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    ,福田中学欢迎您,福田中学 吴丽璇,阅读基础训练 - 猜测词义,NMET阅读理解,猜测词义,When a contractor is ready to begin construction of a superhighway,he makes a preliminary study of the drawings and blueprints supplied by the engineers. He gains mental picture of the whole job before he begins actual construction,答案A. preparatory。 preliminary和preparatory的前缀都是pre,表示“预先”的意思,又根据常识,凡是搞工程建设在着手建造时一定要作建筑前期准备,包括研究审查工程师的设计图纸等。故A为唯一正确选项。,Read the paragraph quickly and guess the meaning of the underline word:,A.preparatory B.extensive C.scientific D.necessary,判断词义的练习,判断句义的练习,判断段义的练习,阅读理解基本训练,一、学习同义词,三、找线索,找信息词,判断新单词,二、学习反义词,四、根据上下文判断新词汇的确切意思,判断词义,1.Exercise for understanding the words 从A、B C、D选项中排出所给单词的同义词.,1)desire A. health B. wealth C. security D.want,2)fast A. easy B. rapid C. slow D. furious,3)mistake A. check B. fury C. error D. figure,4)fault A. cunning B. mistake C. dizzy D. silly,5)purpose A. will B. thread C. interest D. intent,6)employ A. pay B. fire Chire D. direct,7)choose A. appoint B. elect C. defeat D. honour,8)last Afirst Bfinal Cinitial Donly,9)still Acalm Bstormy Cwarm Dnoisy,10)harm Akill Binjure Cheal Dtreat,一、学习同义词,扩大词汇量,Check the answers,1),2),3),4),5),6),7),8),9),10),3)mistake A. check B. fury C. error D. figure,2)fast easy rapid slow furious,1)desire health wealth security want,Exercise A从A、B C、D选项中排出所给单词的近义词.,5)purpose A. will B. thread C. interest D. intent,4)fault A. cunning B. mistake C. dizzy D. silly,A.,B.,C.,D.,A.,B.,C.,D.,A.,B.,C.,D.,A.,B.,C.,D.,6)employ A. pay B. fire Chire D. direct 7)choose A. appoint B. elect C. defeat D. honour 8)last Afirst Bfinal Cinitial Donly 9)still Acalm Bstormy Cwarm Dnoisy 10)harm Akill Binjure Cheal Dtreat,二、学习英语反义词,扩大词汇量: 从 A、 B、 C、 D中选出所给单词的反义词:,1)right Afaulty Bcorrect Cwrong Dlight,2)gradual Ahasty Bsudden Cquick Dstrange,3)money Apoverty Bmoney Criches Dcost,4)sameness A. humour B. mixture C. variety D. interest,5)unite A.join B.divide C. fuse D. tie,6)danger A. guard B. safety C. security D.lane,7)unlike A. dislike Bsimilar Ccopied Dtricky,8)smallest Abiggest Boldest Cheavy Dfat,Check the answers,1),2),3),4),5),6),7),8),2、学习英语反义词,扩大词汇量: 从 A、 B、 C、 D中选出所给单词的反义词: 1)right Afaulty B. correct Cwrong Dlight 2)gradual Ahasty Bsudden Cquick Dstrange 3)money Apoverty Bmoney Criches Dcost,4)sameness A. humour B. mixture C. variety D. interest,5)unite A.join B.divide C. fuse D. tie 6)danger A. guard B. safety C. security D.lane,7)unlike Adislike Bsimilar Ccopied Dtricky 8)smallest Abiggest Boldest Cheavy Dfat,三、从句子或文段中找线索,找信息词,判断新单词,扩大词汇量:,l)Twelveyearold Sally was an active girl,but her sister was quite sedate A. pretty B. calm C. protective D. energetic,Example:,【解析】答案为 B calm。句中的 but合符逻辑,指明sedate正是active的反义词。calm实为sedate的同义词或近义词。这样but就成为寻找sedate这个生词意思的答案的线索或信息词了。,B,1) He found an unpretentious job as a wheeler of cement(水泥)and loved being unnoticed. unshowy B. unlucky C. easy D. unhappy,2) Albert's success after much effort and practice proves the value of persistence. A. time B. competition C. perseverance D. beginning again,A.,3) He felt very alone; he had lived in Baltimore City for a month and had met no one in the inhospitable city. A. unfriendly B. uncomfortable C. unhealthy D. enormous,4) An occasional respite during a long evening of study is desirable. Tom often takes a short breath between chapters or between assignments. A. test B. review C. drink D. rest,5) She sneered, “You are the worst type of parasite. You make me sick! You take our friendship and love, but you give nothing of yourself! A. person B. enemy C. friend D. one who lives on another,5) I want to stay in New York, but my friend tried to dissuade me. A. deceive B. frighten C. Talk out of it D. accompany,四、根据上下文判断新词汇的确切意思典型例句分析。,例题: Tom cant find his sneakers. A.Money B. bowls C. shoes,解释,Tom cant find his white sneakers A.Money B. bowls C. shoes,Tom cant play tennis now because he cant find his white sneakers. A.Money B. bowls C. shoes,【解析】sneakers中学课本中未出现过的新词。根据英语语法,A。B、C代入句子中都正确一。作为名词的A、B、C代人句中意思也说得通。 但在speakers前加一个修饰语white就成 为Tom cant find his white sneakers那 么 A领则可去掉,答案则可能是B和C。,而在这句的前面再加一层意思,这就是:Tom cant play tennis now because he cant find his white sneakers. 这样一看就知道bowls(碗)与打网球没有什么联系,而shoes与打网球却有密切联系,不穿鞋怎么打网球呢?C就成为唯一正确选项。,启示: 这一阅读理解练习的特点是每一题都看三个句子,每后一句总比前一句多一层新意思,每一题都有一个相同划线部分的词语。必须学会根据上下文提供的信息,结合一定的常识才能推理判断出新词语的准确意思。,l)Jane is usually prompt. Alate Bon time Cpleased,四、根据上下文判断新词汇的确切意思。 判断词义,根据上下文,选出各题划线词语的准确的答案。,Jane is usually prompt for her classes Alate B. on time,C. pleased,Jane is usually prompt for all her classes,but she arrived in the middle of her first class. Alate Bon time Cpleased,Tom saw an owl in a tree last night Aa bird Ban animal Cthe sun,2)Tom saw an owl last night Aa bird Ban animal Cthe sun,Tom saw an owl last night but it flew away when he got near Aa bird Ban animal Cthe sun,3)The boy wants a pony Adog Bcat Chorse,The boy wants a brown pony Adog Bcat Chorse,The boy wants to ride a brown pony. Adog Bcat Chorse,4) He rejected the advice Atook Brefused Cmade,He rejected the advice his teacher gave him Atook Brefused Cmade,Since he rejected the advice his teacher gave him,he failed in the exam Atook Brefused Cmade,5)The children are looking at an ape. Aa kind of monkey Ba kind of snake Ca kind of bird,The children are looking at an ape at the zoo Aa kind of monkey Ba kind of snake Ca kind of bird,The children are looking at a large, hairy(毛的) ape at the zoo Aa kind of monkey Ba kind of snake Ca kind of bird,6)The trout is very cheap Afish Bfruit Capple,The fresh trout is very cheap Afish Bfruit Capple,The fresh trout is very cheap, but I dont know how to cook it Afish Bfruit Capple,7)Jack was injured this morning A. ill Bhurt Csad,Jack was injured this morning,and he could not come to school A. ill Bhurt Csad,Jack was injured when he played basketball this morning,and he could not come to school A. ill Bhurt Csad,8) The lady asked the waitress to get her a saucer Aa glass Ba cake Ca small plate,The lady asked the waitress to get her a clean saucer Aa glass Ba cake Ca small plate,The lady asked the waitress to get her a clean saucer to put her coffee cup on Aa glass Ba cake Ca small plate,9)We seldom see a sparrow now. Aa kind of dog Ba kind of plane Ca kind of bird,we seldom see a sparrow in the sky· Aa kind of dog Ba kind of plane Ca kind of bird,we seldom see a sparrow in the sky because the air is not so clean now as used to be Aa kind of dog Ba kind of plane Ca kind of bird,10)The plane didnt take off on time Aarrive Bleave Csee,The plane didnt take off on time Aarrive Bleave Csee,All the Passengers got on the plane, but the plane didnt take off on time Aarrive Bleave Csee,10) The quiz will be on Monday Agame Bclass Ctest,The quiz for English will be on Monday Agame Bclass Ctest,Im sure to pass the quiz for English on Monday Agame Bclass Ctest,Answers,答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C,你都答对了吗?,二、判断句义,例题:,All the students in Toms class except Dick passed the exam, but no one in my class did. My classmates failed the exam. B. Im in Dicks class. C.I passed the exam. D.Dick passed the exam.,解释,从句义出发,除狄克外汤姆班上所有学生这次考试都及格了,可是我们班没有及格的。A、B、S、D四个选项只有选项A符合no one in my class did,其他B、C、D三项完全不符合句义,属于排除项。做好这类题的关键在于较熟练掌握好各种英语复合句。,三、判断段义,Some people say that salt water never freezes. This isn't true. Salt water does freeze. However, it takes a colder temperature to freeze salt water than it does to freeze fresh water. Salt water freezes at twenty-eight degrees. Freshwater freezes at thirty-two degrees. The freezing temperature of salt and fresh water: A. differs by ten degrees. B. differs by eight degrees. C. differs by four degrees. D. is the same.,twenty-eight,thirty-two,C,解释,从文段看:盐水的冰点是28F,而淡水的冰点是32F,那么32F-28F=4F,两者仅相差4F,故选C。关键是在扫读中抓住段义,记准数据,事实细节或文字的含义。,解释,Thank you,


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