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    1 滨滨江学院江学院 学年论文(设计)学年论文(设计) 题题 目目 Analysis of Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre 对照夏洛对照夏洛··蒂勃朗特和简蒂勃朗特和简··爱的性格爱的性格 院院 系系 滨江学院 专专 业业 英语 学生姓名学生姓名 学学 号号 指导教师指导教师 职职 称称 教授 二二一一 年年 十二十二 月月 二十二十 日日 2 Abstract Jane Eyre is a realistic masterpiece in 19th century, which has a strong romanticism color. People universally consider that the work is based on its authors life story,. This thesis discusses the similarities and differences of characters between the writer Charlotte Bronte and the heroine Jane Eyre and mainly focuses on the character of Jane Eyre. This article includes life experiences of Charlotte and Jane and the true love but complicated between Jane and Rochester. Therefore, the novel successfully builds a feminine image that is born to be mean and live a path winding, however, actually keeps a positive attitude which maintains independence and keeps initiative in love, life and society, and dares to struggle, and dares to strive for the free equal standing. The aim to write this article is through Jane Eyre, we can find a new female who enjoys noble quality which involves self-respect, tough and independent. Key words: Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, equality, independent, love 摘 要 简爱是 19 世纪一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的伟大现实主义长篇小说, 人们普遍认为该作品是其作者生平的真实写照。本论文结合当时社会背景讨论 了作者夏洛蒂勃朗特和女主人公简爱的性格异同点,并着重分析简爱的性格。 论文内容包括夏洛蒂勃朗特和简爱的生平事迹以及简爱与罗切斯特之间一波 三折的爱情故事,成功地塑造了一个出生低微,生活道路曲折却对爱情,生活和 社会始终坚持独立自主,维护独立人格的积极进取态度和敢于斗争,敢于争取自 由平等地位的坚强女性形象。写作本论文的目的在于,透过简爱的人格魅力,我 们看到了一个新时代女性身上赋有的自尊自爱自立自强的高贵品质. 关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特, 简·爱, 平等, 独立, 爱情 3 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION OF SOCIAL BACKGROUND AND JANE EYRE3 2. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHARLOTTE BRONTES AND JANE EYRES CHARACTERS .3 2.1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHARLOTTE BRONTES CHARACTERS3 2.2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF JANE EYRES CHARACTERS4 3. CONTRAST THE CHARACTERS BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE6 3.1 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE6 3.1.1 Different characters in childhood .6 3.1.2 Different situations on pursing equality6 3.1.3 Different situations on pursing independence.7 3.2 THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE.7 4. CONCLUSION.9 Analysis of Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre 4 李丹 南京信息工程大学英语专业,南京 210044 1. Introduction of social background and Jane Eyre Jane Eyre is Charlotte Brontes representative work in 19th century and it is such a great novel that it holds an important position in the history of British literature. Our eyes were caught by her words which struggled for equality and freedom. Charlotte Bronte made herself as a prototype, created successfully a new woman, Jane Eyre, who was plain but constantly strived to become stronger, she had courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality in the male word. Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre had some experiences in common. So through the analysis of the novel, we can see the miserable predicament of English women in that time and their strong desire of seeking for equal social position with men. The novel begins with little Jane as a despised orphan in the house of her uncles widow. Being rebellious, she is packed off to a charitable boarding school, which administers harsh discipline with especial vigor. Jane sets herself to learn, qualifies herself as a teacher, advertises for a post, and is employed as governess of the illegitimate French daughter of Rochester in his country mansion, Thorn field. Dramatically, Jane and Rochester have affections; they two fall in deep love with each other. When they prepare to get married, Jane unfortunately gets the news that Rochester has a legal wife. Without any complains, Jane leaves. After rescued by the River family, Jane happens to get a sum of heritage. When John proposes for Janes love, she hears a supernatural cry from Rochester, without hesitation, she rushes back to Thorn field only to find the house has been burnt down and Rochester has been maimed and blind. However, Jane decides to marry him in the end because she thinks they are in real equal. 2. The development of Charlotte Brontes and Jane Eyres characters 2.1 The development of Charlotte Brontes characters 5 Charlotte Bronte is a typical female who is rather independent and tough in character. She is born in 1816 at Thornton, in Yorkshire, England. Her father is an Irish Anglican clergyman, and her mother is a housewife, who is unfortunately dead of cancer when Charlotte is only five years old. Charlotte is the third child of the six children. In 1824, Charlotte is sent with three of her sisters to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire. Because of its poor condition and awful treatment, two of her sisters die , Charlotte still maintains, but her health and physical development are permanently affected, so she and her sister Emily removed from the school and go back home in Haworth Parsonage. When Charlotte is a little girl, she is very interested in literature and she writes many short stories and poems to prepare for her literary vocations. When Charlotte grows up to fifteen years old, she continues her education at Roe Head School in Midfield. In 1839, Jane leaves Roe Head School and she takes up the first of many positions as governess to various families in Yorkshire. The job at that time is treated with bias and she suffers and bears so much. During 1839 to 1841, Jane workes as a governess two times but each period was short because she hated even abhorred the occupation so she cant take it up any more. To make a living, Charlotte and her sister Emily want to open a school to teach children French, but they are not good at this language. In 1842, they travel to Brussels to learn French. They meet Mr. Herger, the owner of the Pension at Herger, a girls school, where Charlotte and Emily are pupils and Charlotte later teaching. Mr. Herger is a handsome and intelligent man. During the period of learning, Charlotte falls in love with the married man. But she puts her affections deeply in her heart. Her first novel, The Professor published under the name Currier Bell, is based on her experiences of teaching in Brussels, but never found a publisher in her lifetime. Undeterred by her own rejection, Charlotte begins Jane Eyre, which comes out as an immediate success. The novel is described as “the masterwork of a great genius.” To describe Charlottes love story, it is simple. During the period between 1839 and 1842, there are two men ask for Charlottes proposal, one is the brother of Charlottes friend, another is a young clergyman. Charlotte rejects to them for the reason that she thinks she is not their true love but a tradition but to follow the tradition to marry a woman, however, when Charlotte meets her true lover Mr. Herger, who has been married, she just puts her love in heart deeply. Her attitude towards love is very vivid; it is precious that she knows who she loves and what she wants. 6 2.2 The development of Jane Eyres characters The heroine Jane Eyre is a very poor girl but in her temperament, she strives for equality and self-respect. Jane Eyre is an orphan, in the eyes of Mrs. Reed and the mistresss children; Jane is an “external person”, an “alien”, “a person rather than servant”. In Gate head, everyone treats her meanly and coldly, she does not have an explicit position and identity, she does not feel comfortable about her living environment but she is not able to change it. The reality brings her up into a personality of solitary, sensitive and obstinate. She cherishes her rights and dignity as a human, especially when she is only a little girl, she uses a pair of eyes of early- maturing child and a pure childs heart to observe and judge good or bad around. She has a rich inner world but no one to tell, so it brings her a personality of quiet and indifferent outside but passionate heart inside. As Mrs. Reed cannot hold Jane any longer, Jane is sent to a charitable school for poor girls in Logwood. At first, she thinks it is a paradise but in fact a hell except the benevolent intention in name. Bad food, thin clothes, two girls live in one small bed, six persons use one basin. People cant receive timely cure if they catch a cold, so pestilence is spreading. Jane suffers molestation of the spirit and body continuously, but the strong motion of studying and the rebel independent spirit makes her survive in difficult environment, she grows up bravely and becomes a woman who has good accomplishment. Just like Jane says to her good friend Helen Burn: “when we are struck at without reason, we should strike back again very hard, I am sure we should hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again.” During that period, Jane becomes more mature in mind and she makes a further development of her severe self-dignity and self-consciousness. Before long, Jane is employed as a tutor of the illuminate daughter of Rochester in his country mansion, Thorn field. It is a new beginning for Jane, she works very hard there and adapts to the new environment and new job easily. As a tutor, Jane knows what status and dignity she is in, she professes herself as an independent worker, when facing the master, she is neither obsequious nor supercilious, but generous in manner, she is so calm and unhurried in Thorn field. Gradually, she attracts the attention of the wise and honest Rochester. Janes character, which is out of the ordinary and intelligence, like a spring wind on his face, gives Rochester a shake for heart and soul. As for Jane, “Mr. Rochester is my relation rather my master. During the day in Thorn field, my thin crescent destiny seemed to enlarge, the blanks 7 of existence were filled up, my bodily hearty improved, and I gathered flesh and strength.” They soon fall in love with each other. Though Janes emotion for Rochester is so deep, she feels bitterly disappointed, because she must reminds herself continuously that there is always a chasm between them. Rochester is an upper class gentleman while Jane is a poor tutor, Rochester possess a high social status and a great sum of fortune while Jane has nothing. She encourages herself “I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more uncontained I am, the more I will respect myself.” So, when she hears that Rochester has a legal wife, Jane leaves Rochester without hesitation, leaves Thorn field. In Brit 19th century of Britain, making such a choice is undoubtedly astonishing for a plain woman who has no social status. However, this is decided by Jane Eyres rebel personality. On the way of a wild and remote village, Jane Eyre loses consciousness because of cold and hunger. Fortunately, she is saved by priest John and his two sisters. They take care to her and with their help; Jane becomes a teacher in primary school. John proposes Jane in Moor house, but she refuses, because Jane recognizes John is not her ideal lover. She seems to hears a supernatural cry from Rochester steady, so she goes back to Thorn field, only to find Thorn field has burned into wasteland and Mr. Rochester loses sight of both eyes and disabled because to save his mad wife in big fire. Under this circumstance, Jane comes back to Rochester, caring him for noting but love. At that time, Jane gains completely independence of economy and human dignity. In the end, she gets married with Rochester in true equal status. 3. Contrast the characters between Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre 3.1 The differences between Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre 3.1.1 Different characters in childhood There are something difficult in characters in their childhood because their suffers and encounters in little are resemble but not same. And the experiences they suffered 8 produce their different characters. Charlotte Bronte is the third child of the six children, she has sisters and brother. Her mother dies when she is little, then she and three other sisters are sent to a school. During the days in school, two of her sisters die because of the poor conditions. The news beats Charlotte very seriously. After Charlotte and Emily go back home, they study by themselves and by their fathers teaching. In their daily life, they either stay in their fathers library or have imaginations on the wild field. I can say Charlotte has a bleak childhood because she has no friends and she does not keep touch with neighbors. Charlottes family encounters and the surroundings make her the personality of solitary, loneness quiet, and uncommunicativeness. Contrast to the heroine Jane Eyre, there are some differences between their childhoods. Throughout Janes childhood, she is fighting all the time, fighting with her cruel aunt Mrs. Reed, fighting with her cruel cousin John. Everyone in Gate head treats her badly and she is nobody so that Jane fights to them in return. As a little girl, Jane protects herself by nature and fights to others by nature. When Jane gets to school, the suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else. For the two little girls, Charlotte is solitary and quiet while Jane is rebel and brave to struggle her own rights and respects. Both of them are eager to be looked as equal as men, but Janes character is more vivid. 3.1.2 Different situations on pursing equality Charlotte Bronte lives in a male chauvinism society, when people look down upon females, women have no rights as men, they are just considered as angle wives. Charlotte grows up under this circumstance, so she is desirous to pursue equality. When Mr. Southey says to her that literature is not business of women, she does not give up writing in order to prove women can do what men do. She writes Jane Eyre under the name Currier Bell and when the novel turns out to be a great success, there is no doubt that Charlotte is winning, she gains the equality as men. In the novel, Charlotte puts her dream of pursuing equality on Jane Eyre. Jane wants equal as men throughout her life. When she is young, she fights for equality, everyone in the house is treated as ordinary, but Jane is an alien and abnormal, Mrs. Reed and her children can vituperate even beat Jane at their own will, though for little thing. Jane cant bear the disgrace any more, so she fights back. 9 Both of the two females are pursing for equality, but reflect in different ways and different situations. Jane is an imaginative feature of Charlotte. 3.1.3 Different situations on pursing independence As we all know, Jane Eyre is an outstanding novel to reflect her independence. Most of her childhood, she spends in the library with her two sisters and it is her obligation to take care for them. On the other hand, Charlotte does not like to play with other children; instead, she always has imaginations on the field. These encounters make Charlotte becomes an independent girl. For Jane, she is an orphan without brothers and sisters; she has no relatives after her Uncle Reeds death. Whats worse, the mistress even the servants in the house don't


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