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    第五章 翻译技巧2,词类转译法 Conversion,在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能用“一个萝卜一个坑”的方法来逐词对译。原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词类,才能使汉语译文通顺自然。 1. 转译为动词(n./adj./prep./adv./conj.v.) 2. 转译为名词(v./adj./adv.-n.) 3. 转译为形容词(adv./n.-adj.) 4. 转译为副词(n./adj.-adv.),转译为动词 1. 名词转译为动词 一些习语中的主体名词可以转译成动词 由动词派生出来的名词可转译成动词 含有动作意味的名词可转译成动词 由动词+er构成的名词可转译成动词 2. 介词转译成动词 3. 形容词转译成动词 4. 连词转译成动词 5. 副词转译成动词,A) 一些习语中的主体名词可以转成动词 这类习语有: have a rest go for a walk catch a look pay attention to have an effect on by means of 依靠 with a view of以为目的 make a claim to 认为是属于自己的,1. 名词转译为动词,1. We wouldnt have any idea when the boy was born. 我们 不可能知道这孩子是什么时候出生的。 2. I will not only forgive your infidelity to me but will do you all the service I can. 我不但原谅你对我的不忠实,还要尽力为你效劳。 3. As the man leaned over, the driver caught his first good look at the small cat-like face. 那个人弯下腰来, 司机才第一次看清那张小小的猫儿脸。,B)由动词派生出来的名词可转译成动词,1.The government called for the establishment of more schools. 政府号召建立更多的学校。 2.There has been a tremendous expansion of kindergartens in both towns and villages. 城市和农村的幼儿园都在大量扩展。 3.The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy. 新形势要求制定新战略。 4.Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children. 孩子们看电视过多会大大地损坏视力。,C) 含有动作意味的名词可转译成动词 1.Vietnam War was a drain on American resources. 越南战争不断地消耗美国的资源。 (drain n. 排水,下水道 v. 耗尽, 喝光) 2.In fact, the abuse of drugs has become one of Americas most serious social problems. 事实上,滥用毒品已经成为美国最为严重的社会问题之一。 (abuse n. v. 滥用) 3.The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。,D) 由动词+er构成的名词可转译成动词,1.His father is a non-smoker, but he is a chain-smoker. 他父亲根本不抽烟,他抽起烟来却一根接一根。 2.I am an amateur actor. He is a better player than I . 我是个业余演员,他演得比我好。 3.Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings. 在和儿子谈话时, 老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。,翻译练习:名词动词 After the accomplishment of the present task, there will follow a more arduous one. 2) His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 3) I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 4) He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies.,4) He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. 5) A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. 6) A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained here. 7) Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk.,7) Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 8) I am afraid I can't teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 9) She had high praise for Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness.,翻译练习:名词动词 1) After the accomplishment of the present task, there will follow a more arduous one. 完成目前任务后,还有更艰巨的任务。 2) His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 他感到疲惫,因此下决心,一遇到就近的荫凉处就坐下来休息。 3) I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 我非常感激父亲,因为在我小时候他总是不断地鼓励我 。,4) He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. 他告诫全国人民,必须坚持参加政治论战。 5) A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂的全景。 6) A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained here. 在这儿可以看到富士山。,7) Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 每天早上她都要到湖区去散步。 8) I am afraid I can't teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 恐怕我教不了你游泳,我弟弟教得比我好。 9) She had high praise for Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness. 她高度赞扬了西格潘医生,但抱怨他过于严格,2. 介词转译成动词 1. He went to the shop for a bottle of wine. 他去小店买了一瓶酒。 2. At noon, she came home for lunch. 中午,她回家吃午饭。 3. He came to my home for help. 他来到我家, 请求帮助。 4. He came to me with a luggage. 他拿着行李向我走来。 5. I'm all for your opinion. 我完全赞成你的意见。,6. Up the street they went, past stores, across a broad square, and then entered a huge building. 他们沿着大街走去,经过一家家店铺,穿过一个宽阔的广场,然后走进一幢大楼。,1. It was a very informative meeting. 会上透露了很多信息。 2. The manager is grateful to the customers for their valuable suggestions. 经理感谢顾客们提出的宝贵意见。 3. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves. 一旦它们的幼仔能够自己照料自己,它们就不管了。,3. 形容词可以转译成动词,1)He is too ignorant of the ways of the world. 他太不懂世道常情了。 2)We are hopeful of success in this experiment. 我们希望这个实验能成功。 3)This house is unheated and unfurnished. 这座房子没有暖气设备,也没有任何家具。,4. 连词转译成动词,1.They will return in 60 days or two months. 他们60天后, 也就是2个月后回来。 2.Winter is the fourth and last season in a year. 冬季是一年中第四个也是最后一个季节。 3.The distance is four kilometers or 2.4856 miles. 距离是4公里,折合(即)2.4856里。,5. 副词转译成动词,1. Our holiday is three weeks away. 离我们的假期还有3个星期。 2. When will your mother be back? 你妈妈什么时候回来? 3. The boy told me that his father was out. 那个男孩告诉我他的父亲出去了。 4. That day he was up before sunrise. 那天他在日出前就起来了。,Translate the following sentences:,1. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph. 2. He was a regular visitor. 3. He showed with his eyes that he heard, but made no sign of assent or dissent. 1. 无论什么事,只要他一露面,就算成功了。 2. 他经常来。 3. 他瞧了一下,表示他听到了,但并没有表示同意还是不同意。,4.We drove home a bit after midnight, over the river and through the lovely old sleeping town. 5.The successful fishermen of that day were already in. 6.Difference between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their co-operation. 4. 时过午夜,我们驱车回家。先过了河,又穿过了这 个在酣睡中的古老而可爱的城市。 5. 那天交好运的渔夫们都已回来。 6. 国与国之间不同的社会制度不应该妨碍彼此的合作。,转译成名词(v./adj./adv.-n.),a. 英语中好多由名词派生出来的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中往往不易找到相应的动词,这时可将其转译成汉语名词。 1. Formality has always characterized their relationship. 他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。 2. The man looked and talked a little wildly. 那男子的神情和言谈有些不可思议。 3. In the early dawn, the guard towers were silhouetted(使现出轮廓)against the sky. 黎明时,天空映出了了望塔的轮廓。,1. 动词转译成名词,4) He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise. 他的动机是达成某种妥协。 5) He objected that the plan is not practical. 他的反对理由是:这个计划不现实。 6) A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car. 一个穿着考究的人上了车,他的外表和谈吐都像美国人。,转译成名词(v./adj./adv.-n.),b. 有些英语被动式句子中的动词,可以译成“受(遭)到+名词”,“予(加)以+名词”这类结构。 eg. Snow was treated very shabbily by the U.S. press and officialdom during this period, victimized for his views. 在这期间,斯诺受到美国新闻界和正界极不公正的对待,由于他的观点,他受到了迫害。,1. 动词转译成名词,2. 形容词转译成名词,有些英语的形容词前加定冠词时,其功能就相当于名词,译时将其转译成名词。还有一些形容词充当表语时,为了行文方便,转译为汉语的名词。 1. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. 他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。 2. Tom was eloquent and elegant but soft. 汤姆有口才、有风度,但很软弱。 3. In his article the author is critical of man's negligence toward his environment. 作者在文章中,对人类疏忽自身环境作了批评。 4. He looked at me as if I were mad. 他那样看着我好像我是个疯子。,由名词派生出来的副词,如译成汉语时很难找到对应词,而酌情将其译成名词。 1.Originally Ingrid Bergman was from Sweden. 英格丽.褒曼的原籍是瑞典。 2. He is strong physically, but weak mentally. 他身体强健,但智力差。 3. It was officially announced that Paris is invited to the meeting. 官方宣布,巴黎方面被邀请出席会议。,3. 副词转译成名词,转译为形容词(adv./n.-adj. ),1. 副词转译为形容词 有些副词是形容词派生出来的,翻译时如副词所修饰的动词转译为名词,那么副词亦转译为形容词。如: He was deeply impressed by what they did at the critical moment. 他们在关键时刻的行为给他留下了深刻的印象。 She stupidly answered such a question. 她真笨,竟然回答了这样一个问题。 The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. 太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。,2. 名词转译为形容词 a. 有时名词在句子中充当表语,前面通常有冠词,译时可以转换为形容词。 A newly-elected Senator is a power, I know that. 一个新当选的参议员的确是威风十足,那我是知道的。,b. 形容词派生的名词往往可以转译成形容词 Eg. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。 1. Oh, she is all gentleness, kindness, goodness! 她真是最温柔,最体贴,最善良了! 2.Now the little girls happiness was complete. 现在小女孩真是快乐到了极点。 3.Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。,转译为副词(n./adj.-adv.),1. 名词转译为副词 I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted. 我荣幸地通知您,您的请求已得到批准。 When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些人争取过来。,We set out in great haste for Venice. 我们匆匆忙忙 地动身来到威尼斯。 The man nodded with satisfaction. 那人满意地点了点头。 The girls wore all smiles on meeting those guests from remote areas. 姑娘们笑容满面地欢迎这些远道而来的客人。,2. 形容词转译为副词 About all these sticky questions, he writes with calm frankness. 对于所有这些棘手的问题,他都心平气和地、坦率地写了出来。 A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere. 直升机几乎可以自由地飞到任何地方去。,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,1. The landing was designed to cut the peninsula in two. 2. They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations. 3. His image as a good student was badly tarnished. 4. He had deep sympathy for the insulted and the injured. 5. Hospitals are getting more efficient these days.,1. 登陆的目的是要把该半岛一切为二。 2. 他们签定了两个协定,目的是使他们的关系热乎起来。 3. 他作为一个好学生的形象,遭到严重玷污。 4. 他对于被侮辱的和被损害的人有着深厚的同情心。 5. 近日来,医院的效率越来越高了。,


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