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    如何写医学论文英文结构式摘要,How to write structured medical Abstract,Introduction,摘要,亦称文摘(Abstract或Summary),一般置于论文、科研报告或文摘综述的正文之前,是对整个论文主要内容的概括和总结。它具有独立性与自含性。 独立性- 指读者无需依赖原文就能准确把握摘要所表达的含义。摘要是一种独立的文献类型。 自含性- 指摘要内的名词术语、缩略语、符号、代号符合规范,具有自明性。摘要本身属于一篇完整的短文。,摘要的种类,非结构式摘要(Non-structured Abstract) 结构式摘要(Structured Abstract),摘要的内容,(1)指示性摘要(Indicative Abstract) 指示性摘要,亦称通报性文摘,一般只提示论文的要点,不涉及其方法、材料、数据、结果等内容,有的甚至只用1-2个句子。医学文选综述的摘要多为提示性的。这种摘要为非结构式摘要,句中谓语动词常用一般现在时或现在完成时。,例:论原发性胃肠道淋巴瘤,本文综述了治疗原发于胃肠道淋巴瘤的主要经验,并就该病的临床、病理及治疗等问题进行了讨论。 Primary Lymphomas of the Gastrointestinal Tract An institutional experience with primary gastrointestinal Lymphoma (PGL) is reviewed. The clinical, pathologic, and therapeutic aspects of PGL are discussed.,(2)报道性摘要 (Informative Abstract),报道性摘要,亦称资料性摘要,内容比较具体,一般要列举关键数据,大多医学论文的摘要为报道性摘要。一般包括下述内容: a. 简介(Brief Introduction):介绍研究背景(Background)、目的(Objective/Purpose)或解题性说明(Explanation); b. 研究的过程与结果(Procedure and Result of the Research); c. 结论(Conclusion); d. 对未来的展望(Future Prospects);,Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette Smoking,The smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with those of 92 consecutive patients with non-malignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed. This difference was significant, and remained so when only men or black and white patients were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.,将48例高血压患者与92例非恶性高血压患者作了吸烟习惯的对比研究。初诊时就已吸烟的恶性高血压患者有33例,非恶性患者34例,两者之间有明显差异。即使对男性患者进行比较,或将白人与黑人分别进行比较,这种差异也仍然显著。本研究表明:恶性高血压是一种与吸烟有关的疾病。,医学论文摘要的格式目前主要采用结构式摘要(structured abstract),它是由加拿大Mc Master大学临床流行病学和生物统计学教授Haynes博士于1990年4月首先提出的。 而几乎在同年,美国内科学纪事(Annals of Internal Medicine'Ann Intern Med)在国际上率先应用结构式摘要,随之,世界各国的医学期刊都采用了结构式摘要。,这些结构式摘要有8段式、7段式、6段式、5段式、4段式及3段式等,内容主要包括研究目的、研究设计、研究单位、研究对象或病人、处理方法、检测方法、结果及结论共8项。而在实际应用中,8段式结构式摘要逐渐简化为4段式。我国大多数医学期刊都采用了4段式结构式摘要,即目的、方法、结果和结论。,1)目的(objective):简要说明研究的目的,表明研究的范围、内容和重要性,常常涵盖文章的标题内容。(2)方法(methods):简要说明研究课题的设计思路,使用何种材料和方法,如何对照分组,如何处理数据等。(3)结果(results):简要介绍研究的主要结果和数据,有何新发现,说明其价值及局限。此外,还要给出结果的置信值,统计学显著性检验的确切值。(4)结论(conclusion):简要对以上的研究结果进行分析或讨论,并进行总结,给出符合科学规律的结论。,Abstract,本文主要介绍医学论文英文结构式摘要的四个部分:目的、方法、结果和结论,并探讨其写作内容与方法、时态与语态和常用句型。,为了便于讨论的展开,我们先看摘自一篇被SCI收录的医学论文英文结构式摘要。例一: Objective: To investigate the relationship between the mast cell density (MCD) and the context of clinicopathological parameters and expression of p185, estrogen receptor (ER), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in gastric carcinoma.,Methods: Mast cell, p185, ER, and PCNA were detected by using immunohistochemical S-P labeling method. Mast cell was counted in tissue of gastric carcinoma and regional lymph nodes respectively, and involved lymph nodes (ILN) were examined as usual.,Results: MCD was significantly related to both age and depth of penetration (x2 = 4.688, P 21/0.03mm2 and MCD21/0.03 mm2 in 100 patients. MCD in 1-6 ILN group patients was significantly higher than that in 7-15 ILN or 15 ILN group patients (u=6.881, 8.055, P21/ 0.03 mm2 and MCD21/0.03 mm3 in 100 patients.,Conclusion: Mast cell may have an effect on inhibiting invasive growth of tumor, especially in the aged patients. The number of mast cells, in certain degree, may predicate assessment of prognosis. MCD was related to the expression of p185, ER, and PCNA in gastric carcinoma. It suggests that mast cell accumulation may inhibit the proliferation and the dissemination of gastric carcinoma.,这种格式是国际医学期刊编辑委员会制定的生物医学期刊投稿统一要求(温哥华格式,1997年第五版)所规定的四层次摘要,包括:目的、方法、结果和结论,并在文字上要求结构式摘要的英文不超过250词(我国编辑标准要求中文摘要为200-300字)。,不同期刊对摘要的长度有不同要求,例如:JAMA(美国医学协会杂志)规定摘要不得超过135词; American Journal of Medical Sciences (美国医学杂志)规定不宜超过200词。,1 结构式摘要的目的部分,1.1 目的部分的写作内容与方法 摘要中目的部分是说明论文要解决的问题。目的的英文称Objective,Purpose或 Aim, 一般用单数形式。单表目的主要用动词不定式短语。如例一中Objective部分只用不定式短语表达。,1.2 目的部分的常用句型,研究/探讨:study/explore/ examine/investigate;确定:decide/determine/ characterize;评价:evaluate/ assess/judge/validate/appraise/estimate/calculate/ appreciate;证实:testify/ verify/prove/test/support/ confirm;阐明/弄清:indicate/ show/demonstrate/ document/illustrate/explain/find out/ elucidate;介绍/报道:report/present/describe;寻找: seek/find/look for/search for;建立:develop/ establish /set out;比较/对比:compare/correlate/associate /contrastwith;区别/识别:identify/differentiate/ discriminate,2 结构式摘要的方法部分,2.1 方法部分的写作内容与方法 论文的材料与方法(Materials and Methods)、对象和方法(Patients / Participants / Subjects and Methods)等在结构式摘要中简称为方法,英文称Methods,常用复数形式。方法部分应具体而真实地陈述研究设计、研究对象、处理与测定方法和统计学分析。方法部分一般用过去时,多用被动语态。有时,叙述方法也可用过去完成时,说明研究前或研究中某一时间之前发生的情况。如例一中Methods部分,句中动词使用过去时被动态。,2.2 方法部分的常用句型,1)研究对象的选择、分组及标准:inclusion/entry criteria consisted of/were(入选的标准是);selection was based on/were selected based on; were selected randomly from;the major criteria for inclusion in the study were; were considered ineligible for;were excluded from the study/ participation/ enrollment were randomized into/were randomly allocated to/were divided randomly into;were divided/grouped/stratified/allocated/ classify- ed/assigned into/to(被分成),2)材料来源:was provided by;was purchased by(购自);was obtained from;using Osteo Analyzers (Simens - Osteorn, Wahiwas, Hawaii)用骨分析器(由夏威夷西门子奥斯汀公司生产),3)实验动物处置:was bred/fed in;was fasted/starved 12 hours before operation;white rabbits weighing betweenandwere used;was killed by decapitation/cervical dislocation / exsanguinations (被断头/放血/处死); was anesthetized with,4)借鉴他人实验方法:was isolated by the procedure of; was prepared according to the methods described by; was carried out as previously described; was separated by the technique previously;was done with a modified method of; was determined/measured by/with,5)实验标本制备:samples of were obtained/ taken from;was fixed with/in; was stained with(用染色 );was embedded in/with(被包埋在); was dehydrated by/in(用脱水);was sectioned at a thickness of(切成薄片);was sliced into 1mm sections(切成1mm厚薄); was cut on a ultramicrotome into(在超薄切片机上切成); was diluted to(被稀释到),6)年龄与性别:在某一年龄,如一个45岁病人:a 45-year-old patient/a patient aged 45 (years)/a patient at 45 years of age/a patient at the age of 45 years (old);在某一年龄以上或以下:a patient /more than the age of 45 years; older than 45 years; more than 45 years of age; patients aged 45±3 years; 45 years of age /or older; a patient under/before/below/less than/after the age of 45 (years); 45 years of age and under/or less; less than/younger than 45 years;,在某一年龄范围及平均年龄:patients range in age from 45 to 50/have an age range of 45 to 50/with a mean (average) age of 45±3 years; 性别比例:male-to-female ratio/with female-male ratio of 2:1/rats of both sexes/mixed-bred dogs ratio of either sex,7)诊断与治疗:was diagnosed as/by/with/ according to/on the basis of; was misdiagnosed as/was mistaken as (for);was suspected as/of having/ to be; treated for;was the treatment of the first choice; was referred/transferred to,3结构式摘要的结果部分,3.1 结果部分的写作内容与方法 结果在摘要中英文称Results,常用复数形式。该部分主要表述研究所获得客观的、与研究结论有关的重要结果。如有可能,应提供具体数据和统计学资料。由于研究实验结果是回顾性陈述,因此,常用一般过去时,使用被动语态较为普遍。如例一中Results部分,句中动词使用过去时。,3.2 结果部分的常用句型,1)结果表明:the results showed/suggested/ indicated/revealed/documented/demonstrated that ; We found that; was/were found to / that 2) 与有关:was in relation to; was correlated/associated/ connected with; there was a relationship/correlation/ association between A and B; was found to be correlated/associated with; there was a relation/correlation of A and B,e times; two or three times/2 or 3 times;twice as much as;increased(decreased)by 3 fold/times; A was 3 fold/times as as B(A是B的3倍); was decreased/reduced/dropped/ lowered/declined by/to; with an overall increase of(总的增加);with a mean/average increase of(平均增加); the ratio of A to B,4) 比较与对比:was equal to; of A was similar/analogous to that/those of B(A与B相似)was compared to/with; was consistent/comparable with;in contrast/on the contrary/whereas 5)统计学上的区别:There was very/highly significant difference in between A and B; no significant/insignificant/non significant was found/observed/noted in between A and B,4结构式摘要的结论部分,4.1 结论部分的写作内容与方法 结论部分是作者对研究发现或实验结果得出的主要结论,包括理论意义、直接的(可能的)临床意义或应用价值。结论的英文称Conclusion (s)。叙述结论时,如果作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义,用一般现在时;如果作者认为自己的结论仅仅是一种可能性或只表示当时的研究结果和研究范围,则用一般过去时。例如: Conclusion: The majority of the results demonstrate the effectiveness of Ticlopidine as an antiaggregation.,4.2 结论部分的常用句型,1)用于引出研究结果的词语也可用于引出研究的结论,但在时态的使用上不同,前者用一般过去时,后者用一般现在时。例如:data/results show/ suggest/demonstrate/confirm/indicate(数据(结果)/说明/证实/提示/揭示),2) 在结论部分,作者客观、委婉地陈述自己的看法和建议,推测或评论某种情况,很难作出非常肯定或否定的观点时,除了用may/might/can/could/ probably/presumably/should等词语表达外,还可用以下句型:(not) appear to/seem to/It is likely (unlikely) that/there is (no) evidence that /may prove (to be),3) 具有意义:be of great/some/little/no clinical significance in /to ; be of great/little/no limited use/ application/value in / to 4) 支持或反对某种观点、理论、假说等: support/fail to support the idea (theory/proposal/ hypothesis/findings of previous studies) that; supply/ offer a basis for;pose a challenge to; are consistent/in accord/with the theory/ proposal/hypothesis/previous studies that;be similar to that reported/described/ documented by (与报道/描述/证明相似); be contrasted with/different from。,5) 分析(可能的)原因:may be caused by; may lead to/result in/account for/be the cause/result of; be responsible for; be due to; contribute to; give rise to 6) 前瞻性说明:remains to be proved; needs to be further investigated / examined / studied / assessed/ evaluated; remains to be uncertain 综上所述,结构式摘要层次清楚,简明扼要,信息丰富,便于写作,文献检索和信息交流,摘要写作与翻译中应注意的问题,文章标题文章标题具备信息功能(提供文章的主要内容)、祈使功能(吸引读者阅读和购买)、美感功能(简单明了、新颖、醒目)和检索功能(方便读者和科技工作者检索、查阅及引用)。医学论文的标题还有它自己的特点,即有较多的专业术语和较长的字数。对于它们的翻译,要忠实于原文,一般都采用直译方法,并且要注意各成分之间的关系。,请看下例,“针刺对冠心病心绞痛患者左心功能状态的影响” The acupuncture effect on left ventricular function in patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris Note:层层修饰关系在译文中均以介词连接,译文简洁而明晰。,语态在英语中,被动语态的使用远不及主动语态广泛。然而,在翻译医学论文摘要时,却常常采用第三人称的被动语态。这是因为医学研究着重于客观事物和过程的描述,使得整项活动更显出科学性。同时,被动语态的句子在结构上有较大的调节余地,有利于采用必要的修辞手段,扩大句子的信息量,从而突出重要的概念、问题、事实、结论等内容,请看下例,“采用Western blotting技术检测37例食管鳞状细胞癌组织、癌旁组织、区域淋巴结和相应正常食管组织中P73蛋白的表达,并探讨与食管临床病理特征的关系。” The expression of P73 protein was detected by Western blotting in 37 cases of esophageal tumor tissues,para-cancer tissues,regional lymphnodes and matched esophageal normal tissues and their relation to clinical pathologic characteristics of esophageal cancer was explored.,时态时态是大多数作者遇到的一大难题,他们不知何时该用何种时态。有时全文从头到尾只用一种时态,或几种时态杂乱交错,给人不知所云的感觉。医学论文摘要中所采用的时态主要是一般现在时和一般过去时,偶尔也会出现完成时。而它们的功能也很明确,即,一般现在时(偶尔有现在完成时)使用于摘要的目的与结论当中。对于摘要的目的,现在常常省略主语,只用不定式短语进行表达。,请看下例,“106例宫颈癌均行广泛性子宫切除和盆腔淋巴结清除术,其中78例行术前放疗(体外加腔内放疗),16例采用腔内放疗加手术,12例术后放疗。” A total of 106 patients with cervical carcinoma were all treated by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, of whom 78 had preoperative radiotherapy(external radiation and brachytherapy), 16 combination of brachytherapy and radical operation and 12 adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy.,Better?,Of 106 patients with cervical carcinoma treated by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, 78 had preoperative radiotherapy(external radiation and brachytherapy), 16 had combination of brachytherapy and radical operation and 12 had adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy.,Best?,Of 106 patients with cervical carcinoma treated by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, 78, 16, 12 had preoperative radiotherapy(external radiation and brachytherapy), combination of brachytherapy and radical operation and adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy respectively.,“初步结果显示肝素酶基因表达可能为肺癌细胞获得转移活性的可靠标志之一,其检测可用于辅助判断肺癌患者预后。” The preliminary results suggest that the expression of heparanase gene may be one of the reliable markers for the metastastic activity gained by the lung cancer cells and can be used clinically in predicting the prognosis of patients.,长、难句的翻译,管是英语还是汉语医学文章,都有一个共同的特点,即它们的句子通常较长,结构较复杂,有时,长长的一段文字仅由一句话组成。在医学论文摘要中更是如此,要做好它们的互译还真不容易。这是因为汉语句子建构在意念主轴(thought pivot)上英语句子建构在形式(或主谓)主轴(form pivot or subject predict pivot)上。也就是说,虽然句子是表达完整意义的语言单位,汉语强调的是意义,不太强调句子结构,许多句子没有主语,还有的句子主语不明显,但意义是明确的;而英语句子特别强调句子结构,绝大多数句子需要主语和谓语。这就要求在汉译英过程中注意句意的转换,学会抓找中心词和使用英语中的各个关联词。,“以BPDE诱导恶性转化的人支气管上皮细胞株16HBE为模型,采用cDNA代表性差异分析方法,比较转化细胞及正常对照细胞间基因表达的差异,分离恶变细胞中差异表达的cDNA片段。” Note:根据句意和英语的句子结构,将原文分成两层意思,按照两个句子去翻译。,The malignant transformation of human bronchial cell line 16HBE induced by BPDE was used as a model for comparing gene expression between the transformed cells and controls. cDNA representational difference analysis was performed to isolate differentially expressed cDNA fragment in transformed cells.,“这些感受器是神经末梢,它们嵌入血管壁,根据该血管扩张的程度发出冲动。” These receptors are nerve endings that discharge impulses according to the extent of stretch in the wall of the vessels in which they are imbedded. Note:本句中采用的是定语分译法'即用一个主句带上一个定语从句'该定语从句又带上它自己的定语从句'这不仅符合英文习惯'而且逻辑性很强。,Summary,(1)英文摘要的时态与语态 1)说明研究目的,通常用一般现在时或一般过去时。 2)说明方法和结果,一般用一般过去时、第三人称的被动语态表达。 3)结论通常用一般现在时、被动语态表达,也可用主动语态表达。,(2)常用句型,1)表达论文内容的常用句型 A 第三人称主动态 This paper(article,report)describes本文叙述 This paper (article)reports本文报告 This report(paper,article)presents本文介绍 This paper(article,report)discusses本文讨论 常用的动词还有analyze(分析),evaluate(评价),compare(比较),describe(描述)等。 B 第一人称主动态 We report(on)我们报告 We describe a case of 我们描述1例 In this paper,we present 本文介绍 In this paper,we report 本文报告 主语除we之外,还可用the authors(作者)等。 C 一般现在时被动语态 A case is reported in which 本文报告1例 A study ofis reported本文报告的研究 is(are)described. 本文描述 In this paper.is(are)presented. 本文介绍,2)表达目的常用句型 A 一般过去时、被动语态 The purpose(aim,objective) of this study was to 本研究旨在 The goal(aim) of this investigation was to 本研究旨在 This study was designed to 本研究旨在 This study was undertaken to 本研究旨在 This prospective study was performed to 本前瞻性研究的目的是 A study towas carried out(during) (在期间)所作研究的目的是 An attempt has been made to 为了而作试验 B 动词不定式短语 To evaluate,report,investigate,study,analyze C 一般过去时、主动语态 We(the authors)conducted a study to 为了我们进行了研究,To determine,we studied 为了确定,我们研究了 In an attempt to,in an effort to或in order to,we carried out a pilot study 为了,我们进行了的初步研究 表示目的的常用动词有:evaluate(评价),examine(检查,观察),determine(确定,查明),elucidate(阐明),explore(探索),test(测试),compare(比较),estimate(评估),assess(估价),investigate(调查)等。,3)表达方法的常用句型 A 方法 表达研究类型 Prospective, Retrospective, Cohort,Case-control,in vivo, in vitro Using(technique),we studied 我们用(技术)研究了 Using,it was found that (我们)用发现了 was(were)measured using (我们)用测定了 was(were)analyzed (reviewed) by (我们)用分析(回顾)了 was(were)treated with (我们)用治疗了 measurements were made of 测定了 常用的动词还有:study,measure,determine, investigate,isolate,demonstrate,examine,identify等。 B 分组(主语通常为patients,subjects,animals) were randomly divided (grouped) intogroups 被随机分成组,were separated intogroups based on 根据,将分成组 The groups were as follows: 分组如下: C 治疗或检查方法 was performed(used) in (on)patients 我们对患者施行(应用)了 (patients) underwentendoscopy (患者)进行了内镜检查 Surgical procedures, assay(immunohistochemistry, molecular biology) 手术方法,测试方法 C 统计学方法 Statistical m


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