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    Pa.1 _ about the journey _ for the first few days _ “time lag” _ and _ at first,was worried,was unsettled,suffered from,nervous,uncertain,Pa.3 new surroundings were difficult _. the air seemed _ my head _. try to _ the new situation Carriages _by computer _ above the ground flew by _,to tolerate,thin,ached,were driven,floated,in all directions,adjust to,Pa.4 a strange-looking house The wall _ Leaves provided the room with _ Table, chairs, bed rose from _,moved,much-needed oxygen,under the floor,settle an argument / dispute his affairs/ business in ZH back in his seat your bill When are you going to get married and settle down? How are the kids settling down in their new school?,解决,=arrange,定居,舒服地坐,=pay,安定下来,适应,习惯,suffer + heavy losses / injuries/ pain/ defeat/ tortures suffer from +headache/illness/ +hunger/ overwork/ drought lack of investment (shelter),John took up art while at school. He has taken up the violin as a hobby. Thats an issue we should take up at the meeting. I wont take up much of your time. I took up the lesson where I left off yesterday. They took up arms to defend their freedom.,开始学,发展,从事,提出,占用,继续,拿起武器,1.It took a load _ my mind to know he was alive and well. 2.The company takes account _ environmental issues wherever possible. 3.Babies like to take their toys _. 4.He has taken _ photograph as a hobby. 5.He is taking _ my job while Im on holiday. 6.Do you take me _ a fool?,off,of,apart,up,over,for,7.The lesson was too difficult for the class to take _. 8.The plane took _ on time. 9.Is the supermarket taking _ any more assistants? 10.The news took me _ surprise.,in,off,on,by,1. Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university. 2. I cant buy that book because of my _ money.,lacking,lack of / lacking,3. Sometimes he _ confidence. 4. Philip was not _ in intelligence or ability. (short of),lacking,lacks,1.Whenver I have an appointment I always like to arrive a little _(提前). 2.They were laughing _(一直). 3._(慢慢来)-theres no hurry. 4.The children came into the room three _(一次). 5.The mark on your face will disappear _(最后). 6.Ill be back _(马上).,ahead of time,all the time,Take your time,at a time,in time,in no time,7._(曾经) he lived in Japan. 8.I do feel a little nervous _(有时). 9.Thats enough _(暂时).,At one time,at times,for the time being,_ the police they ran away. If you _ Tom, ask him to come and see me. It was so dark that I _ him at once. We waved until the car was _. There is not a tree _.,At the sight of,catch sight of,out of sight,in sight,lost sight of,Wearing glasses will aid poor sight. The fans waited for a sight of the star passing by. Keep out of my sight. The sights which impressed me the most are as vivid in my mind today as they ever were. Its a fine chance to see the sights of the city.,视力,看到,视野,情景,景物,游览地,view, sight, scene, scenery? There were distressing _ when the earthquake occurred. The _ from the top of the tower was breath-taking. People go to Hangzhou to see West Lake, not city _. She enjoys mountain _.,scenes,view,sights,scenery,A dentist is on his feet all day. Is she on her feet? No matter what trouble he gets into, he always seems to land on his feet. You should learn to stand on your own feet. Nobody has ever set foot on that island.,站着,痊愈,化险为夷,自力更生,进入,到达,make a brief speech/ give a brief summary/ write a brief note/ news in brief make a brief visit/ stop for a brief rest/ Life is brief In brief, the meeting was a disaster. The milk smells as if/though it _ sour. I love you as if/though you _ my kids. Theyll stand by you even if/though you dont succeed.,简要的,简短的,短暂的,总而言之,is,were,1. A cat is _ to a tiger in many aspects. 2.What is the _ between a cat and a tiger? 3.They were _ dressed. 4.She is _ changing her mind.,similar,similarity,similarly,constantly,1.No _ experience is necessary for this job.,previous,2.After climbing the mountain, he _ all over.,ached,3.敌人向四面八方逃窜.,The enemies fled _.,in all directions,5.She was left to sweep up after the party. A wave of panic swept over her. 6.It is fun to slide on the ice. She _ out of the room when no one was looking. The cupboard had _ doors.,4.The strong wind _ the leaves into the air.,swept up,slid,sliding,一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。,The house is situated in very pleasant _. new laws to prevent the pollution of the _.,surroundings,environment,影响生活质素的,某地人身边的一切事物,人们所在的影响其感觉及发展的物质、社会环境;自然环境,“Time lag” is similar _ the “jet lag”. He was very _(understand) and gave me some green tablets. We lay there _(relax). The gases had little oxygen _(leave). I tried to make the necessary adjustment _ the new environment. I lost sight of him when we reached _ looked like a large market.,to,understanding,relaxed,left,to,what,7. I had been transported into the future of _ was still my hometown. 8._(arrive) at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large clean room. 9.Just relax, since there is nothing _ (plan) on the timetable today. 10._(say) this, he spread some food on the table. 11._(exhaust),I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.,what,Arriving,planned,Having said,Exhausted,12.They are seeking dry ground to sleep _ for the night. 13.He took his son on a trip _ Paris. 14.I will take _ the prize.,on,to,up,Part.1 communication No more _, _, _ place the _ over your head _ your mind press the _ think your _ and the next _ its sent.,typists,postage,postcodes,metal band,clear,sending button,message,instant,Part 2 environment The waste is _ using the _. A machine _ all the waste available and then turns the rubbish into useful _.,disposed of,principles of ecology,swallows,material,Part.3 work practices Engineers program _ to _ train _ to work in space _ to _ the robots+_,robots,perform tasks,representatives,settlements,monitor,production,1.I ran into an old friend in the alien land. Their ideas are quite alien to our ways of thinking. They walked along a _(mud) road. 2.The babys mother deserted him soon after giving birth. The villages had been deserted. 3._ I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for. I dont like instant coffee.,异国他乡,截然不同,muddy,抛弃,遗弃,=abandon,The instant,4.Our methods have been imitated all over the world. The table is a genuine antique not a cheap imitation. Monkeys are _. 5.Mike slammed down the receiver and stormed out of the room. The business is in the hands of the receivers.,imitative,听筒,管理人,接管人,6.We were impressed with your _. A good manager is both competent and _. You should put more _ into your work. Bitter pills may have wholesome _. He took _ measures to increase their productivity. The amount of rain _ the growth of crops. Every mother has _ for her children.,efficiency,efficient,effort,effects,effective,affects,affection,7.He doesnt know how to dispose of his spare time. Its difficult to dispose of nuclear waste. The scientists are researching the safe disposal of radioactive wastes. 8.The company had become too greedy for profit. His actions were motivated by _.,=deal with,=get rid of,greed 为所驱使,9.The fire swallowed up the house. a swallow-tailed coat 10._ is very important to help protect our environment. This bag is made from _ paper. This kind of paper can be _. 11.She _ her fellow-workers at the union meeting. Shes our _ in GZ.,Recycling,recycled,recyclable,represented,representative,12.What was your _ for becoming a doctor? A good teacher has to be able to _ his ss. Youre a really good bunch of ss - highly _ and very intelligent. 13.You should adopt _ measures for settling problems. Its a dangerous practice to get off a bus before it stops.,motivation,motivate,motivated,practical,作法,习惯,14.Vitamins cant be manufactured by our bodies. Always follow the manufacturers instructions.,我的思绪开始漫游,15.My mind began to wander. Bear in mind the rules of safety when you swim. The picture brought his childhood to mind. An idea has just come into my mind.,记住,使想起,涌上心头= occur to me,I was _ and enchanted at the sight. The experiment was an _ success. To my _ I came first. The girl was _ courageous. perform + the operation/ experiment/ task/ promise/ +the play/ The theatre gives two _ a day. His _ in the exams was not good.,amazed,amazing,amazement,amazingly,进行,执行,履行,演出,performances,performance,I take this seriously. Its a matter of _. Development is the absolute principle. The principle is cash on delivery. Our principal problem is lack of time. Keys are available on application to the principal.,principle,发展才是硬道理。,原则是一手交钱,一手交货。,主要的,向校长申请就可得到钥匙。,My application got lost in the post. Have you opened your post yet? He held an important post in the company. No one may leave his post without permission. The ball hit the post and bounced in. Is it OK if I post you the cheque next week? Most employees get posted abroad at some stage. The results will be posted on the noticeboard. postgraduate, postwar,邮寄,邮件,职位,岗位,柱子,竿,邮寄,派驻,张贴,She is a singer with a band. He persuaded a band of volunteers to help. She always ties her hair back in a band. Wrap the bandage round your injured arm. He always shut the door with a bang.,乐队,帮,伙,带,箍,绷带,砰,1.My first visit was to a space station _ (consider) the most modern in space. 2.First were going to examine one of the _(late) forms of communication. 3.Messages can now be sent _ (use) a “thoughtpad”. 4.Its efficient and _ (environment) friendly. 5.Theres a system _ the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.,considered,latest,using,environmentally,where,6._(眼泪掉下来) at the sight of the ss. 7.After _(introduce) to the class, I bravely put _ a smile and took my seat. 8._ (describe) as an enormous round plate, it spins slowly in space _ (imitate) the pull of the earths gravity. 9.During the _(explain) I looked at the thoughtpads.,Tears ran down their cheeks,being introduced,on,Described,to imitate,explanation,Grammar Inversion,它们是倒装吗?,Have you ever been to Hongkong? There is some paper and two books on the desk. “What he said is true, ” said the girl. “What he said is true, ” she said.,No,什么是倒装?,“谓语(或谓语一部分)+ 主语” 完全倒装 不完全倒装,(谓语全部放到主语前),(谓语的一部分e.g.助动词,情态动词或系动词放到主语前),完全倒装,(谓语全部放到主语前),为了使情景生动形象,在以in, out, up, down, away, off, over, next 等副词作状语 置于句首, 谓语come, go, rush, run等不及物动词的句子里. e.g. Next came Tom. Out rushed the students the moment the bell rang. Down drops the meat into the foxs mouth.,2. There, here, now, then 引导的句子. e.g. Here comes the bus. Now comes your turn. Then followed a shot of gun. 3. 表地点的词语置于句首时. e.g. On the ground lay a sick goat. At the foot of the mountain runs a river. Between the two buildings stand / stands a tall tree.,注意:,代词作主语时, 主谓语序不变。,Here you are ! Out they went.,4. 作表语的现在分词/过去分词/形容词+系动词+主语. e.g. Sitting at the back of the room was a girl. Gone are the days when the women were looked down upon. Present at the meeting was Mr Wang, our teacher. 5. 直接引语置于句首时. e.g. “Help!” shouted the boy. * “Both, sir.” he answered proudly.,不完全倒装,(谓语的一部分e.g.助动词,情态动词或系动词放到主语前),1.表否定或半否定的副词,介词,连词置于句首时.( never, no, not, hardly, seldom, little, by no means, in no case, in no time, not onlybut also, no sooner than, hardlywhen.) e.g. Little did he know that the police were around. At no time does he do something against his will. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill than we all sat down to rest. Hardly had she gone out when the class began.,2. 由only, not until 引导的状语置于句首时. e.g. Only by working hard can we succeed. Not until the teacher came in did he finish his homework. 3. As 引导让步状语从句时,意为“尽管”,通常把句中状语,表语或动词提前.(若表语是名词,不加冠词.) e.g. Clever as he is, he doesnt study well. Go as you may, you cant see him. Child as he is, he has been to many places.,4. So/Such that 句子中. e.g. So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. Such a good boy is he that we all like him. 5. So/ neither/ nor + be/助动词/情态动词 + 主语. e.g. I saw the film last week. So did he. If you dont do the work, neither will I. *-John won first prize in the contest. -So he did. ( 确实如此),6. 省略if的虚拟条件句以had, were, should开头引起的倒装. e.g. If he had worked harder, he would have got through the exams.,Had he worked harder, he Were she my friend, I would ask her for help. Should it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit.,He is a teacher. My father is a teacher, too. You can study English well only in this way. I have never read such an interesting book.,So is my father.,Neither/Nor + be(have, 助动,情动) + 主语,Only in this way can you study English well.,only + 副词,介短,状从 放句首时,Never have I read such an interesting book.,not, hardly, seldom, little, nowhere, hardlywhen, no soonerthan 放句首时,4. We often went out for a walk together. 5. Although he is a child, he knows a lot. 6. If I were in your position, I would not do it. If it should rain, the crops would be saved.,Often did we go out for a walk together.,频率副词 always, many a time 放句首时,Child as he is, he knows a lot.,as引导让步状从时,Were I in your position, I would not do it.,Should it rain, the crops would be saved,虚拟条件句,谓语有 were, should, had 时,1.This parcel of books is 250 yuan including postage and packing. Please write down the receivers address and dont forget the postcode. 2.Decades ago, people used typewriters for formal documents, but now we use computers and printers to do the same work. 3.Although it has a long shelf life, instant coffee may go solid if it is not kept dry.,4.One thousand years in the future, citizens of the earth may be able to dispose of their rubbish using an ecological system. 5.The snake was so greedy that it swallowed up the rat in one bite. 6.Dealing with people is one important aspect of a businessmans work. 7.When we came home from our walk across the fields, we had mud all over our boots. 8.After six weeks in hospital, he was back on his feet and ready to start work.,


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