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    《导游英语教程》课件unit 7.ppt

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    《导游英语教程》课件unit 7.ppt

    Unit 7 ShaoguanI.Lead in:General introductionII.Clear the way:Language pointsIII.DiscussionVI.Proper names of ShaoguanIV.Additional scenic spots Shaoguan is located on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway about 221 km north of Guangzhou.Shaoguan is also readily accessible by road as it is adjacent to the Beijing-Zhuhai freeway.At Shaoguan,the Wu River from the northwest and the Zhen River from the northeast join up to create the North River(Bei Jiang)which flows south to Guangzhou.I.Lead in:General introduction The downtown part of Shaoguan is located on a peninsula between the Wu and Zhen Rivers.The rivers are maintained at a constant level by a dam about 12 km downstream from the city.The city has about 20 km of tree-lined riverside esplanades along the banks of the rivers.There are seven bridges crossing the three rivers.The Fengcai Tower in the centre of Shaoguan was built in the Ming Dynasty.To the south of the tower,at the other end of a pedestrian shopping street,the Dajian Monastery was founded in 660.Near Shaoguan is the town of Maba,home of relics and museum of the Maba Man,Chinese Neanderthals.Near Maba is Nanhua Temple,which was founded by Huineng,the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism.The large Shaogang iron and steel factory is also located near Maba.Near Shaoguan in Renhua county is located the Danxia Mountain which is a famous scenic area.Northwest of Shaoguan,at the town of Pingshi,a dramatic stretch of river known as the Nine Torrents and Eighteen Shoals is a popular place for white-water rafting.I.Lead in:General introductioncorrosion Noun 1.a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action(hypernym)deterioration,impairment (derivation)corrode,rust 2.erosion by chemical action(synonym)corroding,erosion (hypernym)chemical process,chemical change,chemical action (hyponym)pitting,roughness,indentation (derivation)corrode,eat,rust II.Clear the way:Language pointscliff Noun 1.a steep high face of rock;he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town;a steep drop(synonym)drop,drop-off (hypernym)geological formation,formation (hyponym)crag II.Clear the way:Language pointsacademeNoun 1.the academic world(synonym)academia (hypernym)world,domain (part-meronym)college (class)tenure II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsinscribe Verb 1.carve,cut,or etch into a material or surface;engrave a pen;engraved the winners name onto the trophy cup(synonym)engrave,grave (hypernym)carve,chip at (hyponym)character (verb-group)engrave 2.register formally as a participant or member;The party recruited many new members(synonym)enroll,enter,enrol,recruit (hypernym)register (hyponym)enlist,draft,muster in II.Clear the way:Language pointssuperlative Noun 1.an exaggerated expression(usually of praise);the critics lavished superlatives on it(hypernym)praise,congratulations,kudos (class)best 2.the highest level or degree attainable;his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty;the artists gifts are at their acme;at the height of her career;the peak of perfection;summer was at its peak;.catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame;the summit of his ambition;so many highest superlatives achieved by man;at the top of his profession(synonym)acme,height,elevation,peak,pinnacle,summit,top (hypernym)degree,level,stage,point II.Clear the way:Language pointsprosperous Adjective 1.in fortunate circumstances financially;moderately rich;they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards;easy living;a prosperous family;his family is well-situated financially;well-to-do members of the community(synonym)comfortable,easy,well-fixed,well-heeled,well-off,well-situated,well-to-do (similar)rich 2.very lively and profitable;flourishing businesses;a palmy time for stockbrokers;a prosperous new business;doing a roaring trade;a thriving tourist center;did a thriving business in orchids(synonym)booming,flourishing,palmy,prospering,roaring,thriving (similar)successfulII.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsstratumNoun 1.one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another(such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism)(hypernym)layer (hyponym)epidermis,cuticle (derivation)stratify (classification)organism,being 2.an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;a good actor communicates on several levels;a simile has at least two layers of meaning;the mind functions on many strata simultaneously(synonym)level,layer (hypernym)place II.Clear the way:Language pointsdescendentNoun 1.a person considered as descended from some ancestor or race(synonym)descendant (hypernym)relative,relation (hyponym)child (derivation)derive,come,descend Adjective 1.going or coming down(synonym)descendant (similar)descending(a)II.Clear the way:Language pointsIII.Discussion1.Where is the location of Danxia Mountain?2.Whats the original shape of Danxia Mountain 25,000,000 years ago?3.What are the main attractions of Danxia Mountain?IV.Additional scenic spots:v Nanhua Templev Nanhua Temple is a Buddhist monastery of the Chan School-one of Five Great Schools of Buddhism,where the 6th Patriarch of the Chan School of Buddhism-the Great Master Hui Neng-once dwelled and spoke the Dharma.It is located 25 km southeast of Shaoguan,China.In the small city of Caoxi(漕溪),which lies in the northern part of Guangdong Province.The temple was founded during the time of the North-South Dynasties in 502 A.D by an Indian monk named Zhiyao Sanzang(智樂三藏)who originally named the site Baolin Temple(寶林寺).It received its present name in 968 during the reign of the Song Dynasty Emperor Taizong.The site was later renovated in 1934 under the leadership of Hsu Yun.v The temple covers an area of more than 42.5 hectares(105 acres).It consists of a set of magnificent Buddhist buildings,including the Hall of Heavenly Kings,the Grand Hall,Sutra Depository,Sixth Ancestor Hall,Lingzhao Pagoda and 690 Buddhist statues.The majestic Hall of Heavenly Kings was originally built in 1474 during the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)and rebuilt during the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).v The statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva is enshrined in the hall and the mighty statues of the four Heavenly Kings holding religious objects stand on both sides of the statue of Maitreya.Behind the hall is a three-storey bell tower which was constructed in 1301 during the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368).On top of the bell tower there hangs a brass bell from the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279).The massive bell is 2.75 meters(9 ft)high with a diameter of 1.8 meters(5.9 ft).v The Grand Hall,constructed during the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368),stands in the center of the temple.Covered by glazed tiles,these gilded figures are all over 8.3 meters(27 ft)high.Within the Grand Hall there are about 500 fine clay sculptures of Buddhist arhats.v The temple holds many precious cultural relics;the most precious being the statue of Hui Neng,which is worshiped in the Sixth Ancestor Hall.There are 360 Buddhist arhats figures which are the only Chinese wooden carvings preserved from the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127).VI.Proper names of Shaoguan vDanxia Landform 丹霞地貌丹霞地貌vElephants crossing a River 群象过江群象过江vChameleon 变色龙变色龙va Young Girl blocking a River 玉女拦江玉女拦江vbell and drum-tower 钟鼓楼钟鼓楼vGuanyin Shrine 观音庙观音庙vYangyuan stone 阳元石阳元石vfeminine stone 阴元石阴元石


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