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    Animal blight prevention control center 2015 summary reported material this year yilai, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, I Xiang in-depth implement party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit, to liberation thought caught opportunities, and good and fast of development for theme, to reform and technology progress for power, to full development for starting point and foothold, in-depth implement implementation science development views, pay close attention to the implementation, solid work, led full Xiang cadres to economic construction for Center, to strengthened "three agricultural" And a focus on poverty alleviation and development, pay special attention to infrastructure construction, system construction, vigorously develop the aquaculture and farming, to promote the development of township economy, provide strong ideological and organizational guarantee for building a harmonious society. One, the 2015 review of agricultural gross domestic product is expected to be completed in 2015 I 47.13 million Yuan, an increase of 22.03%, per capita net income of farmers is expected to reach 7198, from 2014 1007 Yuan, an increase of 16.25%. (A) innovative mechanisms to comprehensively strengthen party building. -Seize the theme, improving work style. First, continue to carry out the party's mass line education practice, further consolidating and expanding the results of my countrymen in mass education activities, seriously "look." Second, seriously carry out "three Suns" practices, insist on promoting economic development throughout the grass-roots party building work throughout. Focus on "consolidation of traditional economy, develop characteristic industries" development ideas to guide farmers to adjust industrial structure, in terms of finance, technology and other support, promoting the practical technology popularization and application of planting and farmers ' income. -Full implementation of responsibility system for party building work, providing strong protection for Township party building work. One is to further improve the branch responsibilities at all levels, establish and improve the responsibility system for basic-level party building work. Implementation of township Party Committee responsibility, team leaders specific work, persons responsible for implementing the work mechanism, strengthen guidance, responsibility and supervision work, through the establishment of supervision and assessment mechanisms, pay close attention to implementation of objectives, systems, accountability, effectiveness, catch levels at the formation level, layers of party building work in implementation of the pattern. Second, according to the Township Party Committee and the County party responsibility documents signed earlier this year, determine the goals of the party building, examination results and party cadres linked to quarterly wage, effectively enhance the enthusiasm of cadres pay close attention to the work of party building. Third is steadily carry out the permanent system of the Party Congress. According to the County's request, carefully open the 13th Party Congress for the second time, received during the party 14 proposals involving areas such as agriculture, infrastructure, Xiang proposals has been form report to the relevant units of the Party Committee, and will continue to improve the system of the Party Congress. Meanwhile, Township Party Committee has established a sound study of grass-roots party organizations on a regular basis要对城市道路交通系统规划方案进行交通量与通行能力校核和对道路交通设施交通水平进行评价。包括对道路服务水平进行分析,对道路的运行速度进行评价,对道路设施交通水平不佳的原因进行分析,提出对道路网络、道路等级、道路横断面的改善、调整建议。道路上交通量与通行能力之比称为该道路的服务水平。远期城市道路交通系统高峰小时的服务水平均应在1以下,平均服务水平应在0.8以下。 广州陶粒 广东陶粒 http:/www.110878.com 编辑:ejdnchhto the branch on a regular basis to inspect and guide the party building work system, and meets at least quarterly and team meetings or conferences. -To enhance learning, enhance the combat capability of the party organization at all levels. Is a combination of a Central Committee on educational practice of the mass line of the party spirit, open up thinking, and innovative ways to make full use of the County, Township . Levels members cadres amounted to more than 360 more passengers participate in learning has party of 18 big, and 18 session four in the plenary spirit,; II is active organization carried out cadres podium, and moral school, activities 4 period, encourages leaders on Forum, since intends subject, will himself by thought, and by wants to, and by Wu full actual work, and general members cadres common share experience; three is using rural modern remote education site carried out party of policy and rural practical technology training. Four is the full use of the rural cadres college classes and instructor training courses, training of young and middle-aged cadres of new rural construction, organize cadres to attend the training. -Strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations, and enhance the level of service to the people. One is to focus on "two committees" team-building. Sticking to "four on the two open", "three lessons" at work, to raise the village "two committees" combat effectiveness and the cohesion of the team and strive to create a thinking, something, Director-General of the cadres. Second, strict implementation of the rural resident system of leading cadres. Asked Xiang resident leaders village at least 2 times a week, the scene to solve the problem, effective solution to reaching people at the service of "last mile" problem. Three is in what Commission village established village level convenience service model site, equipped with has corresponding of personnel and equipment, to created "convenience service type" party for target, full play good convenience Limin of role, and put convenience service station of operation and members station, and "two representative a members" work gang organic combined up, science set service matters, full service content, for masses provides policy advisory, and Affairs agent, and disputes mediation, and trap, service, total processing various event more than 100 more than cases, achieved service masses "zero distance". Four model branch created in rural areas. Create a model branch of appraisal rules strictly in accordance with the requirements, mainly from industrial, village-level organization activity management, village village appearance, infrastructure, hardware and the party in a bid, paying careful attention to the village, Nanping village to create a work. Five is to strengthen the party system of making village affairs public, open the agro-4 class 10, up to now, have public information more than more than 200 times. Five is to do service work, perfecting the incentive and caring support mechanisms within the party, 2015 has invested 20,000 yuan, condolences 54 difficult party member and senior party member. -Strengthening construction for the party conveying a steady flow of fresh blood. First, always adhere to the developing members of the 16-character guideline emphasis on fostering outstanding young, complex back home soldiers, village cadres and bellwether and women "hotshots" joined the party. Received a probationary member since 7 this year, positive 7, further improve the overall structure of the party. Second, build a


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