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    Unit 3 Computers 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.The development of the steam engine was a great (科技的) advance. 2.I havent (计算) the result of the maths problem. 3.Life (完全地) changed when I went to college. 4.People will build a large (人造 的) lake in the new park. ,technological,calculated,totally/completely,artificial,5.Before going to school,all the children are given an (智力) test. 6.Difficulties will a as we do the work. 7.P ,I prefer to go to Beijing for my holiday. 8.Do you know that football c who is standing there? 9.“One World,One Dream” fully reflects the essence (实质) and the u values of the Olympic spirit. 10.The invention of the television caused a r in our daily life.,intelligence,rise,ersonally,oach,niversal,evolution,.重点短语再现 1. 从时起 2. 结果 3. 如此以致于 4. 在某种程度上 5. 在的帮助下 6. 处理;安排;对付 7. 看守;监视 8. 共有;共用 9. 弥补 10. 毕竟,from.on,as a result,so.that,in a way,with the help of,deal with,watch over,in common,make up,after all,.典型句式运用 1.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.我发 育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯·巴比 奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 (1)“It took/was+一段时间+before 从句”是一个固定句型,意为“ ”。 (2)before用于这类句型时的结构还有: It didnt take/was long (或一段时间) before.过了不久(一段时间)就,考点提炼,过了后才,It will take/be long (或一段时间) before.要过很久(一段时间)才 It wont take/be long (或一段时间) before.不久(一段时间后)就会 2.As time went by,I was made smaller.随着时间 的推移,我被制造得越来越小。 句中的as是连词,引导 从句, 意为“ ”或“ ”。 表示“随着”时,也可以用with,但with后只 接名词短语。,考点提炼,时间状语,一边一边,随着,3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的记忆能力变得如此 巨大,甚至连我自己都不能相信! so+adj./adv.+that.意为 “ ”,引导结果状语从句。 so that引导 从句,相当于in order that,该从句中常用情态动词may,might,can, could,will,would和should。,考点提炼,如此以致,目的状语,4.After all,with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about!不管怎么 样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就 是我的一切。 with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything是状语, 说明主谓部分的伴随状况。在这个with短语中, 包含一个定语从句 ,修饰my electronic brain。 with the help of意为“ ”。,考点提炼,which never forgets,anything,在的帮助下,5.Whats more,you can use the Internet to learn English.而且,你还能利用因特网学英语。 What is more意为“ ”,常作 语,相当于besides或 furthermore。,考点提炼,更重要的是;而,且,插入,导练互动 重点单词 1.calculate I began as a machine in France in 1642. (回归课本P18) 观察思考 Mary always calculates the cost of goods before she buys them. 玛丽总是在买东西之前先估算好价钱。,calculating,Mr.Li calculated that it would take him three hours to get to Shenzhen. 李先生估计他要花三个小时才能到达深圳。 What I said yesterday was not calculated to hurt you. 昨天我说的话不是有意伤害你的。 归纳总结 calculate 。 calculate on/upon指望;打算 It is calculated that.据估算 be calculated to do打算做;故意做 be calculated for适合于,v.计算;打算;推测,即学即用 (1)这些广告旨在吸引年轻的单身消费者。 The advertisements attract young single consumers. (2)据估算,去年至少丧失了47 000个工作。 at least 47,000 jobs were lost last year.,are calculated to,It has been calculated that,2.anyhow ,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.(回归课本P18) 观察思考 I am not feeling quite well but I will attend the meeting tomorrow anyhow. 我觉得不太舒服,但明天的会我无论如何会参加。 His books were arranged anyhow on the floor. 他的书乱七八糟摊了一地。,Anyhow,归纳总结 anyhow 。 (1)“无论如何,不管怎样,反正;尽管如此”,在 作此意解时,anyway和anyhow一样,都用作让步状 语,一般位于句中(其前常有连词but)或句末。 (2)“况且,更何况;再说;至少”,作此意解 时,anyway和anyhow一样,都用作句子状语,用来 对前边的话作补充,给出一个更加令人信服的理由。 这时anyhow常出现在句首或最后的分句之首(位于 分句之首时其前常有连词and),而不可出现在句末。 (3)“粗心地;随意地”,在作此意解时,只能用 anyhow。,adv.无论如何;不管怎么说;胡乱地,即学即用 (1)Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the British Museum? Sorry,Im a stranger here. . A.Thanks anyway B.It doesnt matter C.Never mind D.No problem 解析 A.不管怎样,还是要谢谢你。B.没关系。 C.不要紧;不用担心。D.没问题。句意为: 打扰了,你能告诉我去大英博物馆的路 吗?抱歉,我在这儿是个陌生人。不 管怎样,还是要谢谢你。,A,(2)I might fail,but I insist on doing it,I dont mind. A.however B.anyhow C.yet D.meanwhile,B,3.arise Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation .(回归课本P23) 观察思考 A new difficulty has arisen. 一项新的困难出现了。 I arose early in the morning. 我早上起得很早。,arises,归纳总结 arise 。 (1)作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为以下 抽象名词: argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement。 (2)arise from由而引起,由而产生; 从中产生。,vi.出现,发生;上升,易混辨异 arise,arouse,rise,raise,即学即用 (1)我本来想事情会很容易,但是出现了许多问题。 I thought it would be easy,but a lot of problems . (2)事故由粗心大意引起。 Accidents carelessness.,have arisen,arise from,4.signal For example,I have learned to to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.(回归课本P23) 观察思考 Dont fire until I signal. 等我发出信号后再开枪。 He signalled to the waiter for the bill. 他示意服务员结账。 A red light is a signal of danger. 红灯是危险的信号标志。,signal,归纳总结 signal 。 易混辨异 signal,sign,mark,symbol (1)signal常指约定俗成、用于传达某些信息的信 号,也指灯光、声音或信号标志。 (2)sign用法最广,可以指符号,也可以指情绪、性格的直观显示,还可以指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指示牌、卡片等,借喻作“征兆;迹象”讲。 The referee gave the sign to start the game. 裁判员给出开始比赛的信息。,vi.& vt.发信号;n.信号,(3)mark含义广泛,指事物留下的深刻印记,比 sign更侧重于区别性或指示性的标志。 (4)symbol指被人们选出的物体或图案,用来代表 另一事物,作为该事物的标记或象征。 The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。,即学即用 (1)The soldiers are hiding in the trees and waiting for the to start firing. A.mark B.signal C.sign D.symbol 解析 这里强调传达某些信息的信号,应用 signal。 (2)Rose is considered to be a of love. A.mark B.signal C.sign D.symbol 解析 句意为:玫瑰被视为爱情的象征。 symbol象征;符号。,B,D,重点短语与句型 5.in a way our programmer is like our coach. (回归课本P23) 观察思考 In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes. 从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之 一。,In a way,归纳总结 in a way意为: 。 all the way一路上;一直;完全 by way of经由,途经 by the way顺便说 in the way妨碍;挡路 in this way以这种方法 in no way决不,无论如何都不 on the way在途中 on ones way (to).在某人去的途中;即将 成为 give way (to)让步,屈服,有几分;在某种程度上,即学即用 (1)竟然有这么多的人途经香港去国外,真让人吃惊。 Its surprising that so many people should go abroad . (2)我们决不能错过这个被派往国外深造的机会。 the chance that someone will be sent abroad for further education.,by way of Hong Kong,In no way can we miss,6.make up In this way I can new moves using my“artificial intelligence”.(回归课本P23) 观察思考 A computer is made up of many different parts. 电脑由许多不同的零件组成。 He is making up stories.Dont trust him. 他在编故事。别信他。 She spent two hours making herself up before the party. 她在参加聚会前用了两个小时化妆。,make up,归纳总结 make up ; ;和解,言归于好; , ;弥补;把补上。 make up for sth.弥补;补偿 make for朝某方向移动 make full/good/the best use of (=make the most of)充分利用 make fun of取笑;捉弄 make into转变 make it做成功 make ones way向走去,组成,编出,化妆,打扮,make out设法应付;活下来;过活;了解;辨认; 理解 make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 make sure确信 be made from/of.由制造 即学即用 (1)这个医疗队由10名医生和6名护士组成。 The medical team 10 doctors and 6 nurses. (2)玛丽要努力学习,才能把生病时落下的功课补上。 Mary had to she missed in school when she was sick by studying very hard.,is made up of,make up for the schoolwork,7.watch over It should also my naughty niece,who comes to my house very often. (回归课本P24) 观察思考 They were watched over by three policemen. 他们由三个警察看守着。 Im his best friend,and I will always watch over him. 我是他最好的朋友,我会一直照看他的。,watch over,watch over意为: 。 watch for留意,观察等待 watch out (for)警惕或注意;提防 keep (a) watch on监视 即学即用 (1)过街时,一定要当心交通。 When you go across the street,you must the traffic. (2)如果你不小心,你就会有麻烦。 You will be in trouble if you dont .,看护,照看,watch out for,watch out,8.deal with This means that it should clean the house,mop the floors,cook the dinner and telephone calls.(回归课本P24) 观察思考 The man is easy to deal with. 这个人容易打交道。 I dont know how to deal with the naughty boys. 我不知道如何来对付这些淘气的男孩。,deal with,归纳总结 deal with意为: 。 (1)deal with和do with都可表示“处理;对付”, do with常与连接代词what连用,而deal with常与 连接副词how连用。 (2)deal with的意思较多,常表示“对付,应付; 处理;安排;论述;涉及;与交涉,交易”等。,处理;安排;对付,即学即用 (1)这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。 This is a book Asian problems. (2)他们学会了和各种人打交道。 They have learned to all sorts of people.,dealing with,deal with,9.with the help of After all, my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about! (回归课本P23) 观察思考 She spoke with us with the help of an interpreter. 她在翻译的帮助下与我们交谈。 I worked out the problem with the help of my teacher. 在老师的帮助下我解出了这道题。,with the help of,归纳总结 with the help of意为: 。 (1)help sb.out帮助某人渡过难关/摆脱困境 help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 help (to) do sth.帮着做某事 help oneself to自用(食物);擅自取用 (2)cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事 cannot help but do sth.不得不做某事,只得做 某事 ,在的帮助下,即学即用 (1)She (不禁 琢磨着) what he was thinking. (2)She stopped smoking (在的帮助下) her family and friends.,couldnt help but wonder,with the help of,10.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it! 我的存储容量变得 如此巨大,连我自己都不能相信! 典例体验 It was loud a song we couldnt hear ourselves. (=It was such a loud song that we couldnt hear ourselves.) 这首歌太吵了,我们都听不见自己的声音了。 It was bad weather he had to stay at home.,so,that,such,that,天气很糟糕,他只好呆在家里。 Mr.White got little money a month he could hardly keep body and soul together. 怀特先生每月赚的钱太少,几乎无法维护生活。 归纳总结 “so.that.”可引导 从句。其中的so 后跟 或 。如果修饰名词短语,要用 “so+形容词+a(an)+名词”的形式。此句型中的so 用于句首时,so后面的部分要用 序,但 不用倒装。,so,that,时间状语,形容词,副词,倒装,that,后的从句,(1)not so+adj./adv. (as.)(不像)这 么 It didnt take so long as we expected. 时间没像我们预料的那么久。 I havent enjoyed myself so much for a long time. 我很长时间没有这么高兴过了。 (2)so+adj./adv.+as to do太以致于 She was so kind as to phone for a taxi for me. 她很热心,打电话为我叫了一辆出租车。 How could you be so stupid as to believe him? 你怎么这么笨,竟相信他的话?,易混辨异 so.that,such.that (1)so.that有时可以与such.that互相替换,但 such所修饰的名词必须是一个单数可数名词,且该 名词前还带有表性质的形容词,即由“so+形容词 +a/an+单数名词”转化为“such a/an+形容词+单数名 词”。 (2)如果是不可数名词或复数可数名词,则只能用 such,不能用so修饰。 (3)如果名词前有many,few,much,little等表示数量 的形容词修饰,则要用so,而不用such,构成so many,so much,so little,so few的形式。,即学即用 (1) that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere. A.So successful her business was B.So successful was her business C.So her business was successful D.So was her successful business 解析 本题考查倒装。so+adj./adv.置于句首, 其主句需用部分倒装。 (2)They are (孩子们太小以致于他们不能) clean the house by themselves.,such little children that they,cannot,B,11.She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能 的动作编入我们的程序。 典例体验 ,Ill go abroad to study. 可能的话,我将去国外学习。 Do not talk .吃饭时不要讲话。,If (it is) possible,while eating,归纳总结 本句中的while watching.是“ ” 作时间状语。 when,while,whenever,before,after,until,till和 if,unless,though等引导的 和 状语从句, 当从句的主语与主句的主语一致且从句谓语动词是 be的某种形式时,从句的 和 可以省 略,即用“连词+分词短语”结构来代替从句。当从 句为“连词+it is+adj.”时,也常将 省略掉。,连词+分词短语,时间,条件,主语,系动词be,it is,即学即用 (1)除非收到邀请,否则我是不会去参加她的聚会的。 I wont go to her party . (2)如果有必要的话,我明天来。 ,Ill come tomorrow.,unless (I am),invited,If (it is) necessary,1.利用派生法,品句填词 (1)Though the old man usually what he should do,he never his honor.(forget) (2)The novel had interested him and him,but his mothers blame for reading the novel made him .(satisfy) (3)Although I was to get more information,she was unable,or to give me any further details.(will),forgets,forgets,unforgettable,satisfied,unsatisfied,willing,unwilling,品味构词,串联扩展,uncomfortable,unacceptable,unanswerable,unavoidable,unbearable,unaccountable,2.利用派生法,品句填词 (1)The entire ,it seemed,was watching and news on TV. (nation) (2)He is just the we need for the job.Of course,this is a opinion. (person) (3)After spending a week in Paris,he suddenly appeared in London as if by .(magic),nation,national,international,person,personal,magical,magic,串联扩展,technical,electrical,electoral,economical,editorial,educational,有关选举的,有教育意义的,考题回扣 【例1】The loss has not yet been accurately,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars. (湖北高考) A.calculated B.considered C.completed D.controlled 解析 calculate此处意为“计算”。句意为:损 失还没有确切地计算出来,但人们相信它将远远 超出一亿美元。consider考虑;complete完成; 结束;control控制,三者均不符合句意。,A,课文原文 I began as a machine in France in 1642. 【例2】Usually John would be late for meetings.But this time, to my surprise,he arrived on time.(辽宁高考) A.little B.much C.ever D.even ,calculating,解析 句意为:约翰开会通常会迟到,但这一次, 令我非常吃惊的是,他按时到会了。修饰“to ones+情感名词”用副词much。 答案 B 课文原文 Over time my memory has developed so that,like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told!,much,【例3】Jenny nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping.(全国高考) A.as a result of B.on top of C.in front of D.in need of 解析 句意为:由于买了太多的东西,Jenny 差 点误了航班。as a result of由于的结果, on top of在顶部;in front of在前 面;in need of需要,由句意知A项正确。 课文原文 I totally changed my shape.,As a result,A,【例4】How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! Its a challenge,I guess, man against nature. (福建高考) A.of B.for C.by D.about 解析 解答本题的关键是去掉插入语I guess,故 原句就为Its a challenge of man against nature.。 课文原文 About once a year we are allowed to get together to play a game football.,of,A,【例5】Mary went to the box office at lunch time,but all the tickets out. (上海高考) A.would sell B.had sold C.have sold D.was selling 解析 玛丽去售票处是一个过去的动作,而票全 部售完发生在玛丽去售票处之前,因此是“过去 的过去”,故用过去完成时。 课文原文 They a new type of program just before the competition.,had developed,B,自主检测 .品句填词 1.Many of the students take their c into the classroom to help them do some maths work,which is not preferred by the teachers. 2.Once he was considered to be s , for he couldnt work out the simplest numbers. 3.Robots can also be called a intelligence. 4.Everything has its advantages and d .,alculators,imple-minded,rtificial,isadvantages,5.A good c when facing difficulties is to stay calm. 6.P ,I disagree with you on your plan. 7.I need some m to make a dress. 8.Once he was the c of our football team. 9.Its dangerous for a young lady w in the street late at night. 10.Use your b ,and you will have a way.,hoice,ersonally,aterials,oach,andering,rain,.短语运用 1.Saying you are sorry wont the damage of breaking the vase. 2.The doctors and nurses the seriously wounded worker day and night. 3.Every week they and compared notes. 4.I think we should work out a strategy to this situation.,watch over,after all,go by,in a way,in common,with the help of,get together,make up,deal with,as a result,make up,watched over,got together,deal with,5.They helped each other in studies and they made great progress and became good friends. 6. the computer,it is now easy to deal with and share information. 7.They are friends,but they have little . 8.The work is well done . 9.With time ,computers are becoming more and more popular. 10.Dont get discouraged by setbacks;we are new to the work .,as a result,With the help of,in common,in a way,going by,after all,.完成句子 1. (随时可能出现 事故),which requires the police to be on duty all the day time. 2.She (沿着公路徘徊),not knowing what to do and where to go. 3.You have to (作出选择) whether to accept the job or not. 4. (从某种程度上看),our programmer is like our coach. 5.And my memory (变得如 此之大) even I c


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