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    Section D,Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 2 Im feeling better now.,对某人要求严格 给某人讲笑话 别紧张 顺便提一下 像往常一样 接受,Word competition,be strict with sb. tell sb. jokes take it easy by the way as usual accept,在你这个年龄 难过的心情 英语考试考砸了 做某事有困难 像赵本山一样滑稽 和一样可爱 像以前一样快乐生活,at your age sad feelings fail the English exam have problems with sth. as funny as Zhao Benshan as lovely as live as happily as before,Word competition,Sentence competition,She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.,Adverbial Clauses of Reason,Im feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.,She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.,她在浴室里哭是因为她英语考得很差。,她觉得很孤独是因为她没有可交谈的朋友。,我觉得实在很难过是因为我英语考试不及格。,Sentence competition,l live as happily as before.,Equal Comparison,The food was not as delicious as ours.,我像以前一样生活得很快乐。,奇奇和我一样可爱。,这儿的人似乎也不如你友好。,Qiqi is as lovely as I.,It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you.,食物不如我们的好吃。,Sentence competition,I was really upset and lonely.,I think I should have a talk with her.,What seems to be the problem?,Would you like to become my friend?,How are you feeling today?,Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad?,到底是怎么回事?,你今天感觉怎么样?,我感觉又难过又寂寞。,你要做我的朋友吗?,我想我应该和她谈谈。,你觉得难过的时候为什么不跟别人说呢?,Words about feelings,Brainstorming,Good feelings: Bad feelings:,useless deal with elder refuse understand,not useful to know what someone or something means to say you will not do something older than someone to solve a problem,Skim the passage and match the words or phrases with their meanings.,1a,Nobody can be happy all the time. How do you deal with your unhappy feelings? Is it good for us to stay in sadness all the time when something bad happens? Read 1a of section D. We may learn something from the passage.,Talk,Word formation,sad + ness un + fair any + body not any longer though,sadness,unfair,anybody,= no longer,= even though,Find out and learn the key points in the passage.,deal with sadness for example elder brother refuse to do sth. even though no longer its normal to it was useless to ,Read 1a again and answer the following questions.,How did Jeff feel when his brother died in a car accident? At first, how did Jeff deal with his sadness? Why was he angry with the driver? Why is Jeff feeling better now? What can you learn from Jeff?,Work in pairs and talk about how you deal with sadness. Then write a short passage. The following questions may help you.,Why did you feel sad? How did you feel at first? What did you do to deal with sadness? How did you feel later?,Using the language youve learned in your expression is the best way to grasp them.,Example,I failed the English exam last week, so I felt very sad at first. But my English teacher Miss Li talked with me and cheered me up. She gave me some advice to improve my English. I will try my best to do it well. Now Im feeling better.,1. Some new words and phrases: deal with, elder, refuse, anyone, though, even though, notany longer=no longer 2. Adjectives expressing feelings. 3. Adverbial clauses of reason. 4. Equal comparison with “as as” and “not as/so as”.,We learn,Use “because” to talk about the reason. Deal with our bad feelings by telling others about them. Make equal comparison with “as as” and “not as / so as ”.,We can,1. usual _(adv.) _(近义词) 2. sad _(n.) 3. unfair _ (反义词) 4. happy _(adv. ) _ (n.) _(反义词) 5. old _ / _ (比较级) 6. accept _ (反义词) 7. help _(adj.) 8. love _ (adj.),usually,normal,sadness,fair,unhappy,happily,older,elder,refuse,helpful,lovely,词汇练习,happiness,9. useless_(反义词) 10. feel _(n.) 11. someone _(否定式) 12. no longer _(同义词) 13. _(处理) 14. _(向学习) 15. _(姐姐) 16. _(不再),useful,feeling,anyone,not any longer,词汇练习,deal with,learn from,elder sister,no longer,The end. Thanks!,


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