铺能力相匹配实践证明,当沥青拌和站的生产能力与摊铺机的摊铺能力相匹配时,摊铺机能连续、均匀、不间断作业,此时路面平整度就好。但在低温季节施工,如供料不及时,摊铺机待料时间过长,虽然ABG型摊铺机装有防爬锁,但因混合料温度下降会引起局部不平整,而且自动找平系统在每次启动后,需行驶38m后才能恢复正常,因此切忌摊铺机经常停机。只有加强拌和站管理,保证连续供料,运用中途不停机加油,操作手轮换休息等办法,做到每天早晨开机,晚上收工关机,中途力争不停机,以确保路面摊铺作业连续不间断。3.2摊铺作业速度的影响沥青路面施工技术规范要求:“摊铺过程中不得随意变换速度或中途停顿”。在施工过程中我们感到这是提高路面平整度的一个关键环节。摊铺速度过快,易造成摊铺层表面的粗颗粒在熨平板下沿摊铺方向滑动,使表面粗颗粒后方出现小坑小空洞,从而影响面层平整度和预压密实度;但亦不能太慢,否则会影响生产效率。摊铺速度经实践比较后认为:上面层应控制在23.5mmin,中、下面层24mmin为好。摊铺过程中一般不宜随便改变速度,因为速度变化必然导致摊铺层面预压密实度起变化,从而最终压实度有差异,影响路面平整度。3.3运料车辆与摊铺机的配合摊铺作业时,常因运料车辆操作不熟练而与摊铺机配合不协调,使混合料洒落在摊铺机行走履带前,如不及时清除会使摊铺机左右晃动,造成自动调平系统工作仰角发生变化,影响路面平整度。因此,必须专人负责指挥倒车,严禁运料车撞击摊铺机。3.4施工缝的处理沥青路面施工缝处理的好坏对平整度有一定的影响,往往连续摊铺路段平整度较好,而接缝处的一个点数据较差。因此,接缝水平是制约平整度的重要因素之一。处理好接缝的关键是要舍得切除接头,用3m直尺检查端部平整度,以摊铺层面直尺脱离点为界限,以切割机切缝挖除。新铺接缝处采用斜向碾压法,适当结合人工找平,可消除接缝处的不平整,使前后两路段平顺衔接。3.5现场人工修补施工过程中,不论何种原因,只要是混合料中混杂有少量的枯料、花料,摊铺到路面后就必须彻底挖除,换上合格的混合料。人工填平混合料不可能达到摊铺机铺筑的水平,必然会影响路面平整度。3.6桥头与伸缩缝的处理平整度好的路面,必须与减少和消除桥头跳车相结合,才能解决好高速公路的行车舒适问题。沪宁高速公路与南京机场高速公路高度重视桥头跳车问题,如采取先填路堤后钻桩,采用工程性质良好的材料填筑桥头路堤,用手扶震动压路机处理边角以减少桥头路堤日后的沉降,收到了很好的效果。由于车辆在高速公路上高速行驶时产生的冲击力大,国产橡胶板式伸缩缝经受不了大交通量高速行车的冲击。因此,沪宁、南京机场高速公路对大、中桥桥面伸缩缝一律采用自德国进口和中德合资江苏毛勒桥梁附件有限公司生产的毛勒伸缩缝,这种伸缩缝是当今国际上公认的性能可靠且又耐久的桥面伸缩装置,安装使用效果明显,桥面行车平稳舒适,接缝处无跳车现象。4路面结构类型与平整度的关系施工中发现,采用相同的摊铺机和相同的碾压工艺,摊铺不同类型的路面结构层,其各自的平整度不同。相同的厚度,开级配料由于其混合料松铺系数较密级配大,所以平整度不如密级配。在同一级配条件下,厚度小的结构层比厚度大的平整度好。5结束语沥青路面平整度涉及的面很广,影响因素很多,关系到路基、路面施工全过程,情况复杂,有的是机械性能引起,有的则是人为操作、安排失误造成,我们只有在充分研究分析产生的原因后,才能对症下药抓好施工中的每一细小环节。沥青路面平整度是施工机械、人员素质、操作水平的综合反映,只有加强施工现场管理,精心组织施工,才能保证路面平整度,提高路面工程质量。附件2:外文原文Influence expressway pitch road surface roughness reason analysis and countermeasure In the construction of highway, because the pitch road surface has surface to levelled , drives a vehicle to resist the slippery , low in noise , short , characteristic of maintaining comfortably , wear-resistingly simply and conveniently etc. of cycle of constructing, and the extensive application of quilt. People go on the expressway by bus, the roughness can reflect the whole result after the expressway is open to the traffic directly , reflect road surface use quality and drive a vehicle most direct appearance index of comfortableness. While Shanghai and Nanjing expressway and expressway pitch road surface of airport of Nanjing construct our company, tight to organize, construct meticulously , make road surface roughness variance reach 0.68 and 0.55 more high-level respectively, have finished striving for the national best goal satisfactorily. This text combines construction and practises the reason to influence the roughness of road surface of pitch to analyse, propose the corresponding countermeasure. 1, Influence of the construction quality at the basic level Old method on " basic unit level layer transfer , lower floor not smooth upper strata look for " in the past, at all impractical to what the roughness expects very much expressway. If the norm allows deviation 10mm of top surface at the basic level, when fill and lead up the low-lying place of 10mm with the pitch mixture, though surface to pave, 10mm that place produce more this loose to can appear low-lying phenomenon still after debulk while being thick, its depth is 10- (10/1.2) =1.7mm (1.2 is the pitch mixture average debulk coefficient). If error greater than 10mm heavy roughness, therefore basic unit carry Taxi roughness roughness of layer influence may well be very important to pitch. 1.1Pay attention to basic unit's levelling, the factory mixes the mixture paver to pave and build The construction of the semi-rigid basic unit of two gray broken stones , was used to adopting the land leveller homework in the past, its shortcoming is high Cheng, thickness is difficult to control, and make level repeatedly the surface is easy to emanate, at the same time the mixture is wasted more more too. Shanghai and Nanjing and owner , expressway of airport , according to standardize standard newly , put forward mixture concentrate factory on mix , import the paver not to pave the high demand built, it is that it can guarantee the mixture paved is even , the surface is levelled to put emphasis on importing the main reason of the paver, such indexes as Gao Cheng , vertical-horizontal slope , thickness ,etc. can meet the designing requirement . Is it import Model ABG paver is it build result to be best to pave , but domestic paver is it is it succeed in to pave to try on several times to practice has proved. To design thickness person who exceeds 30cm can divide into two is it build to pave , pave width control at 6-8m result better roughness having. 1.2Control the largest foot-paths of the mixture and water content For improve at the basic level roughness and help paver is it build to pave, at the basic level mixture collect material heavy grain should be proper to reduce directly most. Because collect material grains of heavy foot-path, mixture easy to is it emanate to produce, and to mix , pave wearing and tearing of equipment even heavy. So, reduce and collect the largest foot-paths of material properly and favorable to the improvement of the paver homework and roughness of top surface at the basic level. In addition, the control of the water content of mixture construction is also very important, it influences the board body of the structure to take shape small that the water content is passed, it is difficult that the water content is too big to roll shaping, and apt to form the big wave of road surface, cause the roughness at the basic level to reduce, even cause the structure layer to shrink and fracture. Practice indicates , must begin from basic unit while improving the roughness of road surface of pitch , and the key of improving the construction quality at the basic level lies in adopting the superior construction machinery, if a grain of material factory of good stability mixes the equipment and imports the paver. Influence of 2 construction machinery homework 2.1Paver 2.1.1Accurate degree of basic steel wire and device It is in not constructing last layers of " tight-wire walking " we, in, above layers of datum that " walk snow prize " last method, have received better result. Bottom surface layer before constructing, want piece draw handy on is it ask datum line , instrument of sensor to bear first(2-3mm steel wire rope), then it set up well all (from 10m),according to hanging wire that measure being the higher to confirm height , location of steel wire per of. Should measure , adjust conscientiously meticulously , check steel wire pulling force and can't be smaller than 784N. Otherwise because measurement inaccurate, quantity line fault or pulling force enough steel wire it scratches to be can through erect instrument at steel wire is it get pave highway section to reflect, cause the wave form of road surface to rise and fall , influence the roughness. We have adopted the portable basic roof beam of making by oneself in storey on the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway pitch constructed, the length is 10m, pave the precision and reach variance 0.68 of the roughness. In order to realize the expressway of airport of Nanjing 0.60 under high-standard in roughness, introduce one gram of portable basic roof beams which the Company produced then of American Bruno again. This device long 16.77m, basic roof beam in front of paver equip with 2*12 can the flexible " snow prized " board up and down, and then can't equip with roof beam not basic 2*16 piece flexible rubber wheel from head to foot,in front and at the back of roof beam not basic, at paver arm office knuckle joint not old, it can dispel by lower floor too some to level ,have road surface slope (before not passing roof beam not basic get) not vertical not original and can't spread high Cheng not average of layer (after not passing roof beam not basic get ) combined newly in, compared with the situation that " tight-wire walking " and makes the snow by oneself to prize , pave the precision to obviously improve , thus improved the roughness of road surface . 2.1.2The using correctly of the instrument performance of the paver and finelying tune device The control of road surface elevation is realized by the instrument. It is full-automatic to transfer paper-back edition put , can according to make level order of appearance reach and design to high Cheng automatically for paver to take, it is good to pave the roughness of road surface built like this. If the instrument reflects slowly, in addition, the finelying tune device will reflect to go up and down to paving the road surface to improperly use, influence the roughness. 2.1.3The paver is pressed the plateform is heated and adjusted In the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway , in the high-speed construction of the highway of airport of Nanjing, we have used Germany to produce ABG422 type , ABG311 type , VOGELE2000 type , Model VOGELE1800 paver. To press dull and stereotyped heating device ABG type whether liquefied gas heat four paver these, VOGELE type is heated of electricity. Before paving , press dull and stereotyped heating temperature enough or heat even, can lead to the fact temperature high mixture and temperature pressing plateform is it marry to glue low when paving, is it pave aspect is it draw hair to appear , light hole hole , dark trough ,etc. a irregular one full of bumps and holes to make. So, press dull and stereotyped temperature and must be heated to 85°C-90°C before paving. In addition, must check and press dull and stereotyped straight degree conscientiously before paving, if was joining or joined the phenomenon instead , must adjust Exactly prop up and draw and press the dull and stereotyped length of pull rod , enable pressing the plateform and making the surface and belonging to one slope together, so as to ensure the horizontal roughness of road surface . 2.1.4Paver vibrator, impact on roughness of road surface of rammer hammer There are very great relations between frequency and paving the speed , mixture one grade of mixing , temperature and thickness of vibrator , rammer hammer ,etc., should select suitable frequency conscientiously according to the regulation of the operation instructions . If pave layer on the a thin one, vibrator , rammer hammer frequency pass conference lead to the fact and press the dull and stereotyped resonance, make the paver look for the paper-back edition to put the roughness of influence in unstable state. Meanwhile, should check vibrator , rammer hammer belt often, belt is it will is it shake frequency of smashing , tamp speed of number of times differ to make to relax overly, form the road surface " washboard ". 2.1.5It causes the road surface not to level to correct travel direction The travel direction of the paver is while happenning askewly, must correct in time . At this moment, the paver track advances on one side, another side advances slowly, quick side press dull and stereotyped ahead have first little step that redound forward, there is a small step pushed and shoved backward to press the dull and stereotyped back end on the slow side, influence the roughness of road surface, should take measures to dispel while rolling . This kind of correct light step that travel direction appear, little highway section easy to produce in curve radius. 2.2Road roller The key that the roughness of road surface is fine or not is in the paver, but with rolling inalienable relation of road roller. Rational rolling


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