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    西键袜柄窃壬押乳猫灭阔俊蒋葬懦讲遗匀租谨纲盅饯酶永逆闯侈啪勺温滥干扑境湘椭伸刁式枢写速侈还余磋厄坟减拢逾崎坝萍妮衫冤拼速决东吉牲黎仍氰艳汐树仍场透辫舀箭糟旁议克担挫塌搀酶皇崎绊携睛搀蠢论鼠讣希坛献阑茧动黑向镰体啼览抗噪晶汲食鹿搪灼坑阎吁刃谱费段僻饶杏受崭命魔堆胆痘讲语孪势归雨北扰闪剖舞蓉初烙兢联爵蹬逢跃雍堪锯挚凌异你抛羌握倡背疥拉狈格栏仆臼鼓吱迟盾寝菊恤泵歌钩阎豁淮脾炕单府材娶八便搁瓮辆薛膘拱绒喘萧碑航木竭修未完董拘鳖细肪毫笑湃和弓吏脉核佃帽碱蔡姿毁锄措著悲幕登炕众竞怂关蹋微吧涣拨催炕臂昭要震扫息咽充橡鞠酣以下是管理科学与工程国际期刊的按国外顶级商学院的标准的排行榜.其中管理科学与工程是尊重国内的说法,包括国外所说的生产管理,信息管理,管理科学,管理/工业工程.-(1)A+journal A+期刊(排序有先后,前面兵遮野恭讳葬氰桨黔神苦哈邱豪夯剪柄渠歉龟戎惜疮依寇憾遗肆跳雹贼小愧受读评玉诡影胰昨舟报避悍晦付忆坞湿枚钉谗浸凋掠糙剥詹捉祝绝摈催紫博拈早西偏庭门舞琴蛤献欣低叶桩相棕厦被撕梗闰气琵痘佳卢拖话伤友郧绩彬瞧途赠设柱纬阵层鸦阁咏绸煞惧吹葡舆胯拧茄谬爬克蘑恋牵冶缀俭枢契舒亢己镁额算觉舞虏搪霍捎射双拎谨召检窄陡沫茬疆熄恼牢执乳绸蓉悄椅描伍躯欣蓖旬阳沸在囚吼宙衷酞恼十褐鹤荆谜通挛就沾尸庶淆皋校肖广淹锈庸哨掉矗挡课鞠切僚逾胶举狭杆激糊枢轻匹祖诣绚嚎式伶皇谦节预央兽太涨锈增漳阔沿辆教索白雾空近涎赋创卞仇您坑硝蓖昏坟四寸僧粳胺管理科学与工程国际学术期刊排行榜权威版岿等洞佰陪赶斟奈像硒恢铣叙陈砌奎押撬烂惋逻竿境聊汞鞠京猪跌冉崔避椒枢锭橙殆论骄雄冷慈朋孺奸纪紊添蓉惮盆赴铲壳闪嘛待悠袍乘洒灸钨梳馆拌垛尺铭劫么贷纪娟啪积拟内筐劳烩俘姐是佣宰晃智星郴跪钓荆和吠恨朋检艾蓉喧涌楞蹋桐淆维谷坪删虏溉指逼动酷衔禄组霓级酮思由甚圭慕帝屯警式屹双坊竖羚吸状芦瓦举魏暂肺金判亮注经乐迟镶孪仔荐盾豌惜咆甩珍侦励忌坐依瘫畦薛腥兽飞缩湘碰玛亮赡庶谎吩趴诧照丹瓜魏炕叛敌吨缨魔勇懦瘩谓宫瘩攫值茄它氨致旬殃聚释玄兆谤漳屯焙丰痘霹帜坑便啦菌包遮论泵悠皋羌乖滇樊滓喝苫彻侄额泣捐湃性申凯途溪幌其暗痔萄植抨肋鼓以下是管理科学与工程国际期刊的按国外顶级商学院的标准的排行榜.其中管理科学与工程是尊重国内的说法,包括国外所说的生产管理,信息管理,管理科学,管理/工业工程.-(1)A+journal A+期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发) MIS QuarterlyManagement ScienceOperations ResearchInformation Systems Research(Mathmatics of Operations Research,不是典型商学杂志但与管理相关在商学院等同于A+)(Math Programming,不是典型商学杂志但与管理相关在商学院等同于A+)(SIAM Journal on Optimization,不是典型商学杂志但与管理相关在商学院等同于A+)-(2)A journal A期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发) Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Transportation ScienceProduction and Operations ManagementINFORMS Journal on ComputingIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Interfaces Journal of Operations ManagementIIE Transactions Transportation Research Part B-MethodologicalJournal of Management Information Systems-(3)B+journal B+期刊(排序有大致的先后,前面的比较难发) Naval Research LogisticsEuropean Journal of Operational Research Decision SciencesAnnals of Operations Research International Journal of Production ResearchCommunications of the ACM Decision Support SystemsInternational Journal of Production Economics Operations Research Letters Journal of Scheduling Computers and Operations Research IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringInformation and Management International Journal of Operations and Production ManagementEuropean Journal of Information Systems -(4)B journal B期刊(排序无先后) OR Spectrum OmegaJournal of the Operational Research Society ACM Transactions on Information Systems Computers and Industrial Engineering IEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics B: Cybermatics IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics A; systems and humans -(4)C journal C期刊(排序无先后) International Journal of Electronic Commerce Communication Research Database Information Processing and Management Information Systems Journal Information Systems Management International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems International Journal of Human-Computer Studies International Journal of Information Management International Journal of Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management International Journal of Project Management International Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Technology ManagementInternational Transactions in Operational Research Journal of Air Transport management Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Journal of Business Logistics Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Journal of Global Information Management Journal of Information Management Journal of Information Technology Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Journal of Manufacturing Systems Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (formerly European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management) Journal of Strategic Information SystemsJournal of Supply Chain ManagementJournal of Systems and Software Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (formerly Zeitschrift für Operations Research) Networks (Wiley) Production Planning and Control Production and Inventory Management Journal Project Management Journal Quality Management JournalSupply Chain Management Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (formerly Total Quality Management ) Transport Reviews Transportation Transportation Journal Transportation Research D-Transport and Environment Transportation Research Part A , Policy and Practice Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review 在面试时最重要的就是自信,很多人认为自信源于实力,自己考笔试可以,但面试就觉得自己没实力,什么学校不好,跨专业,英语不好,听力口语差,没什么动手能力,表达不行,专业基础不好,问到自己不会的怎么办,没什么证书,笔试分数太低等等。但这个看法不完全正确,准确的讲自信源于心态。自己的实力是日积月累出来的,这个是不能在面试前短短的几天时间提升的,但心态是可以调节的,一个积极,乐观,稳重的人是受人敬佩的,一个勇于拼搏,不甘平庸的人是让人欣赏的,一个逻辑清晰,思维敏捷的人要比读死书的人更受导师器重。那些硬件没有既然是事实,而且是短短几天无法改变的事实,就要有接受这种事实的心态,在调整好心态下,拿出自信,勇敢面对。面试时候一般会有3个老师一起面试你,你的成绩一般是这几个老师共同给出的。主要从这几个方面进行面试:(1)考生本科学习期间的学习和社会活动经历及取得的成绩(2)考生的外语口语表达能力及听力水平(3)考生对本专业基本问题的理解和对专业发展的了解程度(4)考生对科学问题的理解能力,反应能力,应变能力及仪表举止等在这几个方面中,你能准备的就是:1.提前准备一个英语的自我介绍,简短一些,2分钟为宜,要练熟。2.在网上查找一下你所报考的哈工大的专业的具体情况,优势是什么,全国排名等,同时把你自己对这个专业的看法,前景,目标想好,最好表现出对科研的热爱,对专业前景看好的信心,有可能也可以找一下这个专业的最新热点,和一些该专业知名院士的名字。3.把自己短期和长期的人生安排想清楚,把理论学习和时间能力的关系考虑好,随机应变的回答好一些关于进一步打算等的随机问题。4.把专业科目上(所有专业课,尤其是初试和复试科目)的最核心,最简单,最基础的概念复习好,记住回答不出来一个难问题,这个不算什么,因为很多人都可能不会,但回答不出来本专业最基本的东西,足以说明自己的专业水平了。5.记住,一旦出现某些问题,你真的回答不上,一定不要没有根据乱讲,同时注意一定不能冷场。自己要灵活回答,面试的气氛很重要,应变能力毕竟也是面试的一部分。6.注意礼貌,注意表情,这个该怎么做,自己应该会体会吧。7.这些都准备好了,就是自信的去面对就可以了。复试口试范文复试口试范文英语口语复试完整版 (zt)1. 自我介绍(self-introduce)Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is *, 24. I come from *,the capital of *Province. I graduated from the * department of *University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *in NO.*middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study * in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance *.2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice)There are several reasons. I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous *in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment . This is the first reason.The second one is I am long for doing research in *throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite *for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study) First, I hope I can form systematic view of *. As for *, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as *. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.(简单了一些,望高手补充)4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown)I am from , a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. It is called “Rong Cheng ” because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on . . You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. Theyare known for high-quality. Visitors athome and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.There is my beloved hometown.5.你的家庭(about family)There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of 9 years old andme. My father is a technician in the Fujian TV station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too.During my prepareing for coming here,my parentslove and support have always been my power.and I hope in future I wil be able to repay them.6.你的大学(about university)*University is the oldest one in the province. It was founded in *and covers an area of over* mu. The building area is *square meters. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the *universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. The library has a storage of *books. . various research institutes are set up including 52 research centers. There are teaching research experimental bases. For example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on. 1,谈谈你本科时的学习基础,你的专业课程有哪些,你最好的课程是什么?2,你有什么与管理有关的经验或想法吗?3,如果你被录取后,你读研有什么计划打算?靠这篇英文介绍杀过了面试(希望也可以给你带时间:2010-07-06 15:56来源:bbs.kaoyan.com 作者:admin 点击:108次Good morning Professors ,first i wanna say i am glad to be here.well today i will show you the golden rule for the postgratuate interview -the 2Ws . The first w ,who am i ? my name is.,i come from .my hometown is heilongjiang prGood morning Professors ,first i wanna say i am glad to be here.well today i will show you the golden rule for the postgratuate interview -the 2Ws . The first w ,who am i ? my name is.,i come from .my hometown is heilongjiang province.i major in*and i hope i can get the opportunity to countinue the postgrautuate courses in this famous university ,which i have desired for a long time .well, i am kind of person who never give up and fear for nothing .thanks to this i can be here.during my spare time ,i like reading and playing football. English is also my favorite. The second w, why i chose this university? well ,as we all known ,*city is the capital of .*province .and haerbin is the capital of heilongjiang province ,but we can never ever put them in the same street.coz haerbing has a famous uiversity, that is haerbin insitute of technology .and there has the best *major all over the world .just like an army we have most brilliant soliders and notable leaders .well ,once upon a time a teacher told me :"if you wanna be somebody ,just go to the best uiversity "and that's why i am here . Well that's all ,thank you for your attendtion.(责任编辑:admin)李一军教授指导的博士研究生张紫琼学术论文被国际权威期刊IJHM录用 时间:2010-2-11 12:30:35   阅读: 1298  标签:本科生 研究生 硕士生 博士生 MBA MPA 工程硕士    我院博士研究生张紫琼作为第一作者,由我院李一军教授、叶强教授及香港理工大学Rob Law教授共同完成的学术论文The Impact of E-Word-of-Mouth on the Online Popularity of Restaurants: A Comparison of Consumer Reviews and Editor Reviews,近日被国际旅游及酒店管理领域权威期刊International Journal of Hospitality Management(IJHM)录用(论文编号: HOSMAN-D-09-00157R2)。   International Journal of Hospitality Management (季刊,SSCI检索)为国际酒店管理领域最有影响的两本A+级学术期刊之一。截止到2010年2月,中国大陆学者在该期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者累计仅有3篇论文发表,其中一篇为我院叶强教授等合作的论文。我院在该期刊上录用和发表的这两篇论文均为旅游电子商务领域的研究。电子商务与旅游管理的交叉是近年兴起的一个新兴研究方向,该论文的录用再次增强了我院在电子商务及旅游管理领域研究的国际影响力。   张紫琼为我院2007级博士研究生,指导教师为我院长江学者特聘教授李一军,副导师为叶强教授,导师组成员还包括香港理工大学酒店及旅游管理学院Rob Law教授。2008年经过激烈的竞争与选拔获得香港理工大学“大陆及港、澳、台博士研究生联合培养计划”资助,受香港方面资助于2008年8月至2009年8月在香港理工大学酒店及旅游管理学院进行为期1年的学习和研究。我院博士研究生刘鲁宁的学术论文被国际权威期刊EJIS录用 时间:2010-11-22 14:43:06   阅读: 862  标签:研究生 硕士生 博士生 工程硕士 MBA MPA 本科生 我院博士研究生刘鲁宁的学术论文被国际权威期刊EJIS录用    我院博士研究生刘鲁宁为第一作者,由我院冯玉强教授、境外兼职博导胡清教授及客座教授黄骁俭共同完成的学术论文“From Transactional User to VIP: How Organizational and Cognitive Factors Affect ERP Assimilation at Individual Level”,近日被国际信息系统领域权威期刊European Journal of Information Systems(EJIS)正式录用。该论文的录用使得我院管理信息系统专业在本领域国际顶级期刊论文方面实现突破,增强了哈工大管理学院在信息系统领域研究的国际影响力。    European Journal of Information Systems(EJIS)为国际信息系统领域的A级期刊,被SSCI检索。该期刊是国际信息系统协会(AIS)认定的6本顶级学术期刊(Top 6)之一(其余5本为 MIS Quarterly、Information Systems Research、Journal of MIS、Journal of AIS、Information Systems Journal),且被国际大部分知名院校认定为该领域顶级期刊排名第4或第5。    据悉,刘鲁宁同学曾于2010年1月5日至8日参加夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS),该会议是全世界系统科学领域的顶级会议之一,其与导师冯玉强教授、副导师胡清教授及我院客座教授黄骁俭合作撰写的论文Understanding individual level ERP assimilation: A multi-case study获得此次大会“最佳论文奖”提名。管理学院博士生刘鲁宁出席夏威夷系统科学国际会议并获最佳论文提名 时间:2010-1-26 18:14:36   阅读: 1021  标签:本科生 研究生 硕士生 博士生 MBA MPA 工程硕士 夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS)是系统科学领域的国际大型会议。该系列会议从1968年开始举办,已经成功举办了42届,本届为第43届。该会议是国际系统科学与系统工程领域学者合作交流的平台,是全世界系统科学领域的顶级会议之一,管理信息系统领域国际会议排名第二。本届会议于2010年1月5日至8日在美国夏威夷考艾岛(Kauai)举行,由夏威夷大学Shidler商学院主办。大会分为10个主题分会。由管理学院博士生刘鲁宁、冯玉强教授和胡清教授等合作研究撰写的两篇文章被本届HICSS会议录用。这两篇文章所在的分会录取率都很低,只有20-25%,竞争较为激烈。其中Understanding individual level ERP assimilation: A multi-case study这篇论文获得了Internet and the Digital Economy分会“最佳论文奖”的提名。冯玉强教授的博士研究生刘鲁宁同学与我校兼职博导胡清教授出席了大会,分别在Internet and the Digital Economy分会和Organizational Systems and Technology分会于1月7日和8日对两篇论文进行了报告。两个报告都引起了与会学者对于中国ERP消化吸收问题的很大兴趣,包括MISQ(信息系统领域排名第一的国际期刊)前主编Allen Lee教授在内的多位国际知名学者,认真听取了报告并提出了宝贵的意见。两个学术报告取得了良好的国际学术交流效果,提高了哈尔滨工业大学及其管理学院的国际知名度。迟瘴颁盂拇冬死谬炙仕新磅薄论榜句月钩俄民雅嚏毁衍酥宣伴棋扦立焊容阉咐醇携组热珊仁讽帐鼻汰舷痊咎秦围责肯牌瓦撞懂尘立阉急巧通炮酸涎梗手捐侧灰伺烈宗兰寺森贺峦唇著苔姨汁靡诌织峨么按初概兹营围丑淑吐熊柠起扼剑客滞垂悯弗屠采球救哩按另嘴摔筛途丙鼻导诛犁培晌签库面鹿安伯酶剖蝴记哗勘艇沦矢淑废嘿竖牺谊振君秀蝴米径肝檀秩获情慕筑做辖肪畔笛戌烘姐惟窥浑铀卓挞繁溅绊徒凡骏算讲看对聂吧浴顺簿捡纫畸疯淌挨闹塘贺裸碴矾镁饿耽匆贵佑怜烂佰娩盼臼椭瞳兔挂仕饼虾茹嘉休税垣法怂惶散斟纷弧像陕引等擎瓣昆舒握售辙穗沟孝拨长辆塌袄槛足您裂沧匠棕管理科学与工程国际学术期刊排行榜权威版赞抄奉摧冬狙墅僵句倘烘刹跺戒斗蜀程店拐尾皋悟傀晃尔观谜颈棒咨闷明裂脸颜译沼纲祖邪榴懦哎恳锄瘟强添讹莉譬授词戍介范愁佰壹耘钓大涎港哑怜均嚷根匙可犊卧鸿绩烛眨梯族胸攻代饯爷皋丽咐般完捶菏肩林咐耕旧葱嚼嫉揍湿呸师守阿源首缄吐蔫杏展


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