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    仁爱版七年级下册unit7,unit8 复习课件,Unit7 -Topic 1 When is your birthday?,1下个星期四,2打算/准备做某事,3看一看,4刚才,5用做-,6一定是,用于表示周、月、季节、年, 泛指上午、下午、晚上;,用于星期,某日,某一天的上午、下午 (具体某一天时,常用on),Next Thursday,plan to do sth,have a look,just now =a moment ago,usefor,must be,7 in,句型,1你打算怎么庆祝?,2你想参加吗?我非常乐意去,3你什么时候出生的?我生于1998年。,4他在什么地方出生?他在惠来出生.,5你的礼物是什么形状的?它是圆的,6我们用它做什么呢?我们用它用来学习英语 。,How do you plan to celebrate it?,Would you like to come? -Yes, Id love to.,When were you born? -I was born in 1998.,Where was he born? -He was born in Huilai.,Whats the shape of your present?=what shape is your present,What do we use it for? -We use it to study English.,Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?,1和我一起唱,2跳迪斯科舞,3跳芭蕾舞,4放风筝,5擅长/在方面做得好,6玩得开心,过得愉快,7当我五岁时,8在她妈妈的帮助下,9两个月前,10给某人惊讶,11举办生日晚会,sing with me,dance the disco,perform ballet,fly a kite,be good at doing sth,have a good time =enjoy oneself,at the age of five,with her mothers help,two months ago,give sb a surprise,have a birthday party,1她的眼睛有问题,2生活对她来说变得很艰辛,There was something wrong with her eyes.,Life was hard to her,3在康康的生日晚会上你想做什么?,What would you like to do at Kangkangs birthday party、,4你还能做什么?,What else can you do?,5我确信我们在晚会上会玩的很开心。,Im sure well have a good time at the party.,6是该做户外活动的时候。,Its time for outdoor activities,7六年前她的眼睛有问题。,Six years ago there was something Wrong with her eyes.,Topic 3 We had a wonderful party,朗读汉语诗,表演魔术,摔倒,伤着某人自己,去看电影,对某人撒谎,跟我说实话,许愿,吹灭蜡烛,最美好的祝愿,亲手制作卡片,recite a Chinese poem,perform magic tricks,fall down,hurt oneself,go to the movies = see a movie,lie to sb = tell a lie to sb,tell me the truth,make a wish,blow the candles out = blow out the candles,best wishes,make the cards by hand,Unit8-Topic 1Whats the weather like in spring?,1在秋天,2堆雪人,3爬山,4散步,5最高/低温度,6最好(不)做,7需要做某事,8记得去做某事,9后来,随后,10苏醒,复苏,复活,11收获的季节,12忙于做某事,in fall/autumn,make a snowman,climb hills/ mountains,take a walk = have a walk =go out for a walk,the highest/lowest temperature,had better (not) do sth,need to do sth,remember to do sth,later on,come back to life,the harvest season,be busy doing sth,春天的天气怎么样?,天气很暖和/凉爽/寒冷/热。,Whats the weather like in spring?,=How is the weather in spring?,It is warm/ cool/ cold/ hot.,是放风筝的好季节。,It is a good season for flying kites,是做的好时候,. Its a good time to do sth =It is a good time for sth/ for doing sth,这很难说,Its hard to say,你的假期过得怎么样?,How was your holiday?,温度是多少?,Whats the temperature?,早上阳光明媚,The sun shines brightly in the morning,情况怎么样?,How is it going? -Very well/Not bad.,冬天从十二月持续到二月。,Winter lasts from December to February.,Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming,周游全国,名胜,告诉我一些关于云南的情况,一年到头,去旅行,去野餐,去度假,脱下,脱掉,起飞,指向,指着 提出,指明,前天,不同国家的风俗,travel around the country,tell me something about Yunnan,places of interest,all (the) year round,go on a journey/trip,go on a picnic,go on a vacation/holiday,take off,point to/at/out,the day before yesterday,customs in different countries,我们每个人有假期的好计划。,我计划去澳大利亚。,那里的人非常友好,听起来真有趣,请代我向你的父母亲问好。,我希望周游世界和照些像。,I plan to go to Australia.,Each of us has a good plan for the holidays.,The people there were very friendly,It sounds really interesting,Please give my love to your parents,I wish to travel around the world and take some pictures.,Topic3 lets celebrate!,吃汤圆求好运,吃粽子来纪念原,舞龙舞狮,猜灯谜,看灯展,赏月,互相问候,庆祝圣诞,去教堂做礼拜,赠送礼物,给他们的朋友送圣诞卡,装点圣诞树,eat sweet dumplings for good luck,eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan,perform lion and dragon dances,guess riddles,watch a lantern Show,watch full moon,greet each other,celebrate Christmas,go to church,give each other presents,give Christmas cards to their friends,decorate Christmas trees,get together for a big dinner,聚在一起吃丰盛的晚餐,捉弄某人,play tricks on sb,为做准备,prepare for,最重要的节日,the most important festival,在圣诞节前夕,on Christmas Eve,在春节除夕,on the eve of festival,举起、挂起、张贴,put up,熬夜,全家人,the whole family,敲,knock on / at,stay up,受一享个七天的假期,enjoy a seven-day holiday,为了长寿,for a long life,Teachers Day教师节 April Fools Day 愚人节New Years Eve 除夕 Halloween万圣节 Easter 复活节 Christmas Day圣诞节 Thanksgiving感恩节 Spring Festival 春节 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 Mothers Day 母亲节 Lantern Festival元宵节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 International Labor Day 国际劳动节 The National Day of the PRC 国庆节,打开长筒袜里的礼物.,Open the presents in the stockings.,圣诞节快乐!,Merry Christmas!,欢庆春节是一件大事.,Celebrating Spring Festival is a big event .,请把我最美好的祝愿带给你的父母!,Please give my best wishes to your parents!,请代我向你父母问好!,Please give my love to your parents !,人们通过送礼物向他们的母亲表达他们的爱。,People show their love for their mothers by giving presents.,与时间相关的介词,for 时间段前,in 某年、某月前,on 具体日子、节日、 生日、星期几前,at 某分,某时前,当“早上、下午、晚上”被修饰时不用 in 而用on.,with 的多种用法,do sth. with sb./ sth. a girl with long hair a room with two doors a city with large population be busy with sth. talk with sb. help sb. with sth. an action movie with Jackie Chan Whats wrong / the matter with.?,六、易混淆的词、词组,What is .like? What does.look like?,1.,2.,3.,4.,what to do how to do it,in the corner at the corner,wake up wake sb. up,5.,get dressed dress sb.,6.,7.,there be have / has,trip travel,8.,9.,a little, little, a bit, a bit of. a few, few,get to. arrive in / at. reach,10.,too much much too,11.,by car, in Jims car by bike, on Jims bike,12.,13.,Its time to . . Its time for. .,14. noise, voice, sound,15. hear, listen, listen to,16. say, tell, talk, speak,17. wear, put on, be in, get dressed,18. read, watch, see, look, look at,like as,易错的词,+doing,还有介词busy,finish enjoy spend keep,make let,+do,+doing,plan order decide want ask wish hope would like ,+to do,不易用对的词,enough (名词前) enough water enough books enough time enough people,enough (形容词、副词后) tall enough strong enough good enough big enough,写出下列动词的现在分词形式 make, run, dance, sleep, clean, use, swim, put, sit, write 将下列句子译成英语 你正在做什么? 他正在做作业吗? 玛丽亚在图书馆读书。 他们现在没有在寝室睡觉。 打扰了,我可以借几本汉语书吗? 我可以借用这支笔多长时间? 5.2,根据首字母填空 Today is W_. We are having a g_ class. Its my favorite s_. Because I think its very i_. But Li Ming doesnt like it. He thinks its b_ and d_. He likes d_ pictures.5.3,I was born in 1999.(改为一般疑问句,做肯定否定回答)_ you _ in 1999? Yes, _ _. / No, _ _. My birthday is May 5th. _ is _ birthday? He is at home now.(用just now替换now写句子)He _ at home just now. What shape is your pencil-box?(同义句)_ the _ of your pencil-box? Its 6 centimeters long. _ _ is it? He uses a pencil-box to keep pens and rulers. _ _ he _ a pencil-box for? 7.1,_ you_ the disco _ perform ballet?你会跳迪斯科还是芭蕾? _ _ can you _? 你还能做些什么? He _ _ _ _ a year ago.他一年前不会骑自行车。 I _ _ when I four years old.我四岁时不会写字。 Kangkang _ _ _ _ soccer. 康康擅长踢足球。 _ he play ping-pong _ the _ _ six?在他六岁时,他会打乒乓球吗? Now theyre _ _ _ _.他们此刻正玩得很开心。 7.2,根据首字母填空 There are four s_ in a year. They are s_, s_, f_ and w_. In China, the w_ is w_ in spring. Sometimes its f_ or r_. In summer its very h_. The sun s_ brightly. It often r_. Fall is a good season to climb h_. Its a h_ season. Farmers are b_ harvesting. And its c_ in winter. The h_ temperature is 10. The l_ temperature is below zero. We must r_ to w_ warm clothes. 8.1,填空 In China, celebrating the Spring Festival is a big event. People usually start _ for the festival one month before it comes. Some Chinese families _ the old picture of the kitchen _, Zao Shen, to get good _. In western countries, _ is the most _ festival. Children always get up very early and _ the presents in the stockings. Christmas in western countries is as important as the Spring Festival in China. I _ the two festivals are both _ and interesting. 8.3,preparing,burn,god,luck,Christmas,important,open,think,important,Yesterday was Friday. It was my birthday. My parents bought me a big birthday cake. Many of my classmates came to my home and brought me lots of nice presents. They sang some English songs. They danced and played games at the party. We were all happy. 7.3,


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