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    中学英语课堂教学改革的方向与实践路径 江苏省张家港市教育局教研室 龚海平 QQ:740267950; WeChat:740257950 yzgonghaiping163.com 2015.11.29 安徽 阜阳,一、对中学英语课堂教学现状的基本估计,一、主要成绩 1.教学理念有了明显转变 转变一:明白了英语语言教学的真谛 转变二:确立了学生作为学习主体的地位 转变三:树立了跨文化交际意识 2.考试命题起了正确导向作用 二、存在问题 1.教师的英语语言技能亟待提高 2.教师的外语教学学养有待丰富,二、中学英语课堂教学改革的方向,一、改革方向 坚持人文性与工具性的高度统一,致力于促进学生综 合运用英语语言能力的提升。 二、基本要求 (一)教师观念的改变 进一步更新教学理念,纠正理论虚无主义倾向。 (二)教学行为的改变 彻底改变为“应试”而“教”、为“应试”而“学” 的倾向,还语言与语言学习的本来功能交际!,三、中学英语课堂教学怎么改革,一、中学英语课堂教学改革的六个重点问题 1.词汇教学存在的问题 2.语法教学存在的问题 3.听力教学存在的问题 4.口语教学存在的问题 5.阅读教学存在的问题 6.写作教学存在的问题,二、中学英语教学如何改革 1.词汇教学如何改革 2.语法教学如何改革 3.听力教学如何改革 4.口语教学如何改革 5.阅读教学如何改革 6.写作教学如何改革,(一)初中英语教学改革 1.词汇教学如何改革 2.语法教学如何改革 3.听力教学如何改革 4.口语教学如何改革 5.阅读教学如何改革 6.写作教学如何改革,Unit 5 Birdwatchers,Reading Period 1,江苏张家港市教育局教研室 龚海平执教 2015.03.29 贵阳,Appearance:,white feather,a red crown,a slim neck and slim legs,Ability:,good at dancing and flying,Zhalong A special place Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China. It is one of the worlds most important wetlands. The area provides food and shelter for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Some of them live in Zhalong. Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.,More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong. Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Birdwatching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers. The study begins next month. We do a bird count once a year. We are now inviting secondary school students to help. We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds. Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.,Read the text by yourselves, and answer the questions.,1. Where is Zhalong?,2.Why is the area a great place for wildlife?,3.Whats in the wetlands?,4.What kind of birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve?,In north-east China.,Because it provides food and shelter for them.,Many fish.,Rare red-crowned cranes.,Go to Zhalong to watch birds.,6.What do the tourists do?,To protect these endangered birds.,5.What does the Chinese government want to do?,Zhalong,1.a nature place,One of the worlds most important wetlands,2.many fish in it,3.Many birds live there, including the rare red-crowned cranes.,4.Problems: Some people want to take their space.,There will be less and less space for them.,5.Actions,(1)government,(2)tourists,(3)we students,A special place,The main idea of the text:,According to the text, fill in the blanks.,Zhalong is a _ reserve in_ China. Its in Heilongjiang. Its one of the Worlds most important _. There are many _, fishes and birds there. It also has _ red-crowned _ in the world. It can provide food and _ for them. But some people want to change the wetlands, so the area for wildlife will be _ and _. More and more birds are _ _ . We should do something to _ the _ birds.,nature,northeast,wetlands,plants,rare,cranes,shelter,smaller,smaller,in,danger,protect,endangered,Write T or F, if it is wrong, please correct it.,1. Zhalong is a nature reserve in China. _,2. Birds can find food easily in Zhalong. _,3.Some birds go to Zhalong for a short stay. _,4.The birds in Zhalong live in large cages. _,5. There are a lot of red-crowned cranes in other parts of the world. _,6.Many endangered birds live in Zhalong now. _,T,T,T,F,F,T,7.Zhalong needs more people to feed birds. _,8. Studying the text helps us learn more about the importance of protecting wildlife. _,F,T,外研版九年级英语模块8 Unit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time 在“全国中小学名师工作室发展论坛”上的观摩课 江苏张家港市教育局教研室 龚海平 yzgonghaiping163.com 2014.11.17 呼和浩特,I. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you like playing basketball? 2. When / Where do you usually play basketball? 3. Are you a member of your school basketball team? Does your team often win? 4. Who is your favourite basketball star? 5. Do you throw the ball or kick the ball when you play basketball? 6. What do you feel about when your team wins a basketball match? 7. What do you feel about when your team loses in a basketball match?,II. Read and answer. 1. Did Tonys team win the basketball match? 2. Which team won the basketball match? 3. Why didnt Tonys team win the match? 4. What team is Tonys team going to play against? 5. Will the big basketball match start at 11:30? 6. Does Tony think that HAS will win the match? Why?,2. Listen and Read. Lingling: Hi, Tony. You look tired. Tony: Yes, Im training for the big match next week. Betty: Who are you playing against? Tony: HAS. Lingling: What does HAS stand for? Tony: Haidian All Stars. Betty: Oh, yes. Itll be a difficult match. Didnt they beat you last time? Tony: Yes, they did. But Lingling: What was the score? Betty: If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52.,Tony: But Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time. That was a bad decision. We cant play well without him. Lingling: Thats no excuse! Tony: But Daming is back now. Theres no difference between the two teams this season. Betty: When is the match? Tony: Its next Saturday at noon, but if you want good seats, you should come by 11:30. Are you coming? Betty: Im not sure. Do you think theyll win, Lingling? Lingling: No way! How many matches have you played against HAS this year? Tony: Well, about three.,Betty: And how many has HAS won? Tony: Er most of them. Betty: Wrong! All of them! Face the truth, Tony. Youve got no chance! Tony: I dont agree. Thats not fair. (Tony leaves angrily.) Lingling: Remember to throw the ball, not kick it, Tony! Betty: Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong! Lingling: Nice work, Betty! I do hope they win this time. Well be there to cheer for them.,II. Read and answer. 1. Did Tonys team win the basketball match? 2. Which team won the basketball match? 3. Why didnt Tonys team win the match? 4. What team is Tonys team going to play against? 5. Will the big basketball match start at 11:30? 6. Does Tony think that HAS will win the match? Why?,III. Complete the passage with the words given. decision kick mad memory noon seats If Bettys is correct, HAS won the last match. BIG did not play very well because Daming left out the team, and it was a bad . The coming match will start at next Saturday, so if Betty and Lingling want to watch the match and have good , they had better get there by 11:30. Lingling tells Tony he should not the ball, but throw it. Tony is so at Betty and Lingling that he will try harder to win.,IV. Understand the following. 1. Betty: Oh, yes. Itll be a difficult match. 2. Lingling: Thats no excuse! 3. Tony: But Daming is back now. Theres no difference between the two teams this season. 4. Betty: Wrong! All of them! Face the truth, Tony. Youve got no chance! 5. Lingling: Remember to throw the ball, not kick it, Tony!,V. Discuss. 1. Do you think Tonys team will win the match next Saturday? 2. What do you think about Tony? 3. What do you think about Betty? Why? 4. What do you think about Lingling? Why?,(二)高中英语教学改革 1.词汇教学如何改革 2.语法教学如何改革 3.听力教学如何改革 4.口语教学如何改革 5.阅读教学如何改革 6.写作教学如何改革,上海牛津版英语(高二) Unit 5 Technology all around us 在“全国中小学名师工作室发展论坛”上的观摩课 江苏张家港市教育局教研室 龚海平 yzgonghaiping163.com 2014.11.25 上海,I. Pre-reading. Free talks about life in the future. 1. Do you have a computer? When did you have the computer? Who bought you the computer? Why did buy you the computer? 2. How often do you use a computer? What do you usually do with the computer? 3. What do you most often use a computer for? A. doing homework B. playing games C. communicating with other people D. finding information 4. What else can computers be used for?,II. Look at the title of the online article and the top picture, and then answer these questions. 1. What is the man doing? 2. What is he wearing on his head? 3. What do you think he can see? 4. What do you think this system is called? Why,III. Here are some headings we could use in this online article, but they are in the wrong order. Scan the article and work out the right order. a Dangers of VR b VR for education c What is VR? d Advances in technology e VR for business f VR for entertainment,Virtual reality Only 50 years ago, computers were bigger than people. Today, people can carry their laptops with them anywhere they go. Soon, we may be able to step inside a computer world thanks to the magic of virtual reality. What is virtual reality, or VR? If something is virtual, then it is created by computer technology and appears as if it were real.,Virtual reality is a computer system with a special headset. When you put on the headset, you look at two tiny television screens. They are so close to your eyes that your mind will see the image as one picture, and you will believe that you have entered a different world. In many systems, you also wear a special data glove. With this glove you can reach out the touch things in the artificial world.,The first VR games, already sold round the world, enable you to drive a sports car, fly a plane, or fight an enemy. In the future, it may be difficult to distinguish the virtual world of the games from the real world outside. However, VR is not just for entertainment. One day, delighted children will be able to learn geography by observing exciting foreign countries without having to leave their classroom. They will be thrilled to learn history by visiting the pyramids of Egypt, or by hand-feeding friendly dinosaurs.,In addition, businesses will be able to use VR for many tasks. Cars designed using computers can be tested as virtual machines first, before they are manufactured in mental. Architects will be able to make virtual buildings, which they can walk around and inspect before constructing. VR can help us in hundreds of ways. Despite this, concerned critics have warned that there could be dangers in this powerful new medium. Will we have VR games in which people can commit virtual crimes? After people get used to VR, will they want to return to reality? Will we forget how to live and work with real people?,On the other hand, some people think that VR will help us improve the world. By experimenting harmlessly inside a VR world, we will be able to see the dangers we may face in the future. Then we will be able to avoid them in real life. No doubt there will be some problems with VR, as there are with all new inventions. However, one thing is for sure: VR is here to stay. Get ready to step into another world!,II. Look at the title of the online article and the top picture, and then answer these questions. 1. What is the man doing? 2. What is he wearing on his head? 3. What do you think he can see? 4. What do you think this system is called? Why,III. Here are some headings we could use in this online article, but they are in the wrong order. Scan the article and work out the right order. a Dangers of VR b VR for education c What is VR? d Advances in technology e VR for business f VR for entertainment,Virtual reality Only 50 years ago, computers were bigger than people. Today, people can carry their laptops with them anywhere they go. Soon, we may be able to step inside a computer world thanks to the magic of virtual reality. What is virtual reality, or VR? If something is virtual, then it is created by computer technology and appears as if it were real.,Virtual reality is a computer system with a special headset. When you put on the headset, you look at two tiny television screens. They are so close to your eyes that your mind will see the image as one picture, and you will believe that you have entered a different world. In many systems, you also wear a special data glove. With this glove you can reach out and touch things in the artificial world.,The first VR games, already sold round the world, enable you to drive a sports car, fly a plane, or fight an enemy. In the future, it may be difficult to distinguish the virtual world of the games from the real world outside. However, VR is not just for entertainment. One day, delighted children will be able to learn geography by observing exciting foreign countries without having to leave their classroom. They will be thrilled to learn history by visiting the pyramids of Egypt, or by hand-feeding friendly dinosaurs.,In addition, businesses will be able to use VR for many tasks. Cars designed using computers can be tested as virtual machines first, before they are manufactured in mental. Architects will be able to make virtual buildings, which they can walk around and inspect before constructing. VR can help us in hundreds of ways. Despite this, concerned critics have warned that there could be dangers in this powerful new medium. Will we have VR games in which people can commit virtual crimes? After people get used to VR, will they want to return to reality? Will we forget how to live and work with real people?,On the other hand, some people think that VR will help us improve the world. By experimenting harmlessly inside a VR world, we will be able to see the dangers we may face in the future. Then we will be able to avoid them in real life. No doubt there will be some problems with VR, as there are with all new inventions. However, one thing is for sure: VR is here to stay. Get ready to step into another world!,III. Here are some headings we could use in this online article, but they are in the wrong order. Scan the article and work out the right order. a Dangers of VR b VR for education c What is VR? d Advances in technology e VR for business f VR for entertainment,IV. Discussion. What have you learned about VR?,Journey Down The Mekong 张家港市教育局教研室 龚海平执教 yzgonghaiping163.com 2014.09.30 厦门,Journey Down The Mekong THE DREAM AMD THE PLAN My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River,


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