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    由于表达方式和语言结构的差异,在英汉翻译时,需要按意义和句法上的需要在原文的基础上添加一些必要的词,使译文更加流畅、自然。这种添加词语使译文流畅、自然的方法在翻译中称为词义的增补。词义的增补能够帮助有效地处理译文,是翻译中常用的手段。,名词、动词的增添 词义增补(1),Translation,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,比较英、汉两种语言可以发现:在英语中,名词使用频率高;而汉语中则是动词用得多。因此,在英语没有动词出现的情况下,根据意义需要,可以在名词前后增加原文中虽无其词而有其义的动词,使译文更加忠实原文,语言也更为通顺,更符合中文表达习惯。例如: 1) You will often remember the reason why you were asked to learn this poem or song. It may have been for a show to which families were invited. 你往往会记得当时要你学会这首诗或这首歌的理由。这也许是为了在邀请了家人的聚会场合中表演节目。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,2) Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情、足以博采、足以长才。 3) In the evening, after concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, Edward would prepare for his presentation the next day. 晚上在出席音乐会, 观看乒乓球表演之后, 爱德华还得准备第二天的表演。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,英语中的不及物动词后面不跟宾语。在翻译中遇到这种情况时,汉语译文常常需要填补宾语。例如: 1) I haven't enough time to read. 我没有足够的时间读书。 2) Every day you can see her doing houseworkcooking, sweeping, and cleaning. 每天你都可以看见她做家务做饭、扫地、收拾房间。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,有时在某些形容词前也需要增加一些名词, 使意义 更加完整, 例如: 1) This dictionary is indeed cheap and good. 这本词典真是价廉物美 。 2) A new kind of aircraftsmall, cheap, pilot-lessis attracting increasing attention. 一种新型的飞机正越来越引起人们的注意这种飞机体积小、造价低、无人驾驶。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,在翻译某些名词(特别是由动词和形容词派生的抽象名词)时也需要 在该词后增加一个名词, 使语言表达更加符合中文习惯。例如: 1) The leader is not satisfied with our preparation. 领导对我们的准备工作不满意。 2) The border dispute has been a continuing source of tension. 边界争端一直是造成紧张局势的根源。 3) Anyone wanting to enter the computer business faces tough competition. 任何想进入计算机行业的人都面临着强硬的竞争对手。 4) The world needn't be afraid of a possible shortage of coal, oil, natural gas or other resources for fuel for the future. 世界无需担心将来可能出现的煤、石油、天然气或者其他燃料来源短缺问题。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,汉语里无主语或没有宾语的句子很多,英语则不同。在汉译英时,常需将隐含的主语与宾语补上,以符合英语语法习惯。例如: 1) 非常盼望收到你的回信。 Im looking forward to your reply. 2) 这位医生致力于寻求癌症的治疗方法。 The doctor devoted herself to finding a cure for cancer. 汉语中物主代词使用不如英语多,翻译时需增添相关代词。例如:,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,1) 当然,在第一次演讲前他并不知道会有怎样的结果。 Of course, he did not know what the outcome would be before his first speech. 2) 他致富后就忘了老朋友了。 He forgot his old friends when he became rich. 3) 她冒着生命危险去抢救那个溺水儿童。 She risked her life trying to save the drowning child. 4) 她不小心让裙子夹在门缝里给撕破了。 She accidentally shut her skirt in the door and tore it.,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,End of Knowing About Translation,Translation Practice,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,Translate the following passage into English.,Part Four: Writing and Translation Translation,1) Reading exercises one's eyes; speaking, one's tongue; while writing, one's mind.,阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿,写作训练人的思维。,1. Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.,2) Association with the good can only produce good, with the wicked, evil.,近朱者赤,近墨者黑。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,To Be Continued,3) One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.,一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。,英语一方面十分注重句子结构,另一方面又喜欢使用省略。英语省略的类型很多,有名词的省略,动词的省略,有句法方面的省略,也有情景方面的省略。在并列结构中,英语往往省略前面已出现过的词语;在复合句从句中,英语常省略与主句相同的成分,而汉语则往往重复这些省略了的词。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,To Be Continued,4) The police made three arrests yesterday.,警察进行了三项逮捕行动。,5) Many advocated strong action to crack down smuggling.,许多人主张采取强有力的措施镇压走私活动。,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,Click to Go to Exercise 2,2. Translate the following passage into English.,昨天是我14岁的生日。我邀请了五个好朋友去肯德基吃晚餐,丁逸是其中之一。可是,让我吃惊的是,张方和丁逸一起来了,而我和张方的关系并不怎么样。我没有替张方买单,因为他是个不速之客,也并不受欢迎。后来我告诉了爷爷奶奶和爸爸妈妈这件事,爸爸妈妈认为我这样做是可以接受的,而爷爷奶奶对此不太高兴。爷爷奶奶觉得殷勤好客是中国人的传统美德。张方来参加我们的聚会,表明他愿意主动和我交朋友,我不应该拒绝。我自己认为我的做法是对的,因为是否付钱是一个原则问题。要是我 替张方付了钱,别的同学未经邀请也来的话,我也要替他们付钱吗?,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,traditional virtue 传统美德 hospitable 好客的 an unexpected guest 不速之客 practice 做法 on good terms with somebody 与······关系好 acceptable 可以接受 turn ones back on 拒绝 a matter of principle 原则问题,Words and Phrases for Reference,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,Sample,It was my 14th birthday yesterday. I invited five of my good friends to dinner at a KFC, and one of them is Ding Yi. But to my surprise, Zhang Fang, a guy not on good terms with me, showed up together with Ding Yi. As Zhang Fang was an unexpected guest and was not welcome actually, I didnt pay for his meal. Later I told my parents and grandparents what had happened in the KFC. My parents said it was acceptable, but my grandparents were quite unhappy with what I had done. My grandparents held the opinion that it is a traditional Chinese virtue to be hospitable.,Sample,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,To Be Continued,They thought that being present at dinner, Zhang Fang was showing his willingness to start a good relationship with me. Therefore, I shouldnt have turned my back on him. In my opinion, however, my practice was quite justified, as whether I paid for his bill was a matter of principle. If I had paid the bill for Zhang Fang, should I pay the bill for any other classmate showing up without being invited?,Sample,End of Translation Practice,Part Four: Writing and TranslationTranslation,Knowing About Translation,词义增补 其他词类增添,英汉两种语言, 由于表达方式和语言结构的差异, 翻译时既可能要将词类加以转换,又可能要在词量上加以增减。词义增补就是在翻译时按意义和句法上的需要在原文的基础上添加一些必要的词,使译文更加流畅,自然。译者应在必要时按意义上(或修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。当然这里所说的增词不是无中生有地随意增词,而是增加原文中虽无其词而有其意的一些词。,词义增补(2) 其他词类增添,根据意义上或修辞上的需要,如何增加形容词、副词及量词的情况将在这里作重点介绍。 增加形容词或副词 为了增加译文的可读性, 在名词前面可适当地增加形容词,在某些动词前可增加副词。 例如:,词义增补(2) 其他词类增添,1) “This is grasping at straws, I know,” said the helpless man. “我知道,这是在抓救命稻草,”他无可奈何地说。 2) A seagull saw the light from my window and darted up to it. 一只海鸥看见窗户透出的灯光就一下子朝它扑去。 3) He turned a chair around and straddled it, resting his chin on the back. 他把椅子转过来,叉开腿一屁股坐在上面,下巴搁在椅背上。,词义增补(2) 其他词类增添,2. 增加量词 英语中数词(包括不定冠词)与可数名词往往直接连用,它们之间没有量词,而汉语却需要借助量词,因此翻译时应根,据汉语表达习惯恰当地增加表示形状、特征或材料的量词。增加量词现象十分普遍,即便在本单元的三篇阅读文章也出现不少范例。例如:,词义增补(2) 其他词类增添,例如: She even put his name in a poem that she wrote. 她甚至把他的名字写进她的一首诗里。 He was so surprised and pleased that he decided to write her a letter. 他惊喜万分,于是决定给她写一封信。 3) We were going to meet and then drive down South where Ive got a job promised me. 我们本来打算在这里汇合,然后开车到南方去,那里人家答应给我一份工作。 4) She was wearing a red flower on her suit, but it was not the little red rose they had agreed upon. 她穿着套装,衣服上佩着一朵红花,但不是他们约好的红玫瑰。,词义增补(2) 其他词类增添,总之, 在实际英汉翻译过程中, 增译是非常重要的手段, 译者应该掌握英汉语言词类用法的不同特征, 根据语义需要和上下文要求, 添补必要的词汇, 使译文更加流畅、通顺。,


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