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    International marketing promotions and ads -Practicing lesson,Promotion tools,Advertising,Public relations,Sales promotion,Direct marketing,Personal selling,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,The codfish lays a million eggs The helpful hen lays one The codfish makes no fuss of its achievement The hen boasts what she has done We forget the gentle codfish The hen we eulogize Which teaches us this lesson That it pays to advertise,Main media types,Television,Radio,Newspapers,Magazines,Cinema,Outdoor,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,The major international advertising decisions,Objectives setting,Budget decisions,Message decisions,Media decisions,Agency selection,Advertising evaluation,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,Identify target audience,Media decisions,Reach,Frequency,Gross rating points (GRPs),Media mix,Momentum,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,Advertising effects pyramid,What is this?,This term refers to the total portion of the target market exposed to at least one ad in a given time period?,Reach,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,What is this?,What term refers to the average number of times within a given timeframe that each potential customer is exposed to the same ad?,Frequency,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,GRP and TRP,GRP (Gross Rating Points): total number of ad exposures; a measure that combines reach of media with average number of exposures (frequency) of individual to the certain type of media in the certain time period. It expresses the sum of all program viewings in the media plan. TRP (Target Gross Rating Points): number of people in primary target group, whom the message should reach; and how many times on average (frequency).,Standardization vs. adaptation,Culture, language Literacy level, verbal/non verbal language, etc. Symbols, colors, numbers, etc. National humor Advertising arrangement Local advertising style Restrictions (object, arrangement) Media conditions Media infrastructure Media habits Media costs,Gillette For Women Venus Why use an identical global message for Greece, Germany, and the U.S.?,Google logo,Sweden,China,Turkey,Slovenia,Apple,Standardized products all over the world Standardized promotion all over the world,Apple: Reasons for standardization,Promotion Target group: educated, global customer Demand independent of cultures, languages, values Product Common technical standards in target markets Price Positioned in middle to upper income markets sufficient money available Place Target markets provide the same highly developed distribution infrastructure,Cathay Pacific chose standardized advertising throughout its markets,Nestle Nespresso,Same advertising and product positioning world-wide Global slogan “Nespresso. What else?” The exclusive system of unique coffee capsules together with innovative machine technology enables Nespresso to capture all the character of a coffee and produce a genuine, high quality espresso every time, everywhere and for everybody,French,German,Factors influencing the communication situation,Language differences,Economic differences,Sociocultural differences,Legal/regulatory differences,Competitive differences,Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.,Bye Helmets,Yoga training ads,Hubba Bubba,芝加哥地下走廊天花板贴纸,“Our potatoes are grown closer than you may think.”,Battery,Planted ads,Concept and feature,Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, and an ad should be 1. informative 2. eye-catching 3. raise the desire to purchase.,In other words, a good ad should be attractive - catch the readers attention (吸引力 ) creative - project an image (创造力 ) persuasive - urge the reader to act (说服力 ) impressive - produce an impact (影响力 ),Functions and roles,广告具有 信息功能 (informative function) 美感功能(aesthetic function) 表情功能(expressive function) 祈使功能 (vocative function) 广告的功能在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量),Kinds of Media,Press Advertising 报刊广告 Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告 Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告 Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易会 Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 Cinema 电影广告,Linguistic Limitations,Language is one of the major barriers to effective communication through advertising Translation challenges Low literacy in many countries Multiple languages within a country In-country testing with the target consumer group avoids problems caused by linguistic differences,Verbal Characteristics of English advertising Sentence features of English Advertising,Feature of English ads &Translation,verbal,Frequent Use of Compounds 复合词多 satin-soft, good-buy, high-quality, up-to-the-minute, undreamed-of, lemon-fragrant.,finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition(餐馆广告) Incredible sale: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, top quality, latest styles for garments.(服装广告),More Use of Adjectives,在英语广告中,有些大家所熟悉的字或词故意被拼错或加上前缀、后缀以引人注目,可有效地传播商品信息。 twogether “together”的变异形式,用“two”代替“to” eggsactly“exactly” 的变形,是为了与所宣传的“egg”相对应。,Originality in Spelling创新拼写,句法特点,More Use of Shortened 、Simple Sentences 广告英语是面向人民大众的。因而只有采用那些简单、口语性强的句式,才能缩小广告篇幅,减少广告费用。做到用最少的版面,最精练的语言,传递出最多的信息。 省略句: Quality first. Customer supreme. 质量第一,用户至上。(金龙电扇) Perfect care for you and your familysoft and comfortable. (手帕纸广告) 对您和家人的呵护柔软舒适。,sentence,祈使句 Add Cheer To Your Chicken. (一则辣椒番茄酱的广告语) See A World Difference With New Transitions Comfort Lenses. (一种商标为Transitions的眼镜) Ask for MORE. (MORE牌香烟广告),英语广告常用疑问句,以引起顾客的好奇心或给顾客以启发。祈使句有极大的号召力、说服力,都易于激起人们的购买力。 Is microwave cooking fast? You bet! 微波炉煮饭炒菜很快吗?那还用说! Ever wonder why most guys in pants ads are standing up? 想过吗?为什么西装裤广告里的男人总是站着? Let the New York Times find you. Go for the sun and fun.,Frequent Use of Rhetorical Questions and Imperative sentences,ParisMoscowBeijing: Great Expectations.(汽车拉力赛广告) SofaSoGood.(沙发广告) Thirst come, thirst served. (可口可乐广告) TIME IS MONEY, with a subscription you save both. 经济学家杂志广告,Frequent Use of Quotations,Where there is a mountain, there is a road; where there is a road, there is Toyota. 浅析: 该广告巧妙地仿用了英语中“Where there is a will, there is a way.”这句家喻户晓的谚语,顾客很容易地就把丰田车记住了,其劝说功能显而易见。 译文可直译为:有山必有路,有路必有丰田车。 A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 浅析:一看这个广告,大家很容易联想到两则英语谚语:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,医生原离我。” 和“ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。” 这则广告似乎告诉人们吃了这种巧克力既可以保持身体健康又可以聪明,激起了人们购买的欲望。,这里可直译:一日一块马尔斯牌巧克力,给你工作、休闲、娱乐添精力。 Give me Green World, or give me yesterday. 浅析:大家都知道美国独立战争时期杰出的政治家Patric Henry 的名句“Give me liberty, or give me death! 不自由,毋宁死!” 这里不可以直译为:要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么给我昨天。要作意译处理:要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么还我昨日容颜。这样翻译,很容易在消费者心理产生共鸣,因而激起他们购买的欲望。 He who runs last laughs best.(轮胎广告) 谁跑在最后,谁笑得最好。 Go with the flow. 紧随潮流。(服装广告) 浅析:套用了美国作家玛格丽泰.密西尔的传世之作Gone With the Wind.(飘),Where there is a road, there is Toyota. 这则广告仿拟习语Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 翻译方法:套译法,即套用英语在汉语中已经沉积下来的固有模式。能好地表达广告的原意,加深消费者对该产品的印象。 可译为:有路就有丰田车。,Figures of Speech,比喻 包括明喻(simile)和隐喻(metaphor)。 Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. (桔汁广告) 翻译方法:直译法。这句英语的simile在汉语中存在内容和形式上的对等体, 可译为:没有桔汁的早餐犹如没有阳光的日子。,Light as breeze, soft as cloud (服装广告) 浅析:这则广告运用比喻把衣服柔软飘逸的面料逼真地展现在顾客面前,让人有购买的冲动。 译文:轻飘飘如微风,软绵绵似彩云。(译文保留了原来的明喻,而且结构对等,原词的意境美也完好地保留了下来。) Cool as a mountain stream.Cool as fresh Consulate (Consulate 香烟) 浅析:把香烟比作山泉,爽口怡人,有种心旷神怡的感觉,让人回味无穷,极具吸引力。 译文:凉如高山溪流爽似 Consulate 香烟。,Featherwater, light as a feather (Featherwater眼镜广告) 浅析: 该广告突出了该眼镜的质地,即用树脂做成,不但轻而且还经久耐用。 译文:Featherwater眼镜,轻如羽毛。 As soft as Mothers hands (童鞋广告) 浅析:童鞋如妈妈的手一样柔软,非常形象生动。 译文:像母亲的手一样柔软。 隐喻的含蓄魅力 Sophisticated, sweet-to-drink Pink Lady (酒) 浅析:这里把酒比喻成了粉红佳人,有种美酒和佳人的意象,极具美感。 可直译为:高级、可口的粉红佳人。,etaphor比喻,Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历. As soft as Mothers hands.像母亲的手一样柔软.(童鞋广告) Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. 轻如云,柔如云. (服装广告),Personification拟人,Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. (鲜花广告) 翻译方法:直译法。这句英语中,鲜花拟人化了,好象情人诉说衷肠。大多数拟人句子可以直译成汉语“拟人”修辞格。 可译为:英特拂劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠。,Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex手表广告) 和我不同,我的劳力士从不需要休息。 We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of Almaden. (葡萄酒广告) 我们为孩子们的出生地而自豪Almaden的葡萄酒 She works while you rest. (洗衣机)她工作,你(主人)休息。,双关,双关语是利用语言文字的同音或同义,同音异义的关系,使一句话涉及两件事,做到一明一暗,一真一假,既可引人注意,又能引起联想,加深记忆。双关这种修辞手法如果运用得当,能够使广告达到意想不到的效果。 The unique spirit of Canada. spirit 一词双义:既指精神,又指烈性酒。 翻译方法: 拆译法。别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大民族精神。 Try our sweet corn, and youll smile from ear to ear. ear 一词双义:耳朵,穗。 拆译为:尝一尝我们的甜玉米,你将笑得合不拢嘴,吃了一个又一个。,Have a try,She wants to put her tongue in your mouth. (香港语言中心广告) tongue 一词双义:语言、舌头。 翻译方法: 意译法,用译文读者易懂的切合原文意思的词语和恰当式来表达原文的内涵和精髓。 译为:她要把她的语言教给你。+,来,勇敢地显摆一下吧,,Have a try,Spoil yourself and not your figure (weight-watcher 冰淇淋广告) 浅析:spoil可以理解为尽兴、破坏,既可以尽兴地吃,又不会破坏体形,可以使减肥者在轻松幽默的语气中自然地接受该广告。 抛砖引玉尽情大吃,不增体重。 Im More satisfied (摩尔香烟广告) 浅析:“More”一字既介绍了香烟品牌又把香烟颇受欢迎这一事实介绍给了顾客, 宣传效果很明显。 抛砖引玉我更满意摩尔香烟。,哈哈,给自己一个用武之地,,Repetition 反复,反复是通过在文章中重复使用某一语句或词语,加强语势,增强语言节奏感,达到抒发感情,营造气氛的目的。 Perfect ingredients for perfect hair. (Phytojoba 洗发水的广告) 翻译方法:直译法。原句“perfect”属同义反复,应直译成反复修辞格。 参考答案:完美发水,完美发质。,Time show off,When youre sipping Lipton, youre sipping something special.(果茶广告) 当你在品抿立顿果茶时,你是在品抿非凡的茶。 Extraordinary cola, extraordinary choice. 非常可乐,非常选择。,哈哈,显摆一下吧,,Rhymes 押韵,广告英语中,广告制作人常常会使用押韵(分为头韵Alliteration和End-rhyme),使广告词富有节奏感,读起来铿锵有力,琅琅上口,易于记忆,刺激其购买欲望。 More experience in express. (DHL特快专递广告) 这里运用的是头韵修辞格。 翻译方法:弥补法,对不能译的辞格,尽可能补救。翻译时可用汉语结构翻译英语修辞格,以求最大限度再现原文的修辞效果。 可译为:更多经验,更好服务尽在DHL特快专递。,头韵,Sea, Sun, Sand, Seclusion- and Spain (海滨旅馆)。 浅析:这则广告把旅馆的地理环境、异国情调渲染得淋漓尽致,具有极强的审美表现力,令人心弛神往。 这则广告可直译为:海水、阳光、沙滩、幽僻之乡西班牙情调! Good teeth, good health. (高露洁牙膏广告) 浅析:这则广告既简洁又有押韵美而且“health”还体现了中国人关注身体健康的心理。 这里可直译为:牙齿好,身体就好。,尾韵,Pepsi-Cola hits the spot ,Twelve full ounces, thats a lot, 浅析:这则百事可乐广告,节奏鲜明,抑扬顿挫,宣有创造力。翻译时要用弥补法来补救,译出原文的韵律美。 可译为:百事可乐味道好,足12盎量不少, East, West, Hangtian is best (汽车广告) 浅析:广告的音乐美而且突出了此车的优越性。 用弥补法译出:城乡路万千,路路有航天。 Flash. Dash. Classic splash. 浅析: 此广告由静至动,极富诗意。 用弥补法译出:闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅。,Translation Rules,1、对等 形式对等-信息对等-功能对等 Life is a journey, Travel it well (联合航空) 人生之旅,尽情游历 Tides in, dirts out. (汰渍洗衣粉) 汰渍到,污垢逃。,If you drive, dont drink; if you drink, dont drive.严谨酒后驾车 。 ? Just do it. (Nike) 跟着感觉走,哈哈,显摆一下吧,,2、简洁,言简意赅:吸引读者注意,便于识记 “Keep it short and sweet.”,Avoid debt and stay merry. (State Farm 保险公司) 无债一身轻 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。 -青岛牌电视机 Choose once and choose for good. Cant beat the real thing. (Coca-Cola) 挡不住的诱惑,3、变通,品味更胜一筹(食品广告) Better than ever! Taking the lead in a Digital World. -三星 领先数码,超越永恒 A diamond is forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 Intelligence everywhere. -摩托罗拉 智慧演绎,无处不在。,4、唯美,内涵:意境美、形象美、情感美、文化美 语言美:修辞美、词汇美、构句美、声韵美,5、含蓄,出手不凡钻石表-钻石牌手表 Buy a Diamond brand watch, if every second counts for you Connecting People-Nokia .科技以人为本,你不理财,财不理你 If you leave “Managing Money” alone, Money will manage to leave you alone 中药材广告:“药材好,药才好。” Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines,广告口号的翻译,直译法 转译法 仿译法,仿译,爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) Love me tender, love me true. 一册在手,纵览全球(全球杂志的广告语) With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand. 中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商场) While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do - Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket. 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。 (速效救心丸) A friend in need is a friend indeed.,CCTV 西部频道口号,为中国西部的腾飞加油! Shoulders to the wheel and do our best - for the economic take-off in Chinas west!,哈哈,我来显摆一下吧,,某皮鞋的广告语,皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减 The leather we use is quite thick; the profit we make is fairly thin.,哈哈,我来显摆一下吧,,一种皮鞋油的广告语,第一流产品,为足下增光 Our shoe polish is surely of the first rate; It shines your shoes and you look great.,哈哈,我来显摆一下吧,,青岛啤酒的广告语,“不同的肤色,共同的选择” Peoples skin colors are different - far and near, but their choice can be the same for Qingdao Beer.,哈哈,我来显摆一下吧,,Trade Mark,把握英汉两种语言的文化背景,巧译广告商标 Dragon 龙 在中国,“龙”曾是封建君主和皇帝的象征。龙在中国人心目中是吉祥和富贵的象征,“望子成龙”“龙凤吉祥”“龙马精神”等吉祥词语随处可见,因此汉语里有不少以此命名的商品,例如:香烟“龙凤吉祥”,“华龙”方便面等。 而“西方人却认为dragon(龙)是邪恶的象征, 是凶残肆虐的怪物,应予消灭”(邓炎昌,刘润清) Magpie 喜鹊 在汉语文化里,人们会联想到 “报春、报喜” 美好的事情。 在英语文化里,人们会产生 “唠叨、罗嗦”的不好印象。,不了解英汉两种文化,会译出可笑的商标,广州五羊牌自行车Five Rams (Ram让人想到撞车) 上海凤凰牌自行车Phoenix (Phoenix在英语国家里是再生的象征,会让人联想到“死而复生”) 白象牌电池White Elephant (White Elephant 在英语里代表没有用的东西) 芳芳牌婴儿爽身粉Fang Fang Baby Talcum Powder (Fang 英语在字典中有两层意思:1.a long, sharp tooth of a dog; 2.a snakes poison-tooth “毒牙”) 建议译文:Fun Fun “蝴蝶”牌电子灶Butterfly Electronic Cooker (butterfly在英语里为轻浮之物,汉语则是象征友谊和爱情) “蜜蜂”牌洗澡香皂Bee (中国人一直赞美蜜蜂的勤劳可爱,西方人则会想到蜜蜂的绒刺。) 解决方法:,灵活变通,,“孔雀”牌彩色电视机。原译文:Peacock TV 在中国孔雀是美丽和鲜艳的象征,在英语国家则是不祥之鸟。可以变通地译为:Kingbird “帆船”牌皮鞋。原译文:“Junk” Leather Shoes (junk是旧货,假货的意思)。变通后:“Yacht” Leather Shoes 西子香皂原译文:“Shitze” Toilet Soap (shits 泻肚子)。译成:West Lake Toilet Soap,可以让人联想到美丽的西湖,可以带来商业效益。 “红星”牌电风扇“Bright Star” Electronic Fan, 红色在英语里是暴力的象征。 “玉兔” “Moon Rabbit”, 不译为Jade Rabbit,“Montero” relpaces “Pajero”,Several years ago, Mitsubishi planned to introduce its popular European SUV, the “Pajero,” in North and South America Although the word “pajero” carries no negative connotations in the Castilian Spanish spoken in parts of Europe, in Latin American slang the term has a seriously derogatory sexual meaning The vehicle was renamed and released in the Americas as the “Montero” averting a potential global branding disaster,Averting a Branding Disaster in the Americas,Challenges in Achieving Local Relevance: Coca cola,When Coca-Cola was first introduced into the Chinese market, Chinese characters selected sounded like Coca-Cola but actually meant, “bite the wax tadpole.” In Russian, “enjoy” was changed to “drink,” because “enjoy” has a particular sensual connotation, in that language, that doesnt apply to soft drinks.,Keeping The Classic Look and Taste Worldwide,2. 英语商标译成汉语时要抓住中国人重视“吉祥” “乐感”的心理。 吉祥: Konka 康佳 Mild Seven 万事发 Ball 顺牌 Jetta捷达 Seven-up 七喜 Buler宝来 Boom 丰年 Stone 四通 Goldlion金利来 Dunhill 登喜路 Holsten 好顺 Kodak 柯达 Guiness吉尼斯 Wonderful万德福 乐感: Coca-cola可口可乐 Pepsi-Cola百事可乐 Tootsi Frooties同乐笑糖果 Cola Cao高乐高 Robust乐百氏 Lucky乐凯 Lactov乐口福,译音传神,Colgate-高露洁(兼顾了音韵的神似,而一个洁字更突出其产品的特性,具有点题效果。) Powerful 香皂-波尔肤(以肤字点题) Maxam-美加净(音译结合,富有神韵) Smart Garment-顺美(服装) ReNu-润明(隐形眼镜) OMO-奥妙(洗衣粉) Pantence-潘婷 Shampoo-香波,译音传神,Clean & Clear-可伶可俐(护肤品) Stone-四通(电脑) Tides-汰渍(洗衣粉) Follow me-福乐迷(奶糖) Coca-cola-可口可乐 Safe guard-舒肤佳(香皂) Tylenol-泰诺(药品) Nike-耐克 Kodak-柯达,


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