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    Cover,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,实用英语,Contents,Unit 7,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Focus 1 Section 1 :Text: Conspiracy Background Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading Exercises: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Section 2: Listening and Speaking Focus 2 Section 1: Text: Entrepreneurs: Learn from Amways Success in Network Marketing Exercises: I , II Language Points Section 2: Practical Writing A Complaint Letter,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Background information Focus1 Section 1,Focus 1 Section I,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Some Basic Facts about Insurance,Background Information,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Buying and maintaining sufficient insurance coverage is as important to your long-term financial security as contributing regularly to retirement plans and spending judiciously once youve retired. A single gap in insurance coverage could wipe out many years of hard-earned savings. Thats why its crucial to give yourself an annual insurance checkup, whether you buy your policies through an agent or from one of the growing numbers of insurance companies that sell coverage directly to the public. The high frequency of undue and false insurance claims which abuse the insurance system will harm the interests of many honest policyholders, and could become a primary factor which prevents the appropriate management and sound development of the insurance system. The proliferation of cases of insurance fraud could badly affect public morale, and could lead to a deterioration in the loss ratios of insurance companies, thus harming the interests of their honest police holders. The insurance industry is taking every step to prevent insurance fraud, in order to maintain public confidence in the insurance business as well as to contribute to the safety and security of civil life.,Warm up Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Warm Up,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),There are various forms of insurance cheating. Could you please talk about them? What influences does insurance cheating have on our daily life? What do you think has caused insurance cheating? What do you think can be done to prevent insurance cheating?,Vocabulary Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Vocabulary Please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),阴 谋 呀!我有个故事要讲给你听,我的朋友。你让我怎样讲呢?像我家这样一个简单的家庭,如何能在仅仅一年内就得到200万美元呢?我向你保证,的确是在一年内。 我的故事一开始很简单,发生在中西部的一个乡村小镇。那是个你常听到的典型小镇,人们夜不闭户、相与交好。当然,我不是很确定这是否就是我们当今所生活的世界的常规做法。现在邻里之间似乎都不相往来。呆在屋子里跟世界各地的人在网上聊天要比跟隔壁邻居面对面地谈话容易多了。不管怎样,谁会通过对话框对你评头论足呢?如果他们这样的话,对话框右上角总会有个X 按钮让你把他们从你的屏幕上删除。哇,如果生活能这么简单就好了,只要按一下那个大X按钮,就可以把我们不再想处理的任何事情统统删除。想象一下,只需简单点击一下,就可以删除账单、丈母娘以及许多我们生活中不屑处理的东西!,Intensive Reading-Para 1-2 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,1 WOW! I have got a story for you, my friend. How would you like me to tell you the story about how a simple family like mine got two million dollars in just one year? Let me assure you that it was quite a year. 2 My story starts simply enough in a small rural town in a Midwest state. The town is your typical town where you always hear that nobody locks their doors and everyone knows their neighbors. Well Im not actually sure this is standard practice in the world we live in now. Were too disconnected it seems. Its much easier to walk inside and get on the computer to chat with people around the world than it is to talk face to face with your next door neighbor. Who will judge you through a chat box anyway? If they do there is always an X in the upper right hand corner to delete them from your screen. Wow, if only life would be so simple as to have a large X button to delete anything we no longer wanted to deal with. Imagine eliminating bills, mothers-in-law, and any number of things that we despise handling in our lives with a simple click!,Intensive Reading,Conspiracy,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Questions About Para. 2 (1) Where did this story take place? (2) How did the story-teller describe the town?,It took place in a small rural town in a Midwest state.,The town is a typical town where nobody locks their doors and everyone knows their neighbors.,conspiracy: n. C, U a secret by a group of people to do sth. harmful or illegal阴谋,密谋策划 e.g. (1) He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government. 他泄露了他们要推翻政府的阴谋。 (2) He is a party to the conspiracy. 他参与了那次阴谋。,Were too disconnected it seems.的正常语序应为It seems that were too disconnected. 此处too意为“very; extremely; immensely非常;极其地;极大地”。 e.g. Hes only too willing to be of service. 他非常愿意效劳。,delete: vt. to strike out or take out (sth. written or printed); to erase取消,删除 e.g. (1) His name was deleted from the list. 他的名字从名单上删掉了。 (2) This mark means that a word has been deleted. 这个符号表示有个词已被删掉。,if only常引导虚拟语气,表达强烈的遗憾或难以实现的愿望。 e.g. (1) If only she could have lived a little longer. 要是她能活得长一些,该多好啊! (2) If only I were a bird! 如果我是一只鸟该有多好! if only从句在大多数情况下用作虚拟条件句,但是偶尔也可接现在时,表示强烈的愿望。 e.g. If only he comes early. 但愿他早点回来。 请注意与only if 的区别: only if 引导真实条件句,意为“只有(才);只有在的时候”。 e.g. I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard. 我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。,despise: vt. to dislike and have no respect for sb./sth. 鄙视,蔑视,看不起 e.g. (1) He despised himself for being so cowardly. 他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。 (2) She despised gossip in any form. 她对任何形式的流言蜚语都嗤之以鼻。,mother-in-law在句中指“岳母”,表示因婚姻关系结成的亲缘关系。本词也可以指“婆婆”。类似的表达还有:father-in-law 公公/岳父,daughter-in-law 儿媳,son-in-law 女婿,sister-in-law 嫂子/妯娌,brother-in-law 姐夫/妹夫。,Intensive Reading-Para3 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,3 Speaking of mothers-in-law, I got myself a real piece of work you might say. She was only sixteen when she brought my wife into the world, and they practically grew up together as sisters instead of mother and daughter. They were always very close, too close it seems. I married her when she was only 19, I was 28. I had already made a small place for myself in the world, running the only barbershop for thirty miles around. Things were going well and I was already starting to put away for our retirement.,谈到丈母娘,你可以说我真为自己找了个麻烦。她只有16岁时就把我的妻子带到了这个世界。她们实际上是像姐妹一样一起成长的,而不是母女。她们总是很亲密,似乎太亲密了。我28岁时娶了只有19岁的她。我已经在这世界上占有一席之地,经营着方圆30英里内唯一一家理发店。一切进展顺利,我都已经开始为我们的退休生活存钱了。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Questions About Para. 3 (3) How old was his mother-in-law when she gave birth to her daughter? (4) How old were the man and his wife when they got married?,She was only 16 then.,The man was 28 and his wife was only 19.,speak of: to mention, to talk about 说到,谈到 e.g. (1) Speaking of TV, my favorite show is on tonight. 说到电视,我最喜欢的节目在今晚。 (2) Speaking of terrorism more generally, how much danger is there of nuclear terrorism? 把恐怖主义说得更广些,核恐怖主义有多危险? 注意:现在分词短语speaking of与generally speaking等常用动词短语一样,不必遵循逻辑主语和句子中的主语必须一致这一语法规则。,a piece of work: 难事;一件工作;一件作品 e.g. (1) Its really a piece of work to get along with him. 和他相处真是件难事。 (2) This watch is a fine piece of work. 这只手表是一件精致的产品。 (3) Its a good piece of work, apart from a few slight faults. 除了一些小瑕疵之外,这不失为一件漂亮的作品。,put away: to save money to spend later 积蓄,攒钱;把收起,放好 e.g. (1) He has put away a nice sum of money. 他存了一大笔钱。 (2) Shes got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement. 她已存了几千英镑以备退休之用。,Intensive Reading-Para 4 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,4 Let me now introduce you to Bethany. She is a young, inexperienced, but very hungry girl. By hungry I dont mean she likes to eat; I mean she likes to have. She enjoys the finer things in life and upon getting married it was my job to make sure that she got them. Well Im not complaining about my income as a barber, lets just say its in the mid-five figures, but to acquire things of the stature she wanted I would definitely have to look for an alternate income.,Questions About Para. 4 (5) What did the man do for a living and how much did he earn? (6) What would the man have to do to satisfy his wife?,现在让我向你们介绍一下贝塔尼。她年轻,涉世未深,却是个胃口很大的女孩。我说的胃口大,不是指她喜欢吃,而是指她喜欢拥有。她喜欢享受美好的生活。自打和她结婚起,确保她能享受生活就成了我的工作。噢,我并不是抱怨我作为理发师的收入,它也有5万美元左右。但是,要想得到她所想要的高档东西,我肯定得再有一份收入。,Focus 1 Section I,He was a barber and his income was in the mid-five figures.,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),He would have to look for an alternate income to satisfy his wife.,upon getting married it was my job to make sure that she got them中,upon/on doing sth. 表示“一就”引导时间状语。 e.g. Upon/On arriving home, my mother started cooking. 我妈妈一到家就开始烧饭。 注意,upon/on 后也可接名词,意思不变。 e.g. Upon/On her arrival at home, my mother started cooking. 我妈妈一到家就开始烧饭。,acquire: vt. to win or obtain sth. through ones efforts 取得,获得,学到 e.g. (1) We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood. 我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验。 (2) We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English. 我们必须用功学习才能精通英语。,stature: n. U the importance and respect a person has because of his/her ability and achievements 声望,名望;身高,个子 e.g. (1) She is an actress of great stature. 她是一位颇有名望的女演员。 (2) The football team has grown in stature. 这支足球队的声望有所提高。 (3) He is small in stature. 他个头低。 things of the stature 可以理解为那些象征名望、身份或地位的东西。,definitely: ad. a way of emphasizing that sth. is true and that there is no doubt about it 肯定,没问题;明确地,清楚地 e.g. (1) You should definitely stay in bed if the doctor tells you to. 如果医生要你卧床,那你一定要卧床。 definitely去掉-ly为形容词definite,意为“precise, explicit and clearly defined 明确的,确切的;肯定的”。 e.g. (1) Please give me a definite reply. 请给我一个明确的答复。 (2) Its definite that he will come. 他肯定会来的。,alternate: a. that can be used instead of sth. else 可供替代的;交替的,轮流的;间隔的 e.g. (1) Do you have an alternate solution to the problem? 你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题? (2) Meetings are held on alternate Thursdays. 每隔一个星期的星期四举行一次会议。,Intensive Reading-Para5 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,5 Shortly after our first anniversary her mother moved in. She didnt move into one of those mother-in-law apartments out back of the main house, but rather she moved into the main house. A compact single story house with no basement is a perfect fit for a young married couple, but add to it the brides equally immature and shallow mother and you have the makings of trouble.,我们结婚周年过后不久,她妈妈就搬了进来。她并没有搬进主住宅后的某套丈母娘公寓,反而搬进了主住宅。一栋没有地下室、单层的小型房屋很适合一对年轻夫妇居住,但是加上和新娘一样不成熟的浅薄母亲后,麻烦也就来了。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Para. 5 (7) When did his mother-in-law move in to live with them?,She moved in shortly after their first anniversary of wedding.,but rather 意为“然而,相反”。 e.g. (1) She was no better, but rather grew worse. 她的病不但没有好转,反而恶化了。 (2) His mother wont be there, but rather his father might. 他母亲不会在那里,但他父亲也许会去。,compact: a. closely and firmly united or packed together紧密的;坚定的;简洁的 e.g. (1) Is it a compact car or a regular car? 是小型车还是普通车? (2) He received a compact package. 他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。,fit在这句话中为名词,意为“a thing that fits 适合物”。 e.g. (1) The jacket is a nice fit. 这件上衣很合身。 (2) This coats a perfect fit. 这件大衣完全合身。,immature: a. behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger(行为)不成熟的,不够老练的,幼稚的;未长成的,发育未全的 e.g. (1) He pretends hes been around but hes really very immature. 他装作老于世故,而实际上却很幼稚。 (2) He turned out to be immature and irresponsible. 他原来是个不成熟和不负责任的人。 immature的词根是形容词mature,意为“behaving in a sensible way, like an adult成熟的;成年人的”。 mature 还可以用作动词,意为“to become fully grown or developed(使)成熟。”,have the makings of sth.: to have the qualities that are necessary to become sth. 具备了成为的必要条件 e.g. She has the makings of a good lawyer. 她具备当个好律师的素质。,Intensive Reading-Para 6 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,6 Two years went by and the credit card bills added up tremendously. I decided to go against the Barber Code and open the shop for a full day on Monday. Add to that the half-day on Saturday that I already worked and Sunday was my only break from being on my feet all day. My wife suggested to me that there were other opportunities to fill my evenings with. We attended a few “business meetings” as she called them. They were actually recruiting seminars for everything from insurance to some phone card scam. I never once allowed her to join these things because I saw them for what they were.,两年过去了,信用卡账单数额惊人地增长。我决定违反理发业行规,在周一那天全天营业。加上周六本来就要工作半天,我唯一可以不用整天站立的只有周日了。我妻子还建议了其他机会来填补我晚上的时光。我们参加了一些她所谓的“商务会议”。其实这都是些招募新成员的讨论会,从保险到一些电话卡诈骗,无所不包。我从不允许她参加这些活动,因为我清楚那都是些什么勾当。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Para. 6 (8) What did the man decide to do when the credit card bills added up tremendously?,He decided to go against the Barber Code and open the shop for a full day on Monday.,go by: to pass by(时间等)过去;走过,经过 e.g. (1) He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。 (2) Three years have gone by since his return. 他回来三年了。 (3) He went by his house without entering it. 他过家门而不入。,add up: to increase by small amounts until there is a large total 积少成多;合乎情理,有道理 e.g. (1) When you are feeding a family of six, the bills soon add up. 你要养活一家六口,开支很快就大起来了。 (2) His story just doesnt add up. 他说的情况根本不合情理。 注意:add up 表示“积少成多”时,一般不用于进行时。 tremendously: ad. surprisingly 可怕地,非常地,惊人地 e.g. This is a tremendously exciting challenge for me. 这对我来说是一个极其令人振奋的挑战。,go against: to resist or oppose sb./sth. 违反,违背 e.g. (1) It goes against the Marxist principles. 这违反马克思主义原则。 (2) He went against my wishes. 他违背了我的意愿。,suggest用法: (一)suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 e.g. I suggested going home. 我建议回家。 (二)suggest that 建议。注意:此时that从句中用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式是“(should)+动词原形”,should可省略。It is/was suggested that也是同样用法。 e.g. (1) I suggested that we (should) go home. 我建议我们回家。 (2) It was suggested that people work 7 hours every day. 有人建议人们每天工作7小时。 (三)suggest that 表明。注意:此时that从句不能用虚拟语气。 e.g. Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population trusts the government. 民意测验表明只有10%的人信任政府。 (四)suggest to sb. that 向某人建议 e.g. She suggested to me that we should meet twice a week. 她向我建议我们一周见两次面。,recruit: vt. to seek to employ征募,恢复,补充 e.g. (1) We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff. 我们难以聘用到素质好的职员。 (2) Its difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 很难聘请到素质好的老师。,scam: n. C a clever and dishonest plan for making money 欺诈,诈财骗局 e.g. (1) Their scam is selling fake traditional Chinese medicine to old people. 他们的骗术是卖假中药给老人。 (2) Its a colossal scam. 这是一个弥天大谎。,see sb./sth. for what they are/it is: to realize that sb./sth. is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they seem/it seems 看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样) e.g. Dont join the club because I see it for what it is. 不要加入那个俱乐部因为我清楚它做的是什么行当。,Intensive Reading-Para 7-8Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,7 As time went on I began to develop back trouble from the constant standing around I was doing. I could hardly withstand it all. It was becoming more and more evident that I would have to change our lifestyle or increase our income. When I came home for lunch one day, as I always did, there was a man in a nice business suit sitting at our kitchen table. My wife told me she had a great investment for our future and it would only cost $186 per month toward our retirement. At the moment I was in a tired and very open-minded state. I agreed and allowed her to spend the money. The electronic debits from our checking account began immediatel


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