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    ,Review Unit 9,复习目标1:单词运用,Have you ever _(看见) this _(电影)? Three _(四分之一) of the students in our class enjoy watching TV. 3. The _(人口) of China is over 1.3 billion. 4. The alarm clock _(醒来) me up every day. 5. I had a _(极好的) time in the park with my classmates yesterday. 6. Who _(发现) that old pot? 7. The people are waiting to _(穿过) the street.,seen,film,quarters,population,wakes,wonderful,discovered,cross,8. There are three _(狐狸) in the zoo. 9. My brother is very interested in _(自然的) science. 10.Hainan is an _(岛) to go sightseeing. The _(温度) is almost the same all year round. So you can go there _ (无论何时) you like. It is a good place to take a _(假期). 11.I have never been to Beijing. -Me _(也不). 12.I like _(春天) because I like warm days.,foxes,natural,island,temperature,whenever,holiday,neither,spring,去过 乘地铁 去滑冰 听说 事实上 全世界 一直 结束做某事 一个讲英语的国家 提高你的英语,have been to take the subway / by subway go skating hear of in fact around / all over the world all the time end up doing an English-speaking country improve your English,复习目标2:检测词汇,上课 考虑做某事 而不是 度假 做某事有问题 四分之三 唤醒,醒来 在白天 在夜晚 离近 离远 选择做某事,take lessons think about doing rather than take a holiday have problems doing three quarters wake up during the daytime at night be close to be far from choose to do,现在完成时的结构:have / has + 过去分词 否定结构:havent / hasnt + 过去分词,3. 用法:表过去某一时间发生的动作或状态一直延续到现在(强调现在),动作或状态一般是延续性的,因此要用表延续性的动词或表状态的动词。,Have you ever been to Singapore?,I have traveled to another province of China?,2. 用法:过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,复习目标3:语法检测,用括号内动词的适当形式填空 Mr Lin _ (live) here since July. A: _ you _(be) to the Great Wall? B: Yes, I _ (go) there last Spring. 3. He _ (see) the film twice already. 4. The children _ (enjoy) themselves in the park last Sunday morning. 5. Mary _ (work) in the factory since she left school three years ago. 6. They _ (be) in Hongkong for ten days. 7. _ you ever _(hear) of him before?,has lived,Have been,went,has seen,enjoyed,has worked,have been,Have heard,for+一段时间,since+过去的时间点句子(一般过去时),1. I have lived here _ I was born. 2. Bill has slept _ three hours and a half. 3. He has been away _ two days ago. 4. We havent seen each other _ a long time. 5. Theyve watched TV play _ nine. 6. Its five years _ we met last time. 7. His grandparents have been dead _several years.,since,since,for,反意疑问句: Hes been late for school, _? Hes late for school, _?,hasnt he,isnt he,for,since,since,for,去过某地,人已回来 去了某地,还没回来,have been to,have gone to,在某地已有一段时间,have been in,1. Are you going to Beijing for vacation? -No, I _ Beijing twice. 2. Where is Mr Smith? -He _ Beijing. He will come back in three days. 3. Mike and his parents _ the north for half a year.,have been to,has gone to,have been in,复习目标4:知识链接,复习目标5:Exercises,1. He has _ been to Shanghai, has he ? . already .never .ever . Still 2. Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago . . were . have been . have become . have made 3. He said that the new car him 200,000 yuan. A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost 4. Mary isn't here. She has _ the shop. A. been to B. went to C. gone to D. / 5. Has Mary _ what she would do? A. decide B. decided C. decision D. decides 6. How long has he been _ for you? A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait,B,B,D,C,B,B,7. He bought a bike last year. He has had the bike _. A. since a year B. for one year ago C. since a year ago D. for one year 8. My little brother has never been to _ amusement park. A. a B. an C. / D. the 10. These farmers have been to the United States. Really? When _ there? A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone 11. . Ive never been to a water park. -_ A. Me, too. B. Me, neither. C. Me also. D. Me both.,C,B,B,B,12. Have you ever argued _ your parents? A. to B. with C. and D. on 13. Ive never _ the news. A. hear of B. hear from C. heard from D. heard of 14._ have you been studying English? Since 2002. How often B. How long C. How many times D. How old 16. You cant find _ in such a small place. A. something to eat B. nothing to eat C. anything to eat D. anything eating,B,D,B,C,17. It was _ I could speak French that I got the job. A. why B. so C. because D. when 18. The Language School has really _ me _ English. A. helped; learned B. help; learned C. help; learn D. helped; learn 19. The best way to learn English well is _ it. A. to use B. to using C. uses D. use,C,D,A,作业本() B A C D B E C A dont you 2. doesnt it 3. isnt it 4. does he 5. arent they 6. wasnt it 7. can you 8. doesnt it P33 A A B Polite: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Impolite: 1, 3, 6 You like playing computer games, dont you? The toys in the shop are very expensive, arent they? The coffee in the restaurant tastes nice, doesnt it? The garden is very beautiful, isnt it? You went to the movie yesterday, didnt you?,P34-35 D A C B A B C A Dear Jenny and Tony, Thanks for inviting me to your party. Id love to come but Im sorry Im busy on Saturday. On Saturday morning I have to help my mom do some housework and look after her because she is ill. The end-of-year exams are coming. I will study for my tests and I want to get good grades. I hope you will have a good time at the party. Ella,作业本(1)P40-41 B F A C G D E 8 5 4 2 3 6 7 3 2 1 (4) A: The line is slow, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. A: Is the film interesting? B: It sure is. P41-42 1. get along with 2. think of 3. Thanks for 4. cost 5. good at F F F T T,去武汉旅游过 武汉的人很友好 武汉的交通好 公园:中山公园,东湖公园 动物园,A Trip to Wuhan Have you ever been to Wuhan? I have been there several times. I think its really a beautiful city. I fell in love with it when I first traveled there. It has many nice places. The traffic (交通) is fine. And the people are friendly. There are some beautiful parks such as Zhongshan Park, and East Lake Park. In the zoo, you can see many kinds of animals. Do you want to travel to Wuhan? I would like to be your tour guide.,


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