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    词义引申翻译法,第七单元,Warm-up,Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of superstition. 无知是恐惧的根源,也是迷信的根源。 Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。,根据上下文的内在联系,从英语原词句的基本意义出发,根据这些词句的具体语境和表达习惯,透过句中词或词组乃至整句的字面由表及里,运用一些符合汉语习惯的表现法,选用确切的汉语词句,将原文内容的实质准确地表达出来。,引申翻译法,1. 词义层面上的引申,词义角度,抽象化引申,具体化引申,1)抽象化引申,对原文中某些字面意义明确具体的词,用汉语中含义抽象、概括的词来表达。 Im a child in these matters. 对于这类事情我毫无经验,2)具体化引申,用代表抽象或属性的词来表示一种具体事物时,用具体化的事物来翻译 The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. 我前面的车停住了,我错过了绿灯。,2. 句法层面上引申的分类,1)逻辑引申 2)语用引申 3)修辞性引申 4)概念范围的调整,1)逻辑引申,翻译时,根据上下文的逻辑关系,运用符合目的语习惯的表现法,选用确切的词句,将原文内容的实质准确地表达出来。,1) Our unique concept was a response to buyer needs, bringing greater reliability, higher-quality output, exceptional use-friendliness and operational ease. 我们唯一的理念就是:对于购买者的需求有求必应,生产可靠性更高、质量更优的产品,让他们使用时特别方便,操作时特别轻松。,1)逻辑引申,2) All services in business - such as gift wrapping, delivery, and credit - have some amount of costs associated with them, and these costs must be covered by higher prices. 商业中的一切服务-如礼品包装、送货及赊账-都有相应的成本,而这些成本要靠较高的价格来弥补。,1)逻辑引申,3) International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. 当一个国家对于某一种商品没有足够的量来满足其需要时,就需要有国家贸易。,1)逻辑引申,4) Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor, the foreign exchange rate, which gives the price of the foreigners unit of money in terms of ones own. 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间进行商品出口和进口会引出一个新的经济因素,这便是外汇汇率。所谓外汇汇率是指以自己国家的货币来给外国货币标出的价格。,1)逻辑引申,5) International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. 作为管理训练领域中的国际商务,具有跨疆界的各种商务活动的独特性。,1)逻辑引申,manage/continue/promise + to do 用以说明后面动词不定式中动词的行事方式或时间,相当于助动词作用。 例:He managed to carry the heavy suitcase into the house alone. 他好不容易一个人把那只很重的箱子搬进了屋。,1)逻辑引申,2)语用引申,语用学是专门研究语言的理解和使用的学问,它研究在特定情景中的特定话语,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言。 语用引申是指把原文里的弦外之音(implication)补译出来,结合语境添加恰当的词语。,These days, the US economy isnt “graduating enough scientists to fill the need of the coming decades” frets Charles C. Leighton. “Thats really a concern.” 近年来,美国经济“未培养出足够的科学家来满足今后几十年发展的需要,” Charles C. Leighton抱怨说,“这才是真正需要关注的问题。”,2)语用引申,3)修辞引申,翻译时,为了使译文增色,除了真实再现原文中包含的内容外,有时还要运用修辞手段,使译文增色,达到“雅”的标准。,1) It is very much like communicating with an accurate robot who has a very small vocabulary and who takes everything literally. 那很像同一丝不苟的机器人讲话那样,机器人只有很少的词汇,而且事事刻板。,3)修辞引申,2) The most successful manufacturers make it their business to understand consumer psychology- how to use design, both in marketing and production, to make their products “speak” to the consumer. 最成功的制造商总是把了解消费者的心理,即在营销和生产中如何运用设计来让产品向消费者“表达情感”,作为职责。,3)修辞引申,4)概念范围的调整,词的概念范围常常应在具体的语境中加以调整,或扩大外延而缩小内涵,或缩小外延而丰富内涵。,词义引申的层次,近似,深化,升华,4)概念范围的调整,1) In their rush, these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China; the people part. The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run. 这些公司在一拥而入之中忽略了在中国经营最艰巨的问题,即人的问题,结果许多公司严重损害了他们的远期经营业绩。,4)概念范围的调整,2) The computer makes possible a marvelous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence. 计算机使人类的能力有可能产生巨大的飞跃;它拓展了人类从事实践工作甚至理论工作的智慧。,4)概念范围的调整,3) As the goods you required are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our commodity as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered at a more favorable. 由于你方所需的产品供应不足,我们打算提供替代品,其质量与你方的指定产品非常接近,而且价格更优。,4)概念范围的调整,4) The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nations economic growth, is a major concern. 作为一直是这个国家经济增长的驱动力的出口出现下降了,这是人们主要担心的问题 。,4)概念范围的调整,5) No wonder the multinational corporations have been growing fantastically and now dominate many sections of the international market. 难怪跨国公司一直以惊人的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域 。,4)概念范围的调整,6) Equally important are concerns about growing protectionism. The United States and European Union are becoming more assertive (肯定的) in holding China to account over its WTO obligations. 同样重要的是人们对于渐渐抬头的贸易保护主义的担忧。美国和欧盟在要求中国担当起世贸组织所赋予的各种职责方面,态度变得越来越强硬 。,4)概念范围的调整,不同译文鉴赏,见 P68-69 Which one is better?,Exercise: 将下列英语词汇译成汉语,stock market active stock bank-held stock capital stock capital stock authorized common stock listed stock treasury stock stock-buying limit stock exchange stock manipulation user-friendliness share prices home appliance thermal power plant preferential tax treatment,股票市场 热门股 银行持有股票 股票资本 核定股本 普通股 上市股票 库藏股票 股票买入限制 股票/证券交易所 股票操纵 用户友好的,易操作的的 股价 家用电器 热电厂、火力发电厂 税收优惠,词义引申练习,Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation. 自从20世纪70年代末着手经济改革以来,中国已取得了令人瞩目的经济增长态势,发生了重大的结构转变。 2. Over the period from 1978 to 1996, many of the distortions and rigidities of the former central planning system were eliminated and market forces came to play an increasingly important role in economic decision making. 自1978到1996年这段时间里,在中央计划经济体制下以往的那些扭曲的行事方式和死板的做法有许多都被摒弃了,市场力量在经济决策中起着越来越重要的作用。,词义引申练习,3. Throughout the past two decades, GATT (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) has been increasingly preoccupied with the trading problems and needs of the developing countries, which account for more than two-thirds of its membership. 在过去的二十年中,关贸总协定一直越来越关注占成员国总数2/3以上发展中国家的各种贸易问题和需要 。,Finish the remained exercises.,更多自考课件可登陆 http:/www.langyuedu.com/JWDT.html 自考试题中心网址 http:/www.langyuedu.com/STZX.html,


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