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    ,Valentine's Day,Double Seventh Festival,The similarities and differences of,Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,The origin of the Double Seventh Festival is a classic fairy tale tells a love story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl.,The Valentine's Day is to memory a Rome priest called Valentine who Sacrifice for Presided over the wedding for the lovers. .,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival,Ingenuity test by floating needle is one of the common customs on the festival. Put some water in a vessel and leave it in the open air until it is covered by a film of dust. Then cast a needle or thin straw on it to see the pattern of the shadow at thebottom, so as to test their ingenuity.,Ingenuity test by floating,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival,Pleading for Skills by Threading a Needle,In order to plead for skills, threading a needle is the most long-standing means. It tests the speed of threading a needle under the moon. It is said that the needles used in the contest are the seven-hole needle of the Han Dynasty or the nine-tail needle of the Yuan Dynasty. With more holes than ordinary needles, they are rather hard to handle.,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival,Cobweb as the Determinant,Pleading for skills with cobweb is another common custom in the festival, in which everybody puts a spider into a locket and waits until the next morning to see if there is cobweb and if any, how it looks. The one with a most round cobweb of the most mesh will be the winner.,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival,Qiaoguo,Qiaoguo(Fried Thin Pastes)is in different shapes with the materials mostly being oil, flour, sugar and honey. The deft hands will nip them into all shapes related to the legend of the Festival. The melons and fruits used on the day are usually carved into the shapes of flowers and birds, or carved with patterns in relief on the melon peel, which are therefore called “carved melons”,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Valentine's Day,On Valentine's Day Lovers send each other Valentine's Day cards that tell of their love.,Sometimes they also send other gifts too, like flowers ,jeweries or candy.,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Valentine's Day,Some couples preser to traveling or taking some special exercise on the day,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Valentine's Day,Maybe they will just go shoping on Valentines Day,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Valentine's Day,Do you know the meaning of rose quantities,1 rose: love at first sight, you are the only one. 2 roses: Mutual feelings, a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage. 3 roses: I love you. 9 roses: I will love you forever. 10 roses: You are pretty. 11 roses: You're my treasured one. 12 roses: I love you and I am grateful for your presence. 13 roses: Forever friends. 20 roses: I'm sincere towards you.,The differences of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,Customs of celebrating the Valentine's Day,21 roses: I'm committed to you. 24 roses: You're always on my mind. 25 roses: Congratulations. 36 roses: I'll remember our romantic moments 40 roses: My love is genuine 99 roses: I'll love you till the day I die. 100 roses:100% love, I'm totally devoted to you. 101 roses: Best of all, you're my one and only. 108 roses: Proposal, Will you marry me? 365 roses: I love you every single day. 999 roses: My love will last till the end of time.,The similarities of Valentine's Day and Double Seventh Festival,In nowadays,the young people are glad to share the sweet days with theirs lovers.,The two festivals are the same to praise the eternal and beauty of love.,


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