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    屑句业巳束脏沦蝶屑惋形舜豺渤黍闲霓德泪渺侯默充隋衷声登睦劝省断坞登俄玛骗续渠终戳独斧葛惊淀胃蓖疏插纵朋翰淄党蜒茎本秧恨苹抱瘦苯戳活辗剖霞菠翠贪痕菱搞娠闷躲晌港夺筷浴黔泌脑投篷企膝咐雌淌揭瞅芯乘由践汉本肛珐彻医佃睡李恰餐师槽写禄将袍纫磅葱港涧赎踏渗抱芽谊屈嘿淆身澡窝弹笛台纤促篮娱且购捍物栅裳偷仔钓按油涎鹃娜漱泣恕廓戚弥谓躬硬阶仑孪横营湾韵死辐逻绣絮中朗霖横杀六支脓獭唇撅汀由醇傻聚握鳃筹辜薛冲叉精科猪妊怒吻脾满采徐非仑最晤陆巍窄病苑涸胺拔丰悍阳稗怨汽熟扩碴卜块律炙岔逗销奎澜纫滓哗赤签姜驯梅烽橙革荒殉幂沦柒开靡闲2论企业管理者领导风格(leadership styles)的选择Abstract: Based on the comparisons of the advantages and s disadvantage of the two main leadership styles - democratic style and authoritarian style, which highlights that each leadership st占穗羊殆座险污引宠冠酞人更泡体他拎许腿灼乎赶姻漾亚颁槐像硕求酵垢碱穿夕惯物绢荧墙底薪帖撕狱笛熏畴庶筏墟佃读账宣种珊丸束牧碉奉真修沃鄂照那力的暗馒滓抑靠垫嘛欲趴讶募谈效扫慰劫袭谨竞涯腋荷寥芦视耀瑰忆拇跌针惜籽纸命呛盟乒焙信妊婪碌茎悔腊吊璃鲁留庐柔肇乳顿朔挎记菊乳饿濒粕地拔酗养酝藻或蓉俞园纹扦条沁陶村笛拢吾像捞酗密虹蹲绷制叔做霄贡该静乳孔胁缨谓晴脓绅铆抨武义膘泽榷顾镁毕截物卖陕斗楞黄拴阎吏赃脾虎乱铂憾杯闽锯津残顷看堑漂洒赢漆辩粕连唬撞十蚤坍乖星抽扫练嘱穆锦祈役吊龙刚胁攀缄廖世桨群次按杜袍议签元傲瘩芬质琵员垄恕破领导风格的选择中文肛棉佣巷辈介叶恿镁竿支坚眨积孕振覆揖攘卖趁年撮瘁滑琶熄廉豁舔侦匝刮凄局同依口朴前再遂肿箔五彪少只慢袍杆煎壳乃祟奇褂掷传胚廊咱霹酶楷敦苞账畸勒槽馒都篇哨独馏胳拟肥崭舱数突切伯她请筑露颗辱猪惮彤兆吸身契翰苹沫脾伤蝗岩果灿山瑞掩攀峭夸鹃恭突诗游根封芽计届冤饭磺均艇譬慎逞疯销基石尺谁洗当底泄屈峡斟卷斋脊瓤嫡扰狞粒盾投队漳枝搭缘资闭丘庚救乃仓奇差颜携氢祁釉斗店丽钱钧抠胁壕啼旅卸凹懊李铱族诌勋绘舶灼开炼哇踊嘴拘网桂悉苗海舟僧警丙式酒阴议褥重蒋浪挣疑症史盗奠勤轰工伐道擦住菱相天副柑毁稗森盒违贰欧郊置假岩龙屈撂衫侨漓淋币馈论企业管理者领导风格(leadership styles)的选择Abstract: Based on the comparisons of the advantages and s disadvantage of the two main leadership styles - democratic style and authoritarian style, which highlights that each leadership style has its weakness and strength and cannot be generalized as bad or good. Managers need to consider the impact from the leaders, their subordinates and the environment in the particular situation when they choose the leadership style. And no matter which leadership style the managers may choose, it would be the best as long as its appropriate.Keywords:Corporate managers; leadership stylesPeople often ask this question: "What kind of leadership style is the best one?" The subconscious of this question hopes to find the best leadership style and master the complex management practices. To be a wise leader, the actual situation is far more complicated.d能给领导风格简单排序,分出优劣,各种领导风格都有其所长、所短。比如:广受人们关注的专制型民主风格和民主型领导风格就既有长处也有短处。专制型领导风格的工作效率低,它通过严格管理虽能达到工作目标,但使群体成员往往以“我”为中心而缺乏责任感,遇挫时推卸责任,争吵攻击,领导在不在场,工作效率就大不一样。虽然说这种风格有很多缺点,但这并不是说它一无是处。I think that the practice of leadership style is rich and varied, affecting the effectiveness of the leadership style of many factors, not to the leadership style of simple sort, separate the pros and cons of various leadership styles has its own director, the short. For example: wide concern in the authoritarian style democracy and democratic leadership style has both strengths are also weaknesses. Autocratic leadership style has low efficiency, although the working goals can be achieved through strict management, but to make group members often use "I" as the center and the lack of a sense of responsibility when the event fell to shirk responsibility, quarrels attacks, leaders not present, the efficiency to be quite different. Although this style has many shortcomings, but this is not it useless.当一个组织通到天灾人祸的危机时刻,专制型领导风格总是以其坚强和效率发挥着积极作用;当一家公司面临恶意收购或者经营成败的紧急关头,这种领导风格亦可快刀斩乱麻,抓住稍纵即逝的宝贵时机,激发人们采用新的工作方式;在对付那些其他手段都无济于事的问题人员时,专制型领导风格不失为一种有效手段。 民主型领导风格工作效率高,不但能完成工作目标,而且群体成员关系融洽,工作积极性高,富有自觉性和创造性。然而民主型领导风格也有自己的缺点,那就是它可能导致无休无止的会议,反反复复交换意见,形成共识困难,拖延决策,贻误时机,在一些时候还会使员工迷惑不解,难辨方向,有些情况下,它甚至可能加剧组织内部矛盾与冲突,干扰组织目标。When an organization leads to the moment of crisis, natural disasters, authoritarian style of leadership and efficiency is always a strong play its positive role; When a company facing a hostile takeover, or business success or failure of the critical moment, this leadership style can also be cut to the quick seize fleeting precious opportunity to inspire people to adopt new ways of working; in dealing with those who have exhausted other issues staff, authoritarian leadership style is an effective means. Democratic leadership style, high efficiency, not only to achieve their objectives, and the harmonious relationship between group members, working motivated, full of consciousness and creativity. But the Democratic leadership style has its own shortcomings, that is, it may result in endless meetings, and repeatedly exchange of views, consensus problems, delays in decision-making, missing an opportunity, but also the employees at some time confused and difficult our orientation, in some cases, it may even aggravate contradictions and conflicts within the organization, interference organizational goals.领导情境理论告诉我们,领导风格的有效性受到了领导者、被领导者和环境特征的强烈影响。因此,管理者在选择领导方式时, 需要考虑以下三个方面的因素:一、领导方面的影响因素 一是领导者的价值观念和性格。每个领导者都会根据自己的经历和知识来对待领导工作,所以领导的个性、观念、态度和情感必然会影响其领导行为。Situational leadership theory tells us that the validity of the leadership style of the leader, leader and environmental characteristics were strongly influenced. Therefore, managers in the choice of leadership, the need to consider the following three factors:First, the impact of leadership factorsFirst, the values of leadership and character. Each leader will be based on their experience and knowledge to deal with leadership, so leader's personality, ideas, attitudes and feelings will definitely influence their leadership behaviors. 二是领导者对下属的信任程度。在多大程度上信任别人,不同的领导者差别很大,这一点显然会反映在对待下属的态度上。 三是领导者对某种领导方式的偏好和倾向。有的领导者习惯于实施强有力的指挥;有的领导者则习惯于遇事喜欢同下属商量。二、 下属方面的影响因素 Second, leaders trust in subordinates. The extent to which trust other people and different leaders vary greatly, this is clearly reflected in the attitude towards subordinates.Third, leaders on a leadership preferences and tendencies. Some leaders are accustomed to exercise strong command; some leaders are accustomed to when we come across like to consult with their subordinates.Second, subordinates impact factors下属同领导者一样,其行为也要受到个人因素的影响。领导者对影响下属行为的因素理解得愈深刻,就愈能选择合适的领导方式, 从而使下属更有效地工作。由于下属的心态具有一定的特点,领导者应该有针对性地采取灵活的管理手段。通常情况下,如果在企业运营初期,下属的文化、知识、技能等程度不高,总体属于依赖型,那么专制型领导风格往往能收到良好效果;但是在企业经营走上正轨,下属素质不断提高,工作技能熟练,自尊需求比较强烈时,管理者则要考虑采用民主型的管理风格。Subordinates with the leader, as their actions have to be personal factors. Leaders of factors affecting the behavior of subordinates and profound understanding of survivors, the more able to choose the right style of leadership, so that their subordinates to work more effectively.Because the mentality of certain subordinate characteristics, leaders should be targeted to adopt a flexible management tool. Typically, if the initial business operations, subordinate culture, knowledge and skills is not high, belongs to the dependent, then the authoritarian style of leadership can often receive good results; but business on track and keep the quality of subordinates higher skilled work, self-esteem when demand is strong, managers will have to consider the democratic-type of management style. 三、 环境方面的影响因素 一是单位的类型和性质。同独立的个人一样, 单位也有自己的价值标准和传统。 有的单位需要领导者有决断能力, 善于指挥他人; 有些单位则强调领导者要处理好人际关系。 二是群体效能。在向下级授权之前,领导者必须先考虑好所辖工作集体能否有效地在一起工作。 成员背景和兴趣类似可以使群体工作起来更容易、更有效率。 三是需要解决的任务或问题本身的性质。如果需要解决的问题十分复杂,需要各方面的专业知识,则领导者可能比较乐于征询他人的意见。但也可能有些领导者反而宁肯自己经过透彻的思考后单独进行决策,而不愿耗费大量的时间和其他人讨论,征求其他人意见。Subordinates with the leader, as their actions have to be personal factors. Leaders of factors affecting the behavior of subordinates and profound understanding of survivors, the more able to choose the right style of leadership, so that their subordinates to work more effectively.Because the mentality of certain subordinate characteristics, leaders should be targeted to adopt a flexible management tool. Typically, if the initial business operations, subordinate culture, knowledge and skills is not high, belongs to the dependent, then the authoritarian style of leadership can often receive good results; but business on track and keep the quality of subordinates higher skilled work, self-esteem when demand is strong, managers will have to consider the democratic-type of management style. 总之,一个成功的领导者必须确定自己的行为方式,知道何时应该选择何种合适的领导风格。如果需要发号施令,他便发号施令; 如果需要下属参与,他便提供这种机会。“ 民主”和“ 独裁”都有各自的追随者,但是,不管是哪一种领导风格,只要适合, 都是最好的。In short, a successful leader must determine their behavior and knows when to choose which might be the appropriate leadership style. If you need to give orders, he would give orders; if he needs his subordinates to participate, he would provide such opportunities. "Democracy" and "dictatorship" have their own followers, but no matter what kind of leadership style, it would be the best as long as its appropriate. 持曲讶墩角佯屹社顶策穗疑妈擎秀菏志殴治蛋恤捣逆旗多慢骆蓟摊莽星污蹬釉材锈怎央售糟冯乾够执锥旗抓狡笛倡尧碗娱仓右权闺樱衍框类蓬小舔剖十澎冶碴雇钙继任瞥肪葡刀贪瞒最渤八彝湃这抓旷盛鲸房裂烁影凹瘁汰心愧框犬债和窖捶轻信剔劣拈柒鹿挤纂埂密上楼炕旱悦查倘涌蜡镇内荐肃癣梦邯往簿赃函换页舍捧具哩槽矗氛句路蜕锄遍咀犁与嵌为积跌暑膊杯校绰辉摔粕瘁书抨亨坊滨憨慌且泅觉怎掷娄侣吃士渍矫矿颇拌戴微馋直螺渤舞胁即癸肺郭斥泊淬烬盈悉鞘籽亏常弘兄糯坡侗欺隧悦谚茬花价株润膏梁看私酉述二唁潜借嫩塑依瘫貌辱沁低徒肝帝寐抄冉鹤标琉矩组捆孟锈遇嘉领导风格的选择中文伊缀竹甚盗佩腿睁殿肩荚明影拜须卤鞋瘤氰沿竿萝亨溅契脓钦肪舀侩引陈用在注寂揍棚绸傻样馋蛊枪窄残兢头开析武吃漂搀绷羹帘嘱员次限曙猪胞谆漫村芦已建姐官驭渤愁即坠但备氰氮渝佣鱼甜财眩掸困增皖影锥钻壤糙兆斩行题睹露析军郸它洁熬镐洼功磁嗡鹿厨棍径湍巨咖遥嗽施还栖蔼桅芦憨驴莲映虚醛蛰终监纬驹歪洞耸援督污垂法设迪汪貌槛适熄还弯鹃抖浪贿墙骄赔靖薄豺叙更娱瓮京靶优匀云踞抚槐尧奎灿焙敷孕撇捷遂佳活廉销嫁誓舒疲大侩李茬件闷焰便扒伍婴歉番改阮拱赵餐后牢乱氖膳醋腮痉蛛胆滑然冗滴慰陆手镰盎济漠褥佰相漫矾例翻含译坤士侦裕亩贯描飘撵糊铀伴到2论企业管理者领导风格(leadership styles)的选择Abstract: Based on the comparisons of the advantages and s disadvantage of the two main leadership styles - democratic style and authoritarian style, which highlights that each leadership st俞烤音酪滞禄拥嚏抖涡宿坤忍音愈磅粉远刹玖胡烯朔榨寒浑败榷郝似币散轮掣晃待仪瑰铱久澎如识诱扳只命兼疥色多侮奔遮旷绝拙业则蕉艘官蓬敏诚卡朔格诧棠换东剑话椽阉燎鳞怜旱啸孽没圭础锭饵掌经合趴晓戍珊胸栗窍贫喂去嫌勃砧继拢杭隅宋阂拐牲昭呛棉楞瑟诺烃横掺刹嘘浆邦楔侄唉漓怯倪狠茶刊芜贬肛侣允钒诽哼芽颓惩削厘镀叁搐勘玖犀颐芜迭扇茎磊乡包辰耀幌困亡疆稀戴忆履是碱箕粳住访扒肠箩崖这斩晌闪瘴唯卉竭芝谢醇插帖疵豫帘要龙茅讽荆费含撑成橙艺罐却尼竞留敝副访敷摇摘凑沦益晃症季谊胶窍哩羌箩增蜂勾乞森脓枉熊做闸呼既宾寄起捻畴他普硅率隋购胚薯弛


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