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    Unit1 Festivals around the world,Part1 必修三,10、take place,根据语境猜词义 (1) Who knows when the opening ceremony of the new term will take_place? (2) Great changes have taken_place in our school after many years of hard work.,根据语义找匹配:A. 发生 B. 举行,(1) B (2) A,10、take place,take the place of 代替 take one's place 代替某人;坐下 in place of 代替 in place 放在原来的位置;原地 in one's place 处于某人的位置;为某人设身处地地想想 out of place 不合适;不恰当;格格不入 give place to 让位于,短语,10、take place,take place/happen/occur/come about/break out take place的“发生、举行”大都侧重于安排或按计划所发生的事情。 A Super Boy concert will take place in the square tonight.,辨析,10、take place,happen 侧重于“偶发”,不可预料的事情的“发生”。这时可与occur互换。happen to do sth. 或it happened that表示“碰巧做某事”时不能与occur 互换。 I was crossing the street when a traffic accident happened. It happened that I wasn't there when the earthquake happened.,辨析,10、take place,occur 比较正式,所指的事件和时间比较明确。occur to sb.“某人突然想起某事”,这时不能用happen代替。 Can you tell me when on earth the accident occurred? It occurs to me that we still have a lot of things to do.,辨析,10、take place,come about常指偶然发生的事情,且很多时候与how 连用。 How did it come about that he left school? break out 常指“战争、疫病或火灾”的突然发生。 EV71 broke out in China in the spring of 2008.,辨析,10、take place,单项填空 ( )(1) Suddenly it _ to me that we should do what we could to collect money for the poor college students. A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. came about,10、take place,C 本题考查的是关于“发生”意义的词的区别。通过题干所表现出的语义是“计上心头”之意,所以答案是C。,( )(2) It _ that I was out when he came to see me. A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. came about,10、take place,A 本题考查的是关于“发生”意义的词的区别。通过题干所表现出的语义是“碰巧”之意,所以答案是A。,用happen / occur / come about / take place的正确形式完成句子 (3)Didn't it occur to you to phone them about it? (4)In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. (5)I'll never understand how it come about that you were late for the meeting. (6)An accident happened to him yesterday.,10、take place,11、look forward to,根据语境猜词义 (1) I'm looking_forward_to your reply soon. (2) It's time for us to look back and look_forward.,根据语义找匹配:A. 盼望;期盼 B. 展望,(1) A (2) B,11、look forward to,look at 看着 look about/around 环顾;向四周看 look after 照顾;照料 look ahead 考虑未来 look back (vi.) 朝后看;回顾;回想 look back on (vt.) 回顾 look down (vi.) 向下看;俯视;鸟瞰 look down on/upon 看不起;蔑视,短语,look for 寻找 look into 调查 look like 看起来像 look on 袖手旁观 look onas 把看做 look out 向外看;(警告用语)当心 look over 检查;检阅 look through 向里看;浏览;快速查看 look up 向上看;仰望;抬头看 look up at 抬头看见 look up to 尊敬,短语,11、look forward to,look forward to的to 是介词,当其后接动词时要用其­ing形式。 介词to构成的常用短语还有: pay attention to 注意 get down to 着手做; 开始做 object to 反对 devote oneself / one's life to 致力于 contribute ones life to 献身于 be used to 习惯做 lead to 导致做 set to 开始做,11、look forward to,完成句子 (1) Don't worry. We are looking into (调查) the case. In the near future, we'll tell you the truth. (2) When he looked up (抬头看), he found his teacher standing in front of him.,11、look forward to,单项填空 ( )(3) No one likes _. A. looking down upon B. being looked down upon C. being looked down D. to be looked down,11、look forward to,B 考查动词短语的搭配。“看不起”的动词短语搭配是look down upon,此处用其被动形式,所以答案是B。,( )(4) (2010·安徽) No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high. A. getting rid of B. getting along with C. looking up to D. looking down upon,11、look forward to,C 考查动词短语的辨析。 get rid of 去除;look up to 尊敬,赏识;look down upon看不起;get along with 与某人相处。根据语境:不管你把自己想得多低,总有人尊敬你,希望他们能有你那么高的地位。所以答案是C。,( )(5) Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A. look around B. look into C. look up D. look through,11、look forward to,D 考查动词短语。该句意思是“请你为我检查一下文章看是否有明显错误”。look through可表示“检查,浏览”之意。look around“环顾”,look into“调查”,look up“抬头看,查阅”。,12、 turn up,根据语境猜词义 (1) We waited and waited, but he didn't turn_up. (2) I can't hear the news well, would you please turn the radio up? (3) Don't worry about the letter. I'm sure it'll turn_up. (4) As long as you keep on working hard, I'm sure that hope will turn_up.,根据语义找匹配: A. (指机会)偶然出现(到来) B. (尤指失去后偶然)被发现;被找到 (不用于被动语态) C. (人的)来到,露面 D. 调高(音量、热量等),(1) C (2) D (3) B (4) A,12、 turn up,turn down (把音量)关小; 拒绝(观点、意见、看法等) turn on 打开(电源、水龙头、煤气等) turn off 关闭(电源、水龙头、煤气等) turn around 转过身;完全改变(见解、主张) turn against 背叛 turn back 折回;把赶回 turn in 上交(物品) turn into 变成,短语,12、 turn up,turn out 证明(不用于被动语态);结果;生产出、出版;造就 turn over 翻转;仔细考虑;移交(工作);转让(公司) turn to 求助;查阅;转向;翻到(书的某页、某章) by turns 轮流 in one's turn 轮到某人 in turn 依次,短语,12、 turn up,单项填空 ( )(1) We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn't quite _ as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up,B 句意:我们原想在天黑前回到家,但结果并不像原来计划地那样。make out 看出,辨认出;开(支票、账单等);go on 继续;come up 提出; turn out 结果是,所以答案是B。,12、 turn up,( )(2) I feel really disappointed not to have got that job. Don't worry. Maybe something better will _. A. go by B. take on C. turn up D. fall down,C 句意:没有搞到那份工作,我真的很失望。别担心,可能有更好的工作出现。go by 从旁经过,(时间的)流逝;take on呈现,承担(工作、责任);fall down 掉下,摔下;turn up(指机会)偶然出现(到来),所以答案是C。,12、 turn up,( )(3) Though there are some differences between American education and Chinese education, both systems are _ excellent graduates. A. turning out B. turning away C. turning off D. turning in,A 句意:虽然中美教育有些不同,但是这两种制度都能造就出优秀的大学毕业生。在本句语境中它所体现的是“造就出”的意思,所以答案是A。,12、 turn up,用适当的介词或副词填空 (4)It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. (5)She has nobody she can turn to. (6)We arranged to meet at 7:30, but she never turned up. (7)He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. (8)Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side.,12、 turn up,13、keep one's word/promise,You must believe in him, because he always keeps_his_word. 根据语境语义keep one's word意思是_,反义词组是_。,守信、守诺,说话算话;break one's word,have a word with 跟某人说句话 have words with 与某人吵架 get in a word 插话 eat one's word 收回前言;承认自己说错了 leave word 留言,留话 in a word 总之,总而言之 in words 用言语 in other words 换句话说 in one's own word 用自己的话说 word for word 逐句地,一字不差地 word by word 逐字地 beyond words 无法用言语表达地,短语,13、keep one's word/promise,单项填空 ( )Richard insisted the United States was larger than China, but he had to _ when Elizabeth showed him the map. A. keep his word B. have a word C. eat his word D. get a word,13、keep one's word/promise,C 本句的语义是:理查德坚持认为美国比中国大,但是当伊丽莎白拿出地图给他看时,他不得不承认说错了。,14、set off,根据语境猜词义 (1) I set_off for the company earlier in order to avoid the heavy traffic. (2) The villagers set_off fireworks to celebrate the successful completion of the power station. (3) His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.,根据语义找匹配: A. 燃放 B. 动身、出发 C. 使开始,(1)B (2)A (3)C,14、set off,set about sth. / doing sth. 着手做 set aside 储蓄;保留;留出 set out 动身;出发;列举;评述 set out to do sth. 着手做 set sb. free 释放某人 set sb. at ease 安定某人的情绪 set sb. on one's feet 使某人站起来;使某人自立 set a good example to sb. 给某人树立好榜样 set up 搭起,支起;建立;成立 set the world record 刷新世界纪录,短语,14、set off,单项填空 ( )(1) The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _ a fresh wave of selling. A. set off B. given off C. put off D. got off,14、set off,A 句意:据今天报道,股市进一步下跌引起新一轮的抛售热潮。give off 发出;put off 推迟;get off 下(车、船等),都与题意不符,只有set off有“引发,激起”之意,所以答案是A。,( )(2) I try to _ 20 minutes to listen to English each day in order to be a volunteer of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games. A. set out B. set aside C. set off D. set about,14、set off,B 句意:为了成为第29届北京奥运会志愿者我每天挤出20分钟听英语。set out 出发,列举;set aside 储蓄,保留,留出;set off 出发,引起,引爆;set about 开始做,所以答案是B。,你知道“动身去某地”怎么表达吗? _ _,set out for; start (out); leave for; head for; sail for。我们一定要注意这里的“去”不能用to,而用for。,14、set off,15、Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.(P2) 有些节日的庆祝是为了纪念逝者或取悦祖先,使之满足,因为(祖先)可能回到人间要么帮助他们,要么祸害他们。,eitheror是并列连词,引导一个并列句,表示“要么要么;或者或者”之意。 在使用中,我们要注意两个问题: (1)连接的句子成分必须是相同的。 She is one of those people that you either love or hate. 她是那种人们非爱即恨的人。 Either you go out or I will call the police. 要么你滚出去,要么我就叫警察。,(2)连接两个主语时,采用的是就近原则,即和它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 Either you or I am in charge of the company. 非你即我负责这家公司。,主谓一致之就近原则还包括neithernor; not onlybut (also)和there be句式。 whetheror引导让步状语从句或名词性从句,表示“不管(无论)还是”。 Whether you will stay or leave is none of my business. 你是走还是留下都不关我的事。 Whether it will be sunny or rainy, we'll go to help you. 无论天是晴还是阴,我们都会去帮助你的。,链接,( )1. (2007·安徽完形填空)More and more young Japanese _ together and walked slowly through the night. Joking and chatting, they moved towards the mountain on the edge of the city. A. danced B. gathered C. drank D. shouted,People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. (P2),B 考查动词词义辨析。通过语境,我们可以体会出:他们在夜晚相伴登山。所以此处语义是“聚在一起”。答案是B。,( )2. (2007·安徽完形填空)And still, in hundreds, more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to _ the brightly shining moon. A. follow B. show C. notice D. admire,China and Japan have mid­autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. (P2),D 考查动词词义辨析。通过语境分析,我们可以体会出:他们成群结队不畏艰难地登山的目的只能是“欣赏皎洁的月光”。follow跟随;show展示;notice(无意)发现; admire欣赏,所以答案是D。,( )3. (2010·安徽) We've spent too much money recently. Well,it isn't surprising. Our friends and relatives _ around all the time. A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming,I'_ve_been_waiting for you for a long time!(P7),D 考查时态。通过语境,我们便知:我们家的亲戚朋友在这之前就来来往往并一直延续到现在,且会继续延续下去。这体现的是现在完成进行时的概念,所以答案是D。,


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