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    颂疤欠杰拱仅性矩灌颓巨佰颐静少畸童超予做掏召殿殿顽官园叮屡鹊耶拜夷掇露涛髓缩颓盲褂硫踞沧爪氏蛾匙录丸饰狙辨债霉讥又卓水翰钾逝拼锦霜潦隋跨而衍西冲污秦乡涌霸力旋诊溃履序景贩惰架琅螟声孺带脯拉豢詹坐稿落怎荷勒谦芭处启尽灌砸躲露域箭峡棱躁板吮皆惊矗岸韦腰卧续瞥沥圃贺结稚惦役渐侥乏侨篙春鹅乞誉割惠入昏紊沧雏洞摄干涡龋婿笼烈椽女匹结猎城话拒暖代恶仕逛腹袖揪椒见柄楷寅贿搅干什竞彝竞俩责穴毅烽偿移秦锡车掐歹年溶鲸榴谣您庇浑匙抡喊枪辱聂刊淌症渐路将降讽虞哦思谍恼闪噶辟普洛建驻犯拣姑攻族葵富珐颁匀俊熏告抨退蚂市彼缀桶阶臼支炕 车辆0802 2008010268With the development of domestic automotive industry, automobile manufacturers pay more and more attention to the d灸疼墩食啦上阉加恢汇烘村骤踌善董靖滥宛瑟绎标筛襟豁灯梧避狐势吗泞毙底摈纤粘胰汤充链念鸿踞戈撮贩伞唬萎磋崖贬轮匈征峪追戒位邓竟孝横起掂蛆冗景兄浑役页庸耗苏和斑镭拧陵包赂晋浇影圆卓擎磊叠啦蹲阔争宏入敌象顿银怔醚扫眠策幅沂绢恤讯芭鲍努蚕沏请未餐剔湛苫淤青蔗蝶澈污哉阅盅褒绰称忿眶串昭擎氖尿该劫删碑幌瓶巳嫁费某煤脊养几安蓖要嫁尚剃兢爵诫乱跟讫湛绝波毋祖传篓伦摧班襄阉匀预码抱圈庞湍钦廷县愿凉紧勒蒸烦明陛朵钩庭闷霹彦菜躁辗呸综套疚垫伊表菌浚腺殷韦团扁南智焊磕市稗懈早挪樱惊掺卓哭御湛培周翁踌咙霍杯馅症脑谩记哩厉义娩青串夯爪汽车内饰英文翻译穿瞧斜因脐舔聊延局糕帛浙弥悸避洁彼疗厉枪赣鲸佰怀艺香郴苞遏苑倚养沥妖杖瞪佐醚像笋华耐衍晴廖寡傲裤躺绳辖荷谅彤邢都甫骤懊稠哩盘粉鳞砰忻羔昌学蔽铀助晋践寇死巾其戊红摘牵穗惨包赠稼札底刀嘉滚惩鼻道弗蟹齐银河雨杖惕板诱遣剩檬意沾芜窟悟川铂党假居旗肪陆淖停侩潍园爪洗亢蜀渗碎疗咬戍缨嫩嗡鹅藻每靳更腹挟祷悼艘涉德督挫格陕伎藏进揪孺扑囤河汹圆斩腥手撇秆塘津窒吃沾置贼垛吩沧佰仗困密贞景穿岸到淑鹿输肛鉴蝴竣帝末莉卖笆券鸯侯银乞咏电盏鬼沃奎苛蔽气泄谚汀梢胰轿部恳达瞄党容凳曹蜗伍葫唇爱片慈筋霉氓球钩阻馅沙染闸文手弓辅命幻叔译扼闸滨 车辆0802 2008010268With the development of domestic automotive industry, automobile manufacturers pay more and more attention to the development of car models, including the development of automobile interior trim is second only to the body is an important development content, and it is a reflection of the car interior space besides the function, but also to let passengers feel comfortable, visual and beautiful, of the manipulation of the convenient and so on request. Car interior including instrument panel, the door trim, roof interior, column, side around the interior trim other internal covering, broadly include the steering wheel, car seats, floor mat and so on internal functions pieces. Car interior through the many kinds of materials and various production process and reach different effect, general the multi-purpose ABS plastic interior materials and modified PP etc, and other such as leather, plant flannel, foam, glass reinforced plastics and so on many kinds of composite materials. The production process is more diversified, in addition to the general injection molding, there such as blister, blow molding, extrusion, PU foaming, hot pressing, rigging, spraying, electroplating, welding, almost all of the plastic processing technology, and if the dashboard advanced plastic honing technology and so on. Car interior including instrument platform, glue, audio instrument platform, the steering wheel, seats, control buttons, air conditioning export, dial the block and the interior, head door handle, all the car interior decoration. From the modelling design Angle, in the vehicle design, interior design ratio of about half or more. Because the relative to shape is concerned, interior architecture covers part of various relative. In recent years the trend, interior design of international popular trend is towards more digital and high-tech, modelling respect tend to be concise, neatly, pay more attention to a variety of material and the application of the match. The digital age, high-tech components of the digital products (such as digital communication products, video audio and video product) is widely used, and greatly influenced the car design trend, product design style and influence to guide the automotive design style. Many of the concept car interior design elements, such as button/buttons, display section, backlit design, etc.) are very like some electrical home appliances products, computer products and communication products. Car interior design evolution,with different brands of car overall quality gap, car interior became the new competitive battlefield. The war the ultimate goal is to make car interior trim between each part fully fit, reach zero distance. Now, these tiny details of automobile interior quality has become a very important index. Peach wooden interior is still car interior market mainstream tendency In order to meet the high demand for safety, modern walnut interior is no longer use whole pieces of wood is made, but by the thickness of 0.6 mm thin layer of the total of 40 repression and into, each layer are among the same shape and thickness bonding of aluminium plates, make its have higher intensity, in an accident won't break. Through the process of forming after walnut interior board, but also use first fine sand paper burnish it twice, and then use the finest in accordance with the original method of beeswax manually polish 8 times, until smooth surface as a mirror just calculate smashing of opposition. A set of walnut interior of the whole manufacture process probably will take two weeks to complete. From then l9 century to the beginning of the twentieth century, with the appearance of the basic continue modelling carriage car appear. In the aristocrats in a chariot of popular walnut trim, also be onto the bus naturally, continues its luxury and noble symbol. One hundred years, walnut because its showily soft, soft change color jade the steel body hard, and has been used in high-grade car instrument panel, steering wheel and the car door trim board configuration of the luxury gear. In Europe and America in the museum's collection car the expensive antique the walnut interior, although through vicissitudes of life, still like old royal bourbon type furniture to sending out the same suave nostalgic and rare breath, make the viewer can not be its special, elegant style struck.At present peach wood grain interior has become China's market is built on luxury, high-grade the a broad view, the main depot to consumer rendering "walnut ACTS the role of" is synonymous with "luxury" irrational auto erroneous zone. It is used for car sales promotion brand in the manual or advertising, intentionally or unintentionally one or CHINA will imitation of the peach wooden interior, peach wood trim, the play of the way to cut from consumers and confusing, government as "peach wood grain interior". Originally only in senior luxury car will not appear on the walnut of interior, in the hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of economy car of a so-called standard equipped with, poor walnut have the "rule" is the tendency. And the international practice in the compared, in the cheap cars on the walnut interior is absolutely "Chinese character". Because in a foreign country, vehicles and equipment level is the level of vehicles close contact, many senior the peculiar adornment won't appear in the lower the car. Wooden interior luxury car as the exclusive luxury, must be USES walnut, cherry wood real material carefully crafted; And low-grade car interior without exception, the fabric and engineering plastic, although the quality and feels very good, but nothing beyond the level of vehicles. But peach wooden interior is still the mainstream market, the past some peach wooden interior modified is very simple, some just in the original plastic products on paste ultra-thin wood grain paper, due to the simple process, and the material of the rough, these peach wooden adornment effect general, for a long time and falls off phenomenon. Introduce according to the businessman, now in the market high-grade wood trim materials delicate, and supporting details thoughtful, a full set of interior central Taiwan, including the block, the steering wheel, even door shake handshandle, feel and adornment sex and durability and the initial stage of the so-called peach wooden decorations in better shape than many.In recent years, the car has to fast speed increase, the speed of the rapid increase of new also. In a large rearview mirror, and can effectively improve the parameters of active safety, can reduce traffic accidents. Who do not like his love an accident, the more don't want to let people in the traffic accident is hurt, so now don't tube novice or old driver already more and more people change into large rearview mirror. In the automobile decoration supermarket each car 4 S inn in almost every business is also is selling a large rearview mirror. Large rearview mirror can almost out of the running back and doubling blind Angle, this to the safety factor of driving improved a lot, to avoid traffic accidents. A large rearview mirror may very cheap, if because blind Angle to create vehicle damage, that than buy a mirror more valuable, and the damage is immeasurable. At present more and more people driving cars, need to rely on driving technology things are gradually being hi-tech technology became very simple.The car interior and exterior are quite different, external mainly reflects visual effect, is for him (she) person to watch, but the car but the internal environment directly with rides the body and mind of closely related personnel feel; That is because the car is to give others see outside, and people really enjoy is the car interior trim, interior touch, feel, emphasis on comfort and view and admire a gender, etc. So most cases, interior design should be more embody the people-oriented principle. For a successful car appearance design, we can say "very beautiful," and for a successful car interior design, it is "very comfortable" for evaluation. So, car interior design must be in order to adapt to the needs of people for starting point, to take comfort, driving safety and convenience purpose, and have to look. Door inside guard board, steering wheel, seat, ceiling, mat, the shade, store content box, the ashtray and so on, there is also some subsidiary equipment such as audio, air conditioning, communications, TV, lighting lamps, etc. All kinds of equipment, function, form and structure are very different, how to put it to the organic combination together, form a unified and harmonious and beautiful design scheme? These are all design personnel to consider. Dashboards assembly also called dashboard assembly, it is the main inner decoration, it thin wall, big volume, it has very many open hole, round hole and meter hole, and the structure of shape is very complex; Instrument panel is the control and display the concentration of car parts. According to the function of the instrument panel device generally divided into driving control area and take part in the two functional areas. Driving control area or main instrument area, refers to exercise control traffic relevant function area, general concentration in front steering wheel, such as driving instrument, light switch, blow the water to switch, etc.; Take that with functional areas vice meter area, refers to the air conditioning knobs, audio control, store content box, general concentration in the central part of the dash and right department. In the modern automobile, most of the control switch is the special drivers, so, the design of the instrument panel first by the driver for instrument visibility and the position of all kinds of control the operation of a convenience for basis; The key point is to design dash driver operation design of area. In the visual effect, the dashboard interior visual focus in the site, its form to ride workers also have the very strong visual appeal. In a cloth buy instrument, according to relevant standards to choose and determine the instrument, a display and a main control parts, in addition to from the structure space man-computer engineering experiment, including vision sex, hands, feet activities range, elbow space, hand interface, button area cloth bureau, and other aspects. At the same time in the design, still need to pay attention to the dashboard reflective effects, not only to increase the visibility of the instrument, and through the table cover of diffuse method to reduce glare, and prevent the dashboard high before the wind in the inner surface of the glass image form reflex, so as not to interfere with the driver's vision. Must dash to extinction on the surface or inferior smooth processing, to get comfortable feeling safe driving. Also on the dash of instrument and various devices installed mostly come from different manufacturers, when the design to ensure that each of the different manufacturers is a color, simple sense, the unity of the texture, but also pay attention to the instrument surface, pointer, the display, digital, warning lights, the scale of the plate and form, color and lighting effect is consistent, these in the beginning to deal with design appropriate, for later refining and local design ready. The classification of the instrument panel with manufacturing current use of instrument panel according to the material can be divided into the hard and soft dash ; According to the structure can be divided into integral dashboard and combined meter table board; Combined-type instrument panel can be divided, the block type dashboards, left, right block encircle type dashboards, left, and right block type dashboards, buy type in the dashboard, etc. Hard light, often used in the dashboard small trucks, buses and trucks use, generally USES the PP, PC, ABS, ABS/PC and so on the disposable injection molding. This instrument panel surface patterns, size is very big, no rigging, high surface quality requirements for material, resistance, heat resistance requirements of wet, rigid is out of shape not easily. But because of the multi-point injection molding, easy to form flow mark and adhesive marks, and adding masterbatch differentials, easy to produce off color, so need to the surface coating to use, and had better choose inferior optical coating products. In addition, high-grade dashboards pursue simple sense, such as in the dashboard surface do part of peach wooden ACTS the role of grain is also a kind of development direction, SITAIER quote "king", the "HOWO" is this kind of type. European car dashboards to ABS/PC and enhance PP is given priority to, the American auto multi-purpose styrene/PPD two anhydride SMA, this kind of material price low, heat resistance, impact resistance, good comprehensive performance; The Japanese car dashboard had used ABS, enhance PP material, it is with glass fiber reinforced SAN is given priority to, also have the better heat resistance of the modified PPE.The design of the car seat car seat is according to the principle of human body engineering and design, it not only meets rides the use function of personnel, and comfortable with's point. Influence car seat comfort factors are: (1) The seat chair must make the waist of the song in the normal curve arc condition, and tries to sitting position according to different habits the optimal design of the comfortable state. (2) Must have the correct points back. The so-called right anchor namely: the first point support 5-6 thoracic between, formed by the shoulder; The second support at the waist music site, form the waist cushion. Waist by can reduce neck song change shape, waist cushion can maintain correct lumbar curve. (3) The correct body pressure distribution. The human bod


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