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    A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage titled” The story of Atlanta” is about a love story in Greece. I will get students to skim for some important information and then scan for further understanding. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage , Ill ask students to fill in the blanks.Teaching Objects:-Knowledge Let students learn about a Greek story .-Ability Develop students reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills.-Emotion Arouse students great interest in the Greek story. Develop students sense of cooperative learning.Teaching Focus: Let students learn more about the Greek story. Get students to learn different reading skills.Difficult points:Develop students reading ability.Enable students to learn to express their opinions.Teaching methods:Taskbased teaching and learningCooperative learningDiscussionTeaching AidsMultimedia facilities ,a tape recorder ,an appleTeaching Precedures:1 Warming up by playing a words-guessing game. Princess : the daughter of a king 荣誉glory: praise or honour that is given to somebody 达成协议bargain: an agreement between two 毫无希望的hopeless: there is no hope 惊讶的amazed : very surprised 公主2 ReadingTurn to Page14.Skim the text and answer the questions: Who was Atlanta? Was she beautiful?Did she run fast?Listen to the text , then put the following sentences in right order.( ) One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much.( ) He asked the Goddess of Love for help.( ) Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.( ) Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed.( ) She gave him three golden apples.( ) She could run faster than any other man in Greece. Read the text carefully and do some true or false questions , tell me why1) Atlanta ran very slowly in Greece, so she could not take part in the Olympic Games. T F2) Nobody wanted to run the race because they didnt want to marry her. T F3) At first, Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. T F4) Hippomenes ran faster than Atlanta. T F5) The king thought Hippomenes could win the match. T F3 Consolidation by filling blanks to review:Girls task: Atlanta was a very beautiful Greek_. She ran the fastest in Greece. But she was not _ to take part in the Olympic Games. She was so _that she decided not to _anyone who could not run faster than her. Her father said that she must get married , so at last she made a _with him .She said that if a man wanted to _her, she would run against him .If he could not run as _as her, he would be _. Boys task Hippomenes was a man who decided to marry Atlanta after he saw her. In order to run as _as her , he went to ask the Greek Goddess of Love for _. She promised to help him and _ him three golden apples. She told him to _an apple in front of Atlanta When she was _ past. when she stopped to _it up, he would be able to run _her and win.4 Discussion : Who do you think will win the race? What do you think will happen in the race between Hippomenes and Atlanta?5 Homework According to your discussion, write a short story about the happy ending2


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