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    Troubles,Unit 3,Judys diary Today was my birthday. In the morning the postman came. He gave me a lot of birthday cards. At 1p.m.,my brother, my parents and I went out for lunch. We ate at Thai Palace. The food was delicious. In the afternoon, my brother gave me a present. It was a radio.,Judys diary Later I saw a robbery in the Town Bank. Two men came into the bank. They took a lot of money and ran out of the bank. A helicopter was waiting for them. The men climbed up to it. But the money fell out of the bags. It started to rain money! The people in the street were very excited.,Exercises,Choose the best answer. 1.Janet got on the ferry and would meet Jack _of the river. A. on another side B. on the other side C. on that side D. on other side 2.The door _ and everyone started _off the train. A. opened, getting B. opened, get C. was open, got D. opened, got 3.What _ over there? Lets go and have a _. A. is happening, look B. is happening, see C. happens, look D. happened, see,4.His family _ a large one. The whole family _ reading. A. is, likes B. are, like C. are, likes D. is, like 5.Dont forget _ me when you finish the work. A. call B. to call C. calling D. called 6.The students are busy _for their English test. A. with ones study B. study C. to study D. studying 7.He made a toy train _his son. Now the boy is playing happily _it. A. for, with B. for, on C. to, with D. to, on,8.Where have you _? You are wet all over. A. gone B. been C. stayed D. lived 9. How many cities _ the Greens _ since they came to China? A. hastravelled B. has travelled to C. have travelled D. havetravelled to 10. I _ in the swimming pool when I _ about it. A. swam, heard B. swam, was learning C. was swimming, heard D. was swimming, was hearing,11. Alice likes Chinese very much. She does her best _ it well. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. of learning 12. I dont like _ people _ something bad about their neighbours. A. to hear, talk B. hear, talking C. hearing, talk D. hear, talk 13. We use the words like fast and brave_ a runner. A. to describe B. describing C. describe D. describes,14. I notice him _ into the library when I _ through the window. A. walked, looking B. walking, looked C. to walk, looked D. walk, look 15. John _ well in all the subjects. He has never _ in exam. A. does, missed B. is doing, missed C. does, fail D. does, failed,用英语解释下列句子: 1. Whats going on? What is happening? Whats the matter? 2. The policeman was running after a thief. The policeman was chasing a thief. The policeman was following a thief. 3. Tom took the ferry to HK this morning. Tom went to HK by ferry this morning. 4. My father described the man to the police. My father told the police what the man looked like. 5. The man hurried to the hospital. The man went to the hospital in a hurry.,6. My friend noticed that her purse was not in her handbag. My friend found her purse missing. 7. The man was showing us an empty bag. The man was showing us that there was nothing in the bag. 8. Yesterday a robbery took place at the Pizza Palace. Yesterday the Pizza Palace was robbed. 9. The man was in handcuffs. The man was caught arrested by the police. 10. I dialed her phone number, but it was busy. I called her I rang her up, but it was busy.,11. The six blind men argued about the elephant. The six blind men had an argument about the elephant. 12. What do you do with the old books? How do you deal with the old books? 13. No one knew what was happening. Nobody knew whats the matter. 14. We followed him to the shop. We went after him to the shop. 15. He gave the police some more details. He offered some more information to the police.,16. Well done, Benny. You did very well, Benny. 17. Mary sent me an E-mail. Mary sent an E-mail to me. 18. Tim made the paper plane for his sister. Tim made his sister the paper plane. 19. My mother bought me a book My mother bought a book for me. 20. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen I have never seen such an interesting film before.,1这台收音机花了他近600元。(cost ,nearly) 2. 新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动。 3.她给了我一些漂亮照片。(give me,pictures) 4.迈克借给我一本新书。(lend,to me) 5.昨天妈妈给我买了一件新毛衣。(buy ,for me),This radio cost him nearly 600 yuan,The new machine will save you a lot of labour.,Translation,She gave me some beautiful pictures ,Mike lent a new book to me,My mother bought a new sweater for me yesterday,6. Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。 Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 7. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 8. Mary把钱包交给校长了。 Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 9. 请把那本字典递给我好吗? Would you please pass me the dictionary? 10. 他把车票给列车员看。 He showed the ticket to the conductor.,11. 这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。 This term I have written three letters to my parents. 12. 我父亲已经给我买了一辆新自行车。 My father has bought me a new bike. 13. Robinson Crusoe 给自己做了一只小船。 Robinson Crusoe made himself a boat. 14. 请你给我弄一本新的,好吗? Will you please get me a new copy? 15. 我替你叫辆出租汽车好吗? Shall I call you a taxi?,


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