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    - “HIBISCUS” water-based floor paint is elaborately made of high-performance water-based polyurethane resin, filler ( which are exclusively researched and developed by Shandong Penglai Luyuan Paint Industry Co., Ltd.) and imported functional additives. The product including the transparent and solid color paints with excellent resistance of scratching, wearing and skidding, is mainly used as coating and protecting for the wood floor of high environmental requirement, because its coating has quick-dry, alcohol-fast and water-fast features and high hardness, and is excellent both in paint film richness and hand-feeling.PRODUCT PROPERTYDilute directly with water, non-toxic, noninflammable, environment friendly water-based floor paint.No cancerogenic substances such as benzene, methylbenzene, free TDI, etc. and harmful heavy metal.High hardness, rich and firm paint film, smooth and fine hand-feeling, outstanding anti-aging performance.Water-based transparent and color paint has various colors, rich paint film and permanent gloss.Be solid water-fast, wear-proof, washable, no yellowing and have good performance in covering power, impact resistance and anti-aging.水性防腐防锈系列水性防锈底漆LY-600:产品编号应用领域LY-600防锈底漆本产品属于经济型防锈涂料,具有防锈效果好,价格低,涂刷面积大等特点。广泛用于不锈钢、马口铁、铜片、铸造件、锻件、汽车配件、钢构、机械设备等金属材质表面的防锈保护。产品简介:该产品属于经济型配方产品,采用水性高分子改性树脂为主体,配以防锈填料、防闪锈剂等环保无毒材料,以去离子水为分散介质,结合先进微技术精制而成的功能性环保装饰涂料。可与其他防锈金属面漆配套使用,获得极佳的防锈及装饰效果。产品特性:1、清水稀释,不燃烧,环保健康,涂装成本低;2、成膜致密,附着力卓越,耐磨、抗冲击、抗弯曲,具有优异的机械强度;技术指标(以铁红为标准)项目技术指标颜色外观液体,铁红色,搅拌均匀无结块细度· m35固含量45%干燥性能表干40min(25)实干24h柔韧性1mm光泽无光附着力1级耐水性(马口铁)48h硬度B冲击强度50kg· cm备注:检测制板90烘烤20min后,恒温恒湿室温下(25,湿度50%),放置7天后检测 。施工参考基材处理:用电动或手动工具清理基材表面的浮锈、异物、粉尘等,并清扫干净。施工:1、可喷涂、刷涂、浸涂,施工温度5,湿度85%。 2、稀释剂:水,建议加水量5-10%,粘度18s-30s,(以适合现场施工粘度为宜)3、使用前搅拌均匀,漆膜可自干也可低温烘烤。自干时干燥条件为温度不低于5,湿度不高于80%;烘干时烘烤温度40-60,烘烤时间30分钟。4、取漆使用后,请及时盖好桶盖,防止污染物掉入桶中,贮存过程中轻微结皮可过滤后使用,不影响原漆性能。5、产品有效期12个月,超过有效期,可按上述技术指标检验,如符合技术指标要求,仍可使用。注明:1、浸涂操作时最好有循环过滤装置对浸涂效果好一些。 2、浸涂之前工件预加热到45-55度漆膜遮盖力饱满度能提高。包装与储存1、阴凉通风干燥处,储存温度为5-35,夏季避免阳光直晒,冬季运输时应防冻。2、包装规格:20/桶,50/桶,200/桶。 水性防锈漆LY-760系列-钢结构、锅炉、油罐等专用产品编号应用领域LY-760防锈底漆底漆防锈性能佳,面漆装饰性能强并可任意调色。底面漆配套应用可获得极佳的防锈及装饰效果,并具有优异的户外耐候性能。是传统防锈漆的最佳换代产品。广泛应用于各种汽车构件、船舶、网架、机械制造、铁路、桥梁、锅炉、油罐、钢结构、石化设备等防腐保护。LY-760防锈面漆LY-760底面合一型防锈漆可实现“底面合一”一次性涂装要求,防锈性能佳,附着力强,光泽分为无光、半哑、哑光、半光及亮光等。常规颜色主要有铁红、黑色、灰色等。工作效率高成本低,是客户的首选产品。产品简介:本系列产品采用先进的工艺配方、科学设计方案,聚渗透型,转化型,稳定型三者为一,以水做为分散介质,利用物理、化学等多重防锈机理,根据化学转化,络和反映等化学原理配制而成.各项技术指标均达到和超过国家及行业要求,开创了水性防锈漆的新纪元。,是符合国内外涂料绿色环保发展方向的,自投放市场以来深受各行业的欢迎。产品特性:1、绿色环保,不易燃不易爆,便于运输。 2、常温及低温烘烤干燥迅速,具有优良的防锈、防腐性能、耐侯性优良,耐水耐酸碱性能优异,应用范围极为广泛,可满足大多数客户对产品的防锈与保护要求。3、具有优良的施工性能和性价比 。 四、技术指标(以铁红底漆为标准)项目技术指标颜色外观液体,铁红色,搅拌均匀无结块细度· m35固含量48%干燥性能表干25min(25)实干24h柔韧性1mm光泽无光附着力1级耐水性(马口铁)48h硬度H耐盐雾性(马口铁)>168h备注:检测制板90烘烤20min后,恒温恒湿室温下(25,湿度50%),放置7天后检测 。五、施工参考 基材处理:用电动或手动工具清理基材表面的浮锈、异物、粉尘等,并清扫干净。施工:1、可喷涂、刷涂、浸涂,施工温度5,湿度85%。 2、稀释剂:水,建议加水量5-10%,粘度18s-30s,(以适合现场施工粘度为宜)3、使用前搅拌均匀,漆膜可自干也可低温烘烤。自干时干燥条件为温度不低于5,湿度不高于80%;烘干时烘烤温度40-60,烘烤时间30分钟。4、取漆使用后,请及时盖好桶盖,防止污染物掉入桶中,贮存过程中轻微结皮可过滤后使用,不影响原漆性能。5、产品有效期12个月,超过有效期,可按上述技术指标检验,如符合技术指标要求,仍可使用。包装与储存1、阴凉通风干燥处,储存温度为5-35,夏季避免阳光直晒,冬季运输时应防冻。2、包装规格:20/桶,50/桶,200/桶。“HIBISCUS” water-based floor paint is elaborately made of high-performance water-based polyurethane resin, filler ( which are exclusively researched and developed by Shandong Penglai Luyuan Paint Industry Co., Ltd.) and imported functional additives. The product including the transparent and solid color paints with excellent resistance of scratching, wearing and skidding, is mainly used as coating and protecting for the wood floor of high environmental requirement, because its coating has quick-dry, alcohol-fast and water-fast features and high hardness, and is excellent both in paint film richness and hand-feeling.PRODUCT PROPERTYDilute directly with water, non-toxic, noninflammable, environment friendly water-based floor paint.No cancerogenic substances such as benzene, methylbenzene, free TDI, etc. and harmful heavy metal.High hardness, rich and firm paint film, smooth and fine hand-feeling, outstanding anti-aging performance.Water-based transparent and color paint has various colors, rich paint film and permanent gloss.Be solid water-fast, wear-proof, washable, no yellowing and have good performance in covering power, impact resistance and anti-aging.Auxiliary productsWood floor dedicated transparent priming paintWood floor dedicated side-sealing paintWood floor dedicated transparent finishing paint(high-glossy, semi- glossy, low-glossy, non-glossy)Wood floor dedicated white priming paintWood floor dedicated white finishing paintHigh build floor paintSports floor dedicated paintProduct NumberProduct NameRatio of the Construction(paint: water)Product AttributeLY-CF-1002Wood floor dedicated transparent priming paint1:0-20%It is mainly used for sealing and protecting of the wood floor surface and supports the use of floor finishing paint.LY-CF-1003Wood floor dedicated side-sealing paint1:0-25%It has high performance in adhesion, water-fast, hardness, anti-blocking, flexibility and leveling, with lower project cost. Besides that, compared to polyester and nitrolacquer, it has incomparable high penetrability, closure and damp-proof effect, suitable for coating of wood floor bottom and sideLY-CF-716Wood floor dedicated transparent finishing paint(high-glossy)1:0-20%Compare with common wood lacquer products, it is provided with splendid hardness, skid and scratch resistance, flexibility, solid water-fast, high-richness, with different gloss including high-glossy, semi- glossy, low-glossy, non-glossy.LY-CF-717Wood floor dedicated transparent finishing paint(semi-glossy)1:0-20%LY-CF-718Wood floor dedicated transparent finishing paint(low-glossy)1:0-20%LY-CF-719Wood floor dedicated transparent finishing paint(non-glossy)1:0-20%LY-CF-1006Wood floor dedicated white priming paint1:0-20%It is mainly used for sealing and protecting of the wood floor surface and supports the use of whit finishing paint.LY-CF-720Wood floor dedicated white finishing paint1:0-20%Solid color paint can be colored variously, with excellent characteristics of high surface hardness, flexibility and scratch resistance.LY-CF-746High build floor paint1:0-20%The product is provided with high solid content, proper thickness, which is suitable to perform wire drawing and other special effects.LY-CF-748Sports floor dedicated paint1:0-20%Be solid water-fast, wear-proof, washable, solvent and scratch resistance and no yellowing. It is easy to be constructed and can be brushed, sprayed, roll coated, dip coated, etc. It has rich paint film, extremely high hardness and adhesion.Construction technology: see Construction Technology Manual of ProductPackage and Storage1. Packing specification of all products is 3L,18L, 50L and 100L.2. The minimum of storage temperature for water-based product is not lower than 0, in order to keep from freezing in winter, it should be put into warm house in northern area.中国.山东蓬莱禄源漆业有限公司 山东.蓬莱刘家沟工业园振兴路SHANDONG PENGLAI LUYUAN PAINT CO.,LTD 电话:0535-5633377传真:0535-5600004Http:/www.wuqionghua.com.cn Email:luyuanqiye126.com


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