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    Vocabulary conclude1valid ticket 有效票 2. fake ticket 废票 3. one way ticket/Token 单程票 4. exchange ticket 换乘票 5FT (Free Ticket) 免费票6. student ticket 学生优惠票 7. ST (Staff Ticket) 员工票8. money-inside ticket /AVT(Adding Value Ticket ) /money-inside ticket stored-value ticket 储值票 9. souvenir ticket 纪念票 10. ticket of necessity 应急票 11. electronic ticket 电子地铁客票12. paper subway tickets 纸质地铁客票13. magnetic ticket 小磁票14. AFC(Automatic Fare Collection) 自动售检票系统15. CC (Center Computer) 中心计算机系统16. SC(station Computer) 车站计算机系统17. gate 闸机 18. En Gate(Entry Gate) 进站闸机19. Ex Gate(Exit Gate) 出站闸机20. TVM(Ticket Vending Machine ) 自动售票机21. AVM(Adding Value Machine) 自动充值机22. BOM(Booking Machine) 票务处理机23. TCM(Ticket- Checking Machine) 自动验票机24. platform 站台 25 station hall 站厅26. ticket collector/ ticket examiner检票员27. attendant 站务员 28. station master 站长29. crew member 乘务员 30. booking clerk/ticket clerk 售票员31. inspector 督导员32. on-duty station master 值班站长33. driver motorman 司机34. chief train controller /chief dispatcher 调度长35. facilities escalator 自动扶梯36. lift 升降梯 37. stairway 楼梯38. ticket office /booking office 售票处39. Reservation office / information desk / inquiry office/ information office问讯处40. operators console 控制台,操纵台41. metro/subway/underground/tube 地铁42. interchange station 换乘站43. departure station 始发站44. terminal station 终点站45. station leading sign 车站导向标识46. peak hours (客流)高峰期47. off-peak hours 非(客流)高峰期48. passageway for disabled people 残疾人专用通道49. right-of-way 优先通行权50. track 轨道51. service counter 服务台52. a single rail 单轨53. a live rail 载 电 轨54. third rail 第 三 轨55. overhead wire 架空线56. aerial cableway/ropeway/tramway 架空索道57. Automatic operation 自动运行58. arrival timetable 到车时刻表59. behind time 晚点60. PED(platform-edge door) 屏蔽门61. tunnel-boring machine 隧道钻机62. service spare train 备用车 63. patronage 客流量64. DC (Direct Current) 直流电65. AC (Alternating Current) 交流电66. evacuation 疏散67. reverse trip 返程68. head way 连发列车间隔时间69. emergency brake 紧急制动70. hand brake 手刹车71. parking brake 停车制动72. track circuit 轨道电路73. ATC(Automatic Train Control) 列车自动运行控制74. ATP (Automatic Train Protection ) 列车超速防护 75. ATO (Automatic Train Operation) 列车自动驾驶76. ATS (Automatic Train Supervision) 列车自动监控77. CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) 基于通信的列车控制78. MB(Moving Block) 移动闭塞79. train position 列车定位80. safety distance 安全距离81. target point 目标点82. rolling resistance 滚动阻力83. running resistance 运行阻力84. starting resistance 启动阻力85. ATO(automatic train operation ) 列车自动运行86. capacity and frequency 运量与频率87. crewless train rear cars 后续列车 88. fake card 假证 89. sneak under turnstiles 穿越回转栏90. track ballast 道床91. grade crossing 平面交叉92. grade separation 立体交叉93. train loading the standing capacity 列车加载能力94. crew size attendant 全体乘务员95. closed-circuit TV monitor 闭路电视监控器96. elevated subway 高架地铁97. grade separation 立体交叉98 LOW (Local Operator Workstation) 局域操作员工作站99. access to platforms 站台入口处 100. underground lines cut-and-cover roadbed 地基101. Insert coins 硬币投入口102. arm rest 扶手103. PDP(Plasma Display Panel) 等离子显示屏104. arrival and departure siding 到发线 105. Passenger Information System 乘客信息系统106. station facilities 车站设备107. elevator 乘电梯的人108. cab signals 车载信号109. tunneling confined space 隧道区间110. additional signal 辅助信号111. acceptable coupling speed 容许连挂速度112. accident of train derailment 列车脱轨事故113. additional air resistance due to tunnel 隧道空气阻力114. additional resistance for curve 曲线附加阻力115. additional resistance for gradient 坡道附加阻力116. additional coach 加挂列车 117. additional train 加开列车118. additional vehicle 加挂车辆119. aerial cableway/ropeway/tramway 架空索道120. aerodynamic noise 空气动力噪声121 anti-creeper 防爬器122. anti-derailing rail 护轮轨 123. anti-skid device 防滑装置 124. ATC signal 列车自动控制信号125. air brake 风闸126Attaching and detaching of wagons 车辆摘挂127. attaching and detaching operation 摘挂作业128. attaching cars 挂车129. automatic barrier 自动栏木130 automatic car identification 车辆自动识别131. automatic door operation 自动开关车门132. automatic driving 自动驾驶133. AGT(automatic guide transport system) 自动导向运输系统134. automatic train stop 列车自动停车135. automatic train supervision 列车自动监督136. ballast 道床 137. balance 票价差额138. boarding gate 检票口139. bogie 转向架140. braking by hand brake 手闸制动141. broadcasting compartment 播音室142. broad gauge 宽轨距143. butting collision 尾追冲突144. cab 驾驶室145. cape-gauge 窄 轨距146. car depot 车辆段147. carriage 车厢148. CFS to CFS 站到站149. CFS to CY 站到场150. CFS to door 站到门151. check ticket /examination of tickets 检票152. chief conductor 列车长153. classification 编组,分类(美)154. classification track 调车线(美)155. classification yard 调查场(美)156. clear 出清,开通,开放,解除157. coach end door 车端门158. coach roof ventilator 车顶通风器159. collection of ticket 收票160. community line 共用线路161. concourse 中央大厅162. concrete sleeper/tie 混凝土轨枕163. conditional halt/stop 临时停车;临时停车站164. contact rail 接触 轨165. console 控制台166. corridor 车厢走道167. corrosives 腐蚀品168. crew room 乘务员室169. crewless train 无人驾驶列车170crossing 辙叉,交汇171. crossover 渡线172. cut 钩车173. cutting 路垫174. CY to CFS 场到站175. CY to CY 场到场176. CY to door 场到门177. dangerous articles/goods 危险品178. deceleration 减速度179. dedicated line 专用线180. deep station 深埋车站181. defect 故障182. delay 晚点,延误,滞后183. dense traffic 繁忙运输184. departure 发车185. derail 脱轨;脱轨器186. destination 终点,目的地189. detaching and attaching cars enroot 沿途摘挂车辆190. double track 双轨(美)191. down direction 下行方向192. empty car 空车193. entrance 进站口,入口194. exit 出站口195. experimental line 试车线196. fail-safe device 故障-安全装置197. fare 车费198. fork 岔线199. formation 编组200. gauge 轨距201. guide rail 导轨202. half-fare ticket 儿童车票(美)203. head driver/head engineer 司机长204. head shutter 调车长205. heating apparatus 暖气设备206. heavy load 重载207. indication lamp 表示灯208. inflammable freight 易燃货物209. screen door 屏蔽门(站台)210. section 断面,区段,区间211. service charge 手续费212 switch 转辙机,道岔(美)213. switching 调车作业(美),转换214. tail collision 尾追冲突215. test car 试验车216. ticket examination gate 检票口217. ticket valid 车票有效期218. tie 轨枕(美)219. timber sleeper 枕木, 木枕220. time interval 时间间隔221. to change train 换车223. traction 牵引力224. trailer 拖车225. train broadcasting 列车广播226. transfer 中转,换乘227. trunk line 干线228 unattended halt 无人管理乘降点229. uncoupling 摘钩,摘车230. unidirectional working 单向行车231 ventilation 通风设备232. way station 中间站233. wayside 线旁,沿线234wheel-slide protection 车轮防滑235. wide gauge 宽轨距236. yard 车场,调车场,编组站237. yard crew 调车组238. yard switching 调车场调车239. yard working 调车场作业240. zero accident 零事故241. unbalanced traffic 不均衡运输242. skid 止轮器,滑行243. station restaurant 车站餐室244. train policeman 乘警245. LED(Light Emitting Diode )显示屏246. ticket check 换票证247. scheduled halt 时刻表规定的停站248. small-profile line 小断面线路249. shift 轮班250. shuttle 循环运行 251. periodical repair 定修252. period of availability 有效期间(车票)253. permissive approach speed 允许接近速度254. pick-up and distribution train 零摘列车255. placing-in and taking-out of wagons 取送车256. increase in fare 提高票价257. in transfer to 中转258. in transit to 运往259. leave signal 发车信号260kiosk 报摊,亭子,电话间261. luggage check/luggage ticket 行李票262. maintenance 维修,保养263. margin distance for stopping 停车安全距离264. method of charging 计费方法265. minimum allowable headway 最小列车间隔时间266. minor line 支线267 minor repair 小修268. motive power 牵引动力269. neighboring station 邻站270. new line 新线271. night aspect 夜间显示272. night dim lamp 终夜明灯273. non-interlocked block 非联锁闭塞274. normal gauge 标准轨距275 occupancy lamp 占用表示灯276. occupied block 占用的闭塞区间277. off aspect 开放显示278. on-board ATP equipment 车载列车自动保护设备279. one-direction automatic block 单向自动闭塞280. operating accident 行车事故281. operational analysis 运营分析282. operation 运营,操作283. opposing movement 对向运行284. over-speed 超速285. overtaking 越行286. passing a signal 冒进信号287. point 辙尖,岔尖288. platform store 站台商店289. platform tunnel 站台地道290. points 道岔291. points man 扳道员 292. pooled crew 轮乘制乘务组293. porter 搬运工人294. preceding train 前行列车295. previous train 前行钩车296. primary retarder 主控车辆减速器297. principal line 干线298 priority cars 优先挂运车辆299. push and pull car 推挽式运行300. pushing 推送301. put-through time 中转时间302. rear car 尾车303. reception and departure of train 接发列车304. reduced fare ticket 减价车票305. refreshment stall 小卖部306. refund 退款307. refund of ticket 退票308. retailing 复轨309. retarder 车辆减速器,车辆缓行器、310. return ticket 往返车票311. right-hand operation 右侧行车312. round-the-clock service 昼夜服务313. round-trip fare 往返票价314. route 线路,路线,进路315. safe coupling 安全车钩316. service charge 手续费317. service counter 服务台 318. shallow cover station 浅埋车站319. siding 侧线,专用线,岔线320. signal 信号机,信号,信号标志321. signaling 信号,信号设备322. skate 减速器 323. three aspect 三显示324. to endorse ticket 签票325. temporary line 临时线路326. Lost property Office 失物招领处327. operational facilities 行车设备328. fare adjustment 补票处329. IC Card Inquiry Service IC卡查询业务 330. IC Card Inquiry Analyzer IC卡查询机331. Ticket Changing 换票处332. train schedule 列车运行时间333. service hours 设施服务时间334. Recharging Machine 自动充值机335. sand bucker 沙筒336. duty office 值班室337. Automatic Gate Machine 自动检票机338. explosion-proof tank 防爆桶339PVU (Portable Verifying Unit)便携式验票机340Newspaper Vending Machine 自动报纸机341. SEMI-TVM 半自动售票机。


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