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    牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Reading 1Thoughts on the design本节课是阅读教学,主要目的是指导学生有效地阅读辩论类的文章,并通过对文章的阅读获取必要的信息,帮助学生更好地评价因特网的影响,理解如何去适当地使用因特网的资源。教学过程中,通过对课文内容相关练习的设计,帮助学生逐步加深对课文的理解以及对辩论类文章结构的掌握。最后辩论部分的设计是要帮助学生进一步巩固课文的内容,并且让学生学会使用文章中所出现的结构及形式进行辩论,达到学以致用的目的。Teaching aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to:1. understand the argument about the positive and negative effects of the Internet on peoples lives; 2. learn about the strategy of “reading an argument”;3. retell the effects of the Internet and debate about a certain subject. Step 1 Lead-in1. Begin the class by discussing some problems about the Internet (PPT 4-9)(1) What do you usually use the Internet for?(Gather different answers to the questions and show some pictures about the functions of the Internet: to search for information, to help with study, to play game and download some music and video, for amusement and shopping)(2) What do you think the most important benefit of the Internet is?(It has brought us much convenience; it help us to save much time, energy as well as money.)(3) Do you think there are any negative things about the Internet?(Give the students a few minutes to discuss with their classmates and then ask some to list their opinions) 2. From your answers, we can find that some students think it has good effects; some others think its bad. Thats what we will mainly learn today. Now please turn to page 34 and lets learn the passage about the Internet.Explanation第一步的设置主要为激发学生对于本节课的兴趣,由于因特网是学生生活中很熟悉的话题,所有绝大多数学生有话可说,并由此话题自然地引入课文,从而充分调动学生的学习热情和兴趣。Step 2 Skimming and scanning for general idea (PPT 10)Allow the students two or three minutes to go through the text quickly to find the answers to the following questions. (1) The text presents the _ two students gave at a _ about the _of Internet use. (2) Who are the two debaters?Answers: (1) speeches, debate, advantages and disadvantages(2) Zhu zhenfei, in favour of the Internet;Lin Lei, against the Internet.Explanation第二步的快速阅读主要为帮助学生迅速把握住文章主要内容以及文章类型,使学生对于课文内容有了大致的了解,其中第一个关于文章类型的提问,主要为引入下一步的阅读策略。Step 3 Reading strategy (PPT 11)Tell students when we read an argument, there are something we should pay particular attention to. Allow the students about five minutes to read through the reading strategy on page35, and find out the answers to the following two questions. It is suggested that the students work in pairs to compare notes with each other about their answers to the questions. (1) When you read an argument, you must remember that _.(2) How does an argument develop?The first thing: _.After that: _.In the rest of the argument: _.At the end of the argument: _.Answers: (1) a specific view is being given.(2) a statement of what the argument is about;main points;supporting facts;conclusion.Explanation这一步骤主要为帮助学生了解辩论类文章的阅读策略,使学生知道此类文章的阅读技巧。处理阅读策略时,没有采用教师直接讲解的形式,而是由学生自己阅读并填空,这样可以加深学生的印象。 Step 4 Careful reading for detailed information (PPT 12-15)Tell students to read the two speeches and see how they were developed. Get them to analyze the structure of each speech and find out information about main points, supporting facts and conclusion. Allow them five minutes to read and then complete the following exercises about the text. (1) I. Analyze the structure of the 1st part A specific view: _.Para _: Present the two main pointsPara _: Supporting facts for Point 1Para _: Supporting facts for Point 2Para _: Draw a conclusionII. Fill in the blanks. Supporting facts: Internet friendships are based on common_7_.People who are disabled can _8_ with the outside world. View: The Internet has _1_ effects on our lifePoint1: Its _2_ for people to look for informationPoint2: Its _6_ to build groups online and form friendshipsSupporting facts: A survey shows _3_ of users use it to search for answers to questions. _4_ of the respondents use it to advance knowledge about _5_. Conclusion: the Internet remains a positive _9_that makes our lives better(2) I. Analyze the structure of the 2nd part A specific view: _Para 1: Present the two _ Para 2: _for Point 1Para 3-4: Supporting facts for Point 2Para 5: Draw a _II. Complete the form below Debater (view)Main pointsSupporting factsconclusionLin Lei Point 1:Ø eBayØ Educators(Para 2)  Point 2: Ø  families timeØ a study (Para 3-4)Answers: (1) I. the title: 1, 2-3, 4, 5II. positive, value, 80%, 79%, hobbies, ability, interests, communicate, tool(2) I. the title, main points, Supporting facts, conclusion II. Point 1: inaccurate information; Point 2: transferring / changing the way people spend their time; Conclusion: It remains important for us either to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle the problems it has caused.Explanation这一步骤的细读及相关练习,能更好地帮助学生应用前面的阅读策略,根据前面阅读策略中提到的辩论性文章的要点,分别找出论点、论据、结论,从而很好地理解文章的结构,任务型阅读练习和完成表格可帮助学生进一步理解掌握文章内容。Step 5 Listening and consolidation (PPT 16-20)Play the tape for students to listen and imitate and ask the students to judge whether the statements below are true or false, and then deal with Part E on Page 37. Check the answer together after that. If some statements are false, ask some students to correct them. 1. According to the survey, children use the Internet mostly to play games. 2. When people are in need of information, the Internet is now the first place that many people turn to. 3. In building a friendship, the most important thing is common interests. 4. The clinic was opened in Beijing to help people surf the Internet. 5. If people spend all their time on the Internet, they will feel separated from the people and the world around them. 6. The purpose of the passage is to present the positive effects of the Internet. Answers: FTTFTFAnswers: Part E on Page 37. 1 weaknesses2 diverse3 relate4 addressed5 click6 correspond7 statisticsExplanation这一步的听读让学生对文章更加熟悉,其后的判断对错练习和根据文章内容填空练习,既让学生进一步巩固文章内容,又让教师了解到学生的掌握程度,是很好的反馈练习。Step 6 Extension (PPT 21-22)Ask the students to work in pairs and make a dialogue. Supposing one of them is Zhanghua, who spends much time on the Internet everyday and often make online friends; the other is Liwen, who is worried about the friendship online. And they are debating whether people can find true friendship on the Internet. Give the students an example as follows: Zhanghua: Do you often use the Internet to talk to your friends?Liwen: No, not really. I see my friends at school. People do not tell the truth about themselves on the Internet, so Zhanghua: But I like to chat Liwen: Get two pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the class. Explanation最后的辩论练习,让学生利用本节课中所学到的知识进行辩论,在此过程中将所学知识真正加以应用,同时学生可充分表达自己的想法, 从而使英语课堂变成学生思想交流的场所。Step 7 Homework (PPT 23)1. Finish the exercises on Page 36.2. Write a short argument about whether students should make friends online. Explanation第一项的家庭作业主要是巩固学生对于文章内容的理解;第二项作业实际上是课堂辩论的延续,主要让学生将本节课所学到的关于辩论类文章的阅读策略应用到写作当中。 第 5 页 共 5 页


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