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    party. No party Comrade. XII of the rules and regulations, the law is difficult to guarantee. "Bring order out of chaos at the beginning, our party began to amend the constitution, to the party promulgated the current constitution, it is our party is in office the best since the party constitutions. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:" we discuss the strengthening of political discipline, the most basic is to abide by the constitution, according to the constitution of the provisions to do. The constitution of the provisions, all Party members must abide by, senior cadres should take the lead in compliance. Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out: "the state laws, the party constitution of the party constitution is to regulate and control the party constitution. For me this has nearly 70 million Party members of the party, the party's thought Unified constitution, selfAnd sleep in accordance with the constitution, has the extremely significant significance. Our party has always been high degree of attention to the party constitution, has always been to develop and perfect party constitution, study and implement the party constitution as the party's construction of a basic work and unremitting efforts to push forward. Our party has always attached great importance to the Party Chapter, is because they can not effectively learning the party constitution, abide by the Constitution and implementation of the party constitution, safeguard Party Constitution, to enhance the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness, to consolidate the party's ruling status and keep the party's advanced nature, related to the Party's cause success or failure of the party's life and death survival. We must from such a strategic height to recognize the problem. "The Party of ten Invariant are from a total of eight years, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the high degree of attention to play the Constitution's basic guiding role. Became general secretary, he published the first article in a signed article is < conscientiously study the party constitution strictly abide by Party Constitution. In the eighteenth session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection of the second plenary session of the 16th Central Committee, he again pointed out: "the constitution is the party's constitution, general rules for the strict political discipline to observe and safeguard the constitution of." "every Communist Party member especially cadre of leaders to firmly establish the constitution of awareness, and consciously with the constitution to regulate their own words and deeds, in any case have to do political belief, political stand, political direction without bias." in the eighteenth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Put, everything are extremely important in the construction of the party in the Fifth Plenary Session of the important speech, he and a stressed: "the constitution is the party must follow the general rules and general rules. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the exposition, profoundly expounded the partyyuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the people's daily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support "service low double excellent" of members lead team, constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspection unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and supervision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also needed strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we will proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability and advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further strengthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what they have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,8407工程北京资料处理中心生活服务楼 第六章 定位及测量放线施工方案第一节 测量依据和准备一、测量依据工程测量规范(GB50026-93);测绘院给定的场区平面、高程测量成果;工程施工图纸。二、测量准备对所有进场的仪器设备及人员进行初步调配,经纬仪一台,水准仪一台,测量员罗清波、陈志超,复核朱易成、蒋会泉,并对所有进场的仪器设备重新进行检定,检验施工测量人员的上岗证书,并对施工测量人员进行有关的技术交底。根据图纸条件及工程内部结构特征确定平面控制网形式及组成。第二节 场区平面控制网的测设一、场区平面控制网布设原则1、平面控制应先从整体考虑,遵循先整体、后局部,高精度控制低精度的原则;2、布设平面控制网形首先根据设计总平面图,现场施工平面布置图;3、选点应选在通视条件良好、安全、易保护的地方;4、桩位必须用混凝土保护,需要时用钢管进行围护,并用红油漆作好测量标记;二、场区平面控制网的布设1、首级控制网的布设根据北京市有关部门的规定,建筑物定位桩已由北京市测绘院测定。因此,首级控制网由测绘院所定桩位组成,并已报送监理审核(附加示意图)。普通测量成果表点名距离横坐标(Y)纵坐标(X)高程(H)备注3-1(m)488977.125322791.28355.4003-2489031.782322800.32524.3003-3489035.748322776.35155.4003-4488981.091322767.30924.3003-1488977.125322791.2833-220.000F1489035.046322780.5932、轴线控制网的测设首级控制网布设完成后,依据结构平面图上有关柱、墙体、洞口详细位置关系确定建筑物须定位的主轴线,然后以首级控制网为基准,采用极坐标或直角坐标定位放样的方法定出建筑物主轴线的控制桩,经角度、距离校测符合点位限差要求后,作为该建筑的轴线控制网。根据测绘院测绘给定房屋定位控制点布控主轴线,轴线控制桩的布设见图1:轴线控制网的精度等级根据工程测量规范要求控制网的技术指标符合下表的规定。 轴线控制网精度技术指标表 等 级测角中误差( )边长相对中误差一 级±121/15000第三节 高程控制网的建立根据设计修改本工程±0.00为46.10m,按照业主指定基准点已引入房屋四周,见图2:该点可作为以后沉降观测的基准点。场区内已有三个水准点,水准点的间距离房屋20-30m,回填将不受影响。第四节 ±0.00以下施工测量一、轴线投测方法1、±0.00以下的基础施工一般采用经纬仪方向线交会法来投测轴线、引测投点误差不应超过±3mm,轴线间误差不应超过±2mm。2、首先依据场区平面轴线控制桩和基础开挖平面图,测放出基槽开挖上口线及下口线,并用白石灰撒出。当基槽开挖到接近槽底设计标高时,用经纬仪分别投测出基槽边线和集水坑控制轴线,并定出控制桩指导开挖。3、待垫层、底板打好后,根据基坑边上的轴线控制桩,将T2经纬仪架设在控制桩位上,经对中、整平后、后视同一方向桩(轴线标志),将所需的轴线投测到施工的平面层上,一经校核无误后,方可在该平面上放出其它相应的设计轴线及细部线。并弹墨线标明作为支模板的依据。在各楼层的轴线投测过程中,上下层的轴线竖向垂直偏移不得超过4mm。施工放样技术要求如下表: 建筑物结构特征测距相对中误差测角中误差(²)测站测定高差中误差(mm)起始与施工测定高程中误差竖向传递轴线点中误差(mm)钢筋混凝土结构、高度100-120m1/20000516mm44、在施工过程中,每当施工平面测量工作完成后,进入竖向施工,在施工中,每当墙柱浇筑成形拆掉模板后,应在墙柱侧立面投测出相应的轴线以供下道工序的使用。5、当每一层平面或每段轴线测设完后,必须进行自检,自检合格后及时填写报验单,报送报验单必须写明层数、部位、报验内容并附一份报验内容的楼层放线记录表,以便能及时验证各轴线的正确程度状况。6、基础验线时,允许偏差如下:L <30 m 允许偏差±5 mm 30m<L 60m 允许偏差±10 mm 60m<L90m 允许偏差±15 mm L >90m 允许偏差±20 mm 三、 ±0.00以下结构施工中的标高控制1、高程控制点的联测在向基坑内引测标高时,首先联测高程控制网点,以判断场区内水准点是否被碰动,经联测确认无误后,方可向基坑内引测所需标高。2、±0.00以下标高的施测为保证竖向控制的精度要求,对每层所需的标高基准点,必须正确测设,在同一平面层上所引测的高程点,不得少于三个。并作相互校核,校核后三点的较差不得超过3mm,取平均值作为该平面施工中标高的基准点,基准点应标在塔吊立面位置,根据基坑情况。设置在较稳定位置,所标部位,应先用水泥砂浆抹成一个竖平面,在该竖平面上测设定施工用基准标高点,用红色三角作标志,并标明绝对高程和相对标高,便施工中使用。3、待模板支好检查无误后,用水准仪在模板内壁定出基础面设计标高线。柝模后,抄测结构1米线,在此基础上,用钢尺作为传递标高的工具。操作示意图如下:第五节 ±0.00以上施工测量一、平面控制测量根据本工程地上结构为10m以内±0.00以上的轴线传递采用经纬仪方向交会法,和2kg铅锤直接垂吊。1、轴线竖向投测每层楼板浇筑后,用J2经纬仪根据控制点施测出各轴线,并弹墨线于楼板面上,以后各层轴线投测方法均相同。2、轴线竖向投测的允许误差: 高 度(m)允许误差(mm)每 层3H£30m530m<H£60m1060m<H£90m1590m<H20轴线竖向投测示意图3、施工层放线时,应先在结构平面上校核投测轴线,闭合后再测设细部轴线。二、支立模板时的测量1、中心线及标高的测设根据轴线控制点将中心线测设在靠近墙体底部的楼层平面上,并在露出的钢筋上抄测出楼层+1000mm标高线,控制模板平面位置及高度。2、模板垂直度检测模板支立好后,利用吊线坠法校核模板的垂直度,并通过检查线坠与轴线间距离,来校核模板的位置。三、高程的传递1、首先从场区高程控制网将高程引测到首层四角和中间框架柱子上(每栋楼至少三个高程点)便于向上竖直量尺处,校核合格后作为起始标高线,并弹出墨线(通常是1米线),用红油漆标明高程数据。2、标高的竖向传递,应用钢尺从首层柱子上起始高程点竖直量取,直至达到需要投测标高的楼层,并作好明显标记。3、施工层抄平之前,应先校测首层电梯井筒内壁传递上来的三个标高点,当较差小于3mm时,取其平均高程引测水平线。抄平时,应尽量将水准仪安置在测点范围的中心位置,并进行一次精密定平,水平线标高的允许误差为±3mm。第六节 变形监控及沉降观测一、变形监控及沉降观测管理根据图纸设计要求,本工程在施工期间应进行变形观测。在进行高精度的变形观测和沉降观测时我公司将选用具有专业资质能力的单位来完成,并按业主所要求的监测频次进行监控。本工程中重点需要进行监控的项目为:1、边坡及支护的变形观测;2、结构施工阶段主体结构各沉降后浇带的不均匀沉降观测;3、主体结构施工中结构主体的沉降观测;4、进行沉降变形观测的人员在每次监测结束后,将监测数据、监测结果和根据已有成果分析得出的变形规律及发展变化趋势等信息,以书面形式及时反馈给相关部门,并根据其数据分析采取必要的防护措施。监测数据及时整理分析,及时提交当次监测报表,并实行签名制,责任到人。根据施工、设计以及现场驻地监理工程师的要求定时报送。施工过程中监测单位及时对监测结果进行评价,分析监测数据变化原因及变化趋势,提出工程建议。工程结束时,提交完整的监测总结报告。二、工程的监测项目1、边坡体系及支护结构体系:边坡的变形及位移;支护体系的顶部沉降及侧向位移。2、地下水:基坑内外地下水水位的变化。3、周围水管、排污管、电缆、煤气等重要地下设施变位的监控。4、基坑周围地表沉降及地表裂缝。5、基坑渗漏水情况。6、建筑结构沉降及各后浇带处的不均匀沉降观测。三、监测方案的确定1、支护结构体系的监测1.1根据规范要求,严格控制支护结构顶部位移,水平位移允许值按2控制。1.2监测基准点布设在变形影响范围以外,靠近观测目标,便于长期保存和联测的稳定位置;监测点应设在变形量大的地段,应能确切反映变形量和变形特征的位置。1.3监测点沿基坑周边布置,在变形最大、受力最大及局部地质条件最为不利的地段可调整监测点的间距或加密设置监测点。2、建筑物沉降观测在施工过程中将根据设计要求按规范组织进行建筑物沉降观测。在建筑物的边角处、后浇带处均将布置沉降观测点,观测路线沿建筑物外轮廓环形布设。水准基准点设在变形区以外。在观测过程中如发现不正常的不均匀沉降或趋势,应及时会同有关业主、监理、设计部门研究对策,阻止其趋势进一步发展。第七节 人员组织及设备配置一、 人员组织由项目总工、测量工程师负责工作安排。二、 测量放线工(2名)负责具体现场操作 1、设备配置 编号设备名称精度指标数量用途1J2经纬仪21台施工放样2S3水准仪2mm1台标高控制350m钢尺1mm1把施工放样第八节 质量保证体系一、质量保证体系测量方案的编制各级主管审批该工程技术交底测放部施工测量放样、标高控制施测人员自检、互检、交叉检验不合格 合格测量工程师检验不合格 合格技术部检验不合格 合格项目经理部检验不合格 合格监理公司检验不合格 合格进入下一道工序二、质量保证要求1、测量作业的各项技术按工程测量规范进行。2、测量人员全部取证上岗。3、进场的测量仪器设备,必须检定合格且在有效期内,标识保存完好。4、施工图、测量桩点,必须经过校算校测合格才能作为测量依据。5、轴线放完后要求进行闭合检查。6、加强现场内的测量桩点的保护,所有桩点均明确标识,防止用错和破坏。7、每一项测量工作都要进行自检互检交叉检。constitution, the party position. The Party Constitution of the party and the party construction of the basic norms of behavior, which is the whole Party must follow the general rules and general rules. How seriously study the party constitution strictly abide by Party Constitution seriously study the party constitution, strictly abide by the constitution, is Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Party issued a call to arms. He pointed out:" to seriously study the party constitution, strictly abide by the constitution, is to strengthen the Frequently in the party's construction of a basic work, but also all comrades in the party should do our duty and solemn responsibility to strengthen the party constitution consciousness, enhance the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness has a very important role to the Party of 18 big party constitution amendment promulgated as an opportunity, in the party rise study party constitution, abide by Party Constitution of the boom. "The constitution as the foundation for building the party being in charge of the party constitution, general rules, the condensation of the party for a long time the formation of valuable experience and wisdom, on behalf of the party's fundamental volition is standard within the party political life, the adjustment of inner party relations, norms and constraints of the whole party behavior of the fundamental law of the party construction of fundamental Tube through the guiding role, which is to strengthen the party's construction of the "Outline". To strengthen the party's construction, the most fundamental task is to study and implement the party constitution, the basic way is to study and implement the party constitution. Therefore, it is necessary to put serious study party constitution, strictly abide by the constitution to the party's ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, corruption and advocating honesty construction and system construction of the whole process and all aspects. Comprehensive strictly, from where the "strict", how to "strict"? The most important is to seriously study the party constitution, strictly abide by the constitution. The constitution is the party constitution, general rules that now exist within the party all sorts of problems, in the final analysis is a violation of the provisions of the constitution. The education of learning party constitution learning "is not the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and carrying out the ineffective implementation caused. If the constitution the provisions of specific, practical and effective implementation of all comrades in the party and the party organizations at all levels, a comprehensive strictly and to basically achieve the central decision, 2016 in all Party members to carry out learning the party constitution, party rules, a series of speech, do a qualified party member education, and to study the Constitution in the first place, the truth in here. To do a good job ofnew measures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthening supervision, severely punish acts of violation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs public, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members and leading cadres properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, important briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres ' study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission against corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in poli


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