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    (八) Unit 8 (45分钟 100分),第卷(共45分) . 单项选择(15分) 1. Mr Zhang is _ old man. Hes very kind. A. a B. an C. the D. / 【解析】选B。第一次提到某一事物时用不定冠词,先排除C、D两项;以辅音音素开头的单词前用a,以元音音素开头的单词前面用an,因此选B。,2. _ is the eleventh month of a year. A. May B. October C. August D. November 【解析】选D。一年中的第十一个月是November,故选D。,3. _ is the volleyball game? Its March 16th. A. What B. How C. How old D. When 【解析】选D。由答语可知是对日期提问,故用when。,4. Haiti earthquake(地震)happened _ January 12th, 2010. A. in B. on C. at D. for 【解析】选B。在表示时间时,in后跟某年、某月或某个季节,也用于固定短语in the morning/afternoon/evening中;on后跟具体的某一天或某一天的早晨、下午或晚上;at后跟具体的某一时刻;for后跟一段时间,由题意得知选B。,5. Today is _ birthday. A. me B. he C. Kims D. shes 【解析】选C。由后面的名词birthday可知此处需要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格等限定词,故选C。,6. _ your birthday in February? A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do 【解析】选A。C、D两项是助动词,后面应跟实义动词原形,先排除;问句的主语是名词单数形式,故be动词用is。,7. New Years Day is _. A. May 1st B. December 25th C. June 1st D. January 1st 【解析】选D。新年应该是一月一日,故选D。,8. 09·广东中考There are _ months in a year. October is the _ month. A. twelve; ten B. twelfth; tenth C. twelve; tenth D. twelfth; ten 【解析】选C。考查数词的用法,序数词表示顺序,基数词表示数量的多少,由题意得知选C。,9. My friend is _. A. 13 years B. 13 year old C. 13 old D. 13 years old 【解析】选D。表示岁数时用“基数词+year(s) old”。,10. The room is _. A. Lilys and Lucys B. Lily and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lucys and Lily 【解析】选B。当两个人共同拥有时,在后一个人后面加s。,11. February usually has _ days this year. A. thirty B. thirty-one C. twenty-eight D. twenty-nine 【解析】选C。平年二月有28天,闰年二月才有29天,故选C。,12. Do you have a School Day _ your school? A. at B. on C. from D. to 【解析】选A。在学校可以用介词at或in。,13. _ is Liu Qian? Hes 34 years old. A. How B. How old C. How much D. How many 【解析】选B。对年龄提问用how old。,14. Does he _ an English party every year? A. meet B. take C. trip D. have 【解析】选D。meet“遇见”;take“带走”;trip“旅行”;have“举行;举办;有。”由题意可知选D。,15. Happy Teachers Day, Miss Zhao! _ ! A. Happy Teachers Day, boys and girls B. Thank you C. The same to you D. Im not happy 【解析】选B。当一方说话者过节日时,对别人的祝愿应表示感谢。,. 完形填空(10分) Today is 1 15. Its Maries birthday. 2 friends 3 here. They are Linda, Tom, Peter, John, and Lucy. Her 4 are here, too. There 5 a big cake on the table. There are fourteen candles 6 the cake. There 7 also salad, hamburgers, fish, eggs, and vegetables on the table. Marie is very happy. They 8 the song Happy Birthday to Marie. Marie gets 9 gifts 10 her friends. She is very happy.,1. A. October B. Fifth C. october D. Fifteenth 【解析】选A。只有A、C项为月份,且月份的首字母应大写,故选A。 2. A. His B. Her C. Our D. My 【解析】选B。Marie是女孩,故形容词性物主代词用her。 3. A. do B. be C. is D. are 【解析】选D。主语friends是复数,系动词用are。,4. A. parent B. parents C. the parent D. parents 【解析】选D。从系动词are来看,可知主语是复数parents。 5. A. does B. is C. be D. are 【解析】选B。there be意为“有”,其句型常为:There be+某物+某地,表示“在某地有某物”。be的单复数形式根据后面的名词来决定。 6. A. in B. on C. at D. under 【解析】选A。in表示“在里面”,在蛋糕上有14支蜡烛,蜡烛插在蛋糕里面。,7. A. are B. is C. be D. do 【解析】选B。There be句型中be的形式由离它最近的名词来确定。根据名词salad, 可知be用is的形式。 8. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. singes 【解析】选A。主语they是复数,谓语sing用动词原形。 9. A. a lot B. lot of C. many D. much 【解析】选C。many后面跟可数名词复数形式。 10. A. of B. to C. for D. from 【解析】选D。from“从”, 句意为“Marie从朋友那里得到了很多礼物”。,. 阅读理解(10分) My name is Alan. Im English. Im 13 years old. My birthday is June 15th. I have a good friend. His name is Dave. We like basketball very much. We often play it after school. Our school has a basketball game every month. Dave and I are on the school basketball team(队). We like watching NBA on TV, too. Our favorite basketball player is Kobe. He plays really well. He was born(出生)on August 23rd, 1978. We like him very much.,1. Alans birthday is_. A. July 1st B. June 15th C. April 3rd D. September 4th 【解析】选B。由文中“My birthday is June 15th. ”得知。,2. Dave is Alans _ . A. brother B. cousin C. friend D. uncle 【解析】选C。由文中“I have a good friend. His name is Dave. ”得知。,3. Alans school has a basketball game every _. A. month B. year C. day D. Sunday 【解析】选A。由文中“Our school has a basketball game every month. ”得知。,4. Kobes a great _ player. A. soccer B. ping-pong C. basketball D. baseball 【解析】选C。由文中“Our favorite basketball player is Kobe. ”得知。,5. Kobes birthday is _. A. September 21st B. August 23rd C. October 10th D. November 11th 【解析】选B。由文中“He was born on August 23rd, 1978. ”得知。,第卷(共55分) . 词汇运用(10分) ()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分) 1. J_ is the first month of a year. 2. March is the t_ month of a year. 3. Im very h_ because(因为)I get a birthday gift(礼物)from my parents. 4. You are the _ (第二十)boy to swim across the river. 5. We have an Art _ (节日)in our school. 答案:1. January 2. third 3. happy 4. twentieth 5. Festival,()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分) 6. May is the _ (five) month of the year. 7. Today is Tonys _ (twelve) birthday. 8. This is _ (he) old photo. 9. They have two English _ (party) every year. 10. Is that _ (Jeff) new jacket? 答案:6. fifth 7. twelfth 8. his 9. parties 10. Jeffs,. 完成句子(10分) 1. 你弟弟多大了? _ _ is your younger brother? 2. 你们什么时候举行英语演讲比赛? _ do you _ _ English speech contest? 3. 学校旅行在五月二十日。 The _ _ is May 20th. 答案: 1. How old 2. When; have an 3. school trip,4. 她的生日是十一月三日。 _ _ of her _ is November 3rd. 5. 我们学校不举行排球赛。 We dont have a _ _ in our school. 答案: 4. The date; birth 5. volleyball game,. 句型转换(10分) 1. Her birthday party is May 10th. (对划线部分提问) _ _ her birthday party? 2. We have a School Day every month. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a School Day every month? 3. They have a Chinese contest on April 4th. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ a Chinese contest? 答案:1. When is 2. Do; have 3. When do; have,4. Im fourteen years old. (对划线部分提问) _ your _? 5. My fathers birthday is June 26th. (改为同义句) The _ _ my fathers _ is June 26th. 答案: 4. Whats; age 5. date of; birth,. 补全对话(10分) 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余 A. That sounds good. B. No, I dont. C. How old are you? D. When is your birthday? E. Do you have a party on your birthday? F. My birthday is in July, too. G. How are you? A: 1 Li Ming? B: Im fine, thanks.,A: 2 B: My birthday is July 17th. A: Really? 3 B: Oh, whats the date? A: July 21st. 4 B: Yes, On my birthday, all my friends come to my home and we have a big dinner. A: 5 Ill go to your party this year. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案:15. GDFEA,. 书面表达(15分) 这是Bill的学校日历,请你根据下列信息介绍一下学校的活动。 要求:词数4050。(文体可以是对话,也可以是演讲稿),【参考答案】 We have an Art Festival on July 26th. Chinese Contest is July 28th. Toms birthday is July 30th. Basketball game is July 31st. School trip is August 2nd. Music Festival is August 3rd. English Party is August 5th.,


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