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    第五单元,Can you come to my party?,I d love to,解析:I d love toI would love/like to 意为“我愿意,我想要”其后省略了动词不定式。 Eg: I would love to see your new car.我想要看看你的新车。 用法:would love中的would在句中通常和前面的主语缩写成d。这句话常用来接受别人的邀请。Sorry,I cant.。用来表示拒绝别人的邀请。 Eg: Can you go shopping with me? Sure,I d love to./Sorry,I cant. I have to look after my sister,Have a piano lesson上钢琴课。,这个短语中的have是行为动词,并非“有”的意思。它与不同的名词连在一起产生不同的意思。例如have a swim 游泳;have a walk 散步;have a look 看一看;habe a rest 休息;have a good time 过得愉快。 lesson 名词 “课,课程” Eg: Lets do our lessons first.我们先做功课吧。 搭配:do ones lesson 做功课;have/take lessons上课;give/teach sb a lesson给某人一个教训 Class 指课堂;lesson 着重课程内容。,can 情态动词 意为“能,能够”,Eg:I hope you can take my advice.我希望你能接受我的建议。 用法:其否定形式是在can后加not,缩写成cant。在书面语中,can和can not有时也缩写成cannot的形式。其过去式为could.,play; play with,Play:“与比赛”,常用结构play sth with sb同某人比赛。当表示“打,踢球”,其后接表示球类名词,且名词前不用加冠词:play football踢足球;当表示“弹,拉,演奏”时,其后接表示乐器名词,名词前需加冠词:play the voilin拉小提琴。 play with“玩,玩耍”,一是指动物和孩子们无意识的行为;二是指一种不严肃的行为:play with the fire玩火。 Eg : Jack likes playing _soccer, but he doesnt like playing _ piano. A. ; B. the; C. the; the D. ;the,D,another,形容词 意为“又一的,再一的”。 搭配: 可数名词单数 another 数词可数名词复数 Eg: Would you like another one?你想再来一个吗? Ill finish the report in another ten minutes.再过十分钟我将结束报告。 代词:“再一个;另一个” Eg: They came one after another.他们陆续来了。 练习: The shoes dont fit me. Would you please show me_? Sure .Here you are. A. the other one B. the others C. another pair D. another one,C,Thanks for,Eg: Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。 Thanks for your advice.谢谢你的忠告。,whom代词(who的宾格)意为“谁,什么人”。,Eg:Whom do you give the letter to?你把心交给了谁? With whom are you talking?你在跟谁说话? 译:你把书给了谁? (误)To who did you give the book? (正) To whom did you give the book?/Who did you give the book to?,Eg:The girl _ I just talked with is Bens sister. A. whom B. which C. she,A,情态动词can的用法,情态动词can的用法,Eg: Would you like to see Beijing Opera with me tonight? Id like to, but Im afraid I _,I have to write to my pen friend. A. need B. neednt C. can D. cant,D,Whats today?,解析:这是询问时间的句型。如果询问星期几,要用What day,询问日期要用Whats the date E g:(1)What day is today?几天星期几? Its Wednesday.今天星期三。 (2)Whats the date today?今天几号? Its March 8th.今天八号。, Its Monday the 14th.今天14号,星期一。,解析:it表示时间,不能译为“它”。再回答完整的有星期又有日期的句子中,星期在前,月日年在后,如果有具体时刻也要写在后面。 E g : Its on Friday, June 30 at four thirty. 在6月30日,星期五,4:30.,E g :It isnt very cold today. 今天不是很冷。(it 表天气) It is 3 miles away from here to the library. 从这里到图书馆有三英里(it表距离),11.invitation 名词 意为“邀请”。,E g : He received an invitation to dinner yesterday. 他昨天收到了一份宴会请柬。 联想:Invite 动词 “邀请,恳请” E g :They invited me to a birthday party. 他们邀请我俺家一个生日宴会。,12.call,call 动词 意为“打电话” call sb. 意为“给某人电话”,相当于phone sb. E g : You can call/phone me at any time.你可以随时给我打电话。 I will call/phone you tomorrow.明天我讲给你打电话。 辨析:phone,call, ring 三者都可以用作及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。Call sd./ring sb./phone sb.给某人打电话 call和ring可与介词up连用,意为“给打电话”,但当代词作宾语时,应放在call/ring与up之间。Ring/call up my parents给我父母打电话 三者都可做名词,构成“给打电话”,give sb. a ring/call给某人打电话。Make a pone/call to sb.给某人打电话。,13.match,match 名词 意为“比赛;竞赛”。 E g:Im going to watch the boxing match tonight. 今晚我要去看拳击比赛。 They have a tennis match with Class Two today. 今天他们和二班有一场网球比赛。 搭配: have a match举行一场比赛; watch a match观看比赛,14.whole,whole 形容词; 意为“整个的;全部的;完整的”。 E g : I want to know the whole story. 我想知道整个故事。 The whole family are coming. 全家都要到了。,15.come over顺便来访,E g : Can you come over to my house tomorrow? 你明天能顺便来我家一趟吗? Will you come over to Beijing some day? 你哪天会来北京一趟?,16.free和till,free形容词 意为“空闲的;有空的”。 E g : Are you free this evening?今晚你有空吗? I am free after six.我6点以后有空。 拓展:free还可以意为“自由的;免费的” E g : You are free to do what you like.你愿意干什们就干什么。 The water is free here.这里的水是免费的。 till 连词意为“直到之时;在什么之前”。 E g : I waited till he came. 我一直等到他来。 We didnt hear about till Mr. Zhang. 知道张先生来了,我们才知道这件事。,同步练习,1.Can you come to play soccer with me? . A.I can B. Thats all right C. Sure. Id love to D. No 答案:C 礼节性的答语。 2.Bob cant come out to play because he help Dad in the garden. A can B. cant C. has to D. have to 答案:C 客观需求必须做要用have to。,3.Can you speak French? .But my cousin can. A. Yes, I can B. No, I can C. Yes, I cant D. No, I cant 答案:D but表示转折。 4.Joe go to the doctor.His leg is broken. A. have to B. can C. has to D. may 答案:C 客观环境导致的结果。,5. I watch TV now,Mum? Sure,but you finish your homework first. A. Must ; neednt B. Can; may C. Can ; must D. May; mustnt 答案:C can表示“请求”。后一句表示“必须先完成作业”。 6.If your home is very near , you should to school. A. ride B. walk C. take the train D. take the subway 答案:B 条件是你家非常近,应该步行去学校。,7.I have to to the movies with Tony tonight. A. go B. goes C. going D. went 答案:A have to 是情态动词,后面必须与动词原形连用。 8. : do you go to school? : I take a taxi. A. When B. Where C. How D. What time 答案:C 从答语看乘出租车,就方式提问必须用How。,9.My father is busy , he has work. A. many B. too much C. much too D. many of 答案:B “忙”字暗示工作多,又因为work为不可数名词,用too much 修饰。 10. :Thanks for me to your party. :Not at all. A. ask B. to ask C. asks D. asking 答案:D 介词后必须加动词的 ing 形式。,11. :Can he go to the basketball game? :No , he cant . He to study. A. have B. have to C. has to D. has 答案:D 根据上下文,看出他不能去看篮球赛,而“不得不”学习。 12. Wednesday Im playing tennis with the school game. A. In B. On C. At D. To 答案:B 星期词前必须用on。,13.Why dont you to the concert? It s very interesting. A. go B. going C. go to D. to go 答案:A 固定结构 Why dont you+动词原形。 14.Going to school by boat must be a lot more fun than a bus. A. take B. taking C. to take D. take to 答案:B 动词作主语,可借助其动名词形式,而且其平行结构也必须相同。 15. it rains , I take a taxi. A. Where B. When C. That D. What time 答案:B when是连词,引导时间状语从句,“当时候”。,


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