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    基础写作系列之三,如何写人物介绍,1.例文:假如你叫李明,你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。你回信介绍鲁迅,内容如下 (1)鲁迅,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人 (2)为了国家,弃医从文。 (3)著名的作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。 (4)小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如阿Q正传、祝福这两部影片。 (5)一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。 参考词汇:阿Q正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福:The New Years Sacrifice 注意: 1)介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。文章首尾已给出,不算字数。 评分标准 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。,Dear Bruce, I was glad to know you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about Luxun ._. Since you are learning Chinese literatures, I think reading Lu Xuns novels will help you to know more about it. Yours, Li Ming,审题的步骤是什么?,、 、 、 、 、,文体,主体时态,人称,信息点整合,不要打草稿,但应有提纲,人物简介的一般步骤: Give the right order,( )教育:education ( )外貌性格appearance ,character ( )生平big events in his or her life ( in order of time ) ( )评估evaluation ( )概况age, sex, birth-place, background,概,貌,育,平,估,平(估)菇,概貌(盖帽),概,貌,育,平,估,介绍人物步骤记忆技巧:,E评估: 1)Leifeng set us a good example ,so all the people spoke highly of him and all respected him . 2)He is one of the greatest novelists in China and will be always remembered as an outstanding man. 3)Lishizhen makes great contributions to Medical literature.,注意运用一些动词、形容词等短语、词组,生词大扫荡:,Group work:,In groups of 4 or 5, write the composition in ten minutes: Correct with your partners (How to correct?) 1、是否恰好五句话? 、是否每句都含必要信息? 、可否自由发挥? 、pants纠错原则: 1)pattern 2)agreement 3)number 4)tense 5)spelling,Who will be volunteer to show your composition to the class?,Find out the good sentences in the possible version and remember them with your partner,Dear Bruce, I was glad to know you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about Luxun. Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, Lu Xun with real name Zhou Shuren abandoned the study of medicine because he thought he could change society more through writing. Not only was Lu Xun a well-Known Chinese writer, a thinker, and translator, but also the father of modern Chinese literature. His novels have been translated into many languages and some of novels have been made into films, such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Years Sacrifice. Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks. Since you are learning Chinese literatures, I think reading Lu Xuns novels will benefit a lot. Yours,2.仿写:假如你叫白云,从广告上得知广州某公司需要工程师。写信应聘。要求内容包含如下要点。 (1) 姓名:白云,出生于广州市越秀区,年龄27岁。 (2) 2001年毕业于中山大学,后来留学英国伦敦大学。 (3) 2005年数学方面成果显著,获博士学位。 (4) 英国一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但拒绝了。 (5) 为了报效祖国,于2006年毅然回国。(6)有数学天赋。 注意: 1)介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。文章首位已经给出,不算字数。 写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 评分标准 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。,牛刀小试;Now comes your tern!,Dear Sir, How do you do? Through the ad .I know your company needs an engineer. I would like to have this job. Now let me introduce myself to you. . I will appreciate it very much if you would give me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Baiyun,Im Bai Yun, born in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, aged 27.After I graduated from Zhongshan University in 2001, I was sent to London University in the UK .Through hard work for 4 years, I achieved extraordinary achievement on maths because of my gift for maths and received a doctors degree. A British company tried hard to invite me with a good offer of salary, but I refused it. To devote myself to our China, I came back this year without any hesitation in 2006.,基础写作注意事项:,1)能写几句就写几句,不留空白 2)主要评分要素包括内容的完整性和连贯性、句子结果的正确性。 3)每句占2.5分,每0.5分为一档 4)连贯性共占2.5分 5)多写或少写一个句子,扣一分,决不要自我发挥。 6)文不对题给0分,写出相关短语给0.5分。 7)每个句子要含有表中的信息,否则该句不得分。 8)不要生搬硬套,强加关联词。,注意“三写”,在规定的时间内完成,Thank you,


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