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    第17讲 九年级Units 56,英语,1leaf(n.)leaves(复数)叶子 2produce(v.)product(n.)产品 3widely(adv.)wide(adj.)广泛的;宽广的 4France(n.)French(n.)法语 5Germany(n.)German(n.&adj.)德语;德国(人)的 6competitor(n.)competition(n.)竞赛 7lively(adj.)live(v.)生活 8pleasure(n.)pleasant(adj.)高兴的;愉悦的,9day(n.)daily(adj.)每日的 10accident(n.)accidental(adj.)意外的;偶然的 11translate(v.)translation(n.)翻译 12sudden(adj.)suddenly(adv.)突然地 13popularity(n.)popular(adj.)受欢迎的 14music(n.)musical(adj.)音乐的;有音乐天赋的 15hero(n.)heroes(复数),1be known for 以闻名;为人知晓 2no matter 不论;无论 3as far as I know 据我所知 4have a point 有道理的 5by accident 偶然;意外地 6take place 发生;出现 7without doubt 毫无疑问 8all of a sudden 突然;猛地 9by mistake 错误地;无意中 10divide.into 把分开 11not onlybut also不但而且 12look up to 钦佩;仰慕 13encourage sb.to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事,1What are the shirts made of?这些衬衫是由什么制成的? 2When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.当叶子成熟时,它们被手工采摘然后被送去加工。 3China is famous for tea.中国因茶而出名。 4When was the zipper invented?拉链是什么时候被发明的? 5What is the hot ice­cream scoop used for?热冰淇淋勺子是用来做什么的? 6Potato chips were invented by mistake薯片是被无意中发明的。 7It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891.人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。 8The number of foreign players,including Chinese players,in the NBA has increased.NBA中包括中国球员在内的外国球员数量有所增加。,remain 【典例在线】 A few pears remain on the tree.树上还留有几个梨子。 The room remains cool all summer.这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。 【拓展精析】 remain作不及物动词,意为“留下;剩余”。 remain还可作连系动词,意为“保持不变;仍是”,后接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语作表语。 【活学活用】 1)They had a wonderful time at the party.They ate and ate until no food remained on the table.(选出能代替画线部分的一项)_B_(2013,黄冈) Aremained of Bwas left Cneeded Dremembered,doubt 【典例在线】 I doubt whether he can come here on time.我怀疑他是否能准时到这儿来。 I don't doubt that he will come to help me.我相信他会来帮助我的。 【拓展精析】 doubt意为“怀疑;疑惑”,后常接宾语从句,主句为肯定句时,从句用if或whether来引导;主句为否定句时或疑问句时,从句用that引导。 without doubt毫无疑问的;的确 【活学活用】 2)他的确是我教过的最聪明的学生。 He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.,divide 【典例在线】 He divided the cake among the children.他把这块蛋糕分给了孩子们。 Let's divide ourselves into several groups.让我们分成几个小组吧。 The students in our class are divided into eight groups.我们班的学生被分成了8个小组。 【拓展精析】 divide动词,意为“分开;分散”,常用于短语divide.into.中,意为“把分开;把分为”,表示把一个整体分为若干部分。其被动语态为be divided into.意为“被分成”。 【活学活用】 3)A year has four seasons and it _D_ twelve different star signs.(2013,白银) Adivided into Bis dividing into Cdivided into Dis divided into,It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891.人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。 【典例在线】 It's believed that ancient Chinese invented powder.People believe that ancient Chinese invented powder.人们认为古代中国人发明了火药。 It's said that he saved two boys from the river.据说他从河里救了两个男孩。 【拓展精析】 “It is believedthat从句”意为“据认为”,“人们认为/相信”,相当于“People believe that.”。 此类用法还有It's said that.据说;It's thought that.人们认为;It's known that.众所周知 【活学活用】 1)据认为现在平均每个家庭拥有2.8部手机。 It is believed that every family has 2.8 mobile phones on average now. 2)It is said (say) that many drinks are bad for our health.,Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play,but it has also become a popular sport to watch.篮球不仅成为受欢迎的运动,篮球赛也成为人们喜欢观看的比赛。 【典例在线】 Not only his parents but also he likes living in China.不仅他父母而且他也喜欢居住在中国。 I like not only reading but also painting after school.放学后,我不仅喜欢看书而且喜欢画画。 【拓展精析】 not only.but (also)不仅而且,连接两个并列形式的词或短语。当它连接两个并列形式的词或短语作主语时,句中的动词与离它最近的主语在人称和数量上保持一致。 【活学活用】 3)_B_ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. ANeither;nor BNot only;but also CBoth;and DEither;or,He found it interesting that. 【典例在线】 I found that he was an honest boy.我发现他是一个诚实的孩子。 We found it very easy to learn English well.我们发现学好英语是非常简单的。 He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现地上有一个钱包。 【拓展精析】 findthat从句 发现 finditadj.to do sth. 发现做某事是怎么样的 find宾语宾补(形容词、名词、动名词) 发现 【活学活用】 4)We find _D_ impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.(2013,盐城) Athat Bthis Cone Dit 5)I found a letter _A_ on the floor when I came into the classroom.(2013,梅州) Alying Blay Clie Dlies,be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in,be made by,be made up of 【典例在线】 This salad is made of apple,pear,potato and celery.这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。 Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。 This piece of wood will be made into a small bench.这块木头将要被制成一个小凳子。 These caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。 The model car was made by him/hand.这个模型汽车是他/手工制造的。 Our class is made up of 50 students.我们的班级是由50名学生组成的。,【拓展精析】 be made of意为“由制成”,从制成品中可以看得出原材料。 be made from意为“由制成”,制成的物品完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作的过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法辨认。 be made into意为“被制成”,into后接成品。 be made in意为“在某地被制造”,in后接地点。 be made by意为“被制造”,by后接执行这个动作的人或方式。 be made up of意为“由组成”,通常指由许多部分组成。 【活学活用】 1)Is the wine made _B_ grapes? Yes,it's made _ France.(2014,黔东南) Aof;in Bfrom;in Cfrom;by Dof;as,invent,discover 【典例在线】 Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 The scientists discovered a big oil field in Xinjiang in the 1980s.二十世纪八十年代科学家们在新疆发现了一个大油田。 【拓展精析】 invent动词,意为“发明”,指通过劳动,运用聪明才智“发明、创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物。 discover动词,意为“发现”,指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事情,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新性质或新用途。 【活学活用】 2)Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 3)Who is the scientist that first discovering Radium (镭)?,pleasure,pleasant,pleased 【典例在线】 Thank you for your help.谢谢你帮我。 It's my pleasure./My pleasure.不用谢。 I had a pleasant trip in New York.我在纽约度过一次愉快的旅行。 I'm pleased to get the present.收到这个礼物我很高兴。 【拓展精析】 pleasure作名词,意为“高兴;愉快”。常见用法为:It's a pleasure./My pleasure./With pleasure.,pleasant作形容词,意为“令人愉快的;满意;舒适的”,常用作定语,修饰物。 pleased作形容词,意为“感到高兴的;满意的”,主语为人,常用结构:be pleased with,be pleased to do sth. 【活学活用】 4)So kind of you to give me a ride to the station. _D_(2013,泰安) AIt doesn't matter BNever mind CDon't mention it DMy pleasure,一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1If you want to get more information about the movie,please visit the website (网站) 2There is no milk or eggs in the fridge (冰箱)Let's go and buy some now! 3Confucius is a pioneer (先驱) in the field of education. 4The surface (表面) of the table is very dirty,please clean it up! 5The meat is producing a terrible smellThrow it away!(2013,宁波) 6There is no doubt that she will succeed because she works hard all the time. 7Don't forget to lock your bike.Some bikes were lost last night. 8We all know that Paris is in France,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次,每空一词。 rain,please,plant,wide,call,popular,live 9Many trees are planted in my hometown every year.(2013,宿迁) 10Please say “I'm here” when your name is called .(2013,滨州) 11My teacher did what he could to make his class lively 12When I got home yesterday afternoon,it was raining hard.(2013,滨州) 13I think the tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. 14Would you like to play computer games with us? Yes,with pleasure 15English is widely used in the world now.,三、单项选择。 16Your sweater looks very nice.What's it made ? Wool,and it's made _D_ Guiyang.(2013,黔西南) Afrom;on Bof;in Cof;on Dfrom;in 【解析】考查被动语态。be made from.“由制成”,强调看不出原料;be made of.“由制成”,强调看得出原料;be made in.“在某地制造”。由句意“你的毛衣看起来很好,它由什么制成的?” “羊毛,并且是在贵阳制造。”可知选D。 17At times,parents find it difficult _D_ with their teenage children.(2014,随州) Atalk Btalked Ctalking Dto talk 【解析】考查固定句型结构。find itadj.to do sth.,“发现做某事怎么样”,其中to do sth.是真正的宾语,it是形式宾语。故选D。,18Can I smoke here? Sorry,smoking _D_(2013,绵阳) Anot allow Bisn't allowing Cdoesn't allow Disn't allowed 【解析】由句意“我可以在这吸烟吗?” “对不起,吸烟是不允许的。”可知要用一般现在时的被动语态的否定形式。动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,故选D。 19The Olympic Games of 2016 will _C_ in Brazil.(2014,无锡) Atake after Btake off Ctake place Dtake away 【解析】考查动词词组辨析。take after.“在(性格,相貌上)与相像”;take off“脱衣服,(飞机)起飞”;take place“发生,举行”;take away“带走”。由句意“2016奥运会将在巴西举行”可知选C。,20This is my twin sister,Lucy.Not only she but I _B_ good at drawing. Ais Bam Care Dbe 【解析】not only.but.“不但而且”,连接名词或代词作主语时,后面的谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,即与后面主语一致,故选B。,发言稿的写作 发言稿是指公共场合演讲、致欢迎辞、发言等所用的稿件。发言稿是直接面向听众的,因此在语言选择上要简短,内容上要观点鲜明。 一、发言稿通常由称呼、正文和结束语组成。 1称呼:写在第一行左边,顶格书写。常用的称呼有Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss.,Dear Sir/Madam,Ladies and gentlemen,Boys and girls等。 2正文:位于称呼语的下一行,向右缩进四个字母左右。 3结束语:演讲结束时,一般要以“That's all.Thank you!”结束。,二、在写发言稿时,要注意以下几点: 1演讲目的要明确,正文主题鲜明,观点突出,内容要点全面。 2多使用简短的句子。 3理清写作顺序,文章前后要连贯。 三、常用句型: 1May I have your attention,please?注意,听我说好吗? 2I'm very happy to have the chance to speak here.很高兴有机会在这儿发言。 3I'd love to share with you something about.我很乐意和你们分享一些关于的事情。 4Allow me to.请允许我 5I think we must.我认为我们必须 6Let's try our best to.让我们尽最大努力 7I hope what I said is helpful.我希望我说的话是有用的。 8That's all.Thank you for listening.我的演讲结束了。谢谢大家。,四、写作典例。(2014,德州) 临近毕业之际,学校要举办一场毕业生告别晚会。假如你是九年级一班的李明,将代表班级在会上发言。请结合内容提示,以“My Speech at the School Leavers' Party”为题写一篇80100词的发言稿。 内容提示: 1How are you feeling while giving the speech? 2Who do you want to say thanks to? 3Why do you want to thank them? 4Your wishes for the future. 要求: 1语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 2文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 3文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,【范文欣赏】 My Speech at the School Leavers' Party Teachers and classmates, I'm Li Ming from Class 1,Grade 9.I'm a bit nervous but very proud to speak at the school leavers' party. First,I'd like to thank all our teachers.We have learned a lot from you.You show us your kindness,your patience,and rich knowledge.You've developed our interests,skills and made us grow up happily.You'll always be our role models. Next,I should thank my classmates.We have become good friends.We've studied together,helped each other and had a lot of fun.Soon we will go to new schools and we may not see each other so often in the future.But I believe our friendship will last forever. Wish you all success and good luck in the future. That's all.Thank you.,请完成考点集训17,


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