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    五年级英语第一学期期末复习,世界之最,电视节目分类,中国之最,句型,1.Unit 1描述人物外貌、性格的词汇;形容词物主代词;复习:名词性物主代词;人称代词主格和宾格;颜色;身体部位的词汇;形容人和物的形容词;有关爱好的词汇;学科的词汇。 2.Unit 2形容词、副词的比较级(er)P19;复习特殊疑问词;形容人和物的形容词;动词;学习用具;方位介词;动物;植物;颜色;数字;学科的词汇。 3.Unit 3形容词、副词的最高级(est)P31;学习用具;身体部位;玩具;人名;形容词等。 4.Unit4 复习水果;数字;学科;体育运动;家庭成员的词汇。 5.世界之最&中国之最P32/A&B,P38/A&B, P42/A&B 6.记住固定搭配、好词好句和重点句型。 7.重点朗读段落 (必考内容要求能正确朗读和背诵默写),本册1-4单元重点知识点:,本册5-8单元重点知识点:,1.1-100的数字。 2.Unit5有关学习用具、颜色、食物、饮料和服装的词汇。 3.Unit6有关烹饪的动词、菜名、蔬菜、水果和制作方法 4.Unit 7有关电视节目、形容词的词汇 5.固定搭配 6.重点句型 7.重点朗读段落 (必考内容要求能正确朗读和背诵默写),11.Read and fill in the blanks. (依照表格内容填空。),_is from America. Bob speaks _. _s hobby is playing the piano. Isuzu is _ than Liu Fang. _ is the biggest. Liu Fang likes _ shows best. Isuzu is good at _.,本册应该掌握的相关知识:中国,本册应该掌握的相关地理知识:世界,1、1月中旬考英语。 2、考试范围:1-5年级上册。 3、考试题型:1-8单元测试卷上的题型和做过的期中测试卷。 4、作业:自主复习英语。看书和英语测试卷上的错题。,写句子时要注意: 1.首字母大写。 2.词与词之间空一个字母的距离。 3.写标点。 4.英文中没有顿号。 5.英文中的句号是实心点(.)。,英语考试时的要求: 1、认真审题,理解题意后再做题。 2、书写规范整齐,见到括号,请用铅笔打横线。 3、拿到卷子先写班级、姓名;再把听力仔细快速阅读三遍题。 a.看图想单词、词组、一句话或一段话。 b.看答语想问句。画出答语中的重点词。 c.仔细读所给信息。 听第一遍,标序号;听第二遍做题;听第三遍检查。 d.千万不要抄错词或丢字母。 4、做题时,请用铅笔找中英文大、小题目中、句中或短文中的重点词、句,并作上标记。 5、检查时,用橡皮擦标记。 6、千万别丢题。,Unit 7 TV shows 1.What kind of TV shows do you like best? I like cooking shows best. 2.Whats your favourite cooking show? My favourite cooking show is Jims Kitchen. 3.What do you think of it/them? I think its/theyre exciting. 4.What time is cooking show on? Its on at 6:00. 5.What channel is cooking show on? Its on channel 1. 6.What day is it on? Its on Friday.,My favourite TV show I like cooking shows best. My favourite cooking show is Jims Kitchen. Its on at 6:00.Its on channel 1.Its on Friday. I think its exciting. I often watch it on Fridays.,Unit 6 Cooking 1.Whats your favourite dish? My favourite dish is cucumber salad. 2.What do you want to make? I want to make cucumber salad. 3.What do you need to make it? I need cucumber and vinegar. 3.How do you make it? First, wash the cucumbers. Next, cut the cucumbers. Then, put the cucumbers in a bowl. Finally, add some vinegar and mix them.,My Favourite Dish My favourite dish is cucumber salad.I need cucumbers and vinegar.Ill show you how to make cucumber salad. First, wash the cucumbers. Next, cut the cumbers.Then, put the cucumbers in a bowl. Finally, add some vinegar and mix them.,Unit 5 Shopping 1.Can I help you? 你要买点儿什么? Yes. I want a pair of running shoes. 2.What can I do for you? 你要买点儿什么? Yes. I want a bottle of whiteout. 3.How much is it? Its four yuan. 4.How much are they? Theyre 20 yuan. 5.Its a good deal. Ill take it. 6.Its a good deal. Ill buy them. 7.How much is it altogether? Its 45 yuan. 8.Try it on./ Try them on.请试穿。,9. It fits me./ They fit me.适合我。 10.I like the blue (shirt)one. 我喜欢这件蓝色的衬衫。 11.I like the pink (pants)ones. 我喜欢这条粉红色的裤子。 12.Where can I find them? Its on the 2nd floor. 13. Thats very cheap./Thats too expensive.,Shopping for shoes A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a pair of running shoes. A: What size do you wear? B: Size 36. How much are they? A: They are 98 yuan. B: Its a good deal. Ill take them.,Unit 3 The Biggest and the Best! 1. Who is the tallest in your class? Tommy is the tallest in our class. 2. Whose hair is the longest in your family? Jennys hair is the longest in our family? 3.Who studies hardest in your group? Jane studies hardest in our group. 4.Who runs fastest in your class? Larry runs fastest in our class. 5.Which country is the biggest in the world?(Russia) 6.Which country is the second biggest in the world?(Canada),7.Which mountain is the highest in the world? (Mount Qomolangma) Mount Qomolungma is the highest mountain. 8.Which river is the longest in the world?(The Nile) The Nile is the longest river in the world. 9.Which animal is the biggest in the world?(The blue whale) 10.Where has the hottest place in the world?(Africa) 11.Where has the coldest place in the world?( Antarctica) 12.Which country grows the most rice in a year?(China) 13.Which country grows the most potatoes in a year?(Russia) 14.Which country grows the most oranges in the world?(Brazil) 14.Which country grows the most apples in the world? (The USA) 15.Which city is the biggest in China?(Chongqing) 16.Whose book is the thinnest? Simones book is the thinnest.,Unit 2 Who is taller 1.Who is bigger than you? Tom is bigger than me. 2.Whose hair is longer than your hair? Lindas hair is ling than my hair. 3.Who sings better than you? Jane sings better than Jenny. 4.Who swims faster than you? Jenny swims faster than Jane. 5.Which country is bigger, Canada or China? Canada is bigger than China. 6.Whose book is thicker, your book or your classmate? My book is thicker than my classmate.,Unit 1 My Classmates 1.Whats your name? My name is Margaret. 2.Whats her name? Her name is Lisa. 3.Whats his name? His name is Zheng Jun. 4.How old are you? Im 10 years old. 5.How tall are you? I am 152cm tall. 6.How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family.,7.Whats your hobby? My hobby is playing the guitar. 8.What are you good at? I am good at computers. 9.What does your new classmate look like? (外貌) She wear s glasses. Her hair is blond and curly. She is smart. 10.What is he like? He is friendly? (性格) 11.What is she like? She is honest.(性格),Best and most in the world. 1.The longest river is the Nile. 2.The biggest country is Russia. 3.The highest mountain is Mount Qomolangma. 4.The longest bridge is in Japan. 5.The tallest tower is CN Tower. 6.Antarctica has the coldest place. 7.The hottest place is in Africa. 8.The biggest animal is the blue whale. 9.The biggest square is the Tianan Men Square. 10.,The biggest country is Russia. The smallest country is Vatican. The longest river is the Nile. The highest mountain is Mount Qomolangma. The hottest place is in Africa. The coldest place is in Antarctica. The highest tower is the CN Tower in Canada. The longest bridge is Saito-naikai Bridge in Japan.,Best and most in the world.,Best and most in the world. 7.Africa has the hottest place. 8. The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. 9.Russia is the biggest country in the world. 10.Canada is the second biggest country in the world. 11. China is the third biggest country in the world. 12 Tianan Men Square is the biggest square in the world.,Best and most in China.,Whichis the in China? the highest mountainMount Everest the longest riverthe Yangzi River the coldest place-Harbin the hottest place-Xinjiang the longest wallthe Great Wall the biggest squareTianan Men Square,Best and most in China.,1.The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. 2.The Yellow River is second longest river in China. 3.Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in China. 4.The Great Wall is the longest wall in China. 5.Tianan Men Square is the biggest square in China 6.Xijiang is the hottest place.,写句子时要注意: 1.首字母大写。 2.词与词之间空一个字母的距离。 3.写标点。 4.英文中没有顿号。 5.英文中的句号是实心点(.)。,Unit 1 My Classmates Unit 2Who Is Taller? 比较级 Unit 3 The biggest and the Best! 最高级 Unit 4 Revision Unit 5 Shopping Unit 6 Cooking Unit 7 TV Shows Unit 8 Revision 2007-2008五年级英语第一学期测试卷,各单元作文题目和范例 Unit 1 My Classmates 1.My Classmate 2.My Friend 3. My Mother,My Mother,Her name is Wang Shan. She is 40 years old. She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She is slim. She wears glasses. She has freckles on her face. She is helpful. She loves me very much.,My Friend My friend is Mary. She has two big eyes and wears a pair of glasses. She is slim. She is good at art. Her hobby is drawing pictures. She is friendly. My Friend My friend is Sally. She is a pretty girl. Her hair is black and straight . Her eyes are big. She is good at English. Her hobby is drawing pictures. She is helpful.,图2:(两个人用到比较级er ) They are Helen and Lily. Helen is hardworking. Helen is taller than Lily. Lily is thinner than Helen. Lily is slim. Helen and Lily are good friends.,Unit 2 Who Is Taller?,图1:(三个人或在一定范围内用到最高级est ),They are Harry, Billy and Henry. Harry is taller than Billy. He likes reading a book. He is hardworking. Billy is the shortest of them. Henry is the tallest of them. He likes swimming. Harry, Billy and Henry are good friends.,Unit 3 The Biggest and the Best!,Unit5 Shopping 1.Shopping for clothes(P92/B) 2.Shopping for stationery(P59/D) 3.Shopping for shoes 4.Shopping for drinks,Shopping for clothes A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I like those pants. May I try them on? A: Sure. B: They fit me. How much are they? A: They are 50 yuan. B: Its a good deal. Ill take them. Here is the money. A: Thank you.,Shopping for shoes A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a pair of running shoes. A: What size do you wear? B: Size 36. How much are they? A: They are 98 yuan. B: Its a good deal. Ill take them.,Unit 6 Cooking(11个菜名) 1. spaghetti 2. cucumber salad & tomato salad 3. sandwich 4. stir-fried chicken and vegetables. 5. stir-fried rice and vegetables. 6. stir-fried noodles and vegetables 7.stir-fried meat and potatoes 8. stir-fried meat and carrots 9. stir-fried tomato and eggs 10. stir-fried cucumber and eggs 11.tomato and egg soup,Unit 6 Cooking(4个做菜过程) 1.Make some spaghetti 2.Make a sandwich 3.Make stir-fried chicken and vegetables. 4.Make stir-fried meat and potatoes 5.Make stir-fried tomato and eggs 6. Make stir-fried cucumber and eggs 7.Make tomato and egg soup 8.Make cucumber salad 9. Make tomato salad (一主食,一炒菜,一汤,一凉菜),Make stir-fried meat and potatoes My favourite dish is stir-fried meat and potatoes. I need some potatoes, meat, soy sauce, salt and oil. First ,wash the potatoes and meat and cut them up. Next, put some oil in the wok and add in the meat. Stir-fry for two minutes. And then, add in the potatoes and some water. Stir-fry for three more minutes. And finally, add some sauce and salt. Serve it on a plate.,Unit 7 TV Shows 1.movies 2. nature shows 3. childrens shows 4. quiz shows 5. sports shows 6.weather report 7. cooking shows 8.talk shows 9.entertainment 10.Peking opera 11.news shows 12.commercial,Unit 7 TV Shows 1.movies Action Comedy The Magic Earth 2. nature shows Animal World All About Giraffes Pandas at Home Animal Talk Fish World Cartoon City 3. childrens shows The Dragon Club The Apple Club Big Pinwheel,Unit 7 TV Shows 4. cooking shows Jims Kitchen 5. sports shows Sports World Todays Sports 6. commercial (ads) 7. weather report,Unit 7 TV Shows 8. talk shows Artists Life Stars Life 9. entertainment Funny Time Lucky 52 Quiz Show Game Show 10. Peking opera Chinese Opera,Unit 7 TV Shows 11.music shows MTV Time Top 10 Songs Newest CDs Chinese Music Video 12. news shows The Morning News Afternoon News Evening News,Animal World My favourite TV shows is Animal World. Its on at 9:00. I think its great. I always watch it.,Childrens Shows I like childrens shows best. My favourite childrens show is The Dragon Club. Its on Friday. Its on at 18:00. Its on Channel 7. I think its great. I always watch it.,Nature Shows I like nature shows best. My favourite nature show is Animal World. Its on Channel 2 at 10:30. I think its interesting. Lets watch it.,第一部分 Listening 听 力 1.Look, listen and write “” or “×”. (听句子判断对错,与图意相符合的打“”,不符合的打“×”。),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,2.Look, listen and number. (请根据听到对话的内容排顺序。),(2),(3),(4),(5),( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),(1),3.Listen and choose the best answer. (听问句选适当的答语,把序号填在括号里。),(做题思路:看答语,想问句,把序号填在括号里。),4.Listen and fill in the form. (听对话, 将表格填写完整。),第二部分 Writing 读和写 5.Read, order and write. expensive notebook thick than wok _ _ _ _ _,6.Read and group. (把下列单词分组。),Word Box oil quiet cut Peking opera stir-fry childrens show commercial folder serve smart pencil case honest salt vinegar brush,sugar news show wash funny notebook,7.Read, think and choose. (选择正确的序号填在括号里。) ( ) (1) Sally often helps her friend with math. She is _. A. smart B. helpful C. hardworking ( ) (2) Maxs backpack is _ than Annas backpack. A. smaller B. smallest C. small ( ) (3) It is sour. We use it when we eat Jiaozi. It is _. A. book B. sugar C. vinegar,7.Read, think and choose. ( ) (4) My favorite TV show is Magic Earth. It is a _ show. A. music B. talk C. nature ( ) (5) Do you like weather report? No. I think it is _. A. exciting B. interesting C. boring ( ) (6) What do you _ to make spaghetti? I _ noodles, sauce, salt and pepper. A. need B. make C. cook ( ) (7) Which country is the biggest? The biggest country is _. A. Japan B. Russia C. France,7.Read, think and choose. ( ) (8) Tim and Tom are twins. They _ each other. A. look like B. look C. look after ( ) (9) The pants are 50000 yuan. They are _. A. cheap B. expensive C. entertainment ( ) (10) This baby is cute and she _ many tiny freckles on her face. A. have B. make C. has,8.Look, read and choose. (看图选择正确的图片,把序号填在括号里。) ( ) (1) My hair is blond and curly. Who am I ?,B.,C.,( ) (2) I have two long ears. I run faster than a turtle. My favorite vegetable is carrot. Who am I ?,B.,C.,A.,A.,( ) (3) I want to make fruit salad. I need _.,B.,C.,( ) (4) You put your pencils, erasers, rulers and pens in it. It is a _.,B.,C.,( )(5) I like childrens shows. I want to watch cartoons. I can watch _.,B.,C.,A.,A.,A.,8.Look, read and choose.,10.Look, read and match. (看图,为图片选择适当的对话。),(2),(3),( ) ( ) ( ),(1),10.Read and write T for true and F for false. (读短文判断对错,正确的写T,错误的写F) Hi! My name is Mary. I am 8 years old. Im a student. My father is a doctor. My mother is a dentist. I study in Star Primary School. I like English very much. There is a saying: “Practice makes perfect”. So I read my English book three times a day. I have three English classes in a week. Every Monday afternoon, we watch English cartoon for an hour. I have a very good English teacher. She loves us and we love her. Here is a photo of my English teacher. She has a round face, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is wearing a pair of glasses. She often plays games with us. I think she is very beautiful. Do you think so? ( ) (1) Mary studies in Star Middle School. ( ) (2) Mary likes English and she loves her English teacher very much. ( ) (3) Mary has 4 English classes in a week. ( ) (4) Mary has a round face, two big eyes and a small mouth. ( ) (5) Marys father and mother work in hospital.,12.Write a short passage about your friends or classmates. (写一段话介绍你的朋友或同学。) 要求:文章不少于4句。 _ _ _ _,每单元都有重点朗读段落: Unit1 P6/A,P8/A, P13/C Unit2 P18/A,P25/C Unit3 P30/A,37/C Unit4 P40/A,P47/C Unit5 P52/A, Unit6 P71/C, Unit7 P76/C


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