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    ,Yao Mings sports life,He started playing basketball in 1989.,He has been playing basketball since 21 years ago.,When did Yao Ming start playing basketball?,How long has Yao Ming been playing basketball?,姚明 1980:be born 1989 now: basketball player,He started playing basketball in 1989.,He has been playing basketball since 1989.,He has been playing basketball for 21 years.,成龙( Jackie Chan ) 1954:be born 1961now: act,He has been acting for 49 years. since 49 years ago.,How long has Jackie Chan been acting?,He has been acting since 1961.,When did Jackie start acting?,He started acting in 1961.,Vicky 2003now:teach English,How long has Vicky teaching English?,She has been teaching English for 7 years. She has been teaching English since 2003.,She has been teaching English since 7years ago.,When did Vicky start teaching?,She started teaching in 2003.,A: How long have you been studying here? B: I have been studying here ,1.He watched TV for 3 hours last night. 2.He has been watching TV for 3 hours. 3.He has been watching TV since 3 hours ago.,=,?,How long did he watch TV last night? Did he watch TV for 3 hours last night? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.,2.&3. How long has he been watching TV? Has he been watching TV for 3 hours? Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.,I have been skating for five hours.,时态现在完成进行时,have / has是助动词 been是be的过去分词,表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作, 并有可能持续下去,(一),构成形式:,have / has been + Ving,(The Present Perfect Progressive Tense),现在完成进行时,他们已工作两小时了。,They have been working for two hours since 2 hours ago.,for和表示一段时间的词组连用,从6点起他们一直在跑。,They have been running since six oclock.,自从我出生以来就一直住在这里.,I have been living here since I was born.,since 和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用,自到这儿以来我一直在等你。,I have been waiting for you since I came here.,since后可跟句子,句子时态多用一般过去时,用for和since填空,They have been learning Chinese _ they came to China. 2. I havent seen her _ a long time. 3. He has been living here _ 2001. 4. She has been doing her homework _ two hours. 5. Its 5 years _ we left school. 6. How long has Mary been a teacher? _ two years ago.,Have a try,since,for,since,for,since,Since,He has been studying for 12 hours.,The baby has been sleeping for over 20 hours.,The old man has been selling newspapers since 2 years ago.,They have been working in the factory since they came here.,1.他已经学习12 个小时了.,2.这个婴儿已经睡了20多个小时了.,3.这个老人自从两年前就在卖报纸.,4.自从他们来到这里就一直在这个工厂工作.,2 hours,How long has she been reading ?,She has been reading for 2 hours.,She has been reading since2 hours ago.,half an hour 9 oclock,How long has he been playing computer games?,He has been playing computer games for half an hour.,He has been playing computer games since half an hour ago. since 9 oclock.,15 minutes,How long has he been drawing a picture/painting?,He has been drawing a picture /painting,for 15 minutes. since 15 minutes ago.,45 minutes,How long have they been playing soccer?,They have been playing soccer,for 45 minutes.,since 45 minutes ago.,an hour,How long have they been swimming?,They have been swimming,for an hour.,since an hour ago.,Pair work,Linda/30 minutes,Harry/45 minutes,Lana/an hour,Alice four hours,Alan /three hours,Sam two hours,A: What is doing now? B: She/He is A: How long has she/he been ? B: She/ he has been,for since,Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below. (1b),Ive been skating for five hours.,I skated for four hours.,Ive been skating for five hours.,I skated for two hours.,_have they been skating? Alison _for five hours. Sam _at nine oclock in the morning and _at one oclock in the afternoon. Sam_ for four hours. He was very tired! Victor started_ at nine oclock. Hes been skating_ five hours. Celia skated_ two hours.,How long,has been skating,started,stopped,skated,Fill in the blanks.,skating,for,for,A: How long has Alison been skating? B: Shes been skating for five hours. A: How long did Sam skate? B: He skated for four hours.,Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture. (1c),Pair work,1. How long did you skate today? 2. How long have you been skating today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 5. When did you get your first pair of skates? 6. How long have you been skating?,Listen to the interview with the skating marathon winner and check the questions you hear. (2a),Questions 1. How long did you skate today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 6. How long have you been skating?,Answers a. No, I skated in a marathon last year. b. Yes, I do. c. For six hours. d. Since I was seven years old.,Listen again. Draw lines to match the questions with answers. (2b),Alison: I skated_ six hours today! I_ in a marathon last year. I_ _I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmother.,Fill in the blanks.,for,skated,ve been skating,since,1.( )Ive been learning English _ seven years _ . A. for, old B. since, old C. since, ago D. for, ago 2.( ) When did you start skating? -_ . A. Since two years ago B. Since I was nine years old C. For six hours D. Five years ago,C,D,( )3.Mr Smith _ at this school since he _ Xiamen . A. has been teach, came B. has been teaching, came C. taught, came D. has been teaching, has come ( )4. This pair of shoes _ very nice _ expensive . A. are, but B. is , but C. are , and D. is , and,B,B,1)自从4岁起我就一直学英语。,Ive been studying English since I was 4 years old.,2)他一直在这条街住了近20年了。,He has been living at the street for about 20 years.,3)她今天听了三个小时的音乐了。,She has been listening to music for three hours today.,4)你六点起就一直在给他打电话?,Have you been talking with him on the phone since 6:00 pm?,5)雨下多久了?,How long has it been raining?,6)最近你在看什么书?,What book have you been reading,recently?,Alison,5 hours,Sam,4 hours,Lu Ning,4 hours,Li Chen,1 hour,Read the passage and then complete the table. (3a),Its now 2 pm. Write the Students names from 3a on the time line. (3b),Alison,Sam,Lu Ning,Li Chen,1. Students are skating to raise money for charity. raise vt. 举起 rise vi. 起身,升起(太阳、月亮等) raise ones hand 举手 raise ones hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬 raise a child 养育孩子 raise funds 筹集资金 raise salaries 增加薪水 raise money 筹钱, 筹款,2. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. 每滑一小时,每个学生为慈善机构筹集 10元钱。 every, each 都表“每一”,但every指大家具 有的共性,every 还等于all表示全体齐全, 一个不缺; 而each强调每个人或事物有着 各自互不相同的个性或差异性。此外 every还可表每隔(一段时间/距离)。,each of,例如: Every student is here. 学生都到齐了。 Every two weeks he goes to visit his friends in the town. 他每隔一周去看一次他在城镇的朋友。 Each person has his own advantages. 每个人都有他的优势 (长处)。 Each story has an interesting name. 每个故事都有一个有趣的名字。,3. Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours. Alison是第一个开始滑的,并且已滑了足 足5个小时。 注: 序数词前必须用定冠词the, 后接名词 或代词。句中不定式短语“to start”作后 置定语修饰代词one, one指代滑冰的人。 whole adj. “整个的,完整的”,前常加“the” 或物主代词。 eg. I want to get to know the whole story. He puts his whole life on education.,


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