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    课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 My favourite season 授课时数:1课时 日期:2016年 月 日 设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析本课时Lets learn部分主要是学习单词:season,spring,summer,fall,winter等。教师可通过图片来复习这些单词,使学生对这些单词能够熟练掌握。在熟练掌握单词后,要求学生能够用Whats your favourite season?提问,并能够根据实际情况回答。教学目标知识与技能1、能够听、说、读、写5个单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season.2、能够听、说、认读句子:Whats your favourite season, Chen Jie? Winter.3、能够用Whats your favourite season?进行提问,并学会用I like 进行简单介绍。过程与方法在教学过程中要注意以旧引新,以不同形式反复呈现新知识,注意结合学生的生活实际。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感。学习者特征分析本单元在内容上与四年级下册第四单元有相同之处,描述天气情况的形容词如cool,cold,rainy,windy,snowy,cloudy,sunny等单词皆已出现过。教学分析教学重点1、掌握关于季节的5个单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season.2、初步掌握句型Whats your favourite season?教学难点难点四会单词的拼写。解决办法让学生大量的练习,以便较好掌握。教学资源春夏秋冬季节5张卡片、磁带、录音机板书设计Unit 2 My favourite seasonA Lets LearnWhats your favourite season?Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter.教学过程设计(第1课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修定Warm-up1、Lets chant: (四册P47)2、Lets do:(四册P49)3、自我介绍:设计表格,进行自我介绍 My favouriteHi, Im Favourite food: Favourite animal: Favourite fruit: 教师示范介绍 Chant together.Say and do the actions.学生小组活动学生自我介绍 录音机复习词汇favourite,为新课做铺垫。Presentation1、新授单词season:1)引出 a. Whats your favourite food? (出现食品的画面)b. What are these?(出现许多动物的画面)Whats your favourite animal?c. What are these?(出现一副水果画面)Whats your favourite fruit?d. What are these?(出现四季的图片,引出单词season并板书,使学生理解该单词是季节的总称。2)认读:3)把词组滚动于句型中:T: How many seasons are there in a year?2、新授单词:summer1)引出:教师戴上一副墨镜,一顶遮阳帽,一把扇子,做出很炎热的样子, 问学生:Whats the weather like in this season?教师接着说:Yes, its always hot in summer.2)出示认读: 3、新授单词:winter1)引出:教师戴上一顶冬天的帽子并挂上围巾问:Whats the weather like in this season?教师接着说:Yes, its 示范读跟读抽读开火车拼读S: Four.学生回答:Its hot.示范读跟读开火车读two by two学生答:Its cold.示范读跟读开火车读four by four巧妙引入新课。 教学过程设计(第1课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修定always cold in winter.出示认读: 4、新授单词:sping1)引出:出现一张风筝图问学生:Do you like fly kites? Yes, we can fly kites in spring.出示认读:5、新授单词:fall1)引出:出现一张水果图问学生:What are these? .Which season you can eat a lot of fruits? Fall.2)出示认读:示范读跟读hide and seek示范读跟读开火车读two by twoPractice 1、 Listen and point2、 Whats missing?3、快速反应:教师说一个季节,1.Listen and point3.学生快速说出下一个季节春夏秋冬季节5张卡片句型教学Whats your favourite season? I like best.1、 教师先拿出事先准备好的一朵雪花,对学生说:I like winter best. Because I can play with snow. Whats your favourite season? 2、 Lets sing: Whats your favourite season?3、请学生说一说四季有什么和四季的颜色。T:What can you see in sping/?T: What color in spring/?小组讨论,抽学生说一说。S: I can see S: Green/.采用情境教学法。Homework1、学生听并跟读模仿本部分的录音。2、抄写本部分的单词。教学设计评价课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 :My favourite season 授课时数:1课时 日期:2016年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析本课时Lets try部分涉及到了句型:Which season do you like best?,学生能够在游戏中、猜想中很好的理解此句型。要求学生能够听懂、运用这个句型及其回答I likebest.学生通过Lets talk 和Pair work这两部分,把句型带到实际情景中进行应用,进一步操练了句型,并加深了对此句型的理解与运用。教学目标知识与技能1、能听、说、认读句型:Which season do you like best? I like best并能在实际情景中自如运用。2、能理解并认读Lets talk 的内容。3、能简单表达自己喜欢这个季节的理由。4、能听懂Lets try部分的录音内容,并能独立完成。过程与方法通过听、说、读、写,书面练习、任务设置、游戏激趣,调查及汇报,动手设计等等方式逐步引导学生使用英语完成实际交际的语言任务。情感态度价值观激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。培养学生热爱大自然的情感。学习者特征分析通过前一课时已经学过关于四季的的单词,在四年级已学过表示天气的词汇:sunny,cold,cool,hot等。学习本课并不困难。教学分析教学重点能听懂、会说Which season do you like best ? I like best.并能在实际情景中自如运用。教学难点难点1、Which的发音和用法。2、能用一些简单的句子描述喜欢的理由。解决办法1.Listen and read.2.Practise.教学资源磁带,录音机,单词卡片板书设计Unit 2 My favourite seasonA. Lets talk Which season do you like best?= Whats your favourite season?Fall. I can教学过程设计(第2课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修订Warm-up(1)Lets chant: Spring is green, green, green, green. Summer is hot, hot, hot, hot(2)Free talk: (3) Lets sing: Whats your favourite season? Ss chant together.Two pairs talk about their day.Sing together.活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生的积极性。Preview(1)Teacher shows the word cards of Lets learn. (2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”.(3) Check the answer.1.look and listen2.Listen and choose.为新课做铺垫。Presentation(1)Ask questions about Lets try: Which season does Mike/ Amy/ Chen jie like best? (2)Teacher asks the students about their favourite seasons and tell them to express the reason.(3)Chain game: (4)Play the tape.(5) make up new dialogues .(6)Make a survey. Ss: Winter/Fall/ Spring.S1:Which season do you like best?S2:Fall. I canS3: Which season do you like best?S4: Winter. I canStudents follow the tape.Students make up new dialogues in groups.Students ask each other about their favourite seasons.通过创编新对话,加深对所学知识的理解。Lets singPlay the tape.Listen and follow.Homework1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading.3. Make up dialogues.教学设计评价课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 My favourite season 授课时数:1课时日期:2016年 月 日 设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析本课时Read and write部分主要是通过一段情景对话,让学生进一步加深对句型Which season do you like best?的理解,在实际情景中学会如何具体使用此句型。在理解此句型的基础上,在第一课时单词的基础上,让学生逐步学会书写本课重点句型:Which season do you like best? I like winter best.教学目标知识与技能1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the sentences: Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.2. Ss can understand the dialogue.3. Ss can understand the pronunciation and read the words.过程与方法采用情境教学法,通过对各个知识点的突破与巩固,进入模拟情境,进行语言准交际。情感态度价值观1、培养学生热爱大自然的情感。2、培养学生学习兴趣,树立信心。 学习者特征分析通过前两节课的学习,学生对于本部分的主要句型已经差不多掌握,在这部分教师主要指导学生创设情境运用所学知识,并能综合运用已有知识,提高学生的语言运用能力和对于文章的复述能力。教学分析教学重点The four skilled sentences: Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is may favourite season.教学难点难点Ss can understand the features of the four seasons and the activities in four seasons.解决办法教师应注意设计一些真实的情景让学生练习主句型。教学资源Tape, recorder, word cards, exercises paper.板书设计Unit 2 A. Read and write Which season do you like best? I like winter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.教学过程设计(第3课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修订Warm-up(1)Lets sing: Whats your favourite season?(2)Free talk: My favourite season.(3)Ask and answer: A: Which season do you like best?  B:I like以复习的形式为下面的新课做铺垫。PreviewTeacher rewrites the dialogue as a passage. After doing the exercises, students can understand the dialogue.Ss do some exercises on the exercise paper.Ss read the passage and answer the questions.培养学生的阅读的能力。PresentationRead and write(1)Play the tape .(2)Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard. Lets play: (1)Students follow the tape.(2)Ss practice reading the dialogue. After reading the dialogue, finish the exercises.(3)Ss act the dialogue in groups.(4)Students practice spelling the four-skilled sentences.(5)Ss memorize the four-skilled sentences and practice writing the sentences.Ss play the game in groups.完成练习以检测学生对课文的理解程度。以表演的方式学生兴趣浓厚。巩固四会句子。Pronunciation(1)Find out the rules of pronunciation.(2)Practice reading.1.Listen2.Read3.Practise.Lets check(1)   Play the tape. (2)   Check the answers.students finish the exercises.培养学生实际运用能力。Homework1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.2. Practice reading the dialogue. Write their favourite season.教学设计评价课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 My favourite season 授课时数:1课时日期:2016年 月 日 设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析本课是Unit2的第四课时,主要学习swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant trees.本节课是单词教学。本课时的Lets learn 部分和 Pair work 部分都是就重点句型进行学、练,要求学生能听懂、会说:What would you like to do? Id like to 教学目标知识与技能1、能够听、说、读、写单词或词组:swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.2、能够听、说、认读句子:Which season do you like best? Winter. I can make a snowman.3、能够用Which season do you like best? 询问别人最喜欢的季节并会用:I likebest. 来进行回答。过程与方法通过听、说、读、写,书面练习、任务设置、游戏激趣,调查及汇报,动手设计等等方式逐步引导学生使用英语完成实际交际的语言任务。情感态度价值观培养学生细心观察,热爱科学,热爱大自然的情感。学习者特征分析 学生初步学习了A部分的单词和句型后进行教学的。本课时容量大,但难度不大,并受到学生的喜爱.教学分析教学重点(1)能够用Which season do you like best? 询问别人最喜欢的季节并会用:I likebest. 来进行回答。(2)对单词和词组swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees的四会掌握教学难点难点1、能够理解Group work的内容,并会简单运用句型What would you like to do? Id like to 2、四会单词的拼背。解决办法结合句型教师引导学生代换单词,从而进一步运用句型。教学资源本课时的单词卡片和图片,录音机板书设计Unit 2 B. Lets learnswim       fly kites      skate    make a snowman   plant trees教学过程设计(第4课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修订Warm-up1、听写四会词组和句子:2、Lets sing: Whats your favourite season3、师生对话,复习所学句型,引出新授。T: Hello!T: Which season do you like best?T: Why? S: Hello! Miss liu.S: I like best. S: Because 检测学生对对已学知识的掌握情况。Presentation1、新授单词:swim1)引出:T: I like summer best. Why? Can you guess?T: Yes, youre so clever.出示认读:2、新授词组: fly kites1)引出:教师根据学生学过的一些动词词组模仿做动作让学生猜,最后做一个放风筝的动作,引出词组新授。2)出示认读:3、新授词组:plant trees1)引出:教师展示:3月12日,让学生试着说是Tree-planting Day, 教师接着问:What do you do on this day? You will ? Plant trees. Yes!2出示认读:示范认读(强调尾音的发音)-跟读抽读开火车读拼背4、新授单词make a snowman,skate.方法同上。S: You can swim in summer.示范认读跟读抽读拼背开火车s-w-I-mswim示范认读(强调尾音的发音)-跟读抽读边做动作边开火车读拼背采用形式多样的操练方式学习新单词。Practice 1、Act and Guess 游戏2、操练句型:What would you like to do? Id like to 1)展示自制天气卡片:T: Whats the weather like?2)问答:T: Id like to go hiking in sunny day. What would you like to do? 3、单词拼背竞赛: S:Its sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy/snowyS:Id like to 师问生答小组活动。以游戏、竞赛的形式,既有趣味,又便于记忆。Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Practice reading 3. Do some exercises on the exercise book.教学设计评价课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 My favourite season 授课时数:1课时 日期:2016年 月 日 设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析本课是PEP人教版五年级英语Unit2 Part B Lets talk的教学内容。掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及其应答的句型:Why do you like?Because I can学生可以运用本节课所学的新句型结合以前的知识,把新旧知识进行整合,根据实际灵活运用所学句型,把知识活学活用。教学目标知识与技能1> 能听、说、认读句型并在情景中自如运用句型:Whats your favourite season/ Which season do you like best? I like best. Why do you like spring/?Because 2> 能听懂Lets try部分的录音内容,并能独立完成。3> 能通过小组合作完成Lets find out的任务。过程与方法TPR教学法、任务型教学法、演示法情感态度价值观1>培养学生细心观察,热爱科学,热爱大自然的情感。2>培养学生积极锻炼,增强体质的意识。 学习者特征分析五年级的学生活泼好动,学习积极性高,接受知识快,表现欲望强,富有想象力和创造力,合作意识强,学生能较熟练地运用简单的日常用语,在英语学习上掌握了一定的方法,并具备了一定的听、说、读、写的语言知识和语言技能。我通过创设真实情景让学生掌握和运用语言。教学分析教学重点使学生熟练掌握Whats your favourite season/ Which season do you like best? I like best. Why do you like spring/?Because 并能在实际情景中自如运用。教学难点难点引导学生正确表达自己喜欢某个季节的原因。解决办法多启发学生。教学资源磁带,录音机,单词卡片。板书设计Unit 2 B. Lets talk Whats your favouite season?Winter.Why?Because I can 教学过程设计(第5课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修订Warm-up1、复习词组:swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees 2、师生对话,复习句型:Which season do you like best? Why?T: Which season do you like best?T: Why do you like?齐读抽读开火车读抽背S: Spring/S: Because .以对话的形式为下面新课做铺垫。Presentation1、新授句型:Why do you like ? Because 1)根据学生回答,顺势板书:Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in summer.2)跟读句子,强调why, because 的发音。3)句型操练:T: Which season do you like best?T: Why do you like? 4)拓展问答:T: Do you like Yao Ming?/.T: Why do you like Yao Ming?2、 Lets try1) 讲解题意。 2)一起校对。S: Spring/SS: Because 师问生答同桌互相问答S: Yes, I do.S: Because he is tall.让学生听录音独立完成。拓展学生的思维。PracticeLets talk1)让学生合拢课本,听Lets talk录音。抽个别学生repeat,跟读。 1、跟读录音。2、跟读教师。3、分角色朗读。4、Group work。5、戴头饰表演训练学生的听力能力。Homework1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading and make up a new dialogue.3. Do the exercise book.教学设计评价课 堂 教 学 设 计课题:Unit2 My favourite season 授课时数:1课时2016年 月 日 设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析Part B Read and Write.本课时旨在复习巩固A/B部分的主要词汇和句型,通过阅读理解帮助学生综合运用本单元所学语言。教材以Zoom和Zip在四季的活动描写和交流各自喜欢的季节及原因的阅读材料为载体,配以相应插图,贴近学生生活,充满童趣,且文本是学生所熟悉的词汇和句型。教学目标知识与技能1、能够听、说、读、写Read and write中的四会句子。2、能够读懂本课的短文,并完成相应的练习。3、培养学生运用语言的能力,即能运用本单元学过的句型结合已有的语言知识谈论季节及其开展的活动。过程与方法在教学活动设计时,我将对文本的阅读理解作为本课的中心任务,为达成这一任务,又设计了若干读前任务和读后任务,运用多媒体辅助、猜测、小组活动等方法引导学生积极参与学习,让学生在完成任务的过程中体验成功的喜悦和实现自我价值。情感态度价值观激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。学习者特征分析学生在前面的课时学习了本课最主要的单词,熟悉了这节课的主要句型,针对阅读教学的主要要求,改变以往阅读课以对话课读课文的教学方式,根据模式指导的思路引导学生自主阅读,并在阅读的过程中教给学生阅读的技巧和策略。教学分析教学重点1、 掌握四会句子: Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.要求学生能在相似的情景中正确使用。2、 强调这些四会句子的规范书写。教学难点难点四会句子的规范书写。解决办法教师要适当引导,提示学生正确使用。教学资源1.Book2.Tape板书设计Unit 2 B. Read and writeWhy do you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake.Why do you like winter?Because I can make a snowman. 教学过程设计(第6课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果个性修订Pre-reading.(1)Lets sing: Whats your favourite season?(2)Daily talk: Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like in Yueqing in spring? What can you do in spring/summer/fall/winter?(3)Lead: 承接上个环节,课件出示四季的图片,教师继续问道:Which season do you like best? T: Why do you like ? (板书)T: is good, but spring is my favourite season. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in spring. (出示图片让学生理解a lot 的意思)What about you? T: Now, discuss in groups. Whats your favourite season? Why do you like this season? Use “Because I can” or “Because its S:I like best. S: Because I can (开展的活动)/ its (天气状况)学生发表自己的见解。学生在小组内自己交流,然后请一两组上台汇报。营造欢乐轻松的学习氛围。通过日常对话,复习所学的知识,并为新课的学习做铺垫。In-reading(1)Skim.T: Which season does Zip like best? Open your book and turn to page 21, read and answer the questions. (课件出示问题)Yes or no.Zip likes summer. (  )Zoom likes spring. (  )Zoom and Zip go hiking in fall. (  )Zip and Zoom sleep in winter. (  )(2)Peruse.T: Zip likes summer, why? Read again an


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