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    在合成橡胶评定试验配方中 采用炭黑和氧化锌品种的研究 Study on Using Carbon Black and ZnO in Evaluation Experimental Formula of Synthetic Rubber,邓 毅、王定友、王 成、张铭霖、夏春山 Deng Yi, Wang Ding you, Wang Cheng, Zhang Ming lin,Xia Chun shan 中橡集团炭黑工业研究设计院 China Carbon Black Institute,主要内容 Main content,1、前 言 Introduction 2、实 验 Experiments 3、结果与讨论 Results and discussions 4、结 论 Conclusions,1、前 言 Introduction,1. ASTM D1765 IRB7#、 IRB7# 2. 中国研制IRC4#。 Chinese IRC4#,A. 本文涉及两个标准参比炭黑 Two standard reference carbon black,B. 三个标准 Three standards,1. ISO2322:1996丁苯胶(SBR) 乳液和溶液聚合型评定方法 ISO2322:1996 (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Emulsion-and solution-polymerized types Evaluation procedures) 2. ISO 2476:1996顺丁橡胶(BR) 溶液聚合型评定方法 ISO 2476:1996 (Butadiene Rubber Solution Polymerized Types- Evaluation Procedures) 3. ASTM D 3192-05炭黑在天然橡胶中的鉴定方法 ASTM D 3192-05(Test Methods for Carbon Black Evaluation in Natural Rubber),C.实验目的 Purpose of the experiment,1. 对比测试两种标准参比炭黑在丁苯胶(SBR)1500、顺丁橡胶(BR)9000和天然橡胶NR中的物理机械性能。 To carry out comparison test on physical and mechanical properties of two kinds of reference carbon black in SBR1500、BR9000 and NR . 2. 研究橡胶专用ZnO和分析纯ZnO在合成胶胶料中的作用 The function of different kinds of ZnO in synthetic rubber compound.,D. 中国标准参比炭黑IRC4#的研制 The manufacture of chinese reference carbon black IRC4#,标准参比炭黑是对炭黑产品质量和合成橡胶质量进行检验时采用的标准物质,当前国际标准参比炭黑采用的是ASTM D1765 IRB7(以下简称IRB7#)。 为适应国内大量使用标准参比炭黑的需求,中国国家炭黑质检中心研制生产了中国标准参比炭黑,即GB/T 9578 标准参比炭黑4(以下简称IRC4#)。,2 实验 Experiments,2.1 实验设备 Experimental equipment,150炼胶机:广东湛江橡塑机械厂生产; 63吨平板硫化机:浙江湖州宏川橡塑机械厂生产; 微机控制电子拉力试验机:深圳市新三思材料检测有限公司,2.2 实验材料 Experimental materials,标准参比炭黑IRB7从美国进口; IRB7, ASTM reference carbon black is imported from USA IRC4#由国家炭黑质量监督检验中心生产; IRC4#, domestic standard reference carbon black is produced by National Carbon Black Quality Supervision and Inspection Center 丁苯胶(SBR)1500为吉化公司生产; (SBR)1500 is produced by Jilin Branch of Pertrochina,顺丁橡胶(BR)9000为新疆独山子公司生产; (BR)9000 is produced by Xinjiang Dushanzi Co., Ltd 天然胶为云南产1#烟片胶。 natural rubber is 1# smoke sheet rubber produced in Yunnan. 分析纯ZnO采用成都金山化学试剂有限公司生产的产品(批号090412)。 Analytical reagent ZnO is produced by Chengdu Jinshan Chemical Reagent Plant (Batch No.090412). 其余试验用一般性材料均为市售商品。 Other experimental materials are generally commercially available.,2.3 实验配方 Experimental formula,实验时,采用三个配方: ISO 2322:1996国际标准丁苯胶(SBR) 乳液和溶液聚合型评定方法, ISO 2322:1996 BR9000采用国际标准ISO 2476:1996顺丁橡胶(BR) 溶液聚合型评定方法, ISO 2476:1996 ASTM D 3192-05炭黑在天然橡胶中的鉴定方法。 ASTM D 3192-05,2.4 测试项目Test items,测试IRB7、IRC4#在SBR1500、BR9000和NR中物理机械性能 主要包括: 拉伸强度、300%定伸应力、拉断伸长率。 测试样品时采用6平行试验法. The Physical and mechanical properties of IRB7 and IRC4# mainly include tensile strength, stress at 300% elongation and break at elongation in SBR-1500,BR-9000 and natural rubber are tested. Test samples are 6 parallel tests.,由于有部分实验室在进行合成胶物理机械性能测试时,未使用橡胶专用ZnO,而是使用分析纯ZnO,本次实验同时研究了这两种ZnO对橡胶物理机械性能的影响。 analytical reagent ZnO and special ZnO for rubber,2.5 不同品种ZnO对橡胶物理机械性能的影响 Study on impact of different ZnO on physical and mechanical properties of rubber,3. 结果与讨论 Results and discussions,3.1 IRB7和IRC4测试结果 Test results of of IRB7 and IRC4,表1 IRB7和IRC4化学基本性质的测试结果 Table 1 Test results of Chemistry basic properties of IRB7 and IRC4,表2 IRB7和IRC4在SBR1500中的测试值 Table 2 The test value of IRB7 and IRC4 in SBR1500,表3 IRB7和IRC4在BR9000中的测试值 Table 3 The test value of IRB7 and IRC4 in BR9000,表4 IRB7和IRC4在NR中的测试结果 Table 4 The test value of IRB7 and IRC4 in NR,标准参比炭黑IRB7#和IRC4#测试值比较 Standard reference black IRB7 # and IRC4 # Comparison,1. IRB7#和IRC4#的化学基本性能测试值相近,都具有较高的稳定性,都适合做标准参比炭黑使用。 Test value for basic chemical properties of IRB7# and IRC4# is similar. Both are highly stable and suitable to be used as standard reference carbon black.,2. IRB7#和IRC4#在SBR1500、 BR9000和NR中的测试值相近,都具有较高的稳定性,都适合在合成胶中作质量鉴定用标准参比炭黑。 Test value of IRB7#和IRC4# in SBR1500,BR9000 and NR is similar. Both are highly stable and suitable to be used as standard reference carbon black in quality evaluation of synthetic rubber. 3.在同等试验条件下,IRC4#填充的胶料300%定伸应力略低于IRB7#,而拉断伸长率优于IRB7#,有利于在合成橡胶中作标准参比炭黑使用。 Under the same experimental condition, filler in IRC4# has slightly lower stress at 300% elongation and better elongation at break than IRB7, facilitating it use as standard reference carbon black in synthetic rubber.,3.3 IRB7#在SBR1500中物理性能随硫化时间的变化 Variation of physical property in SBR1500 with vulcanizing time,图1 SBR1500中拉伸强度变化图 Figure 1 Variation of tensile strength in SBR1500,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,图2 SBR1500中300定伸应力变化图 Figure 2 Variation of stress at 300% elongation in SBR1500,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,图3 SBR1500中拉断伸长率图 Figure 3 Variation of elongation at break in SBR1500,3.4 IRB7#在BR9000中物理性能随硫化时间的变化 Variation of physical property of IRB7# in BR9000 with vulcanizing time,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,图4 BR9000中拉伸强度变化图 Figure 4 Variation of tensile strength in BR9000,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,图5 BR9000中300定伸应力变化图 Figure 5 Variation of stress at 300% elongation in BR9000,图6 BR9000中拉断伸长率图 Figure 6 Elongation at break in BR9000,注: -IRB7#。 -IRC4#,从图1图6中可以看出,由于硫化时间的增加,标准参比炭黑IRB7#和IRC4#在合成橡胶中的变化为: 300定伸应力和拉伸强度强度增加, 拉断伸长率下降。,3.5 变化规律 Variation,4. 不同品种ZnO对SBR1500橡胶物理机械性能的影响 Impact of different ZnO on physical and mechanical properties of SBR1500,试验用两种ZnO: Two ZnO in test 橡胶专用的ZnO和分析纯ZnO。 试验目的:Test purpose 研究两种ZnO对橡胶物理机械性能的影响。 试验材料:Test materials SBR1500、 IRB7#和IRC4#。 试验标准:Test Standard ISO2322 :1996 。,表5 橡胶专用ZnO和分析纯ZnO对IRB7#填充SBR1500物理机械性能的影响 Table 5 Impact of special ZnO for rubber and analytical reagent ZnO on physical and mechanical properties of IRB7#-filled SBR1500,表6 橡胶专用ZnO和分析纯ZnO对IRC4填充SBR1500物理机械性能的影响 Table 6 Impact of special ZnO for rubber and analytical reagent ZnO on physical and mechanical properties of ORC4-filled SBR1500,从表5、表6可见,在合成胶中使用分析纯ZnO后,对于IRB7和 IRC4都有下列现象: After analytical reagent ZnO is used: 1. 胶料的拉断伸长率低于300。 Elongation at break of compound is less than 300% . 2. 胶料的物理机械性能下降40%左右。 Physical and mechanical properties drop by around 40% .,原因分析:Analysis 1.橡胶专用ZnO的颗粒细小呈球状,有较高的活性,有良好的分散性与吸附性,故而能促进橡胶的硫化过程,使胶料达到应有的物理机械性能。 Because special rubber for ZnO is fine and spherical and possesses good dispersion and adsorption . 2. 分析纯是指化学纯度高,对于橡胶无活性,其形态使其在胶料中不易分散。故会影响到胶料的物理机械性能。 Analytical reagent is the reagent with high chemical purity . 结 论:Conclusions 在合成橡胶质量检验中,应采用橡胶专用ZnO,不宜使用分析纯ZnO。 As a result, special rubber for ZnO should be used rather than analytical reagent ZnO in quality inspection of synthetic rubber.,5.结 论 Conclusions,1. IRB7#和IRC4#的化学基本性能测试值相近,都具有较高的稳定性,都适合做标准参比炭黑使用。 Test value for basic chemical properties of IRB7# and IRC4# is similar. Both are highly stable and suitable to be used as standard reference carbon black. 2. IRB7#和IRC4#在SBR1500、 BR9000和NR中的测试值相近,都具有较高的稳定性,都适合在合成胶中作质量鉴定用标准参比炭黑。 Test value of IRB7#和IRC4# in SBR1500,BR9000 and NR is similar. Both are highly stable and suitable to be used as standard reference carbon black in quality evaluation of synthetic rubber.,3. 在同等试验条件下,IRC4#填充的胶料300%定伸应力略低于IRB7#,而拉断伸长率优于IRB7#,有利于在合成橡胶中作标准参比炭黑使用。 Under the same experimental condition, filler in IRC4# has slightly lower stress at 300% elongation and better elongation at break than IRB7, facilitating it use as standard reference carbon black in synthetic rubber. 4. 在合成橡胶质量检验中,应采用橡胶专用ZnO,不宜使用分析纯ZnO。 In test of physical and mechanical properties of rubber, special rubber for ZnO should be used instead of analytical reagent ZnO.,谢谢大家! Thank You Very Much!,


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